As the last two teams I built where more frail and focused on all out offensive, this team I wanted to be a bit more balanced and bulky. I decided to use the Z-Kiss set for Jynx as it set's up the best and feels much more comfortable to use then the scarf set. In order to allow Jynx to do what it wants to do I knew i needed rock support and something that could help deal with Skuntank. For this reason I added Regirock on as the rocker, I went with protect over toxic to help to better handle and deal with Dodrio in particular. Next I wanted something that could pivot into Jynx and help deal with Jellicent to a degree, I felt that AV Eelektross fit this role and as I wanted a Volt-Turn core I added scarf Mesprit so I can have a healing wish to keep Jynx healthy as well as another pivot on the team, also the team needed a fighting check and Mesprit fit that bill the best. Now that I had two spots remaining, I wanted a spiner and one that would complement Jynx and the team in general, the best one for that task was Hitmonchan which helps not only deal with steel types but also removes rocks to keep Jynx health and able to come on without taking unnesscary chip damage, next I wanted a grass type that was somewhat bulky and could take a few hits as well as set up if it needed to, I went with Bellosom here over Lilligant as Bellosom is the more bulky of the two and it's ability to check physical attackers as well as boosting itself on it's sp.def side is a real plus for a more bulky squad that needs an answer for mons like Quag/Jellicent, I just felt that extra bulk was better to have on a team that had more of a balance core with more bulky mons. The main purpose of this team is to set up hazards, remove threats like Jellicent/Skuntank from play and allow Jynx to come in off a pivot and be able to set up with Z-Lovely Kiss and clean up the enemy team. Bellosom is there as both a back up cleaner and a remover for Jynx with Chan able to come in to threaten Togedemaru and spin away hazards all so Jynx can come in late game to finish off the job and set up.