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Hi, I'm Porpoise. I've dabbled in LC since Gen V, with more experience in the Gen VI era of LC, and I've also played some UU since Gen IV (but barely this generation). I've never posted in the forums before, but I consider myself as at least mediocre at the current metagame, although I've yet to try it out post-Murkrow/Meditite.

hello :]
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Hey, T-Bolt here, long-time lurker, I guess some of you have seen me in the LC room. I'm a 16 year old living in India, sort of busy life.

I was introduced to LC by my friend way back in BW, got into the top 20 on the ladder a couple of times, never really peaked though. My Holidays started recently, so I'm looking to make some good posts and maybe contribute :)
Hi I'm GhostGlaceon ! TCR apparently doesn't like me cuz i "ghost" all of his matches. My fevorite LC pokemon is Aipom, and i love the leftovers doubleslap skill link set I invented. It's really creative unlike other crap in LC and it works too ! I 5-0'd a guy with it i swear !!!!
Hi I'm GhostGlaceon ! TCR apparently doesn't like me cuz i "ghost" all of his matches. My fevorite LC pokemon is Aipom, and i love the leftovers doubleslap skill link set I invented. It's really creative unlike other crap in LC and it works too ! I 5-0'd a guy with it i swear !!!!
ya srsly man stop ghosting that "jessica564" random
Hi I'm GhostGlaceon ! TCR apparently doesn't like me cuz i "ghost" all of his matches. My fevorite LC pokemon is Aipom, and i love the leftovers doubleslap skill link set I invented. It's really creative unlike other crap in LC and it works too ! I 5-0'd a guy with it i swear !!!!
Fkc you

m8 ill bash yer fucking face in
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So apparently people have very very mixed feelings about me.

I never properly introduced myself, so, despite everyone in the LC chatroom knowing me, here goes.

I'm Yoshi Lighthouse on Showdown, and I love unconventional playstyles. I have too many LC teams for me to remember(At least 10 altered for post-Krow), and as a result, my ELO fluctuates wildly as people start to work around my teams. I joined right after the SwirlGar ban, and all of my teams are homebrewed(I use one of my alts if I want to see why a cookie cutter team works). I peaked #5 on the ladder right before the Krow ban, and my rank hovers between 1380 and 1550. There will always be people who don't care about ELO and say that is meaningless.

I've always been willing to try out underutilized sets of high-tier pokes or gimmicky sets of low-tier pokes under a specific alt, and I do weekly requests to make a team starring pokes of the chat's choice.(Most people knew about that part, but anyone without IP monitoring didn't know it was me) I have tried out some pokes not ranked on the viability thread, and vouched for their effectiveness(most famously Azurill).

However, right before the Krow and Tite bans, the meta shifted drastically. My teams couldn't shift enough for the new metagame without being reconstructed almost from scratch. My previous anti-metagame teams could not stand up anymore, and I fell.(I've always felt partially responsible for the massive shift in the metagame, mainly because my previously dominant teams were now losing horribly.)

My all-time favorite team style involves a triple dragon core(My smash spam team had a quadruple dragon core!) backed by powerful fast cleaners. That was dominant before the metagame shifted, but with Fletchling on nearly every team, it seems as if the meta has shifted to emphasizing powerful priority. This was bad for me, as all of my sweepers were either too frail to take a hit or lacked priority of their own. This was most evident in my Trick Room team, as a dual bird core could defeat my team by itself.

I've found that with slight revisions to my earliest teams, that I can succeed. I'm also hoping that the next major shift in the metagame is more in my favor then the previous one.
I'm Maomiraen, a French LC player. I've started to play LC at the beginning of the sixth generation. I'm often in the LC room looking at what's going on, even though I'm discreet. I try to conquer the ladder with original teams (I got the first place in the ladd with a team based on Clamperl !) I like this kind of challenges. You've probably seen my name at the top of the ladder, as I've reached the first place several times. I always use the same account to play, I think it's more honest and fun.
Hum... That's all !
If you want to talk to me, I am always available in PM, and often in the LC room, as I said.
See you !
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I'm Ecna, and I started playing LC about a few hours ago 5 weeks ago, and it was very appealing. I originally played OU, but with the lack of creativity and the same mons on every team, I became bored pretty quickly. I tried my hand at other tiers. Ubers had bad players, UU was just... no, RU I sucked at, and NU wasn't out yet. I was about to just go back to OU when I saw a tier/metagame called ''Little Cup''. I gave it a try, and lo and behold, I liked it. My first team had mons like Duskull and Chimchar, and I didn't make it past 1100. But after some bans took place (Krow and Tite specifically) and I learned what mons were good and which weren't, I built better teams and got higher on the ladder. My peak was like 1410, but I'm still laddering now, so that might change.
But for now... GUD BAI
why are moves like recover/agility/tri attack on porygon legal? don't get me wrong, i'm not complaining. i love porygon, and i was trying to get one on my xy for LC battles, when i realized that i couldn't get those moves at level 5. i tried hacking a porygon with that moveset, and i pokechecked it, and it said all 3 of those moves were hacked/event moves, leading me to believe that porygon, while it can learn all of those moves, can't by level 5. i'm still going to try getting one at level 5 and transferring it up, but i'm confused as to why it's legal. if the level cap is at 5, i'd think only moves available by level 5 should be allowed (so if, for example, you could get a higher level porygon and breed recover down, i'd understand that being legal). and i read something about porygon getting those moves at that level with a glitch of some sort, and i was wondering if that would be transferable or if it would be recognized as hacked. and if so, then i really don't understand why it's legal in gen 6 lc.
why are moves like recover/agility/tri attack on porygon legal? don't get me wrong, i'm not complaining. i love porygon, and i was trying to get one on my xy for LC battles, when i realized that i couldn't get those moves at level 5. i tried hacking a porygon with that moveset, and i pokechecked it, and it said all 3 of those moves were hacked/event moves, leading me to believe that porygon, while it can learn all of those moves, can't by level 5. i'm still going to try getting one at level 5 and transferring it up, but i'm confused as to why it's legal. if the level cap is at 5, i'd think only moves available by level 5 should be allowed (so if, for example, you could get a higher level porygon and breed recover down, i'd understand that being legal). and i read something about porygon getting those moves at that level with a glitch of some sort, and i was wondering if that would be transferable or if it would be recognized as hacked. and if so, then i really don't understand why it's legal in gen 6 lc.
Porygon can get those moves thanks to the Pomeg Glitch, a glitch in R/S/E that allowed you to train pokémon in their eggs and keep the moves learned when the pokémon hatches. The pokémon that gain moves that way are still transferrable and pass through the Pokébank check, so we consider them legal.
Porygon can get those moves thanks to the Pomeg Glitch, a glitch in R/S/E that allowed you to train pokémon in their eggs and keep the moves learned when the pokémon hatches. The pokémon that gain moves that way are still transferrable and pass through the Pokébank check, so we consider them legal.
ah, yeah i just read about the glitch, i was pretty much just wondering if it was transferable, because if not it would be unavailable in xy. thanks!
Is larvitar at all viable? It's evolution is so good, I'd imagine, but I'm trying to get more into little cup and am curious. Thanks!
no not really. there are better Rock types in lc (archen, dwebble, tirtouga, onix) who outclass larvitar in any potential role it could take, largely due to a better movepool, typing, stats, and/or ability.

This thread here should give you an idea of what is and isn't good in LC. You can also refer to some of the other threads in the Little Cup forums like the sample teams thread, the guide for LC and more. I recommend you hop on IRC sometime and visit #littlecup or visit the PS Little Cup room to speak in real time with other players of LC. I hope you enjoy your time in LC, and on smogon :)
hi everyone im derpylink on ps, i decided to start playing LC after becoming bored of the same mons being in OU and my hatred for rotom and talonflame. i liked the idea of LC in gen IV but was not yet aware of simulators or the competitve scene. im looking forward to playing LC as my home tier!(:
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H'heya. I'm Kaabii & I'm pretty shy on new things. That said, I started playin' LC about 3 weeks ago, & I liked the tier a lot, I was thinking of playing a tier other than OU (which I suck at) & decided to play LC, I knew some basics like what items to use & not to use so I thought I'd give it a go, I played BW LC first, I got top 5 on the ladder only because the ladder was dead. I then shifted to Gen 6 LC as the ladder was a lot moar active. I currently am at 1386 Elo. I'll be lookin' forward to what LC has to offer as I consider LC as my favorite tier. :>
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no not really. there are better Rock types in lc (archen, dwebble, tirtouga, onix) who outclass larvitar in any potential role it could take, largely due to a better movepool, typing, stats, and/or ability.

This thread here should give you an idea of what is and isn't good in LC. You can also refer to some of the other threads in the Little Cup forums like the sample teams thread, the guide for LC and more. I recommend you hop on IRC sometime and visit #littlecup or visit the PS Little Cup room to speak in real time with other players of LC. I hope you enjoy your time in LC, and on smogon :)

Thanks, I'm not new to battling, just LC, and I figured smogon would be a good place to start, given Gen 6 has proven impossible so far impossible haha
Don't see Rufflet on the viability thread so is he that bad? I'm no expert at LC (I play OU on the high-end of the ladder usually) but 83 attack is high for a first-stager.
60 speed could probably be mitigated with a scarf set.
Don't see Rufflet on the viability thread so is he that bad? I'm no expert at LC (I play OU on the high-end of the ladder usually) but 83 attack is high for a first-stager.
60 speed could probably be mitigated with a scarf set.

With the banning of Murkrow, Rufflet takes the stage as the bird wallbreaker, reking things with its Hustle Boosted Return. Of course, it does have its problems, like not being able to hit Rocks and Steels, being slow, and not even getting Brave Bird (at lvl 5). However, it should get ranked, its Return is very powerful
With the banning of Murkrow, Rufflet takes the stage as the bird wallbreaker, reking things with its Hustle Boosted Return. Of course, it does have its problems, like not being able to hit Rocks and Steels, being slow, and not even getting Brave Bird (at lvl 5). However, it should get ranked, its Return is very powerful

Oh yeah, since males can pass down DW abilities in Gen 6, you could pokebank the DW Briavary from W2, mate it with ditto, and get Hustlelett :)


With the banning of Murkrow, Rufflet takes the stage as the bird wallbreaker, reking things with its Hustle Boosted Return. Of course, it does have its problems, like not being able to hit Rocks and Steels, being slow, and not even getting Brave Bird (at lvl 5). However, it should get ranked, its Return is very powerful
eh Doduo is entirely better than rufflet. it has a strong flying stab, quick attack, better speed, and knock off over rufflet.
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