I just want to remind everyone that stage one ENDS this Sunday. Please get your games done.
I will be looking very closely at everyone's activity to determine activity calls. Remember, I will only be granting activity wins when there has been an active effort to schedule on your part. If neither you nor your opponent bothered to get in touch with each other, do not expect an activity win, even if that opponent is inactive in other matches. You will instead have to face a coinflip or dead game. Also, do not expect to be able to send a last-ditch schedule request with arbitrary times you know your opponent can't make at the last minute and claim activity. There must be good-faith efforts to get your games done.
And finally, I do not have a crystal ball. I can only see what is posted here or put somewhere public such as VM walls. If your activity efforts have taken place via PM or on somewhere like Skype or Discord, make sure you document those efforts publicly.
(And thanks to everyone who has been kicking ass and getting games done so far this tour. So far this has been a blast!)