Data Usage-Based Tier Update for September 2017 (Oct @ #73) (Nov @ #129)

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It never goes smooth, does it?

Last time there was all the drama with the old server dying, this time two weeks' worth of battles (end of June, early July) didn't get logged...

Still, we can always hope for a smooth Fall!

Anyway, just doing a straight 20:3:1 Aug:July:June weighting this time, with the usual 3.41% rise/drop cutoff.

Enjoy, and as always, let me know (PM/VM) if anything looks off.
Combined usage for OU
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Percent |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| 1    | Landorus-Therian   | 39.465% |
| 2    | Magearna           | 24.444% |
| 3    | Zygarde            | 19.373% |
| 4    | Tapu Koko          | 19.237% |
| 5    | Greninja-Ash       | 16.766% |
| 6    | Ferrothorn         | 15.696% |
| 7    | Toxapex            | 14.144% |
| 8    | Celesteela         | 14.077% |
| 9    | Heatran            | 13.733% |
| 10   | Greninja           | 13.391% |
| 11   | Dugtrio            | 13.232% |
| 12   | Mew                | 12.332% |
| 13   | Clefable           | 12.254% |
| 14   | Tapu Lele          | 12.065% |
| 15   | Latios             | 11.087% |
| 16   | Tangrowth          | 10.434% |
| 17   | Pinsir-Mega        | 10.247% |
| 18   | Excadrill          | 10.241% |
| 19   | Zapdos             |  9.647% |
| 20   | Mimikyu            |  9.527% |
| 21   | Scizor-Mega        |  9.416% |
| 22   | Tapu Fini          |  9.338% |
| 23   | Chansey            |  9.122% |
| 24   | Skarmory           |  8.601% |
| 25   | Garchomp           |  8.106% |
| 26   | Tapu Bulu          |  7.761% |
| 27   | Keldeo             |  7.153% |
| 28   | Mawile-Mega        |  6.776% |
| 29   | Kartana            |  6.735% |
| 30   | Pelipper           |  6.353% |
| 31   | Lopunny-Mega       |  5.970% |
| 32   | Magnezone          |  5.856% |
| 33   | Bisharp            |  5.623% |
| 34   | Swampert-Mega      |  5.492% |
| 35   | Manaphy            |  5.425% |
| 36   | Kyurem-Black       |  5.289% |
| 37   | Hawlucha           |  5.128% |
| 38   | Tyranitar          |  4.928% |
| 39   | Diancie-Mega       |  4.856% |
| 40   | Medicham-Mega      |  4.852% |
| 41   | Charizard-Mega-Y   |  4.831% |
| 42   | Marowak-Alola      |  4.829% |
| 43   | Venusaur-Mega      |  4.573% |
| 44   | Sableye-Mega       |  4.534% |
| 45   | Tyranitar-Mega     |  4.227% |
| 46   | Ninetales-Alola    |  4.213% |
| 47   | Gengar             |  4.170% |
| 48   | Kingdra            |  4.127% |
| 49   | Volcarona          |  3.989% |
| 50   | Dragonite          |  3.971% |
| 51   | Charizard-Mega-X   |  3.437% |
| 52   | Azelf              |  3.353% |
| 53   | Alakazam-Mega      |  2.914% |
| 54   | Weavile            |  2.855% |
| 55   | Victini            |  2.841% |
| 56   | Jirachi            |  2.836% |
| 57   | Latias-Mega        |  2.770% |
| 58   | Mantine            |  2.766% |
| 59   | Hoopa-Unbound      |  2.713% |
| 60   | Azumarill          |  2.678% |
| 61   | Gyarados-Mega      |  2.551% |
| 62   | Nihilego           |  2.388% |
| 63   | Suicune            |  2.372% |
| 64   | Ditto              |  2.304% |
| 65   | Serperior          |  2.302% |
| 66   | Cresselia          |  2.300% |
| 67   | Shuckle            |  2.226% |
| 68   | Manectric-Mega     |  2.214% |
| 69   | Tornadus-Therian   |  2.182% |
| 70   | Smeargle           |  2.133% |
| 71   | Rotom-Wash         |  2.131% |
| 72   | Heracross-Mega     |  1.997% |
| 73   | Gyarados           |  1.940% |
| 74   | Latias             |  1.858% |
| 75   | Gallade-Mega       |  1.763% |
| 76   | Crawdaunt          |  1.584% |
| 77   | Alomomola          |  1.524% |
| 78   | Uxie               |  1.466% |
| 79   | Hippowdon          |  1.448% |
| 80   | Mamoswine          |  1.344% |
| 81   | Camerupt-Mega      |  1.336% |
| 82   | Gliscor            |  1.287% |
| 83   | Gastrodon          |  1.286% |
| 84   | Amoonguss          |  1.199% |
| 85   | Thundurus          |  1.175% |
| 86   | Altaria-Mega       |  1.141% |
| 87   | Salamence          |  1.127% |
| 88   | Thundurus-Therian  |  1.049% |
| 89   | Marshadow          |  1.043% |
| 90   | Infernape          |  0.924% |
| 91   | Gardevoir-Mega     |  0.884% |
| 92   | Breloom            |  0.871% |
| 93   | Tentacruel         |  0.822% |
| 94   | Togekiss           |  0.814% |
| 95   | Mandibuzz          |  0.809% |
| 96   | Reuniclus          |  0.802% |
| 97   | Staraptor          |  0.792% |
| 98   | Chandelure         |  0.790% |
| 99   | Garchomp-Mega      |  0.774% |
| 100  | Terrakion          |  0.745% |
| 101  | Scizor             |  0.731% |
| 102  | Quagsire           |  0.727% |
| 103  | Nidoking           |  0.725% |
| 104  | Muk-Alola          |  0.715% |
| 105  | Scolipede          |  0.706% |
| 106  | Beedrill-Mega      |  0.673% |
| 107  | Conkeldurr         |  0.666% |
| 108  | Hydreigon          |  0.645% |
| 109  | Empoleon           |  0.621% |
| 110  | Porygon-Z          |  0.618% |
| 111  | Buzzwole           |  0.575% |
| 112  | Porygon2           |  0.572% |
| 113  | Volcanion          |  0.571% |
| 114  | Slowbro-Mega       |  0.565% |
| 115  | Aerodactyl-Mega    |  0.550% |
| 116  | Slowbro            |  0.500% |
| 117  | Kyurem             |  0.498% |
| 118  | Starmie            |  0.487% |
| 119  | Cloyster           |  0.451% |
| 120  | Aerodactyl         |  0.450% |
| 121  | Venusaur           |  0.443% |
| 122  | Diggersby          |  0.437% |
| 123  | Klefki             |  0.415% |
| 124  | Latios-Mega        |  0.410% |
| 125  | Xurkitree          |  0.402% |
| 126  | Torkoal            |  0.400% |
| 127  | Araquanid          |  0.394% |
| 128  | Galvantula         |  0.387% |
| 129  | Talonflame         |  0.354% |
| 130  | Sceptile-Mega      |  0.351% |
| 131  | Cofagrigus         |  0.348% |
| 132  | Blissey            |  0.347% |
| 133  | Alakazam           |  0.337% |
| 134  | Hoopa              |  0.306% |
| 135  | Forretress         |  0.301% |
| 136  | Sharpedo-Mega      |  0.300% |
| 137  | Seismitoad         |  0.278% |
| 138  | Donphan            |  0.277% |
| 139  | Shedinja           |  0.267% |
| 140  | Umbreon            |  0.263% |
| 141  | Houndoom-Mega      |  0.258% |
| 142  | Snorlax            |  0.251% |
| 143  | Goodra             |  0.250% |
| 144  | Ampharos-Mega      |  0.249% |
| 145  | Abomasnow-Mega     |  0.249% |
| 146  | Bronzong           |  0.238% |
| 147  | Darmanitan         |  0.237% |
| 148  | Entei              |  0.225% |
| 149  | Espeon             |  0.225% |
| 150  | Rotom-Heat         |  0.223% |
| 151  | Raichu-Alola       |  0.212% |
| 152  | Primarina          |  0.211% |
| 153  | Politoed           |  0.207% |
| 154  | Necrozma           |  0.206% |
| 155  | Kabutops           |  0.204% |
| 156  | Blastoise-Mega     |  0.196% |
| 157  | Arcanine           |  0.190% |
| 158  | Banette-Mega       |  0.187% |
| 159  | Decidueye          |  0.180% |
| 160  | Kommo-o            |  0.168% |
| 161  | Crobat             |  0.160% |
| 162  | Slowking           |  0.154% |
| 163  | Salazzle           |  0.154% |
| 164  | Whimsicott         |  0.153% |
| 165  | Xatu               |  0.152% |
| 166  | Aggron-Mega        |  0.151% |
| 167  | Metagross          |  0.150% |
| 168  | Celebi             |  0.147% |
| 169  | Raikou             |  0.145% |
| 170  | Tsareena           |  0.142% |
| 171  | Haxorus            |  0.135% |
| 172  | Nidoqueen          |  0.135% |
| 173  | Milotic            |  0.134% |
| 174  | Sylveon            |  0.134% |
| 175  | Pidgeot-Mega       |  0.133% |
| 176  | Rhyperior          |  0.129% |
| 177  | Swampert           |  0.129% |
| 178  | Krookodile         |  0.122% |
| 179  | Omastar            |  0.122% |
| 180  | Ludicolo           |  0.121% |
| 181  | Lucario            |  0.119% |
| 182  | Carbink            |  0.118% |
| 183  | Roserade           |  0.117% |
| 184  | Persian-Alola      |  0.115% |
| 185  | Registeel          |  0.114% |
| 186  | Swellow            |  0.114% |
| 187  | Dragalge           |  0.113% |
| 188  | Mienshao           |  0.110% |
| 189  | Pyukumuku          |  0.108% |
| 190  | Jolteon            |  0.107% |
| 191  | Golisopod          |  0.105% |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
Combined usage for UU
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Percent |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| 1    | Scizor             | 34.722% |
| 2    | Latias             | 31.105% |
| 3    | Gliscor            | 19.123% |
| 4    | Primarina          | 13.974% |
| 5    | Infernape          | 13.727% |
| 6    | Sharpedo-Mega      | 12.794% |
| 7    | Hydreigon          | 12.747% |
| 8    | Mamoswine          | 12.116% |
| 9    | Krookodile         | 12.050% |
| 10   | Aerodactyl-Mega    | 12.050% |
| 11   | Weavile            | 11.939% |
| 12   | Cobalion           | 11.830% |
| 13   | Hawlucha           | 10.799% |
| 14   | Tentacruel         | 10.709% |
| 15   | Blissey            |  9.872% |
| 16   | Raikou             |  9.865% |
| 17   | Beedrill-Mega      |  9.823% |
| 18   | Klefki             |  9.712% |
| 19   | Togekiss           |  9.399% |
| 20   | Blastoise-Mega     |  8.796% |
| 21   | Crawdaunt          |  8.430% |
| 22   | Xurkitree          |  8.017% |
| 23   | Pidgeot-Mega       |  8.003% |
| 24   | Empoleon           |  7.834% |
| 25   | Ninetales-Alola    |  7.815% |
| 26   | Alomomola          |  7.590% |
| 27   | Chandelure         |  7.533% |
| 28   | Terrakion          |  7.282% |
| 29   | Suicune            |  7.275% |
| 30   | Volcanion          |  7.056% |
| 31   | Swampert           |  6.996% |
| 32   | Azelf              |  6.503% |
| 33   | Sylveon            |  6.346% |
| 34   | Amoonguss          |  6.313% |
| 35   | Nidoking           |  6.187% |
| 36   | Forretress         |  6.122% |
| 37   | Celebi             |  5.970% |
| 38   | Sceptile-Mega      |  5.954% |
| 39   | Muk-Alola          |  5.891% |
| 40   | Entei              |  5.735% |
| 41   | Starmie            |  5.472% |
| 42   | Crobat             |  5.430% |
| 43   | Aggron-Mega        |  5.357% |
| 44   | Darmanitan         |  5.308% |
| 45   | Steelix-Mega       |  5.120% |
| 46   | Magneton           |  4.817% |
| 47   | Arcanine           |  4.808% |
| 48   | Swampert-Mega      |  4.712% |
| 49   | Hippowdon          |  4.581% |
| 50   | Metagross          |  4.446% |
| 51   | Heracross          |  4.247% |
| 52   | Mandibuzz          |  3.944% |
| 53   | Mienshao           |  3.927% |
| 54   | Haxorus            |  3.810% |
| 55   | Mantine            |  3.601% |
| 56   | Decidueye          |  3.396% |
| 57   | Lucario            |  2.902% |
| 58   | Absol-Mega         |  2.859% |
| 59   | Tornadus           |  2.828% |
| 60   | Nidoqueen          |  2.776% |
| 61   | Zygarde-10%        |  2.738% |
| 62   | Talonflame         |  2.734% |
| 63   | Tsareena           |  2.673% |
| 64   | Doublade           |  2.353% |
| 65   | Cofagrigus         |  2.322% |
| 66   | Kyurem             |  2.313% |
| 67   | Quagsire           |  2.280% |
| 68   | Hoopa              |  2.139% |
| 69   | Camerupt-Mega      |  2.119% |
| 70   | Rotom-Heat         |  2.066% |
| 71   | Conkeldurr         |  2.036% |
| 72   | Banette-Mega       |  1.970% |
| 73   | Slowbro            |  1.938% |
| 74   | Snorlax            |  1.854% |
| 75   | Abomasnow-Mega     |  1.848% |
| 76   | Galvantula         |  1.754% |
| 77   | Chesnaught         |  1.669% |
| 78   | Uxie               |  1.666% |
| 79   | Reuniclus          |  1.610% |
| 80   | Rotom-Mow          |  1.564% |
| 81   | Cresselia          |  1.560% |
| 82   | Bewear             |  1.538% |
| 83   | Kingdra            |  1.470% |
| 84   | Buzzwole           |  1.393% |
| 85   | Bronzong           |  1.378% |
| 86   | Porygon2           |  1.377% |
| 87   | Shuckle            |  1.297% |
| 88   | Florges            |  1.280% |
| 89   | Donphan            |  1.273% |
| 90   | Feraligatr         |  1.198% |
| 91   | Roserade           |  1.155% |
| 92   | Cloyster           |  1.145% |
| 93   | Espeon             |  1.106% |
| 94   | Goodra             |  1.088% |
| 95   | Milotic            |  1.003% |
| 96   | Umbreon            |  0.997% |
| 97   | Venomoth           |  0.894% |
| 98   | Diancie            |  0.850% |
| 99   | Froslass           |  0.813% |
| 100  | Jellicent          |  0.793% |
| 101  | Araquanid          |  0.732% |
| 102  | Jolteon            |  0.721% |
| 103  | Dragalge           |  0.712% |
| 104  | Kommo-o            |  0.711% |
| 105  | Whimsicott         |  0.711% |
| 106  | Honchkrow          |  0.673% |
| 107  | Flygon             |  0.644% |
| 108  | Machamp            |  0.640% |
| 109  | Dhelmise           |  0.608% |
| 110  | Linoone            |  0.568% |
| 111  | Golisopod          |  0.557% |
| 112  | Toxicroak          |  0.546% |
| 113  | Gardevoir          |  0.527% |
| 114  | Slowking           |  0.522% |
| 115  | Heliolisk          |  0.515% |
| 116  | Necrozma           |  0.506% |
| 117  | Salazzle           |  0.480% |
| 118  | Vaporeon           |  0.460% |
| 119  | Venusaur           |  0.445% |
| 120  | Stoutland          |  0.441% |
| 121  | Pyukumuku          |  0.424% |
| 122  | Moltres            |  0.423% |
| 123  | Torkoal            |  0.408% |
| 124  | Aerodactyl         |  0.395% |
| 125  | Gastrodon          |  0.379% |
| 126  | Omastar            |  0.379% |
| 127  | Rhyperior          |  0.377% |
| 128  | Swellow            |  0.369% |
| 129  | Sandslash-Alola    |  0.348% |
| 130  | Audino-Mega        |  0.337% |
| 131  | Slurpuff           |  0.308% |
| 132  | Blastoise          |  0.308% |
| 133  | Seismitoad         |  0.308% |
| 134  | Ditto              |  0.297% |
| 135  | Gigalith           |  0.294% |
| 136  | Pangoro            |  0.293% |
| 137  | Shaymin            |  0.289% |
| 138  | Weezing            |  0.287% |
| 139  | Comfey             |  0.285% |
| 140  | Steelix            |  0.281% |
| 141  | Registeel          |  0.267% |
| 142  | Hitmonlee          |  0.266% |
| 143  | Exploud            |  0.258% |
| 144  | Zoroark            |  0.258% |
| 145  | Yanmega            |  0.255% |
| 146  | Mismagius          |  0.242% |
| 147  | Medicham           |  0.236% |
| 148  | Meloetta           |  0.226% |
| 149  | Minior             |  0.226% |
| 150  | Hitmontop          |  0.216% |
| 151  | Tangela            |  0.215% |
| 152  | Tyrantrum          |  0.199% |
| 153  | Granbull           |  0.191% |
| 154  | Noivern            |  0.188% |
| 155  | Clefable           |  0.187% |
| 156  | Escavalier         |  0.180% |
| 157  | Gligar             |  0.178% |
| 158  | Ninetales          |  0.177% |
| 159  | Ambipom            |  0.176% |
| 160  | Kabutops           |  0.162% |
| 161  | Virizion           |  0.162% |
| 162  | Crabominable       |  0.158% |
| 163  | Braviary           |  0.154% |
| 164  | Diglett            |  0.153% |
| 165  | Durant             |  0.153% |
| 166  | Lycanroc           |  0.152% |
| 167  | Vikavolt           |  0.151% |
| 168  | Eelektross         |  0.148% |
| 169  | Typhlosion         |  0.147% |
| 170  | Dusclops           |  0.143% |
| 171  | Ludicolo           |  0.143% |
| 172  | Cinccino           |  0.142% |
| 173  | Keldeo             |  0.141% |
| 174  | Accelgor           |  0.140% |
| 175  | Sharpedo           |  0.139% |
| 176  | Sigilyph           |  0.131% |
| 177  | Xatu               |  0.131% |
| 178  | Raichu-Alola       |  0.130% |
| 179  | Houndoom-Mega      |  0.126% |
| 180  | Scrafty            |  0.124% |
| 181  | Exeggutor-Alola    |  0.122% |
| 182  | Bisharp            |  0.122% |
| 183  | Electivire         |  0.122% |
| 184  | Delphox            |  0.122% |
| 185  | Ribombee           |  0.115% |
| 186  | Miltank            |  0.112% |
| 187  | Pikachu            |  0.108% |
| 188  | Glalie-Mega        |  0.106% |
| 189  | Qwilfish           |  0.106% |
| 190  | Drampa             |  0.106% |
| 191  | Trevenant          |  0.105% |
| 192  | Carbink            |  0.105% |
| 193  | Masquerain         |  0.105% |
| 194  | Marowak            |  0.101% |
| 195  | Torterra           |  0.101% |
| 196  | Claydol            |  0.101% |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
Combined usage for RU
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Percent |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| 1    | Doublade           | 21.033% |
| 2    | Gligar             | 17.809% |
| 3    | Donphan            | 17.448% |
| 4    | Registeel          | 17.255% |
| 5    | Salazzle           | 14.259% |
| 6    | Flygon             | 14.218% |
| 7    | Feraligatr         | 12.599% |
| 8    | Mantine            | 11.863% |
| 9    | Sharpedo           | 11.678% |
| 10   | Chesnaught         | 11.653% |
| 11   | Shaymin            | 11.589% |
| 12   | Pangoro            | 10.793% |
| 13   | Umbreon            | 10.399% |
| 14   | Kommo-o            | 10.375% |
| 15   | Gardevoir          | 10.029% |
| 16   | Honchkrow          |  9.568% |
| 17   | Espeon             |  9.509% |
| 18   | Swellow            |  9.250% |
| 19   | Rhyperior          |  9.199% |
| 20   | Bewear             |  9.196% |
| 21   | Rotom-Heat         |  9.142% |
| 22   | Bronzong           |  8.859% |
| 23   | Zoroark            |  8.696% |
| 24   | Dragalge           |  8.522% |
| 25   | Comfey             |  8.173% |
| 26   | Cresselia          |  8.150% |
| 27   | Milotic            |  7.742% |
| 28   | Roserade           |  7.673% |
| 29   | Galvantula         |  7.607% |
| 30   | Durant             |  7.594% |
| 31   | Araquanid          |  7.562% |
| 32   | Jolteon            |  7.511% |
| 33   | Escavalier         |  7.283% |
| 34   | Linoone            |  7.262% |
| 35   | Snorlax            |  6.983% |
| 36   | Glalie-Mega        |  6.704% |
| 37   | Gigalith           |  6.673% |
| 38   | Cloyster           |  6.513% |
| 39   | Diancie            |  6.507% |
| 40   | Florges            |  6.431% |
| 41   | Dhelmise           |  6.251% |
| 42   | Reuniclus          |  5.313% |
| 43   | Meloetta           |  5.214% |
| 44   | Porygon2           |  5.182% |
| 45   | Blastoise          |  5.112% |
| 46   | Golisopod          |  5.008% |
| 47   | Goodra             |  4.901% |
| 48   | Torkoal            |  4.734% |
| 49   | Aerodactyl         |  4.669% |
| 50   | Venusaur           |  4.668% |
| 51   | Bruxish            |  4.655% |
| 52   | Moltres            |  4.459% |
| 53   | Hoopa              |  4.281% |
| 54   | Heliolisk          |  4.089% |
| 55   | Drapion            |  4.046% |
| 56   | Machamp            |  3.789% |
| 57   | Quagsire           |  3.523% |
| 58   | Heracross          |  3.373% |
| 59   | Tyrantrum          |  3.156% |
| 60   | Toxicroak          |  3.060% |
| 61   | Sandslash-Alola    |  2.987% |
| 62   | Aurorus            |  2.935% |
| 63   | Scrafty            |  2.855% |
| 64   | Whimsicott         |  2.775% |
| 65   | Froslass           |  2.634% |
| 66   | Slurpuff           |  2.619% |
| 67   | Yanmega            |  2.603% |
| 68   | Seismitoad         |  2.460% |
| 69   | Stoutland          |  2.458% |
| 70   | Necrozma           |  2.335% |
| 71   | Archeops           |  2.154% |
| 72   | Cofagrigus         |  2.148% |
| 73   | Mismagius          |  2.088% |
| 74   | Hitmonlee          |  2.009% |
| 75   | Audino-Mega        |  1.857% |
| 76   | Virizion           |  1.743% |
| 77   | Qwilfish           |  1.637% |
| 78   | Regirock           |  1.609% |
| 79   | Piloswine          |  1.537% |
| 80   | Kingdra            |  1.516% |
| 81   | Shuckle            |  1.450% |
| 82   | Emboar             |  1.405% |
| 83   | Ribombee           |  1.403% |
| 84   | Ninetales          |  1.379% |
| 85   | Rotom-Mow          |  1.330% |
| 86   | Noivern            |  1.326% |
| 87   | Steelix            |  1.320% |
| 88   | Slowbro            |  1.234% |
| 89   | Delphox            |  1.209% |
| 90   | Persian-Alola      |  1.184% |
| 91   | Typhlosion         |  1.167% |
| 92   | Ambipom            |  1.166% |
| 93   | Exploud            |  1.090% |
| 94   | Slowking           |  1.081% |
| 95   | Leafeon            |  1.057% |
| 96   | Braviary           |  1.054% |
| 97   | Golbat             |  1.040% |
| 98   | Pyukumuku          |  0.997% |
| 99   | Hitmontop          |  0.994% |
| 100  | Vaporeon           |  0.971% |
| 101  | Jellicent          |  0.926% |
| 102  | Uxie               |  0.917% |
| 103  | Charizard          |  0.916% |
| 104  | Shiftry            |  0.849% |
| 105  | Xatu               |  0.775% |
| 106  | Cryogonal          |  0.772% |
| 107  | Minior             |  0.754% |
| 108  | Medicham           |  0.749% |
| 109  | Omastar            |  0.726% |
| 110  | Sableye            |  0.695% |
| 111  | Ditto              |  0.663% |
| 112  | Malamar            |  0.658% |
| 113  | Sandslash          |  0.623% |
| 114  | Accelgor           |  0.547% |
| 115  | Sigilyph           |  0.543% |
| 116  | Vikavolt           |  0.531% |
| 117  | Shedinja           |  0.519% |
| 118  | Sawsbuck           |  0.516% |
| 119  | Weezing            |  0.504% |
| 120  | Lanturn            |  0.486% |
| 121  | Gastrodon          |  0.473% |
| 122  | Sneasel            |  0.460% |
| 123  | Flareon            |  0.447% |
| 124  | Exeggutor          |  0.442% |
| 125  | Scyther            |  0.435% |
| 126  | Claydol            |  0.426% |
| 127  | Druddigon          |  0.419% |
| 128  | Kabutops           |  0.419% |
| 129  | Cinccino           |  0.411% |
| 130  | Ferroseed          |  0.400% |
| 131  | Silvally-Steel     |  0.369% |
| 132  | Sceptile           |  0.368% |
| 133  | Incineroar         |  0.362% |
| 134  | Lycanroc           |  0.361% |
| 135  | Hitmonchan         |  0.359% |
| 136  | Houndoom           |  0.356% |
| 137  | Gallade            |  0.339% |
| 138  | Electivire         |  0.322% |
| 139  | Dodrio             |  0.313% |
| 140  | Crabominable       |  0.309% |
| 141  | Crustle            |  0.282% |
| 142  | Magmortar          |  0.281% |
| 143  | Sawk               |  0.280% |
| 144  | Absol              |  0.273% |
| 145  | Nidoqueen          |  0.273% |
| 146  | Barbaracle         |  0.268% |
| 147  | Aggron             |  0.263% |
| 148  | Tangela            |  0.257% |
| 149  | Mesprit            |  0.256% |
| 150  | Silvally-Ghost     |  0.251% |
| 151  | Clawitzer          |  0.245% |
| 152  | Cradily            |  0.244% |
| 153  | Golurk             |  0.244% |
| 154  | Kadabra            |  0.242% |
| 155  | Rhydon             |  0.240% |
| 156  | Klinklang          |  0.232% |
| 157  | Diglett            |  0.230% |
| 158  | Turtonator         |  0.227% |
| 159  | Lurantis           |  0.223% |
| 160  | Liepard            |  0.221% |
| 161  | Gurdurr            |  0.220% |
| 162  | Vivillon           |  0.218% |
| 163  | Poliwrath          |  0.215% |
| 164  | Gourgeist-Super    |  0.210% |
| 165  | Kricketune         |  0.203% |
| 166  | Eelektross         |  0.198% |
| 167  | Type: Null         |  0.197% |
| 168  | Pikachu            |  0.196% |
| 169  | Mudsdale           |  0.186% |
| 170  | Ursaring           |  0.183% |
| 171  | Victreebel         |  0.182% |
| 172  | Zangoose           |  0.181% |
| 173  | Spiritomb          |  0.181% |
| 174  | Dusclops           |  0.179% |
| 175  | Exeggutor-Alola    |  0.177% |
| 176  | Komala             |  0.175% |
| 177  | Hariyama           |  0.168% |
| 178  | Golem-Alola        |  0.162% |
| 179  | Togetic            |  0.161% |
| 180  | Vanilluxe          |  0.160% |
| 181  | Primeape           |  0.157% |
| 182  | Shiinotic          |  0.157% |
| 183  | Pyroar             |  0.156% |
| 184  | Manectric          |  0.153% |
| 185  | Kingler            |  0.151% |
| 186  | Aromatisse         |  0.150% |
| 187  | Tauros             |  0.149% |
| 188  | Guzzlord           |  0.149% |
| 189  | Masquerain         |  0.146% |
| 190  | Granbull           |  0.144% |
| 191  | Probopass          |  0.142% |
| 192  | Rampardos          |  0.141% |
| 193  | Drampa             |  0.141% |
| 194  | Garbodor           |  0.141% |
| 195  | Trevenant          |  0.137% |
| 196  | Dugtrio-Alola      |  0.136% |
| 197  | Abomasnow          |  0.134% |
| 198  | Lycanroc-Midnight  |  0.133% |
| 199  | Raichu-Alola       |  0.133% |
| 200  | Miltank            |  0.131% |
| 201  | Kecleon            |  0.130% |
| 202  | Avalugg            |  0.124% |
| 203  | Lapras             |  0.122% |
| 204  | Rotom              |  0.120% |
| 205  | Skuntank           |  0.118% |
| 206  | Electrode          |  0.117% |
| 207  | Armaldo            |  0.116% |
| 208  | Jynx               |  0.113% |
| 209  | Carracosta         |  0.113% |
| 210  | Regice             |  0.110% |
| 211  | Torracat           |  0.110% |
| 212  | Torterra           |  0.109% |
| 213  | Cacturne           |  0.107% |
| 214  | Audino             |  0.105% |
| 215  | Beartic            |  0.102% |
| 216  | Carbink            |  0.101% |
| 217  | Pinsir             |  0.100% |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
Combined usage for NU
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Percent |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| 1    | Steelix            | 28.314% |
| 2    | Slowbro            | 18.785% |
| 3    | Emboar             | 17.137% |
| 4    | Drapion            | 15.223% |
| 5    | Rotom-Mow          | 14.344% |
| 6    | Virizion           | 13.859% |
| 7    | Golbat             | 13.592% |
| 8    | Sceptile           | 13.218% |
| 9    | Meloetta           | 12.981% |
| 10   | Hitmonlee          | 12.784% |
| 11   | Sneasel            | 12.778% |
| 12   | Xatu               | 12.153% |
| 13   | Machamp            | 11.425% |
| 14   | Garbodor           | 11.093% |
| 15   | Mismagius          | 10.860% |
| 16   | Whimsicott         |  9.583% |
| 17   | Braviary           |  9.217% |
| 18   | Delphox            |  9.089% |
| 19   | Rhydon             |  8.897% |
| 20   | Vikavolt           |  8.660% |
| 21   | Seismitoad         |  7.534% |
| 22   | Malamar            |  7.434% |
| 23   | Hitmontop          |  7.309% |
| 24   | Slowking           |  7.173% |
| 25   | Vaporeon           |  6.643% |
| 26   | Uxie               |  6.268% |
| 27   | Druddigon          |  6.222% |
| 28   | Shuckle            |  6.155% |
| 29   | Omastar            |  5.797% |
| 30   | Minior             |  5.661% |
| 31   | Houndoom           |  5.604% |
| 32   | Incineroar         |  5.579% |
| 33   | Aurorus            |  5.414% |
| 34   | Barbaracle         |  5.381% |
| 35   | Scrafty            |  5.272% |
| 36   | Sigilyph           |  5.261% |
| 37   | Sandslash-Alola    |  5.190% |
| 38   | Cryogonal          |  5.172% |
| 39   | Rotom              |  5.110% |
| 40   | Spiritomb          |  5.076% |
| 41   | Vanilluxe          |  5.002% |
| 42   | Jellicent          |  4.918% |
| 43   | Vileplume          |  4.812% |
| 44   | Claydol            |  4.647% |
| 45   | Toxicroak          |  4.625% |
| 46   | Dodrio             |  4.608% |
| 47   | Ambipom            |  4.604% |
| 48   | Accelgor           |  4.209% |
| 49   | Typhlosion         |  4.004% |
| 50   | Cinccino           |  3.934% |
| 51   | Vivillon           |  3.852% |
| 52   | Clawitzer          |  3.834% |
| 53   | Aromatisse         |  3.737% |
| 54   | Scyther            |  3.601% |
| 55   | Medicham           |  3.357% |
| 56   | Qwilfish           |  3.192% |
| 57   | Archeops           |  3.172% |
| 58   | Mesprit            |  3.151% |
| 59   | Skuntank           |  3.105% |
| 60   | Guzzlord           |  3.008% |
| 61   | Turtonator         |  3.007% |
| 62   | Piloswine          |  2.806% |
| 63   | Samurott           |  2.666% |
| 64   | Sawk               |  2.438% |
| 65   | Exeggutor-Alola    |  2.386% |
| 66   | Klinklang          |  2.209% |
| 67   | Hitmonchan         |  2.153% |
| 68   | Hariyama           |  2.135% |
| 69   | Gallade            |  2.079% |
| 70   | Granbull           |  2.031% |
| 71   | Eelektross         |  1.972% |
| 72   | Kabutops           |  1.905% |
| 73   | Absol              |  1.778% |
| 74   | Komala             |  1.772% |
| 75   | Charizard          |  1.748% |
| 76   | Ludicolo           |  1.608% |
| 77   | Gastrodon          |  1.590% |
| 78   | Liepard            |  1.582% |
| 79   | Raichu-Alola       |  1.557% |
| 80   | Lycanroc           |  1.547% |
| 81   | Golurk             |  1.517% |
| 82   | Magmortar          |  1.513% |
| 83   | Weezing            |  1.506% |
| 84   | Lilligant          |  1.372% |
| 85   | Lanturn            |  1.359% |
| 86   | Manectric          |  1.353% |
| 87   | Tauros             |  1.325% |
| 88   | Audino             |  1.312% |
| 89   | Probopass          |  1.312% |
| 90   | Quagsire           |  1.301% |
| 91   | Persian-Alola      |  1.289% |
| 92   | Aggron             |  1.282% |
| 93   | Cofagrigus         |  1.259% |
| 94   | Cacturne           |  1.256% |
| 95   | Drampa             |  1.227% |
| 96   | Sandslash          |  1.216% |
| 97   | Gourgeist-Super    |  1.205% |
| 98   | Ditto              |  1.197% |
| 99   | Regirock           |  1.150% |
| 100  | Masquerain         |  1.142% |
| 101  | Miltank            |  1.127% |
| 102  | Raticate-Alola     |  1.053% |
| 103  | Lurantis           |  1.024% |
| 104  | Abomasnow          |  1.018% |
| 105  | Silvally-Ghost     |  1.013% |
| 106  | Togedemaru         |  0.997% |
| 107  | Kangaskhan         |  0.996% |
| 108  | Electivire         |  0.989% |
| 109  | Sableye            |  0.982% |
| 110  | Zangoose           |  0.959% |
| 111  | Pinsir             |  0.910% |
| 112  | Cradily            |  0.908% |
| 113  | Torterra           |  0.895% |
| 114  | Mudsdale           |  0.867% |
| 115  | Shiftry            |  0.854% |
| 116  | Togetic            |  0.822% |
| 117  | Ferroseed          |  0.822% |
| 118  | Crustle            |  0.816% |
| 119  | Passimian          |  0.810% |
| 120  | Avalugg            |  0.809% |
| 121  | Gorebyss           |  0.783% |
| 122  | Trevenant          |  0.781% |
| 123  | Dusclops           |  0.771% |
| 124  | Articuno           |  0.762% |
| 125  | Pyukumuku          |  0.748% |
| 126  | Stoutland          |  0.739% |
| 127  | Gurdurr            |  0.732% |
| 128  | Rampardos          |  0.717% |
| 129  | Dusknoir           |  0.662% |
| 130  | Hippopotas         |  0.644% |
| 131  | Meowstic           |  0.623% |
| 132  | Kecleon            |  0.621% |
| 133  | Lycanroc-Midnight  |  0.612% |
| 134  | Regice             |  0.611% |
| 135  | Lapras             |  0.604% |
| 136  | Ursaring           |  0.603% |
| 137  | Pyroar             |  0.596% |
| 138  | Altaria            |  0.579% |
| 139  | Leavanny           |  0.574% |
| 140  | Primeape           |  0.571% |
| 141  | Haunter            |  0.560% |
| 142  | Carbink            |  0.560% |
| 143  | Poliwrath          |  0.550% |
| 144  | Wishiwashi         |  0.545% |
| 145  | Armaldo            |  0.543% |
| 146  | Chatot             |  0.538% |
| 147  | Musharna           |  0.520% |
| 148  | Zebstrika          |  0.515% |
| 149  | Basculin           |  0.515% |
| 150  | Oricorio-Sensu     |  0.514% |
| 151  | Bibarel            |  0.510% |
| 152  | Silvally-Fairy     |  0.506% |
| 153  | Flareon            |  0.498% |
| 154  | Victreebel         |  0.492% |
| 155  | Tangela            |  0.492% |
| 156  | Floatzel           |  0.483% |
| 157  | Ninjask            |  0.476% |
| 158  | Necrozma           |  0.461% |
| 159  | Golem-Alola        |  0.458% |
| 160  | Silvally-Steel     |  0.454% |
| 161  | Shiinotic          |  0.451% |
| 162  | Beartic            |  0.451% |
| 163  | Arbok              |  0.443% |
| 164  | Camerupt           |  0.434% |
| 165  | Tyrantrum          |  0.428% |
| 166  | Pawniard           |  0.416% |
| 167  | Mawile             |  0.415% |
| 168  | Dugtrio-Alola      |  0.409% |
| 169  | Combusken          |  0.404% |
| 170  | Marowak            |  0.403% |
| 171  | Jynx               |  0.403% |
| 172  | Ariados            |  0.397% |
| 173  | Muk                |  0.394% |
| 174  | Ampharos           |  0.382% |
| 175  | Exeggutor          |  0.380% |
| 176  | Drifblim           |  0.366% |
| 177  | Golduck            |  0.365% |
| 178  | Clefairy           |  0.360% |
| 179  | Bastiodon          |  0.351% |
| 180  | Crabominable       |  0.351% |
| 181  | Kingler            |  0.349% |
| 182  | Exploud            |  0.348% |
| 183  | Electrode          |  0.339% |
| 184  | Swanna             |  0.336% |
| 185  | Pikachu            |  0.336% |
| 186  | Rotom-Frost        |  0.314% |
| 187  | Shedinja           |  0.312% |
| 188  | Mr. Mime           |  0.306% |
| 189  | Oricorio           |  0.293% |
| 190  | Type: Null         |  0.291% |
| 191  | Palossand          |  0.291% |
| 192  | Gourgeist-Large    |  0.289% |
| 193  | Carracosta         |  0.287% |
| 194  | Toucannon          |  0.286% |
| 195  | Leafeon            |  0.276% |
| 196  | Slaking            |  0.275% |
| 197  | Ninetales          |  0.275% |
| 198  | Kadabra            |  0.274% |
| 199  | Golem              |  0.254% |
| 200  | Walrein            |  0.253% |
| 201  | Sawsbuck           |  0.251% |
| 202  | Rotom-Fan          |  0.248% |
| 203  | Swoobat            |  0.246% |
| 204  | Porygon2           |  0.241% |
| 205  | Roselia            |  0.240% |
| 206  | Luxray             |  0.234% |
| 207  | Noctowl            |  0.230% |
| 208  | Lickilicky         |  0.228% |
| 209  | Meganium           |  0.226% |
| 210  | Raticate           |  0.226% |
| 211  | Silvally           |  0.217% |
| 212  | Butterfree         |  0.217% |
| 213  | Glaceon            |  0.214% |
| 214  | Wartortle          |  0.214% |
| 215  | Wormadam-Trash     |  0.207% |
| 216  | Ribombee           |  0.206% |
| 217  | Lumineon           |  0.200% |
| 218  | Bouffalant         |  0.196% |
| 219  | Gogoat             |  0.194% |
| 220  | Beheeyem           |  0.191% |
| 221  | Stunfisk           |  0.189% |
| 222  | Raichu             |  0.186% |
| 223  | Silvally-Fire      |  0.182% |
| 224  | Sliggoo            |  0.173% |
| 225  | Regigigas          |  0.168% |
| 226  | Vullaby            |  0.162% |
| 227  | Gourgeist          |  0.160% |
| 228  | Yanmega            |  0.153% |
| 229  | Magcargo           |  0.152% |
| 230  | Frogadier          |  0.152% |
| 231  | Heatmor            |  0.145% |
| 232  | Throh              |  0.144% |
| 233  | Relicanth          |  0.141% |
| 234  | Wigglytuff         |  0.139% |
| 235  | Jumpluff           |  0.133% |
| 236  | Corsola            |  0.131% |
| 237  | Gourgeist-Small    |  0.129% |
| 238  | Rapidash           |  0.123% |
| 239  | Prinplup           |  0.122% |
| 240  | Oricorio-Pom-Pom   |  0.120% |
| 241  | Noivern            |  0.120% |
| 242  | Mightyena          |  0.118% |
| 243  | Illumise           |  0.117% |
| 244  | Volbeat            |  0.115% |
| 245  | Pangoro            |  0.115% |
| 246  | Dragalge           |  0.114% |
| 247  | Kingdra            |  0.111% |
| 248  | Seadra             |  0.109% |
| 249  | Bellossom          |  0.108% |
| 250  | Silvally-Electric  |  0.106% |
| 251  | Furfrou            |  0.106% |
| 252  | Persian            |  0.104% |
| 253  | Moltres            |  0.101% |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +

Gardevoir-Mega moved from OU to UU
Jirachi moved from OU to UU
Machamp moved from NU to RU
Banette-Mega moved from UU to RU
Moltres moved from BL3 to RU
Kingdra moved from BL3 to OU
Nihilego moved from OU to UU
Mantine moved from RU to UU
Gallade-Mega moved from OU to UU
Tornadus moved from UU to RU
Hawlucha moved from UU to OU
Ampharos-Mega moved from OU to UU
Latias-Mega moved from OU to UU
Manaphy moved from BL to OU
Heracross-Mega moved from OU to UU
Drapion moved from NU to RU
Abomasnow-Mega moved from UU to RU
Decidueye moved from UU to RU
Meloetta moved from BL3 to RU
Dragonite moved from BL to OU
Absol-Mega moved from UU to RU
Altaria-Mega moved from OU to UU
Ninetales-Alola moved from UU to OU
Quagsire moved from NU to RU
Froslass moved from RU to NU
Smeargle moved from OU to UU
Manectric-Mega moved from OU to UU
Camerupt-Mega moved from UU to RU
Heracross moved from BL2 to UU
Nidoqueen moved from UU to RU
Audino-Mega moved from RU to NU
Hoopa-Unbound moved from OU to UU
Rotom-Wash moved from OU to UU
Tsareena moved from UU to RU
Zygarde-10% moved from UU to RU
Quick note--Updated PU-Beta is everything in NU that didn't just drop (so no M-Audio or Froslass) that's not in this list:

Combined usage for NU
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + 
 | Rank | Pokemon            | Percent | 
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + 
 | 1    | Steelix            | 28.314% |
 | 2    | Slowbro            | 18.785% |
 | 3    | Emboar             | 17.137% |
 | 4    | Drapion            | 15.223% |
 | 5    | Rotom-Mow          | 14.344% |
 | 6    | Virizion           | 13.859% |
 | 7    | Golbat             | 13.592% |
 | 8    | Sceptile           | 13.218% |
 | 9    | Meloetta           | 12.981% |
 | 10   | Hitmonlee          | 12.784% |
 | 11   | Sneasel            | 12.778% |
 | 12   | Xatu               | 12.153% |
 | 13   | Machamp            | 11.425% |
 | 14   | Garbodor           | 11.093% |
 | 15   | Mismagius          | 10.860% |
 | 16   | Whimsicott         |  9.583% |
 | 17   | Braviary           |  9.217% |
 | 18   | Delphox            |  9.089% |
 | 19   | Rhydon             |  8.897% |
 | 20   | Vikavolt           |  8.660% |
 | 21   | Seismitoad         |  7.534% |
 | 22   | Malamar            |  7.434% |
 | 23   | Hitmontop          |  7.309% |
 | 24   | Slowking           |  7.173% |
 | 25   | Vaporeon           |  6.643% |
 | 26   | Uxie               |  6.268% |
 | 27   | Druddigon          |  6.222% |
 | 28   | Shuckle            |  6.155% |
 | 29   | Omastar            |  5.797% |
 | 30   | Minior             |  5.661% |
 | 31   | Houndoom           |  5.604% |
 | 32   | Incineroar         |  5.579% |
 | 33   | Aurorus            |  5.414% |
 | 34   | Barbaracle         |  5.381% |
 | 35   | Scrafty            |  5.272% |
 | 36   | Sigilyph           |  5.261% |
 | 37   | Sandslash-Alola    |  5.190% |
 | 38   | Cryogonal          |  5.172% |
 | 39   | Rotom              |  5.110% |
 | 40   | Spiritomb          |  5.076% |
 | 41   | Vanilluxe          |  5.002% |
 | 42   | Jellicent          |  4.918% |
 | 43   | Vileplume          |  4.812% |
 | 44   | Claydol            |  4.647% |
 | 45   | Toxicroak          |  4.625% |
 | 46   | Dodrio             |  4.608% |
 | 47   | Ambipom            |  4.604% |
 | 48   | Accelgor           |  4.209% |
 | 49   | Typhlosion         |  4.004% |
 | 50   | Cinccino           |  3.934% |
 | 51   | Vivillon           |  3.852% |
 | 52   | Clawitzer          |  3.834% |
 | 53   | Aromatisse         |  3.737% |
 | 54   | Scyther            |  3.601% |

From now on, I'll publish raise/drop lists.
Combined usage for Doubles OU
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + 
 | Rank | Pokemon            | Percent | 
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + 
 | 1    | Landorus-Therian   | 28.350% |
 | 2    | Tapu Fini          | 22.170% |
 | 3    | Tapu Lele          | 20.511% |
 | 4    | Marshadow          | 19.072% |
 | 5    | Tapu Koko          | 18.414% |
 | 6    | Zapdos             | 16.340% |
 | 7    | Heatran            | 14.570% |
 | 8    | Charizard-Mega-Y   | 13.091% |
 | 9    | Salamence-Mega     | 12.453% |
 | 10   | Hoopa-Unbound      | 11.096% |
 | 11   | Aegislash          | 11.019% |
 | 12   | Celesteela         | 10.590% |
 | 13   | Ferrothorn         |  9.850% |
 | 14   | Tyranitar          |  8.983% |
 | 15   | Tapu Bulu          |  8.930% |
 | 16   | Amoonguss          |  8.876% |
 | 17   | Pelipper           |  8.553% |
 | 18   | Zygarde            |  8.070% |
 | 19   | Arcanine           |  7.796% |
 | 20   | Deoxys-Attack      |  7.380% |
 | 21   | Snorlax            |  7.151% |
 | 22   | Whimsicott         |  6.568% |
 | 23   | Scrafty            |  6.549% |
 | 24   | Kartana            |  6.481% |
 | 25   | Ninetales-Alola    |  6.475% |
 | 26   | Volcarona          |  6.070% |
 | 27   | Weavile            |  5.828% |
 | 28   | Volcanion          |  5.728% |
 | 29   | Kingdra            |  5.572% |
 | 30   | Diancie-Mega       |  5.502% |
 | 31   | Porygon2           |  5.407% |
 | 32   | Kyurem-Black       |  5.387% |
 | 33   | Garchomp           |  5.269% |
 | 34   | Gardevoir-Mega     |  5.176% |
 | 35   | Metagross-Mega     |  5.171% |
 | 36   | Mimikyu            |  5.142% |
 | 37   | Marowak-Alola      |  5.072% |
 | 38   | Swampert-Mega      |  5.049% |
 | 39   | Diancie            |  4.866% |
 | 40   | Suicune            |  4.577% |
 | 41   | Gengar-Mega        |  4.049% |
 | 42   | Genesect           |  3.978% |
 | 43   | Milotic            |  3.978% |
 | 44   | Excadrill          |  3.841% |
 | 45   | Politoed           |  3.724% |
 | 46   | Ludicolo           |  3.678% |
 | 47   | Mawile-Mega        |  3.617% |
 | 48   | Oranguru           |  3.555% |
 | 49   | Gastrodon          |  3.553% |
 | 50   | Bronzong           |  3.470% |
 | 51   | Pheromosa          |  3.256% |
 | 52   | Araquanid          |  3.193% |
 | 53   | Rotom-Wash         |  3.085% |
 | 54   | Tyranitar-Mega     |  3.035% |
 | 55   | Terrakion          |  3.015% |
 | 56   | Abomasnow-Mega     |  2.817% |
 | 57   | Cresselia          |  2.809% |
 | 58   | Shaymin-Sky        |  2.802% |
 | 59   | Venusaur           |  2.786% |
 | 60   | Muk-Alola          |  2.757% |
 | 61   | Torkoal            |  2.752% |
 | 62   | Camerupt-Mega      |  2.680% |
 | 63   | Bisharp            |  2.486% |
 | 64   | Venusaur-Mega      |  2.475% |
 | 65   | Gyarados-Mega      |  2.459% |
 | 66   | Mew                |  2.422% |
 | 67   | Sylveon            |  2.412% |
 | 68   | Gigalith           |  2.192% |
 | 69   | Gyarados           |  2.169% |
 | 70   | Landorus           |  2.159% |
 | 71   | Raichu             |  2.056% |
 | 72   | Scizor-Mega        |  2.051% |
 | 73   | Smeargle           |  2.023% |
 | 74   | Victini            |  1.919% |
 | 75   | Xurkitree          |  1.893% |
 | 76   | Thundurus-Therian  |  1.871% |
 | 77   | Greninja           |  1.862% |
 | 78   | Primarina          |  1.831% |
 | 79   | Blastoise-Mega     |  1.818% |
 | 80   | Sceptile-Mega      |  1.777% |
 | 81   | Dusclops           |  1.759% |
 | 82   | Hitmontop          |  1.751% |
 | 83   | Togekiss           |  1.700% |
 | 84   | Drampa             |  1.664% |
 | 85   | Nihilego           |  1.649% |
 | 86   | Porygon-Z          |  1.583% |
 | 87   | Raichu-Alola       |  1.553% |
 | 88   | Lopunny-Mega       |  1.541% |
 | 89   | Hawlucha           |  1.508% |
 | 90   | Azumarill          |  1.410% |
 | 91   | Greninja-Ash       |  1.344% |
 | 92   | Dragonite          |  1.262% |
 | 93   | Hariyama           |  1.253% |
 | 94   | Clefable           |  1.223% |
 | 95   | Scizor             |  1.216% |
 | 96   | Serperior          |  1.210% |
 | 97   | Breloom            |  1.182% |
 | 98   | Thundurus          |  1.158% |
 | 99   | Latios             |  1.158% |
 | 100  | Cradily            |  1.153% |
 | 101  | Typhlosion         |  1.120% |
 | 102  | Aerodactyl-Mega    |  1.080% |
 | 103  | Ninetales          |  1.079% |
 | 104  | Hippowdon          |  1.051% |
 | 105  | Manectric-Mega     |  1.042% |
 | 106  | Conkeldurr         |  1.007% |
 | 107  | Blaziken           |  0.956% |
 | 108  | Darkrai            |  0.955% |
 | 109  | Goodra             |  0.952% |
 | 110  | Golisopod          |  0.929% |
 | 111  | Metagross          |  0.915% |
 | 112  | Infernape          |  0.906% |
 | 113  | Hydreigon          |  0.903% |
 | 114  | Garchomp-Mega      |  0.877% |
 | 115  | Gengar             |  0.873% |
 | 116  | Meloetta           |  0.844% |
 | 117  | Drifblim           |  0.841% |
 | 118  | Salamence          |  0.837% |
 | 119  | Cofagrigus         |  0.826% |
 | 120  | Charizard-Mega-X   |  0.820% |
 | 121  | Latias-Mega        |  0.808% |
 | 122  | Slowbro            |  0.807% |
 | 123  | Blaziken-Mega      |  0.805% |
 | 124  | Wishiwashi         |  0.802% |
 | 125  | Gothitelle         |  0.792% |
 | 126  | Talonflame         |  0.790% |
 | 127  | Alakazam-Mega      |  0.787% |
 | 128  | Aerodactyl         |  0.781% |
 | 129  | Rotom-Heat         |  0.767% |
 | 130  | Aromatisse         |  0.733% |
 | 131  | Chandelure         |  0.698% |
 | 132  | Crobat             |  0.679% |
 | 133  | Machamp            |  0.673% |
 | 134  | Mienshao           |  0.662% |
 | 135  | Ampharos-Mega      |  0.661% |
 | 136  | Rhyperior          |  0.651% |
 | 137  | Slowbro-Mega       |  0.643% |
 | 138  | Reuniclus          |  0.643% |
 | 139  | Comfey             |  0.637% |
 | 140  | Lilligant          |  0.631% |
 | 141  | Krookodile         |  0.610% |
 | 142  | Magnezone          |  0.609% |
 | 143  | Vikavolt           |  0.587% |
 | 144  | Jolteon            |  0.587% |
 | 145  | Medicham-Mega      |  0.566% |
 | 146  | Meowstic           |  0.555% |
 | 147  | Espeon             |  0.552% |
 | 148  | Staraptor          |  0.534% |
 | 149  | Mamoswine          |  0.524% |
 | 150  | Keldeo             |  0.509% |
 | 151  | Ribombee           |  0.501% |
 | 152  | Slowking           |  0.501% |
 | 153  | Lycanroc           |  0.498% |
 | 154  | Heliolisk          |  0.490% |
 | 155  | Jellicent          |  0.486% |
 | 156  | Toxapex            |  0.459% |
 | 157  | Blastoise          |  0.459% |
 | 158  | Togedemaru         |  0.458% |
 | 159  | Darmanitan         |  0.457% |
 | 160  | Gallade-Mega       |  0.450% |
 | 161  | Swampert           |  0.447% |
 | 162  | Lucario-Mega       |  0.435% |
 | 163  | Murkrow            |  0.433% |
 | 164  | Buzzwole           |  0.433% |
 | 165  | Mudsdale           |  0.430% |
 | 166  | Sandslash-Alola    |  0.428% |
 | 167  | Persian-Alola      |  0.414% |
 | 168  | Shuckle            |  0.413% |
 | 169  | Rhydon             |  0.408% |
 | 170  | Toxicroak          |  0.403% |
 | 171  | Cloyster           |  0.399% |
 | 172  | Aron               |  0.394% |
 | 173  | Exeggutor-Alola    |  0.389% |
 | 174  | Oricorio-Pom-Pom   |  0.384% |
 | 175  | Electivire         |  0.384% |
 | 176  | Lapras             |  0.383% |
 | 177  | Audino-Mega        |  0.374% |
 | 178  | Clefairy           |  0.374% |
 | 179  | Stoutland          |  0.374% |
 | 180  | Heracross-Mega     |  0.356% |
 | 181  | Incineroar         |  0.352% |
 | 182  | Tornadus           |  0.348% |
 | 183  | Chansey            |  0.343% |
 | 184  | Salazzle           |  0.342% |
 | 185  | Houndoom-Mega      |  0.341% |
 | 186  | Pikachu            |  0.340% |
 | 187  | Vanilluxe          |  0.338% |
 | 188  | Lucario            |  0.330% |
 | 189  | Dhelmise           |  0.329% |
 | 190  | Tsareena           |  0.326% |
 | 191  | Klefki             |  0.326% |
 | 192  | Zygarde-10%        |  0.325% |
 | 193  | Skarmory           |  0.317% |
 | 194  | Empoleon           |  0.316% |
 | 195  | Sableye-Mega       |  0.315% |
 | 196  | Beedrill-Mega      |  0.315% |
 | 197  | Rampardos          |  0.311% |
 | 198  | Nidoking           |  0.309% |
 | 199  | Golem-Alola        |  0.299% |
 | 200  | Escavalier         |  0.295% |
 | 201  | Shiftry            |  0.293% |
 | 202  | Gardevoir          |  0.291% |
 | 203  | Mandibuzz          |  0.289% |
 | 204  | Dugtrio            |  0.289% |
 | 205  | Aggron-Mega        |  0.287% |
 | 206  | Oricorio-Sensu     |  0.286% |
 | 207  | Hitmonlee          |  0.280% |
 | 208  | Pachirisu          |  0.278% |
 | 209  | Necrozma           |  0.275% |
 | 210  | Nidoqueen          |  0.269% |
 | 211  | Ambipom            |  0.256% |
 | 212  | Sableye            |  0.249% |
 | 213  | Gliscor            |  0.246% |
 | 214  | Dragalge           |  0.242% |
 | 215  | Latias             |  0.240% |
 | 216  | Parasect           |  0.240% |
 | 217  | Lurantis           |  0.238% |
 | 218  | Musharna           |  0.234% |
 | 219  | Manaphy            |  0.228% |
 | 220  | Tornadus-Therian   |  0.226% |
 | 221  | Crawdaunt          |  0.219% |
 | 222  | Altaria-Mega       |  0.213% |
 | 223  | Palossand          |  0.212% |
 | 224  | Togetic            |  0.212% |
 | 225  | Kommo-o            |  0.212% |
 | 226  | Kabutops           |  0.207% |
 | 227  | Malamar            |  0.203% |
 | 228  | Shedinja           |  0.201% |
 | 229  | Deoxys-Speed       |  0.199% |
 | 230  | Alakazam           |  0.197% |
 | 231  | Aurorus            |  0.195% |
 | 232  | Crabominable       |  0.194% |
 | 233  | Vaporeon           |  0.193% |
 | 234  | Charjabug          |  0.185% |
 | 235  | Starmie            |  0.180% |
 | 236  | Lanturn            |  0.180% |
 | 237  | Galvantula         |  0.179% |
 | 238  | Banette-Mega       |  0.176% |
 | 239  | Jynx               |  0.175% |
 | 240  | Gallade            |  0.175% |
 | 241  | Tangrowth          |  0.172% |
 | 242  | Entei              |  0.171% |
 | 243  | Golduck            |  0.170% |
 | 244  | Manectric          |  0.168% |
 | 245  | Kyurem             |  0.167% |
 | 246  | Umbreon            |  0.167% |
 | 247  | Noivern            |  0.165% |
 | 248  | Walrein            |  0.156% |
 | 249  | Raikou             |  0.156% |
 | 250  | Eelektross         |  0.152% |
 | 251  | Trevenant          |  0.151% |
 | 252  | Mr. Mime           |  0.147% |
 | 253  | Delphox            |  0.147% |
 | 254  | Seismitoad         |  0.144% |
 | 255  | Marowak            |  0.143% |
 | 256  | Pidgeot-Mega       |  0.143% |
 | 257  | Liepard            |  0.141% |
 | 258  | Blissey            |  0.140% |
 | 259  | Stantler           |  0.133% |
 | 260  | Froslass           |  0.130% |
 | 261  | Glaceon            |  0.129% |
 | 262  | Charizard          |  0.128% |
 | 263  | Slaking            |  0.126% |
 | 264  | Beartic            |  0.124% |
 | 265  | Haxorus            |  0.122% |
 | 266  | Regigigas          |  0.122% |
 | 267  | Spinda             |  0.119% |
 | 268  | Diggersby          |  0.115% |
 | 269  | Pinsir-Mega        |  0.115% |
 | 270  | Ditto              |  0.114% |
 | 271  | Steelix-Mega       |  0.114% |
 | 272  | Linoone            |  0.113% |
 | 273  | Exeggutor          |  0.112% |
 | 274  | Braviary           |  0.112% |
 | 275  | Mesprit            |  0.111% |
 | 276  | Dusknoir           |  0.111% |
 | 277  | Honchkrow          |  0.110% |
 | 278  | Exploud            |  0.110% |
 | 279  | Vivillon           |  0.110% |
 | 280  | Aggron             |  0.110% |
 | 281  | Decidueye          |  0.109% |
 | 282  | Omastar            |  0.106% |
 | 283  | Seaking            |  0.106% |
 | 284  | Regice             |  0.106% |
 | 285  | Poliwrath          |  0.106% |
 | 286  | Minior             |  0.106% |
 | 287  | Kecleon            |  0.105% |
 | 288  | Feraligatr         |  0.103% |
 | 289  | Rotom-Frost        |  0.101% |
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- +

Because of how Doubles stores its banlists, my script that automatically calculates the rises and drops is broken, and--to keep it 100--I don't have the time or inclination to fix it. So Doubles UU going forward is everything on this list below 3.41%. How that differs from last quarter? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Quick note--Updated PU-Beta is everything in NU that didn't just drop (so no M-Audio or Froslass) that's not in this list:

Combined usage for NU
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Percent |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| 1    | Steelix            | 28.314% |
| 2    | Slowbro            | 18.785% |
| 3    | Emboar             | 17.137% |
| 4    | Drapion            | 15.223% |
| 5    | Rotom-Mow          | 14.344% |
| 6    | Virizion           | 13.859% |
| 7    | Golbat             | 13.592% |
| 8    | Sceptile           | 13.218% |
| 9    | Meloetta           | 12.981% |
| 10   | Hitmonlee          | 12.784% |
| 11   | Sneasel            | 12.778% |
| 12   | Xatu               | 12.153% |
| 13   | Machamp            | 11.425% |
| 14   | Garbodor           | 11.093% |
| 15   | Mismagius          | 10.860% |
| 16   | Whimsicott         |  9.583% |
| 17   | Braviary           |  9.217% |
| 18   | Delphox            |  9.089% |
| 19   | Rhydon             |  8.897% |
| 20   | Vikavolt           |  8.660% |
| 21   | Seismitoad         |  7.534% |
| 22   | Malamar            |  7.434% |
| 23   | Hitmontop          |  7.309% |
| 24   | Slowking           |  7.173% |
| 25   | Vaporeon           |  6.643% |
| 26   | Uxie               |  6.268% |
| 27   | Druddigon          |  6.222% |
| 28   | Shuckle            |  6.155% |
| 29   | Omastar            |  5.797% |
| 30   | Minior             |  5.661% |
| 31   | Houndoom           |  5.604% |
| 32   | Incineroar         |  5.579% |
| 33   | Aurorus            |  5.414% |
| 34   | Barbaracle         |  5.381% |
| 35   | Scrafty            |  5.272% |
| 36   | Sigilyph           |  5.261% |
| 37   | Sandslash-Alola    |  5.190% |
| 38   | Cryogonal          |  5.172% |
| 39   | Rotom              |  5.110% |
| 40   | Spiritomb          |  5.076% |
| 41   | Vanilluxe          |  5.002% |
| 42   | Jellicent          |  4.918% |
| 43   | Vileplume          |  4.812% |
| 44   | Claydol            |  4.647% |
| 45   | Toxicroak          |  4.625% |
| 46   | Dodrio             |  4.608% |
| 47   | Ambipom            |  4.604% |
| 48   | Accelgor           |  4.209% |
| 49   | Typhlosion         |  4.004% |
| 50   | Cinccino           |  3.934% |
| 51   | Vivillon           |  3.852% |
| 52   | Clawitzer          |  3.834% |
| 53   | Aromatisse         |  3.737% |
| 54   | Scyther            |  3.601% |

From now on, I'll publish raise/drop lists.

Medicham in PU pls no
Jesus take UU's wheel.

With the incorrect assumption that all those drops stay....Scizor use to be really good in UU, now it's damn near necessary on every team. Scizor's ability to revenge kill just got so much better due to mons like Nihilego, Hoopa, Gardevoir, and Altaria now running around.

Just when you think one mon can't get any better in a metagame: This happens. Rest in peace UU, we knew thee well.
Mega Latios couldn't drop even if it's usage allowed it to be uu. Like Mega Garchomp it would be classifed OU by technicality because it's base form (Latios/Garchomp) are OU by usage. Correct me if I'm wrong tho.
Oh yeah, I keep forgetting about that rule. Hard to remember since Chomp is the only one it really applied to until now.
Wtf UU is so broken, calling it everything bar Nihilego, Washtom, Mega Alt, Mega Lati, and Mega Mane are going right out the door.

RU looks really fun, Mantine is good riddance, Zygarde 10% and Decid both look fun. Nido as well. Tsareena provides a nice spinner with a good defensive typing, as well as nice shark check. also lmfao @ aboma switch ins wya

NOT MACHAMP MY SON ROSE, rip the fighting stab in NU once emboar gets suspected.....also spikes stack incoming

Granbull's gonna be on every single PU team now, where the fighting resists at lol
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