Name(s): Machamp
Type: Fighting / Dragon
Justification: Machamp is a Pokemon who represents power and brute force, something many dragon types show off. In addition Machamp, as everybody knows, has four arms. Because of this Machamp could be seen very similar to, and according to Bulbapedia, may even be based on, Hindu Gods, which because of their ancient mythical nature, make perfect sense to be presented by with a Dragon type. Also, Machamp is the only Pokemon who learns Dual Chop via level up and isn't a dragon type/mega evolve into a dragon type. Dragon Pulse and Draco Meteor are given for flavor moves, while Dragon Rush can be used for No Guard sets and Outrage can be used for Guts sets
New Moves: Dragon Pulse, Draco Meteor, Dragon Rush, Outrage
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None
Name(s): Scrafty
Type: Dragon / Fighting
Justification: Scraggy and Scrafty are based off reptiles that have changed their Skin, and reptiles are often associated with Dragon type in the Pokemon world. They can already learn Dragon-type moves such as Dragon Claw and Dragon Dance and they are effectively part of the Dragon egg group.
New Moves: Draco Meteor, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Earthquake
Removed Moves: //
Altered Abilities: //
Name(s): Druddigon
Type: Dragon / Fighting
Justification: It already learns several Fighting-type moves, including Revenge and Superpower by level-up.
New Moves: Drain Punch
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None
Name: Haxorus
Type: Dragon/Fighting
Justification: "They are kind but can be relentless when defending territory. They challenge foes with tusks that can cut steel." Facts to note here: Haxorus is a very territorial pokemon, all three of its dex entries mention it being strong enough to cut steel (but as a dragon, it normally can't), and it has an aggressive fighting stance - all these point towards a fighting type, IMO.
New Moves: +Close Combat
Removed Moves: None that I can think of other than maybe Aerial Ace.
Altered Abilities: -Unnerve, + Sheer Force (I feel that it makes sense due to its sheer spook factor, also it doesn't change much other than coverage moves). None
Name: Lucario
Type: Fighting / Dragon
Justification: The 'Dragon'-type is one of those types that are connected to the 'mythical' or 'legendary'. Thanks to Lucario's portrayal in both anime and movies, as well (according to Pokemon DB) as its name coming from the word 'orichalcum', an anicent, mythical metal, it could be classed as something like that, although not strictly. It also learns two Dragon-type moves, Dragon Pulse and Dual Chop, already.
New Moves: Draco Meteor, Dragon Claw, Dragon Rush
Removed Moves: Metal Sound, Iron Defense, Flash Cannon
Altered Abilities: None
Name(s): Nidoran Female, Nidorina, Nidoqueen
Type: Dragon/Fighting (Nidoran Female and Nidorina are pure Dragon)
Justification: A combative (RIVALRY) bunny-reptile whatsit. We're told Nidoqueen has poisonous barbs like Nidoking, but it doesn't really look it, it looks more like it has rounded Godzilla spines. So, drop the Poison angle, because it's barely there anyway, and drop the Ground angle because... well, honestly, I haven't the foggiest why the Nidoroyals suddenly gain the typing anyway.
New Moves: Draco Meteor, Dragon Claw, Dragon Rush, Dragon Dance, Drain Punch, Close Combat.
Removed Moves: Sludge Wave, Sludge Bomb, Earth Power, Toxic Spikes.
Altered Abilities: Poison Point is replaced with Defiant.
Name(s): Mega Latios
Type: Dragon / Fighting
Justification: Notably outclassed clone of Mega Latias, who's Mega Evolution makes it more use then Latios's, unless we just want to keep using Choice Scarf normal forms, making it have a different type will help it greatly, its male gender works as there has never been a female only Fighting type and there has been male ones. It also has more attack (mainly in mega evolution) then the other and more then average in Fighting types. Also for ironic-ness: It understands human speech and is highly intelligent. It is a tender Pokémon that dislikes
fighting. Now When it mega evolves, it becomes so aggressive, it losses it tenderness to protect Latias and the people he loves, And Latias protect it through Mega evolving as well thanks to its bulk (A nice explanation for their stats and stuff)
New Moves: Final Gambit,
Focus Blast (TM),
Aura Sphere,
Vacuum Wave,
Sky Uppercut,
Superpower (Tutor Move),
Seismic Toss
Removed Moves: Heal Block,
Heal Pulse,
Stored Power,
Psycho Shift
Altered Abilities: Sheer Force, otherwise keep Levitate
(Which seems more of a Psychic type ability)
Name(s): Marowak
Type: Dragon/Fighting
Justification: Marowak already learns quite a few Fighting moves, and the skull on its head looks rather obviously to be a reptilian one.
New Moves: Dragon Rage, Dragon Claw (TM), Dragon Pulse (Move Tutor), Outrage, Draco Meteor (Move Tutor), Dragon Dance, Dragon Rush, Revenge, Karate Chop, Superpower (Move Tutor), Submission
Removed Moves: Earth Power, Icy Wind, Ice Beam, Blizzard
Altered Abilities: None
Name(s): Rampardos
Type: Dragon/Fighting
Justification: Rampardos is based off a dinosaur, close enough to dragon amirite. And just look at it's design, it's based off a battery ram and a dinosaur, this thing is meant to get in your face and attack with a certain physical style, like fighters do. It already gets quite some dragon moves but one is a special move and the other is low priority. Rampardos also gets outrage as well as many other fighting type moves which supports this typing.
New Moves: Close combat, dragon claw, dragon dance, drain punch.
Removed Moves: Rock slide and stone edge (keeps head smash because it's a ramming pokemon)
Altered Abilities: none
Name(s): Mega Garchomp
Type: Dragon / Fighting
Justification: This follows a similar mentality to Fighting Haxorus - it has a ferocious and strong look to it. Fighting isn't out of the question that, and most of the other good ideas were taken ;; I didn't want to straight up give this monster Close Combat, so I figured the best STAB for it would be Cross Chop, as its not too powerful and fits with its design. Finally, since it doesn't have its Ground-typing, Sand Force isn't the most sensible for it. Since the whole idea is that we're going for the ferocious / powerful flavor for its Fighting-type, Intimidate was given to it. This is also mainly here to give Garchomp more viability over normal chomp.
New Moves: Cross Chop
Removed Moves: none
Altered Abilities: Sand Force --
> Intimidate
Name(s): Nidoran Male, Nidorino, Nidoking
Type: Dragon/Fighting (Nidoran Male and Nidorino are pure Dragon)
Justification: Same as Nidoqueen.
New Moves: Draco Meteor, Dragon Claw, Dragon Rush, Dragon Dance, Drain Punch, Close Combat.
Removed Moves: Sludge Wave, Sludge Bomb, Earth Power, Toxic Spikes.
Altered Abilities: Poison Point is replaced with Competitive.
Name(s): Mienshao
Type: Fighting/Dragon
Justification: Mienshao is clearly a very noble fighter, and the Dragon-type has been traditionally associated with traits such as nobility and pride, as seen in other non-Dragon Pokemon who learn Dragon-type moves such as Arcanine and Lucario. Additionally, as the name suggests, Mienshao is partially based upon the disciplines of shaolin monks, adept martial artists and wise spiritual ascetics. The Shaolin Monastery itself, from which the monks and their discipline gain their names, is located in China, and China is well-known for its associations with Dragons. While it does not gain many notable Dragon-type moves, and in fact has an increased number of weaknesses now (including 4x to Fairy!), Dragon Dance allows it a Speed boost to outrun its foes, a
nd giving it Mega Launcher instead of Reckless benefits it by giving it a large boost to two of its most powerful STAB moves; Aura Sphere and the newly-added Dragon Pulse.
New Moves: Dragon Pulse, Dragon Dance, Dragon Claw, Outrage
Removed Moves: Reversal, Double Slap
Altered Abilities: Reckless -> Mega Launcher None