Undiscovered Types [PLAYABLE on Galaxy Server!]


Porygon-Z (Porygon2 and Porygon are still mono Normal)
Type: Normal / Poison
Justification: This basically falls back to the same idea of Normal / Bug Porygon-Z - P-Z is glitchy and buggy. More than likely the Dubious Disk could be a form of malware, which could be seen as a deadly poison to computer and things closely related to computers such as Porygon-Z. However, Porygon-Z has clearly harnessed the power of this malware, increasing its power and speed in exchange for bulk. Because we're going with this definitely of Poison, it doesn't get many things that a normal Poison-type would. Basically it just has access to the most basic STAB moves for Poison-types - Sludge Bomb and Poison Jab.
New Moves: Sludge Bomb, Poison Jab
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Lickilicky (Lickitung is still mono Normal)
Type: Normal / Rock
Justification: Time for the flimsiest argument ever - to evolve Lickitung, it needs to know Rollout! Not much else to say here, honestly - it's very flimsy justification but what I would of thought of first was already taken.
New Moves: Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Rock Polish, Stealth Rock, Ancient Power
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Stantler
Type: Normal / Ice
Justification: More flimsy justification! This time we make Stantler a reindeer, which honestly fits kind of well with its design alone (making it a lot less flimsy than Licki lol). Now I really wish there was a Hail speed booster, as it would work wonders on this. Alas, Snow Cloak will have to do. Movepool is just a bunch of Ice moves.
New Moves: Icicle Crash, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hail, Ice Shard, Icy Wind, Powder Snow, Avalanche, Freeze-Dry, Ice Fang, Icicle Spear, Aurora Beam
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: Frisk --> Snow Cloak
We're nearing the end of the project -- this is the third to last slate, with the final slate being Ubers-exclusive types (Dragon/Steel, Dragon/Ghost, Ghost/Steel). As such, the next slate will cover the final two types (I counted Electric + Dark twice before, so this slate is only two) that don't exist in the game at all (Electric + Fighting and Electric + Psychic). IF ANYONE COMES UP WITH TYPES I MISSED, PM ME OR POST HERE. If there were one or two I didn't account for, I'll add them to the next slate. Thank you.

I think we still need an Electric/Rock type so that can easily fit in the next slate.

Also just wondering, will this project include Volcanion? Still not released officially so if its based on OU we will have Fire/Water missing (just wondering since your doing Ubers exclusive types so every type combo is possible in OU)

Name(s): Cranidos/Rampardos
Type: Normal/Rock
Justification: They look a bit regular and the other Sinnoh fossil got a secondary typing, so why not Cranidos and Rampardos?
New Moves: Head Charge
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: +Rock Head

Oooh that's a nice entry. Although just a funny image since Head Charge is "Afro Break" in Japanese and even the English description mentions head hair on the description (totally picturing Rampardos with an Afro right now :D). I assume it will be used with Rock Head anyway, so Double Edge pretty much has the same purpose/base power and fits better. (I think only advantage of Head Charge is less recoil but Rock Head prevents that anyway)
I think we still need an Electric/Rock type so that can easily fit in the next slate.

Also just wondering, will this project include Volcanion? Still not released officially so if its based on OU we will have Fire/Water missing (just wondering since your doing Ubers exclusive types so every type combo is possible in OU)
Thanks, I must have copied over "Dark" instead of "Rock" from my old list and then deleted it.

I'm indeed banking on Valcanion being released. If it gets banned from OU I'll open up a bonus slate to get a new Fire/Water. From the rumblings I've heard, there's no reason to quick-ban it but it might cause trouble, so we'll see.

Type: Normal/Poison
Justification: Pokedex entry: "Their saliva contains lots of components that can dissolve anything. The numbness caused by their lick does not dissipate."
New Moves: Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Gastro Acid
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: N/A


Name(s): Sudowoodo (+Bonsly)
Type: Rock/Normal
Justification: The Normal-type is often used for Pokemon who don't fit into any existing type, and Sudowoodo is definitely more than just a rock. This also gives it STAB on Double-Edge.
New Moves: N/A, it already has what it needs.
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: N/A, Rock Head is good for spamming STAB Head Smashes and Double-Edges.


Name(s): Delibird
Type: Ice/Normal
Justification: It learns a lot of Normal-type moves, including Rapid Spin. And there are several Pokemon who fly but aren't Flying-type.
New Moves: N/A
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: Insomnia -> Regenerator (it carries food in its tail, so it can snack on food to restore its HP when it switches out)

Name(s): Minccino, Cinccino
Type: Normal/Ice
Justification: Chinchillas are native to high mountain areas, and the actual Pokemon are found in cold areas in both main and spin-off games (Cold Storage in BW, Mt. Vinter in Shuffle, Plasma Tundra in Rumble World). Cinccino's design has a winter color scheme and utilizes a fur scarf, a popular fixture of winter clothing. Plus, Skill Link Icicle Spear.
New Moves: Icicle Spear, Icicle Crash, Ice Shard, Ice Beam, Blizzard
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Carbink
Type: Rock/Normal
Justification: In XY, many existing Normal types were changed to Fairy, so the reverse is also plausible. It also makes sense that the comparatively plain, lowly Carbinks would be Normal while their radiant queen, Diance, is the mythical Fairy type. Plus, STAB Explosion.
New Moves: Double Edge
Removed Moves: Moonblast
Altered Abilities: +Solid Rock


Name(s): Gulpin, Swalot
Type: Poison/Normal
Justification: Swalot is...a gland? Or something. No one really knows. It might have the most ambiguous origins of any Pokemon. Unlike Muk, which is just a pile of sludge, Swalot clearly is just something that just has poisonous properties, rather than the essence of Poison itself. Bulbapedia says "Swalot might be based upon a generic organism that uses pseudopodia." Generic you say? Normal seems like a good fit. Its signature moves, Stockpile/Swallow/Spit Up, are also Normal type already. Plus, STAB Explosion (again).
New Moves: Fake Out, Recover
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None
Discussion time! (Also seriously you guys should vote because only two people have)


is one of those winners that I can say was unambiguously improved, but I still don't have much to say about it. Ice and Fairy are both cool offensive types, but they're rather redundant and I'm not really sure why you'd use Vanilluxe over another Fairy. Any Bullet punch will kill too haha.


Florges is bringing the hype! Not only does it finally have a real ability, but a real good one too. Three immunities is outstanding, and the Ground typing gives it a lot without much downside. Fairy + Ground is great STAB, its very good defensively, and only adds a Water weakness. Sylveon still hits harder and can switch into Scald a lot easier, but Florges definitely has that niche it really needed.


Mienshao will probably see more use thanks to its typing. Double Sucker Punch resistance means you're not getting revenge killed unless you're REALLY low, and with Regenerator, that scenario may never happen. It still has all its old weak points, but at least Play Rough and some new resists provide a bit of help.
A neat thing about Florges is that it's an Aromatherapy user that doesn't have to worry about paralysis- except for the odd Glare. It is also immune to powder moves like Spore while at the same not being weak to Fire/Flying like the Grass types do. Stealth Rock resistance is also nice for a Cleric. The Electric/Grass immunity can make for a nice core with Water types. Florges also gets an Ice weakness to go with the Water weakness, but these are resisted by a Water type partner (who usually resist Steel as well).

Vanilluxe swaps a Fighting neutrality, Dark/Bug resistance and Dragon immunity for an extra weakness to Steel and Poison. Some useful new resistances but the Ice type still lets it down with a Rock weakness- but any additional resists to Ice is always welcome. An extra Fairy coverage move is nice with its access to Freeze Dry, giving it an interesting expanded coverage for an Ice type. Clear Body is an okay ability and not as situational as say, Ice Body and doesn't have a drawback like Weak Armour. In fact, it can be useful if you decide to use Autotomize to boost speed (although you're very susceptible to Bullet Punch). Totally forgot about Snow Warning as an ability

Mienshao's typing is good to scare off Hydreigon. Additional Fairy STAB means it has another option for Ghost types and is useful for Sableye/Spiritomb. Also has a double U-turn resistance, although its Defense is a bit on the low side.

Illumise and Volbeat (by zerobreaker000 and Da Pizza Man)

Bug-> Bug/Fairy
+ Moonblast, Misty Terrain, Disarming Voice, Draining Kiss, Fairy Wind, Baby-Doll Eyes, Sweet Kiss, Misty Terrain
Pros: Defensively and offensively advantageous, Prankster Misty Terrain (?)
Cons: New weaknesses
(NOTE: I figured these two should remain the same type even though they're not connected by evolution -- their designs and movepools are very similar, and there's a reason they both got submitted for the type. I used zerobreaker000's move list for both since his Illumise submission won.)

Masquerain (by The Reptile)

Bug/Flying -> Bug/Water
Pros: No longer auto-dies to Stealth Rocks, gains useful new STAB combo, appreciates Water's resistances
Cons: Loses immunity and some resistances

Kricketune (+Kricketot) (by mcFlareon)

Bug -> Bug/Normal
+ Tinted Lens
+ Boomburst, Belly Drum, Metronome

Pros: Powerful new moves, great new ability, immune to Ghost
Cons: Neutral to Fighting



Time for the twelfth voting stage! PM me (don't post it in the thread please) three choices for each of the type combinations, and then give each choice 1-3 points. You have one +3, one +2, and one +1 to give for each type. Just list the submission name under the type, and give it the points in parenthesis like so:

Normal + Ice: Cinccino (+3), Stantler (+2), Stoutland (+1)
Normal + Rock: Rampardos (+3), Golem (+2), Sudowoodo (+1)
Normal + Poison: Raticate (+3), Swalot (+2), Skuntank (+1)

What you're actually voting for is subjective, but try to focus on things that are actually fitting first, then consider which ones a particularly cool and/or viable.


Name(s): Stoutland
Type: Normal/Ice
Justification: Dex mentions it rescues people stranded in blizzards in mountains, so it makes sense that an Ice typing helps it plough through blizzard conditions with no problem. Can be found in Cold Storage.
New Moves: Icicle Crash, Icicle Spear, Hail, Ice Shard, Ice Beam, Blizzard
Removed Moves: Fire Fang
Altered Abilities: Sand Rush -> Fur Coat


Name(s): Glaceon
Type: Normal/Ice
Justification: It's from Eevee and is a Field Pokemon.
New Moves: Pin Missle, Icicle Spear, Twineedle, Spike Cannon (these 3 are for flavor), Power Gem (also for flavor)
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: +Iron Barbs (for flavor


Name(s): Stantler
Type: Normal / Ice
Justification: More flimsy justification! This time we make Stantler a reindeer, which honestly fits kind of well with its design alone (making it a lot less flimsy than Licki lol). Now I really wish there was a Hail speed booster, as it would work wonders on this. Alas, Snow Cloak will have to do. Movepool is just a bunch of Ice moves.
New Moves: Icicle Crash, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hail, Ice Shard, Icy Wind, Powder Snow, Avalanche, Freeze-Dry, Ice Fang, Icicle Spear, Aurora Beam
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: Frisk --> Snow Cloak


Name(s): Delibird
Type: Ice/Normal
Justification: It learns a lot of Normal-type moves, including Rapid Spin. And there are several Pokemon who fly but aren't Flying-type.
New Moves: N/A
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: Insomnia -> Regenerator (it carries food in its tail, so it can snack on food to restore its HP when it switches out)


Name(s): Minccino, Cinccino
Type: Normal/Ice
Justification: Chinchillas are native to high mountain areas, and the actual Pokemon are found in cold areas in both main and spin-off games (Cold Storage in BW, Mt. Vinter in Shuffle, Plasma Tundra in Rumble World). Cinccino's design has a winter color scheme and utilizes a fur scarf, a popular fixture of winter clothing. Plus, Skill Link Icicle Spear.
New Moves: Icicle Spear, Icicle Crash, Ice Shard, Ice Beam, Blizzard
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None

Name(s): Geodude -> Graveler -> Golem
Type: Rock/Normal
Justification: The most common Rock type found in most regions. Design-wise its also very pedestrian- a rock with a face and limbs. Dex entries even mention how people mistake Geodude for rocks without noticing- they are that plain. The Ground type isn't even really that pronounced in its Dex entries anyway and is most likely because all Rock types besides Fossils were Ground type in Gen 1. (Compare Onix for example where it is explicitly mentioned to dig tunnels underground). Still keeps the more important Ground moves because Rock types typically get them. Replaced Sand Veil with Bulletproof because Dex flavour of how Golem survives dynamite blasts. Loss of Ground STAB will be missed but it gets STAB on Double-Edge (with Rock Head) and Explosion. Maybe some STAB Flail fun with a Sturdy set?
New Moves: Body Slam, Headbutt, Mega Punch
Removed Moves: Mud Sport, Magnitude, Earth Power
Altered Abilities: Sand Veil -> Bulletproof


Name(s): Cranidos/Rampardos
Type: Normal/Rock
Justification: They look a bit regular and the other Sinnoh fossil got a secondary typing, so why not Cranidos and Rampardos?
New Moves: Head Charge
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: +Rock Head


Name(s): Lickilicky (Lickitung is still mono Normal)
Type: Normal / Rock
Justification: Time for the flimsiest argument ever - to evolve Lickitung, it needs to know Rollout! Not much else to say here, honestly - it's very flimsy justification but what I would of thought of first was already taken.
New Moves: Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Rock Polish, Stealth Rock, Ancient Power
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Sudowoodo (+Bonsly)
Type: Rock/Normal
Justification: The Normal-type is often used for Pokemon who don't fit into any existing type, and Sudowoodo is definitely more than just a rock. This also gives it STAB on Double-Edge.
New Moves: N/A, it already has what it needs.
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: N/A, Rock Head is good for spamming STAB Head Smashes and Double-Edges.


Name(s): Carbink
Type: Rock/Normal
Justification: In XY, many existing Normal types were changed to Fairy, so the reverse is also plausible. It also makes sense that the comparatively plain, lowly Carbinks would be Normal while their radiant queen, Diance, is the mythical Fairy type. Plus, STAB Explosion.
New Moves: Double Edge
Removed Moves: Moonblast
Altered Abilities: +Solid Rock

Rattata -> Raticate
Type: Normal/Poison
Justification: Rats carry germs and disease and are usually considered vermin or pests. Rattata can be found in Castelia sewers and also has a purple colour scheme that fits with the Poison type.
New Moves: Poison Fang, Venoshock, Gunk Shot, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Stunky/Skuntank
Type: Normal/Poison
Justification: It's a skunk, just a nasty skunk. It looks evil, but it's just a skunk. It also has Keen Eye, which in mind, is given to a bunch of Normal types. Also, it's movepool is mostly Normal moves, it's in the Field Egg Group, and it's design looks a bit normal except for the giant overhanging tail.
New Moves: Hyper Voice, Self-Destruct, Sludge Wave, Gunk Shot (this is a standard for a lot of Normal types and also why it does not have it yet?), Seed Bomb (this is as well), Whirlwind, Slam, Quick Attack, Rage
Removed Moves: Dark Pulse, Punishment, Foul Play, Memento, Snatch, Snarl, Torment, Taunt
Altered Abilities: None


Porygon-Z (Porygon2 and Porygon are still mono Normal)
Type: Normal / Poison
Justification: This basically falls back to the same idea of Normal / Bug Porygon-Z - P-Z is glitchy and buggy. More than likely the Dubious Disk could be a form of malware, which could be seen as a deadly poison to computer and things closely related to computers such as Porygon-Z. However, Porygon-Z has clearly harnessed the power of this malware, increasing its power and speed in exchange for bulk. Because we're going with this definitely of Poison, it doesn't get many things that a normal Poison-type would. Basically it just has access to the most basic STAB moves for Poison-types - Sludge Bomb and Poison Jab.
New Moves: Sludge Bomb, Poison Jab
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Type: Normal/Poison
Justification: Pokedex entry: "Their saliva contains lots of components that can dissolve anything. The numbness caused by their lick does not dissipate."
New Moves: Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Gastro Acid
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: N/A


Name(s): Gulpin, Swalot
Type: Poison/Normal
Justification: Swalot is...a gland? Or something. No one really knows. It might have the most ambiguous origins of any Pokemon. Unlike Muk, which is just a pile of sludge, Swalot clearly is just something that just has poisonous properties, rather than the essence of Poison itself. Bulbapedia says "Swalot might be based upon a generic organism that uses pseudopodia." Generic you say? Normal seems like a good fit. Its signature moves, Stockpile/Swallow/Spit Up, are also Normal type already. Plus, STAB Explosion (again).
New Moves: Fake Out, Recover
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None

The thirteenth submissions slate has started! Submit Pokemon for the three following type combinations:

Electric + Rock
Electric + Psychic
Electric + Fighting

Read the guidelines if you haven't already. If you missed the submission template, here it is:

New Moves:
Removed Moves:
Altered Abilities:

The deadline is one week from now: Sunday November 8th at midnight.

Type: Rock/Electric
Justification: It learns Magnet Rise, Thunder Wave, Spark, Discharge, Thunder Wave, and Zap Cannon all by level up, and can also Thunderbolt, Thunder, and Volt Switch by TM.
New Moves: N/A
Removed Moves: Flash Cannon, Magnet Bomb,
Altered Abilities: Sand Force -> Levitate


Name(s): Elgyem and Beheeyem
Type: Psychic/Electric
Justification: They communicate by flashing the lights on their fingers.
New Moves: Thunder, Volt Switch
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: Telepathy -> Volt Absorb


Name(s): Electvire
Type: Electric/Fighting
Justification: Electivire has big arms, and like many Fighting-types, it's a primate. It also learns quite a few Fighting-type moves.
New Moves: Close Combat, Superpower, Drain Punch, Mach Punch, Bulk Up
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: Vital Spirit -> Iron Fist (This lets it make better use of its punch attacks), +Sheer Force
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Name(s): Porygon-Z
Electric / Psychic
Justification: Electric because cyber Pokemon and is one of the few non-Electric types to learn Zap Cannon naturally. Psychic because of huge special attack and it learns Trick Room naturally when the move was first introduced- which was almost exclusively by TM back in Gen 4. It also learns lots of Psychic moves naturally like Magic Coat and Psybeam, and Electric moves like Discharge. And hey, experiment gone wrong? Sounds like another Psychic type with the name of Mewtwo :p Also Porygon and Porygon 2 are just Electric.
New Moves: Charge, Electrify, Electroweb, Magnet Rise, Volt Switch, Wild Charge, Calm Mind, Barrier, Extrasensory, Psycho Shift, Magic Room, Wonder Room, Skill Swap
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Raichu
Electric / Fighting
Justification: It looks mean/feisty enough to be Fighting type plus has the colour scheme for it. The Dex even says it turns aggressive when it stores too much electricity. Also the new typing gives it something to finally differentiate it from Pikachu. No Guard for some Thunder/Focus Blast/Zap Cannon shenanigans- it's very frail anyway and basically has no defenses or 'guard'. Justifications- it has to put its tail on the ground to discharge built up electricity which sounds like a vulnerable position. It also gets more aggressive when too much electricity is in its body and being aggressive usually means you can let you guard down easily. Also it lets loose a small discharge that makes its body glow in the dark- which makes it an easy target in dark areas. Oh and Pichu and Pikachu stay pure Electric
New Moves: Close Combat, Aura Sphere, Vacuum Wave, Mach Punch, Superpower, Drain Punch, Bulk Up, Jump Kick, High Jump Kick, Zap Cannon
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: +No Guard


Name(s): Boldore -> Gigalith
Rock / Electric
Justification: The gems resemble the floating gems in Chargestone cave where it can also be found as a Boldore (moreso in the shiny version).
New Moves: Charge, Electroweb, Magnet Rise, Volt Switch, Wild Charge, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Discharge, Thunder Wave, Zap Cannon
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: +Volt Absorb

Swagodile: You should totally give Electivire Power-up Punch, still fits with the new ability and most Fighting types with fists learn it :D Also it only has 2 Abilities anyway so you can probably add Iron Fist without removing Vital Spirit if you want
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Reserving Metagross for Electric + Psychic because Beheeyem just got taken :U

Name(s): Metagross
Type: Psychic/Electric
Metagross' status as a biological(?) supercomputer is pretty highlighted, and it learns Magnet Rise naturally anyways.
New Moves: Wild Charge, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Charge Beam, Discharge, Zap Cannon, Electric Terrain, Magnetic Flux, Thunder Fang, Volt Switch
Removed Moves: Bullet Punch, Stealth Rock, Sandstorm, Rock Polish
Altered Abilities: Light Metal -> Analytic
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zerobreaker000 I'm fairly sure the submissions are individual in this unlike Fusion Evolution, so as long as it isn't an exact clone you should be able to make a Psychic/Electric Beheyeem as well. I saw 2/3 Avaluggs in a previous slate once.

Type: Electric/Fighting
Justification: Dex entries describe Zebstrika as a brutal fighter, and has a clear bias for physical Attack (rare for an Electric type) and an ability to boost it further but basically has no physical moves to use. Gen 5 was was also notably the generation that added a tone of quadruped fighting beasts, so Zebstrika wouldn't have been out of place. It already has some kicking moves so the Jump Kick series felt fitting enough.
New Moves: High Jump Kick, Jump Kick
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: None


Name(s): Abra, Kadabra, (Mega) Alakazam
Type: Psychic/Electric
Justification: The focus of the Alakazam line, above even fellow Psychic types, is their immensely powerful brains (5000 IQ!). Brains function via electrochemical pathways, so an Electric typing isn't that much of a stretch, especially given the yellow color scheme common to many other Electrics. (Mega) Alakazam also has one of the most obscene Speed stats in the game, a commonality in fellow Electrics like Electrode and Mega Manectric. It even looks like Kadabra has little lightning bolts on his tummy!
New Moves: Volt Switch, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Discharge
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: N/A


Name(s): Regirock (+Regice, Registeel, Regigigas)
Type: Rock/Electric (+Ice/Electric, Steel/Electric, Normal/Electric)
Justification: Technically they're not an evolutionary family, but I'm not changing one part of a legendary trio and this is my project so whatever. The Regis are clearly robotic in nature, with their glowing bead eyes and angular bodies. The anime interpretation even further supports this. More importantly, however, the golem trio has an insane Electric movepool already. They are some of the only Pokemon to learn Zap Cannon, and they also learn Charge Beam by level up. Thunder, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Shock Wave and Thunder Punch are available via tutor and TM. I'm honestly kind of surprised they weren't Electric type already. Adding Analytic because they have an open slot and because of their semi-mechanized nature (they get Lock On, etc.)
New Moves: Wild Charge, Volt Switch, Discharge
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: +Analytic (Regirock/Regice/Registeel, sorry Regigigas)
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Illumise and Volbeat are significantly improved but still terrible. Prankster Misty Terrain or Tail Glow/Moonblast aren't going to make up for terrible stats.


Masquerain is...similarly bad. However, the lack of a double SR weakness and the addition of a much better typing in general does make it slightly more attractive as a Sticky Web setter or MAYBE a Quiver Dance user.


Oh Kricketune. Bug types in general just have the worst stats, don't they? With Tinted Lens and Boomburst, you'd think that maybe it could put in some work, but you have roughly the same Special Attack as Swellow, which needs Specs to hit hard and has like double the Speed. Belly Drum is similarly let down by your Speed. Sticky Web still has better users.

Stoutland (by mcFlareon)

Normal-> Normal/Ice
+ Fur Coat
- Sand Rush
+ Icicle Crash, Icicle Spear, Hail, Ice Shard, Ice Beam, Blizzard
- Fire Fang
Pros: Fur Coat gives it a great Defense boost, new STAB/priority helps it offensively
Cons: Saddled with a ton of new weaknesses (and a x4) in exchange for a single resistance

Golem (by mcFlareon)

Rock/Ground -> Rock/Normal
+ Bulletproof
- Sand Veil
+ Body Slam, Headbutt, Mega Punch
- Mud Sport, Magnitude, Earth Power
Pros: Bulletproof is a cool buff, strong STAB Explosion, trades 2 x4 weaknesses for 1
Cons: Struggles against Steels, fewer resistances

Raticate (+Rattata) (by mcFlareon)

Normal -> Normal/Poison
+ Poison Fang, Venoshock, Gunk Shot, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave
Pros: New high-power STAB, loses Fighting weakness, resists Fairy
Cons: Still can't muscle past Steels, gains exploitable weaknesses



Time for the twelfth voting stage! PM me (don't post it in the thread please) three choices for each of the type combinations, and then give each choice 1-3 points. You have one +3, one +2, and one +1 to give for each type. Just list the submission name under the type, and give it the points in parenthesis like so:

Electric + Rock: Regirock (+3), Probopass (+2), Gigalith (+1)
Electric + Psychic: Beheeyem (+3), Porygon-Z (+2), Alakazam (+1)
Electric + Fighting: Electivire (+3), Zebstrika (+2), Raichu (+1)

What you're actually voting for is subjective, but try to focus on things that are actually fitting first, then consider which ones a particularly cool and/or viable.


Type: Rock/Electric
Justification: It learns Magnet Rise, Thunder Wave, Spark, Discharge, Thunder Wave, and Zap Cannon all by level up, and can also Thunderbolt, Thunder, and Volt Switch by TM.
New Moves: N/A
Removed Moves: Flash Cannon
Altered Abilities: Sand Force -> Levitate


Name(s): Boldore -> Gigalith
Rock / Electric
Justification: The gems resemble the floating gems in Chargestone cave where it can also be found as a Boldore (moreso in the shiny version).
New Moves: Charge, Electroweb, Magnet Rise, Volt Switch, Wild Charge, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Discharge, Thunder Wave, Zap Cannon
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: +Volt Absorb

Name(s): Regirock (+Regice, Registeel, Regigigas)
Type: Rock/Electric (+Ice/Electric, Steel/Electric, Normal/Electric)
Justification: Technically they're not an evolutionary family, but I'm not changing one part of a legendary trio and this is my project so whatever. The Regis are clearly robotic in nature, with their glowing bead eyes and angular bodies. The anime interpretation even further supports this. More importantly, however, the golem trio has an insane Electric movepool already. They are some of the only Pokemon to learn Zap Cannon, and they also learn Charge Beam by level up. Thunder, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Shock Wave and Thunder Punch are available via tutor and TM. I'm honestly kind of surprised they weren't Electric type already. Adding Analytic because they have an open slot and because of their semi-mechanized nature (they get Lock On, etc.)
New Moves: Wild Charge, Volt Switch, Discharge
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: +Analytic (Regirock/Regice/Registeel, sorry Regigigas)

Name(s): Elgyem and Beheeyem
Type: Psychic/Electric
Justification: They communicate by flashing the lights on their fingers.
New Moves: Thunder, Volt Switch
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: Telepathy -> Volt Absorb


Name(s): Porygon-Z
Electric / Psychic
Justification: Electric because cyber Pokemon and is one of the few non-Electric types to learn Zap Cannon naturally. Psychic because of huge special attack and it learns Trick Room naturally when the move was first introduced- which was almost exclusively by TM back in Gen 4. It also learns lots of Psychic moves naturally like Magic Coat and Psybeam, and Electric moves like Discharge. And hey, experiment gone wrong? Sounds like another Psychic type with the name of Mewtwo :p Also Porygon and Porygon 2 are just Electric.
New Moves: Charge, Electrify, Electroweb, Magnet Rise, Volt Switch, Wild Charge, Calm Mind, Barrier, Extrasensory, Psycho Shift, Magic Room, Wonder Room, Skill Swap
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: None

Name(s): Abra, Kadabra, (Mega) Alakazam
Type: Psychic/Electric
Justification: The focus of the Alakazam line, above even fellow Psychic types, is their immensely powerful brains (5000 IQ!). Brains function via electrochemical pathways, so an Electric typing isn't that much of a stretch, especially given the yellow color scheme common to many other Electrics. (Mega) Alakazam also has one of the most obscene Speed stats in the game, a commonality in fellow Electrics like Electrode and Mega Manectric. It even looks like Kadabra has little lightning bolts on his tummy!
New Moves: Volt Switch, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Discharge
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: N/A


Name(s): Metagross
Type: Psychic/Electric
Metagross' status as a biological(?) supercomputer is pretty highlighted, and it learns Magnet Rise naturally anyways.
New Moves: Wild Charge, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Charge Beam, Discharge, Zap Cannon, Electric Terrain, Magnetic Flux, Thunder Fang, Volt Switch
Removed Moves: Bullet Punch, Stealth Rock, Sandstorm, Rock Polish
Altered Abilities: Light Metal -> Analytic

Name(s): Electvire
Type: Electric/Fighting
Justification: Electivire has big arms, and like many Fighting-types, it's a primate. It also learns quite a few Fighting-type moves.
New Moves: Close Combat, Superpower, Drain Punch, Mach Punch, Bulk Up
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: +Sheer Force


Name(s): Raichu
Electric / Fighting
Justification: It looks mean/feisty enough to be Fighting type plus has the colour scheme for it. The Dex even says it turns aggressive when it stores too much electricity. Also the new typing gives it something to finally differentiate it from Pikachu. No Guard for some Thunder/Focus Blast/Zap Cannon shenanigans- it's very frail anyway and basically has no defenses or 'guard'. Justifications- it has to put its tail on the ground to discharge built up electricity which sounds like a vulnerable position. It also gets more aggressive when too much electricity is in its body and being aggressive usually means you can let you guard down easily. Also it lets loose a small discharge that makes its body glow in the dark- which makes it an easy target in dark areas. Oh and Pichu and Pikachu stay pure Electric
New Moves: Close Combat, Aura Sphere, Vacuum Wave, Mach Punch, Superpower, Drain Punch, Bulk Up, Jump Kick, High Jump Kick, Zap Cannon
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: +No Guard


Type: Electric/Fighting
Justification: Dex entries describe Zebstrika as a brutal fighter, and has a clear bias for physical Attack (rare for an Electric type) and an ability to boost it further but basically has no physical moves to use. Gen 5 was was also notably the generation that added a tone of quadruped fighting beasts, so Zebstrika wouldn't have been out of place. It already has some kicking moves so the Jump Kick series felt fitting enough.
New Moves: High Jump Kick, Jump Kick
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: None
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The final submissions slate has started! The goal of this slate is to make Ubers-exclusive types usable in OU on fully evolved Pokemon (sorry Doublade). I decided to add Volcanion just because it probably won't release for a while, and when it does, there's a chance it could get banned. Submit Pokemon for the four following type combinations:

Dragon + Steel
Steel + Ghost
Ghost + Dragon
Water + Fire

Read the guidelines if you haven't already. If you missed the submission template, here it is:

New Moves:
Removed Moves:
Altered Abilities:

The deadline is one week from now: Sunday November 15th at midnight.

Noibat -> Noivern
Type: Dragon/Ghost
Justification: Noivern is part-wyvern and part-bat, and bats are spooky and associated with horror just like ghosts. Frisk and Infiltrator are already abilities associated with Ghosts (Banette, Spiritomb, etc.) so it fits. Changed Telepathy to Levitate so it still flies and hey, a lot of Ghosts get Levitate.
New Moves: Night Shade, Curse, Ominous Wind, Shadow Claw, Confuse Ray, Destiny Bond, Grudge, Pain Split
Removed Moves: Hurricane, Air Slash
Altered Abilities: Telepathy -> Levitate


Name(s): Steelix -> Mega Steelix
Type: Steel/Dragon
Justification: Steelix looks like a giant metal wyrm, which can be a burrowing, limbless dragon. Also already learns Dragonbreath and naturally and can learn Dragon Tail. Changed Mega Steelix's ability to Filter since those floating metal scales look like they'll filter at least some attacks from the main body and Sand Force seems more of a Ground type ability anyway. Onix becomes Rock/Dragon
New Moves: Draco Meteor, Dragon Rush, Outrage, Dragon Dance, Dragon Rage
Removed Moves: Earth Power, Mud Sport
Altered Abilities: Sand Force -> Filter


Name(s): Torkoal
Type: Fire/Water
Justification: Part-turtle which is usually associated with water. Smoke can be steam and it lives near volcanoes like Mt. Chimney which can have hot springs (Lavaridge). Also looks like a walking cooking oven and that shell looks like it can hold boiling water hence Storm Drain.
New Moves: Scald, Surf, Hydro Pump, Rain Dance, Aqua Ring, Water Pulse
Removed Moves: None
Altered Abilities: +Storm Drain


Name(s): Bronzor -> Bronzong
Type: Steel/Ghost
Justification: Part of its design as a bell and Bronzor's design as a mirror can be linked to a Japanese myth "A Mirror and a Bell" where local priests wanted local women to donate their bronze mirrors to be forged into a bell. One woman donated hers but regretted it later and because of this, her mirror wouldn't melt until she killed herself. Her lasts words were anyone who would break the bell will be given riches by her ghost, so many people rang it and the priests finally grew tired of the noise and rolled the bell down into a swamp. (Better explained here). Also, according to an old proverb, a mirror is the soul of a woman (Bronzor is a bronze mirror).

It's an ancient artifact Pokemon that was found buried after sleeping after 2000 years, and anything that old and buried (reference to the bell of legend?) seems Ghost-like to me. It also summons rain from a portal from another world, and from the stories of Hoopa and Giratina, other dimensions seem to be associated with Ghost type. Also bells have some connotations to death in some cultures (death knell). Lastly, all those resistances with either Heatproof or Levitate to choose from to remove one weakness? STAB Shadow Sneak removing Trick Room's priority weakness? Sounds pretty scary.

New Moves: Shadow Sneak, Curse, Destiny Bond, Phantom Force, Grudge, Spite, Pain Split
Removed Moves: Future Sight, Extrasensory, Psyshock, Skill Swap
Altered Abilities: None
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Octillery (Remoraid is still Water)
Type: Water / Fire
Justification: This has to do with what it's based off - a tank. While that isn't 100% a good reason, I could see the connection working. Plus, it gets Fire-type moves like Flamethrower and Fire Blast via level-up, and it's already a red-ish color, something that would not be out of place with other Fire-types. It basically just gains Fire-type physical moves - something it lacks.
New Moves: Fire Spin, Flame Charge, Flare Blitz
Removed Moves: none
Altered Abilities: none


Name(s): Mega Aggron
Type: Steel / Dragon
Justification: If it's good enough for OU Theorymon, it's good enough for me! Mega Aggron does have a slight dragonic look to it, so it's not completely stupid either, so it works out. Absolutely no changes to movepool / abilities
New Moves: none
Removed Moves: none
Altered Abilities: none

Name(s): Regigigas (Regirock | Regice | Regigigas)
Type: Steel / Ghost (Rock / Ghost | Ice / Ghost | Ghost)
Justification: A similar idea to Golurk - it's an ancient metalic golem, who's to say that there isn't a ghostie inside? I know this is very flimsy (and not allowed if Regirock wins Rock / Electric) but hey why not. Adding any ghost moves that they may or may not have (I think only Gigas and Steel get Shadow Ball)
New Moves: Shadow Ball, Shadow Sneak, Phantom Force (All)
Removed Moves: none
Altered Abilities: none


Name(s): Druddigon
Type: Dragon / Ghost
Justification: There really isn't much justification here flavor wise, I'll be honest. It does look a bit inorganic with its strange wing and body parterns. I'm aware that this barely qualifies as flavor. The real reason why I mention this is because Druddigon being Dragon / Ghost has cool applications competitively - now that it has Wisp and Pain Split, along with its good bulk it can abuse Dragon / Ghost very nicely defensively - notably its an ok switch-in into something like Keldeo.
New Moves: Pain Split, Will-o-Wisp, Shadow Ball, Phantom Force
Removed Moves: none
Altered Abilities: none

EDIT: Damn it, forgot that Golurk's Ghost / Ground is unique to it. Damn, and Ghost / Steel fit so well too... :(
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Name(s): Gyarados
Type: Water/Fire
Justification: Well, it doesn't fly, but what it does do is raze villages with incendiary beams from its mouth. Predictably from this description, it learns Fire Blast, Flamethrower and Incinerate already. Its 'dex entries are all about its thirst for destruction, and destruction is linked to flames and Fire. Ideally, it would have been Dragon type, but as fellow Gen 1 not-Dragon Charizard shows, Fire is a worthy substitute.
New Moves: Flare Blitz, Will o' Wisp, Fire Fang
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: +Flash Fire


Name(s): Haxorus, Fraxure, Axew
Type: Dragon/Steel
Justification: Obviously, the Haxorus family is a group of dragons mixed with axes. If you need further convincing: "Their sturdy tusks will stay sharp even if used to cut steel beams. These Pokémon are covered in hard armor." With both the offensive and defensive capability of steel, Dragon/Steel seems like an obvious fit.
New Moves: Iron Head, Flash Cannon, Bullet Punch
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: N/A


Name(s): Flygon
Type: Dragon/Ghost
Justification: Flygon is known as the "Desert Spirit" and has a mystical, otherwordly quality to it. Levitate is also a common sight on fellow Ghosts like Gengar, Duskull, Rotom and Mismagius. It retains its Ground moves from its pre-evolutions.
New Moves: Shadow Ball, Destiny Bond, Grudge, Spite, Hex, Shadow Sneak
Removed Moves: N/A
Altered Abilities: +Cursed Body, +Sand Rush (still the "Desert Spirit," non-Ground Pokemon like Stoutland get it)


Name(s): Klefki
Type: Steel/Ghost
Justification: Reposting from an earlier submission: "Klefki always seemed a bit..."off" to me. Why do you find it on the routes where all the haunted trees and pumpkins are? Continuing the trend of inanimate object Pokemon being the result of spirit possession (Aegislash, Cofagrigus, Banette, Chandelure, Rotom), I think Klefki should be a Ghost type. The sound of rattling metal in the night is a common ghost-story trope, and Klefki is certainly creepy enough to fit the bill."
New Moves: Shadow Ball, Hex, Curse, Destiny Bond, Shadow Sneak, Confuse Ray, Night Shade, Spite
Removed Moves: Play Rough
Altered Abilities: +Levitate
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Type: Water/Fire
New Moves:
Flamethrower, Fire Blast
Removed Moves: Ice Beam
Altered Abilities: N/A
Added Metagross to the Slate 13 voting. I missed copying it over last time because it was a lone submission without a picture, but mcFlareon reminded me. If you already voted you're free to PM me again and change your vote.

Type: Electric-Steel
Justification: Rotom-S has a typing that makes its ability useless being a levitating flying type. Steel-type makes a large amount of sense with the generally large metal blades fans usually have.
New Moves: Flash Cannon
Removed Moves: Air Slash
Altered Abilities: None
Someone was gonna copy Theorymon eventually