Why was puff unranked? It does a great job of setting webs then forcing switches using yawn / crippling mons with endeavour. The fact that it gets access to magic coat helps to make up for its lack of rocks, and means that is difficult to taunt against slurpuff. Slurpuff definitely deserves to be in D. Additionally, it’s far and away my favorite websetter because of its offensive potential after it sets webs, provided you’re running the endeavour set.
Aero 100% deserves D at least. It’s a strong rocks lead with which I’ve had some success on ladder. The fact that it has access to rock tomb, taunt, and defog allows it to reliably keep opposing hazards off while ensuring that its own get down. Ik this just got rejected, but I don’t really think that trying to keep D uncluttered is a sound reason for keeping this strong suicide lead off the VR. If you want to unclutter D, just make a C- rank or something. Some examples of Aero’s mus vs common leads are below:
Vs Deo S:
It chips deo down, even if deo taunts it, and once deoxys dies, aero can taunt something or just defog away the rocks, then likely set is own rocks, or if your opponent brings up a sweeper then aero can cripple it using rock tomb, or kill it outright if it’s a Ho-oh.
Vs. Shuckle:
Taunt, break the mental herb, then taunt again, then defog off the webs / rocks, while whittling down shuckle’s health with rock tomb. Shuckle does literally nothing to this guy, even if aero gets encored into taunt or something similar.
Vs. Smeargle:
Aero taunts t1, then smeargle can’t do anything. Even if it’s a nuzzle set, smeargle still gets killed with rock tomb, and aero still gets rocks down and defogs off smeargle’s webs.
Vs. Pdon:
Aero taunts t1, then sets rocks. If it’s an offensive don set, then aero still gets rocks down and you’re fine. If it’s a defensive set, don can’t get its rocks down, and then gets whittled down with rock tomb before it finally kills aero, having been unable to set its own rocks due to being constantly taunted.
Vs. Spdef Dusk Mane:
Aero taunts turn 1, then sets its own rocks then dies. Pretty straightforward. Also, pressure helps you chip down sunsteel since they’ll have to use it a few times to kill you. This means that you can effectively halve their total uses of sunsteel.
Note: these are overgeneralized, but my point remains that aerodactyl performs very well versus most common lead mons. Aero is a solid suicide lead that is capable of chipping mons and keeping opposing rocks off while setting its own. The fact that aero to D was rejected “in order to not have a 70-mon D rank” is a travesty. If I had to chose a mon to use on my team, I’d use aero over any D-ranked mons except maybe koko. Aerodactyl is 100% deserving of D-rank at least. It’s easily one of the best rocks suicide leads in ag. Sorry for the rant, and have a nice day.
E: grammar fix
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