Question: does venipede get speed boost
Question: does venipede get speed boost
ya srsly man stop ghosting that "jessica564" randomHi I'm GhostGlaceon ! TCR apparently doesn't like me cuz i "ghost" all of his matches. My fevorite LC pokemon is Aipom, and i love the leftovers doubleslap skill link set I invented. It's really creative unlike other crap in LC and it works too ! I 5-0'd a guy with it i swear !!!!
or this brother mateo guy, rekt me so hard because of his ghosting!ya srsly man stop ghosting that "jessica564" random
Fkc youHi I'm GhostGlaceon ! TCR apparently doesn't like me cuz i "ghost" all of his matches. My fevorite LC pokemon is Aipom, and i love the leftovers doubleslap skill link set I invented. It's really creative unlike other crap in LC and it works too ! I 5-0'd a guy with it i swear !!!!
Porygon can get those moves thanks to the Pomeg Glitch, a glitch in R/S/E that allowed you to train pokémon in their eggs and keep the moves learned when the pokémon hatches. The pokémon that gain moves that way are still transferrable and pass through the Pokébank check, so we consider them legal.why are moves like recover/agility/tri attack on porygon legal? don't get me wrong, i'm not complaining. i love porygon, and i was trying to get one on my xy for LC battles, when i realized that i couldn't get those moves at level 5. i tried hacking a porygon with that moveset, and i pokechecked it, and it said all 3 of those moves were hacked/event moves, leading me to believe that porygon, while it can learn all of those moves, can't by level 5. i'm still going to try getting one at level 5 and transferring it up, but i'm confused as to why it's legal. if the level cap is at 5, i'd think only moves available by level 5 should be allowed (so if, for example, you could get a higher level porygon and breed recover down, i'd understand that being legal). and i read something about porygon getting those moves at that level with a glitch of some sort, and i was wondering if that would be transferable or if it would be recognized as hacked. and if so, then i really don't understand why it's legal in gen 6 lc.
ah, yeah i just read about the glitch, i was pretty much just wondering if it was transferable, because if not it would be unavailable in xy. thanks!Porygon can get those moves thanks to the Pomeg Glitch, a glitch in R/S/E that allowed you to train pokémon in their eggs and keep the moves learned when the pokémon hatches. The pokémon that gain moves that way are still transferrable and pass through the Pokébank check, so we consider them legal.
no not really. there are better Rock types in lc (archen, dwebble, tirtouga, onix) who outclass larvitar in any potential role it could take, largely due to a better movepool, typing, stats, and/or ability.Is larvitar at all viable? It's evolution is so good, I'd imagine, but I'm trying to get more into little cup and am curious. Thanks!
no not really. there are better Rock types in lc (archen, dwebble, tirtouga, onix) who outclass larvitar in any potential role it could take, largely due to a better movepool, typing, stats, and/or ability.
This thread here should give you an idea of what is and isn't good in LC. You can also refer to some of the other threads in the Little Cup forums like the sample teams thread, the guide for LC and more. I recommend you hop on IRC sometime and visit #littlecup or visit the PS Little Cup room to speak in real time with other players of LC. I hope you enjoy your time in LC, and on smogon :)
Don't see Rufflet on the viability thread so is he that bad? I'm no expert at LC (I play OU on the high-end of the ladder usually) but 83 attack is high for a first-stager.
60 speed could probably be mitigated with a scarf set.
With the banning of Murkrow, Rufflet takes the stage as the bird wallbreaker, reking things with its Hustle Boosted Return. Of course, it does have its problems, like not being able to hit Rocks and Steels, being slow, and not even getting Brave Bird (at lvl 5). However, it should get ranked, its Return is very powerful
eh Doduo is entirely better than rufflet. it has a strong flying stab, quick attack, better speed, and knock off over rufflet.With the banning of Murkrow, Rufflet takes the stage as the bird wallbreaker, reking things with its Hustle Boosted Return. Of course, it does have its problems, like not being able to hit Rocks and Steels, being slow, and not even getting Brave Bird (at lvl 5). However, it should get ranked, its Return is very powerful
eh Doduo is entirely better than rufflet. it has a strong flying stab, quick attack, better speed, and knock off over rufflet.