Serious US Election Thread (read post #2014)

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hoped trump would say in his victory speech:


Whatever good luck america lol
Between Brexit, FARC, ISIS, and the countless other travesties humanity has wrought upon itself in recent memory, this is the one that broke me. It's too painful to care anymore. The only way I'm going to be able to deal with these coming years is to pretend it isn't happening. My favorite part about this nightmare is just how powerless not only I am, as an individual, but we are, as a species, against the forces of hatred, intolerance, and greed that seem to poison every level of the human spirit. Honestly, I used to be an optimist. I used to believe that someday, somehow, some way, we'd be able to embrace our differences and triumphantly carry forth the torch of progress. But having watched this nation instead drop this torch to go for the throats of innocent people -- the untold number of black, Latino, female, immigrant, Muslim, LGBT, and poor people whose lives will be utterly ruined by the outcome of this election -- a shadow of doubt has been cast on my belief in the fundamental goodness of humanity. Am I angry? Absolutely incensed. Am I disappointed? More than I've ever felt in my life. But perhaps it was my fault for having expectations to begin with.
Well, you idjits who voted for Trump had better be 110% right about him. I swear to God you had better be, because there is no going back.

I am literally sick to my stomach, and can't sleep.

In the meantime, progressives will have to contend with the reality of not fighting climate change or protecting the environment, making the wealthy paying their fair share, the Affordable Health Care being replaced wth...we don't know what, no ending the oligarchy in sight, regulations for pubic safety, and trying to keep Trump his tiny hands off the nuclear codes. At least we have the popular vote to leverage (albeit by only 30,000).

And then there is the fact that the more radical right wingers will feel emboldened by this victory. They might not tolerate any dissent, but dissent we must.

About the only things we've gained out of this is that the TPP is going to be redone/ripped up and replaced and a new, better Iran deal will (hopefully) be negotiated.

the stock market will recover

the real issue is trump appointing three supreme court judges
Yeah, more money in politics, because corporations are people, and if you disagree, then just die! Citizens United will be the law of the land.

florida tho

Yeah, I apologize for my fellow idiots. Then again, we should see before I go down that road. I take it back. For now.

It's becoming increasingly likely that Trump will be our President Elect. The majority of our country voted for this. As a nation, we have to rally behind him, because we have to put our country first. I just have to keep doing my best and do my part in making this country a better place.

Screw that. For every thing that he does that goes against our values, we should make such a huge stink, it will be the breaking news of the day. Liberty trumps unity!

Lol... are you really sad about Obamacare going away? You like paying $1500 for healthcare and not getting adequate coverage?

More like the fact it will be ripped up within who knows when, and replaced with what? I don't trust Trump and his fellow Repugs to draft a fine replacement.
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So I'm actually mad at all the people putting the fucking suicide prevention number all over facebook / twitter for people to call.

"Fuck candidate didn't win better off myself," fuck you. if even 10% of these fake calls come in it's hurting those that actually need this phone call that are being punished. don't put this number out on social media just for people to fucking call. you think people voting for Donald Trump have no respect look in the mirror.
Between Brexit, FARC, ISIS, and the countless other travesties humanity has wrought upon itself in recent memory, this is the one that broke me. It's too painful to care anymore. The only way I'm going to be able to deal with these coming years is to pretend it isn't happening. My favorite part about this nightmare is just how powerless not only I am, as an individual, but we are, as a species, against the forces of hatred, intolerance, and greed that seem to poison every level of the human spirit. Honestly, I used to be an optimist. I used to believe that someday, somehow, some way, we'd be able to embrace our differences and triumphantly carry forth the torch of progress. But having watched this nation instead drop this torch to go for the throats of innocent people -- the untold number of black, Latino, female, immigrant, Muslim, LGBT, and poor people whose lives will be utterly ruined by the outcome of this election -- a shadow of doubt has been cast on my belief in the fundamental goodness of humanity. Am I angry? Absolutely incensed. Am I disappointed? More than I've ever felt in my life. But perhaps it was my fault for having expectations to begin with.
Brexit is a "travesty"???

If anything, European Union is the travesty here
Lol... are you really sad about Obamacare going away? You like paying $1500 for healthcare and not getting adequate coverage?

More like the fact it will be ripped up within
This election is rigged, can't believe America has fallen this low

I'm going to resist seriously supporting this notion unless evidence is found. But I wouldn't put it against the Repugs to force their values down our throats. Hopefully, if evidence is found, it will lead to a major lawsuit.

Depressing time for America. I don't think Bernie would've fared much better given the way the voters handled this. Democrats have to revamp for 2020 to say the least. I just hope everyone stays positive and remembers to remain kind to each other. The next 4 years will certaintly be interesting regardless!

I highly doubt that. I think that Bernie's lack of corruption would have been a huge factor in giving the Democrats the White House. There is no fucking way he would have lost to that orange lunatic. Many angry people who voted for Trump would have gone with the less radical, and more appealing option.

I'm very miffed at the DNC right now. They should have stayed completely neutral, and not given Clinton 500 super delegates, and thus made it an uphill battle for Sanders electorally and psychologically. I feel that they have thrown us to the wolf.
I was worried from that start. If Bernie had the nomination, he would have kicked some serious ass. Instead, we went Clinton and f*cked ourselves over in the process.
If it's any consolation for the liberals, you'll see Florida pay for their decision as sea levels rise under Trump's presidency and submerge the entire state to prevent any damage in future elections.

I live in Florida, so I don't find that funny at all. Congratulations, you've just volunteered to house me and my family while we sue the every we can for everything we can get (or failing that, take their property by force) when our homes go underwater. Hope you have a big house.

Say it with me Smogon; make America great again!

Make America a Great Big Radioactive Wasteland of Bigotry and Hate.

I really hope that this just turns out the be a joke. I really do.

I want to make clear that I didn't want Hillary to win. She didn't deserve the be President. But any of the other candidates would have been preferable to Trump.

And no, I'm not wasting my time on crying. That bitch who never should have gotten the nomination isn't worth it, and there is no time for that. I have other, better things to do.

To fellow progressives: we will have to form a strong political movement countering any Trump Regime policies that goes against our collective values, including civil disobedience. Hopefully, the worst of his supporters won't respond to such movements with violence.

I seriously talked to my family about getting a gun, because I know how crazy some of his supporters are. I don't feel safe the country I was born in anymore. The consensus is that we will wait and see.
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Looking at it again, it seems like this whole election has been a choice between "politics" and "literally anything else". Trump is a showman, not a politician, and he managed to make the election all about the show rather than, you know, politics.

He is in no way qualified to lead a country, much less being the supreme commander of a nuclear-armed military. He is not a diplomat, he has no respect for evidence and statistics, and his stance on most issues is more flip-floppy than a trout on land wearing rubber sandals. He's fond of big words and lofty speeches, but press him on concrete plans and he'll change the subject. And judging by his career so far, his moral values basically boil down to a dollar sign. He might be the worst role model for his country you can imagine.

...and that's why he did things so well. He has none of the qualities typically found in a politician, and in the current environment people have grown to loathe politicians and by extension politics in general. Given the choice of "politics or something else", most people seem to have got a preference for the latter.

But thing is, politics is strictly required to run a country. You need facts and figures, you need diplomacy, you need concrete plans and difficult words and negotiations. You can't choose away these things, it's like trying to choose away the need to dispose of waste, or the need for a healthy diet. Disregard or neglect the boring stuff, and things WILL fall to pieces quickly. And now the American people have, by a majority it seems, chosen to disregard the concept of responsible governance.

Good luck.
For all the Clinton supporters taking the approach of "fUck thE wOrLD iS GONnA END AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", i would suggest less bitching and more trying to get your shit together as much as possible. The election is over, no going back. No use to mourn. Just do your thing.

Also you guys look really dumbo just crying.

I honestly feel that the speech Trump gave is promising. He is going to (hopefully) have good relationships with the world (most notably Russia). China is a question mark but it would've always been with the huge debts America has to it.

Also, strenghtening the infrastructure of America? Thats pretty great. But I gotta say, minorities will be in for a ride and even I can't say I completely would agree with that.

But please, try to make the best out of it, you guys.
I live in Florida, so I don't find that funny at all. Congratulations, you've just volunteered to house me and my family while we sue the every we can for everything we can get (or failing that, take their property by force) when our homes go underwater. Hope you have a big house.

Don't worry, Trump owns a multibillion dollar real estate firm and he owes the people of Florida. I'm sure he'll hook you up with a small million dollar house :)
Don't worry, Trump owns a multibillion dollar real estate firm and he owes the people of Florida. I'm sure he'll hook you up with a small million dollar house :)

He'd better, or I'm prone to take the money from him, over his cold dead body if necessary. He is known for stiffing those he owes. And I imagine there will be millions of families who will be lined up.

Oh, and I might need to replace my Zoids. That's like several grant. At least my Pokémon are readily moveable.
Don't worry, Trump owns a multibillion dollar real estate firm and he owes the people of Florida. I'm sure he'll hook you up with a small million dollar house :)
Yeah, my mom tutored someone who was good friends with Trump, I might be able to get hooked up... hopefully.
He'd better, or I'm prone to take the money from him, over his cold dead body if necessary. He is known for stiffing those he owes. And I imagine there will be millions of families who will be lined up.

Oh, and I might need to replace my Zoids. That's like several grant. At least my Pokémon are readily moveable.
And you're calling Trump supporters the crazy ones
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As a french, it's not that i really care about either of them, they're both as shitty, to me, and as shitty as our candidates for 2017. And Trump's demagogy about kittens or mexico-paied walls is just demagogy.
But the whole "let's burn coal, let's crack those shale gas pockets, let's be retarded consumers" thing, now that pisses me off. A small, weak progress had been made, but it was still progress. Now with the Senate and the Congress on his side i don't even want to imagine how many taxes obese coal-burners will be freed from.

And now asses from everywhere will tell us "power to the people, he won against a rotten system", and so on. Man, do you really think he's outside and against the system? Go check how much money from the Republican Party he spent, just to see how independent from the system he is. Not even talking about all the other things.
We have the same dicks in France it's depressing.
And you're calling Trump supporters the crazy ones

I meant it in jest. Yeah, I don't think I could actually ever carry out mugging someone, even if they wronged me and deserved it. Though loosing my house and by belongings would make me very, very cranky, so I hope things just work out, and I don't get to see how crazy I can get if driven angry enough. People will do crazy things if angry and hopeless enough. This election is a microcosm of that fact.

Civilization is a thin veneer separating us from our brutal caveman ancestors.

As a french, it's not that i really care about either of them, they're both as shitty, to me, and as shitty as our candidates for 2017. And Trump's demagogy about kittens or mexico-paied walls is just demagogy.
But the whole "let's burn coal, let's crack those shale gas pockets, let's be retarded consumers" thing, now that pisses me off.
And now asses from everywhere will tell us "power to the people, he won against a rotten system", and so on. Man, do you really think he's outside and against the system? Go check how much money from the Republican Party he spent, just to see how independent from the system he is. Not even talking about all the other things.
We have the same dicks in France it's depressing.

Maybe we should do to the new establishment what we did to the British 240 odd years ago?
It's all about the Salt. Getting off on the "liberal left" for losing this election right? That's how it's seen by a good majority sadly. Aside from the possible ramifications globally, you truly don't understand how this feels for minorities within this country. Don't spew that bs about no proof of him using racist rhetoric or him actually meaning half the things he's said, even just pandering for votes in such a way is truly damaging. No he isn't going to bring back slavery, most likely won't herd up families and send them to a land they can't thrive or survive, hell he probably won't even build a wall. No the damage is already done, it's trying to deal with the increase in bigotry by those that followed him and were inspired by his rhetoric, unless you've dealt with these individuals like many of us have at work or anywhere publicly or have had random people shout "build that wall" at your mother and sister's even though they were born and raised in America, you can't possibly understand what this feels like.

I'm sorry to everyone, to every minority and every person in general that was ever offended in this election. Mind you we will be called "whiners", we're cry babies because we're tired of being judged and harassed by people we don't even know, being judged by our ethnic background or religion and not our accomplishments. Hell we'll even be told what's racist and what's not by individuals who have never once experienced being on the other end of that harassment, I'm not entirely sure I should be as concerned for what he promised as so much as what he has represented and sparked within other people. I wish the best for everyone, regardless of who you voted for.
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The scariest part about this isn't even that Trump won, it's that Republicans now hold the House, the Senate, and a majority in the Supreme Court once they appoint someone. Shit's gonna get real ugly soon.

PS. I legitimately detest you if you voted independent in a swing state--you may as well have voted Trump.
My takeaway from this election:

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