
is a Community Contributoris a Metagame Resource Contributoris a Top Tiering Contributor
UUPL Champion
UUFPL IV: Rise of FPL-Kind
Hosted by BigFatMantis and Akeras

UUFPL IV Logo clean.png

(art by Fusion Flare )
Tournament Rules and Guidelines
Spreadsheet | Commencement/Admin Thread | Season Schedule

Finale: The Rise of FPL-Kind

Chapter 9 FInals Standings.png

What does your nation stand for? Are you proud of what you have established over the years? Do you have faith that the fruits of your labor will continue to bear fruit for ages to come? What even makes a nation great? Are you great? Is it its people? Its warriors? But rather, what makes a nation a nation? Not here, today, but in the future. Civilizations rise and fall. Nations are built and crumbled. Empires disband and citizens reassemble. So then, it is upon you to decide once and for all:

How will your great UUFPL Nation be remembered in the years to come? Will people look back in awe at a team that was built on power, success, and faith in itself and its players? Or will they look from within, seated in that same nation that has never died? Or will it be what could have been - a nation with great promise that simply could not stand the test of time...

The future that awaits is a future that will be built by winners. For it is the victors that shape history. Now, Azelf on the Shelf and The Three Flamigos are the only two nations left standing. There is vast unclaimed territory in the land of Dunder Youst. There are many lands still waiting to be discovered even beyond these continents. The great leaders of these nations have seen many trials along the way. After being raised by wild reindeer in the Forest of Magical Pixies, justdrew knew he would grow up one day to start a great workshop. And that great workshop became an island workshop. Many nights did he chop down magicwood from nearby Lake Kakapie so that all of the children can have dangerous toys filled with excitement and safety hazards, something he believes is part of the learning process to create strong warriors. And strong warriors he has assembled for this final showdown. So strong, in fact, that many of the warriors would need to be shelved due to the 12 player limit for weekly matchups. In a similar vein, swinubfan44 also started a workshop as a child, but this was due to his Polar Bear father sending him to Bear school to learn how to growl, something that we all know can only be done in growling workshops. But this wasn't the only workshop that he would be associated with. With the help of Birdo from Super Mario Bros., he created the avian workshop SF44 and soon had many many students from all around the lands would seek his wisdom. And that is how The Three Flamigos were born - it's pretty self explanatory given the story.

But one nation, one team of individuals with an unrelenting spirit, shall prevail as the best in all the lands. That nation will dictate the future. THAT nation will be crowned... the UUFPL IV All Time Great. For this is how FPL-Kind is born. And with the Rise of FPL-Kind, a better future shall await all of us...

The Final Chapter.... begin!

:sv/Azelf: vs :sv/Flamigo:
Azelf on the Shelf (7) vs The Three Flamigos (5)
SV UU: zioziotrip v. sealoo
SV UU: Colin v. olivia
SVU UU: Potatochan v. jawabarat
Ubers UU: Baddy v. Imperial
SS UU: udongirl v. Javi
SM UU: DripLegend v. Amukamara
ORAS UU: Kaif v. yone
BW UU: ImposterOCE v. phoopes
DPP UU: Heysup v. ThatOneApple
ADV UU: ojr v. Mossy Sandwich
GSC UU: mkizzy v. Estarossa

Azelf on the Shelf (0) vs The Three Flamigos (0)
SV UU: zioziotrip v. sealoo
SV UU: Colin v. olivia
SVU UU: Potatochan v. jawabarat
Ubers UU: Baddy v. Imperial
SS UU: udongirl v. Javi
SM UU: DripLegend v. Amukamara
ORAS UU: Kaif v. yone
BW UU: ImposterOCE v. phoopes
DPP UU: Heysup v. ThatOneApple
ADV UU: ojr v. Mossy Sandwich
GSC UU: mkizzy v. Estarossa

/challenge gen3uu @@@ +Armaldo, +Swellow, +Zangoose, +Donphan, +Regirock, +Weezing, +Scizor, +Venusaur, +Typhlosion, +Kadabra

DEADLINE FOR ALL MATCHES IS SUNDAY JUNE 9 @ 11:00 PM GMT-4! GOOD LUCK EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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:sv/Ogerpon-Hearthflame: THE SEMI-ANNUAL HEARTS AND FLAMES SHOWDOWN! :sv/Ogerpon-Hearthflame:
(continued from Semifinals thread)
After 300 years, the Tough Luck Liepards and the Persevering Pidgeottos have both assembled a fearsome squad. But only one will come out on top - who shall be crowned Ultimate Champion Supreme of the Semi-Bicentennial Hearts and Flames Showdown??????

:bw/Liepard: Hearts and Flames :bw/Pidgeotto:
Tough Luck Liepards (0) VS. Persevering Pidgeottos (3)
SM UU: stunner047 vs. DiannieRatson
RBY UU: Maris Bonibell vs. pac
BW UU: Slip vs. BigFatMantis
Gen 7 Rands Bo3: ABR vs. Finchinator


Tough Luck Liepards (0) VS Persevering Pidgeottos (0)
SM UU: stunner047 v. DiannieRatson
RBY UU: Maris Bonibell v. pac
BW UU: Slip v. BigFatMantis
Gen 7 Rands Bo3: ABR v. Finchinator
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Finals Predictions. Here we go.

ImposterOCE v. phoopes
While River put up an impressive showing against Cake all the way back in Week 3, it's hard not to bold the tier mains. phoopes's RBY UU has definitely been a mixed bag as of late, but I think he will do his homework and clutch up this week. Should be an interesting game to close out the season for RBY.

SANKE CARP v. NotVeryCake
Yeah I guess Cake probably takes this one, given records and history.
I should be sleeping and these are based on nothing, not even records, take with grain of salt

Azelf on the Shelf (6) vs The Three Flamigos (6)
SV UU: zioziotrip v. sealoo
SV UU: Colin v. olivia
SVU UU: Potatochan v. jawabarat
Ubers UU: Baddy v. Imperial
SS UU: udongirl v. Javi
SM UU: DripLegend v. Amukamara
ORAS UU: Kaif v. yone
BW UU: ImposterOCE v. phoopes
DPP UU: Heysup v. ThatOneApple
ADV UU: ojr v. Mossy Sandwich
GSC UU: mkizzy v. Estarossa

rooting for tiebreak!
finals predicts tough luv edition

Azelf on the Shelf (6) vs The Three Flamigos (6)
SV UU: zioziotrip v. sealoo - zio is just generally the better player, drew please for the love of god don't let him bring tentacruel again

SV UU: Colin v. olivia - colin is cracked, 7-0 for his first time touching this tier is crazy, also seen olivia get trashed a good couple times and while streaks have a habit of ending in really unfortunate ways idt it happens here

SVU UU: Potatochan v. jawabarat - why did they move potatochan out of BW lmao?? he's good but i can't help but feel like sending him in vs jawa is asking for it when they could have put colin here

Ubers UU: Baddy v. Imperial - pretty evenly matched so up the bibs, from loading what he did against frito in semis i get the impression he's either insane or doesn't give a fuck so this ought to be good

SS UU: udongirl v. Javi - udon is just better at the tier, javi's not bad but i don't think this is close

SM UU: DripLegend v. Amukamara - drip pookie i love you but you have sent yourself to die

ORAS UU: Kaif v. yone - if this was a contest on who could be the most uninspiring in the ORAS department y'all would both be winners

BW UU: ImposterOCE v. phoopes - phoopes plays this tier?? river should win if she shows up on time

DPP UU: Heysup v. ThatOneApple - apple i love you dude but i don't think this is close, although i doubt heysup has any love for this tier after his DPPPL run

ADV UU: ojr v. Mossy Sandwich - i like mossy's builds better and i think that'll be the decider in BFM ADV

GSC UU: mkizzy v. Estarossa - love u kenny but i think esta has this in the bag

RBY UU: SANKE CARP v. NotVeryCake - i haven't watched any of sanke's games and i know cake is a rby zoomer

First of all, shout out to the flamingos for a great run and overcoming a bad start. Also shoutout my boy Taka and his co the gulch for giving us a hell of a series in semis. This tour wouldn’t be fun without competitive opponents and you gave us that.

Now for a speech that I’ll keep because we won. I started on this site in 2016 playing random battles with my best friend at the time. I got a little deeper into the site and discovered UU, where I made some friends and started contributing to the forum. As someone who wasn’t all that much in real life, I craved the idea of being someone on this site. I hosted projects, contributed to projects, etc. All things considered, I sucked at this game. After an absolutely rancid UUPL debut, I had the idea to create a tour that would give players like myself the ability to create a name for themselves. Thus the UU Farm Premiere League was born. For those that participated, I managed the tour like a jackass and it probably wasn’t too fun. After that, I went about on yet another hiatus. Fast forward a year or whatever, I log onto Smogon to find I’ve been tagged by some guy named Big Fat Mantis in UUFPL - The Dream Awakens. I’m sitting there in disbelief, like what the fuck is going on right now. I immediately sign up for this shit. Yes my team got absolutely cooked and the team environment was not it, but to see an idea I had put in motion gain traction on the site was a dream come true. I never got my CC badge and I likely never will, but I have worked so hard and had so much fun contributing specifically to this subforum. Mantis will forever be the goat for putting this tour into motion.

This is my third time managing UUFPL. And each season, my team has made playoffs. I’ve loved every single second of competing in this tournament. Everything I’ve done and everything I’ve achieved would not exist without the players I’ve drafted. I want to take a moment to thank every player that’s been on my team for putting up with me. I’m certainly an interesting fellow. I’m an asshole, but I really try not to be a dick. Real life really gets to me and I’m really sorry to all those that sometimes pay the price for me going through shit. This year was especially tough with family crises and the fact that my job is absolutely ass—as some of you know. Nonetheless I signed up to manage the tournament and I have no regrets.

I’m making this post before the outcome of our run in this tournament is decided so the emotions of victory or defeat don’t influence what I say. I want to start by saying that I owe all my thanks and gratitude to driplegend. He agreed to manage with me and masterminded over half of our line up. He brought his 1v1 goons into UU and they indeed cooked in a 6v6 tier. Also big shoutout to ojr who we locked into our team and has acted as a shadow manager the entire tour. We were not a perfect team. We lost games we shouldn’t have. We underperformed quite a few times. But I have absolutely no regrets about drafting any one of you. If I could go back in time—and I fucking mean this—I would draft every single one of you again (bar the cancer). The vibes were impeccable, the willingness to help in all tiers, rising to the challenge in tiers where lack of experience was apparent; everything was just awesome.

Colin I’m going to say this bc I think absolutely everyone will agree, you are the season MVP. You were a 3k draft with no experience in SV UU, you built your own teams, prepped constantly, helped out in other SV slots and had lines in tiers you had no experience in. You were an incredible team mate and an absolute delight to have.

Baddy you gamed indeed. I know you expected better, and definitely had some tough luck, but you hung in there. You never relented, and you continued to work hard and improve. Your vibes were amazing. Not sure how we got you for 3k. Your performance in playoffs was clutch as hell brother.

Potatochan you’re the definition of a gamer. You carried us in clutch moments time and time again. Your skill in battle, in prep, your leadership, your willingness to challenge me when I sucked—I have so much respect for you. Thanks for all you did. We could not have made playoffs without you bro.

kenny mr kizzers. Never in my life will I regret drafting you. I don’t care about your record at all. Your activity, and energy, willingness to accept feedback and always strive to improve have been incredibly valuable to us as a team. You clutched up with 2-0 in playoffs my brother. You are an incredible human being and I love ya to pieces.

ojr thank you for essentially being kidnapped as a mandatory draft and shadow manager. I know hey sup was there to help you, but you played every game like a mainer despite never really touching adv uu. You were consistent and really are that guy. Thanks for helping us draft and being a great presence.

Kaif I was definitely tougher on you than most people. You had bad weeks and good weeks. But you also had no prior oras uu experience with me as your helper (I have less experience) and you came out positive. You sourced out your own teams mostly, and won a lot of critical games. I really appreciate all that you did for us.

skimmythegod you stayed on the bench for most of the season mostly bc we were performing so well and struggled to find a spot for you while you were winning in masters. Throughout the entire season you were positive, supportive, and embodied the shelf spirit.

SANKE CARP you were placed in a very difficult position as you were basically our only option to fill our rby who cancered. The tier was not kind to you, you had no experience, but you still put in a lot of effort. Most of what you did was help in gsc, giving Kenny much needed aid and helping him so much. Our success in gsc is very much so due to your help.

zioziotrip you definitely had a rough start to the season. You wanted to be creative and just didn’t get kind matchups. You turned it around at the end finishing 3-0 and helped us a ton

RoyalReloaded go team fr bro. We picked you up to fill a slot in our team and you got right into the zone of being a supportive and positive presence. You didn’t get to do much because we had already established our starting line up, but you were still so nice to have as a friendly voice in our chats.

Heysup I knew I was breaking the bank for you from the beginning. I got you in uusd and you carried. I knew you would here too. The luck has not been kind to you, but your wins in dpp and your help in adv were instrumental to our success. I know you’re probably bald now, but it was all worth it. I hope to draft you again in the future my goat.

udongirl there was one point in time where I did not believe in your style. I changed my mind and have no regrets. I know you wanted sv all season, but we needed you in ss and you carried. I appreciate you and your style, and how you’ve stuck to it and performed well throughout tours. Never change.

violet river you’re the MVP of all subs. I know finals was tough and I wasn’t a fan of that game, but you really did some incredible stuff for us cleaning up messes and subbing in when we needed you. You’re a great player and I hope to see more of you.

Satanic Beast thanks for working in sm with me this season. I was super rusty and definitely did not give you the best chance to succeed. I really appreciate your willingness to accept criticism and that you never gave up. I wish I had more time to work with you and that you had time to work with me. Logistics weren’t kind to us. I hope neither of us feels like we let each other down.

FFK sparrow didn’t see too much of y’all this season. Really wish there was more activity from you guys bc you had a lot to provide.

Ty to askov, viv, kt, rs, Eli, and all the other prep helpers I leaned on in pivotal moments, Y’all didn’t need to help and were goated for doing so.
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not gonna lie, this one really hurts. i really thought we had the title, especially after we got our first BW win in like 100 weeks with phoopes who hadnt played a game yet all season, which was only due to cake absolutely balling in RBY, and with our 20 person army i wanted everyone to get a game or two and im glad to say the entire time got to play. objectively this tournament does not matter at all, as this is for a FPL which realistically has no outcome on the rest of any of our lives, but man i really wanted this one, and i know we all did too. the group of guys we had was terrific, and i'm super proud of the performance everyone put up to take us from the absolute bottom all the way to leading 3-0 in the finals. i had a lot of fun, and i wanted to shout out the team! because they were all fantastic. not sure how much longer i'm going to be on this site, my involvement has always been very sporadic, and i've retired and unretired more times than brett favre. i also really do not enjoy playing gen 9 besides rands, but that's besides the point. sorry if i write more than some for others, i've had a very long day today, but i don't think i put more passion into a tournament than i did into this one. i wasn't even going to manage, but due to some unfortunate events that happened i ended up having a lot more free time, so i said fuck it why not. i know i couldn't support a single tier besides general advice and motivation ahaha, but i hope you all had a great time.

also shoutout to my friend BigFatMantis - the effort and creativity he puts into this tournament is insane, and i hope everyone else can give him the recognition he deserves for this tournament the past few years.

Runo - man i know your games didn't go how you would have liked, but you were an incredible and positive presence. you were always offering tests, as well as good vibes, and i would draft you 100 times over. you were always there to help apple i remember one of your games you rolled into a 6-0 matchup against mega altaria with facade, and there was nothing you could do there, another you made one misplay against mamo, and that lost the game, but besides that I think you're a very promising player, especially with your attitude i think you can achieve a lot of success on this site.

NotVeryCake - the RBY GOAT! i dont know how you enjoy this tier, but every week you dominated, besides that one game you got cteamed by lt surge offense and haxed into oblivion. you were a vital part of the team, and i knew it was almost a guranteed win every time you played. i also thought your bluntness in interacting with others was very funny, and if you can annhilate rby UU, then you can destroy any tier you choose to put your mind to. thanks for helping carry us, you were an excellent member. cake cake cake cake!

sealoo my fellow bears fan. this is our year! you were a fantastic presence, and you started killing it late in the season once you found your groove in SV. the last game seemed a bit unfortunate, but we wouldn't have gotten to finals without your rejuvenation late in the season. thanks for being a goat, i think you have a very keen game sense, and can play any tier well you set your mind to. another fantastic presence in our team, and i'm very glad we got you.

olivia - the heart and soul of the team! we hadn't lost a week since your spirit bomb with bellibolt, which was easily one of the most epic moments of our season. i loved your positivity and energy, and your win in finals was so hype. i'm not gonna lie i did have my doubts, but wow you destroyed. going up against a 7-0, you came in with a fearless attitude and sent him packing. i'm glad we got you going late in the season, i think you're a great player in general, and i have no doubts you'll have a very successful career on this site especially with the positivity you bring. also! big shoutout to spell for helping us after your team was out. you were instrumental in our SV success, and I really appreciate you lending your hand to help olivia sealo and jawa out.

Amukamara - never thought anyone 38k would ever be worth it, but jesus you were worth every penny and then some. undefeated, neva lost, and farmed everybody. might be to time to graduate to the big leagues, and battle ash ketchum for the indigo league title.

yone - i told you to play for this tour for us, after our dissapointing RBTT season, which you farmed, and were not rewarded at all for your farming. the last game looked a bit rough, but like what are you supposed to do vs SUCINE AND CRESSELIA, the two most annoying bulky pokemon of all time (shoutout opposing team for good prep of putting together that diabolical concoction), but you were so clutch throughout the season, you had one of the most important wins of our season to send us to TB last week, and you're an awesome player in general which is why I knew i wanted you to play in this to showcase your talents more. hopefully this made up for our awful RBTT season, thanks for being a homie. also maybe limit your screen time a bit less in the future hahaha.

phoopes you are hilarious. you were such a positive presence, even though you didn't play at all, and wow what a win in finals. although...you switched out your +1 raikou on mienshao because you thought it was scarf after you had just clicked protect on fake out LOL.... i will never understand that, but i'm very glad we got you, and as I said i'm sorry you couldn't play more, but thats your fault for maining RBY. although the SV RBY team would have been epic, but we probably would have lost lmao and not made playoffs. so maybe that was a blessing in disguise.

Imperial - the SUNDAY CLUTCH MASTER. it was what, like 4 weeks in a row the last game came down to you with our season on the line, and you came through every time? sorry you got stalled in finals, i wish i could have helped out in prep more this week, i probably would have said to watch out for stuff like that, but hindsight is 20-20. you're a fantastic mind and your future is very bright on this site. you and vesp were like kobe and shaq cooking every week. also shoutout vesp for helping out, not only did you help tremendously but you were also awesome to have in the cord, meming on imperial and chiming into the QOTW every week,

Estarossa - that last game was a highway robbery. man. i'm not gonna get over that one for a while. obviously you've been on this site for a long time, and know what you're doing and i'm very happy we traded for you. we woulda been lost in GSC otherwise. although you gave me a heartattack every week forgetting your games until the last second lmao. thanks for help carrying until the end.

Peum - again i know your games didn't go very well, but that's your fault because im pretty sure you brought comfey every time! comfey sucks! so bad! but you were awesome to have on the team, and i know you're a great player and can do great things when you dont bring that useless pokemon. wish you coulda played more! but we had 9 trillion guys.

Pengui123 - man you were hilarious. your one game where you brought disable slowking with no slack off lmao, and actually rolled a good MU for it! but got 6-0d by stupid broken suciine. i really should have told us to bring suciine and cres every game, those mons are broken! way better than comfey. but i know you've peaked ladder, i know you're a great player, and i'm sorry we weren't able to get you to play more, but thanks for being a great presence nonetheless.

NDK NDK!. your one game was not the best lol. but! you were such an incredible presence man. i am so glad we got you. you got scouts for everyone every week, and was always active trying to help everyone win each week. you're an awesome dude and full of positivity, thanks for your consistent willingness to help everyone else, i know everyone appreciated your contributions more than you might have thought.

ThatOneApple - apple! i felt bad for putting you in DPP, but i'm so glad you enjoyed it. we really needed someone to fill it, and you surpassed all expectations. i felt bad because i knew you were a great player, and were a bit underutilized sitting in DPP, but you got some clutch wins for us, like against Heysup in finals! sorry that win amounted to nothing, but you're a great player, and a great prescence nonetheless, could not have gotten to finals without you.

Mossy Sandwich - i didn't realize how much of a generational run you are on right now. won masters, and killing open?? you've come a long way from being a tours plaza main, you've really developed into one of the premier UU players on this site, and you killed it for us. i know BFM's ADV was a shitshow, but you performed brilliantly, and i am super glad we got you on our team. thanks for killing it, and you better win open for the flamingos!

Adrift - wish you talked more! i think you are an incredible player, and i wish we were able to showcase your talents more. but that's what happens when we have 20 incredible players on our team. keep crushing it

Rae - i know it was a disappointing season and you kinda disappeared at the end, but you were an excellent presence to have nonetheless. thanks for being positive and continuing to try and help the BW slot and others even after some unfortunate games.

Sificon - thanks for being one of my oldest friends on this site, and letting me meme on you and annoy you and challenge you to broken cup when im hungover which is a lot. i think every team ive managed ive conned you into signing up and then throwing you into random tiers you dont want to play lmao, like rby ubers, which im ngl is pretty funny and i am going to continue to do so. although i dont know how much more managing im going to do. since its like once a year at this point now. please finish rejuv man. not for me. for you!

Cam Javi - thanks for being my homies and drafting an incredible team when i was unable to draft. i was a bit skeptical at first because we had 1010119299 people, but wow it turned out to be absolutely perfect. javi - like i said for Yone i hope this was able to redeem our terrible RBTT season lol, maybe if we had Kanha we could have won it all, but bygones be bygones! cammy - thanks for being one of my good pals as well for a long time now, i think this is what 3 years in a row of UUFPL since the cobras? crazy we've played this tour for that long. time flies.

jawabarat - saving you for last, because you were in my eyes - the most important player we drafted. Javi had said before the draft he wanted to get you, and we would have not had the atmosphere we had without you. you were super active, and super helpful in every single channel. i'm glad we were able to become good friends over the course of this tour. i know you say you are going to retire soon, but speaking from expirence i don't think you will! haha. i cannot reccomending drafting jawa enough in every tour, he is such an invaluable teammate and presence, and the last game didn't go our way, but don't hang your head over it. it sucks for sure, especially to feel like you let the team down, but we never would have been in that position without you. your energy set the stage for everyone else to shine, and i know for a fact we'll be keeping in touch down the line. i have no doubts you're gonna crush your new job, just keep your eyes on the prize. also why the hell are you playing every BDSP open. no wonder why you want to retire lmao.

god this was a lot of shoutouts, and my fingers hurt, but thanks for a fun season everyone. sorry we didn't get the result we wanted, but hey in a year everyone is going to forget about this, and we can tell everyone that the flamingos actually won this tour. then in 2 years, we can tell them that we won SPL.