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UberStorm, an ubers team

Alright here is the story of this team:
I was playing against my friend one day in Pokemon Showdown and what we always did was, take a few minutes to think up of a team really fast and then we would battle, one day I came up with this team and I was very satisfied with it. I decided that I was going to start using this team for random battles, I ended up editing this team a lot but I didn't make too many big changes,

Team Preview

Team Purpose
To set up hazards, prevent set up sweepers and to of course to win!

Blackbird (Yveltal) @ Dread Plate
Ability: Dark Aura
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 32 HP / 224 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Focus Blast
- Oblivion Wing
- Sucker Punch
- Roost

Panzer (Groudon) @ Leftovers
Ability: Drought
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Atk
Impish Nature
- Dragon Tail
- Earthquake
- Fire Blast
- Stealth Rock

Normandy (Arceus-Ghost) @ Spooky Plate
Ability: Multitype
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SAtk
Hasty Nature
- Judgment
- Calm Mind
- Focus Blast
- Recover

Luftwaffe (Lugia) @ Leftovers
Ability: Multiscale
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 176 Def / 80 SDef
Bold Nature
- Whirlwind
- Roost
- Toxic
- Reflect

Tomahawk (Terrakion) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Justified
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd
Hasty Nature
- X-Scissor
- Close Combat
- Sleep Talk
- Stone Edge

Midway (Kyogre) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Drizzle
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Water Spout
- Thunder
- Ice Beam


1. Groudon
I've been playing for a while and I realized that as I got higher into the rank ladder less and less people started using actual leads, they all used lead destroyers and ended up throwing a stealth rock in the end, so I decided that I too shall stop using a lead and use this guy, he servers as a good lead because of his stealth rockin' abilities but he can also come to be useful later in the game and I think this guy is a really cool dude, also he kinda negates a strategy ive been seeing, terravolt + bolt strike zekrom.
1. Zekrom
(mainly have him here because of zekrom-strike)

2. Yveltal
Yveltal has always done great things on my team, STAB plus dread plate plus priority move makes sucker punch turn the other team into suckers. I also have roost to make yveltal more of a pain and oblivion wing well... he's a flying type, when i send him out there I expect him to know a flying type move. It's also just a generally good move because of the +75% health thing.
1. Ghostceus
2. Gengar
3. MewTwo

3. Ghostceus
This guy is always my plan B if my team cant take someone out then this guy comes out. He can dish the pain and take it. He has calm mind to boost his sweeping powers and usually whenever I see the chance to mop the floor with some enemies then I send this guy out, calm mind + recover usually do the job, then judgment spam.
1. This guy is not here to check threats, he's mainly here to sweeeeeeeeeeeeeep

4. Kyogre
Choice specs Kyogre. Not a new strategy. Water spout and thunder are no doubt the main moves on this guy but I have hydro pump just in case. Ice beam is there to take care of the flying types, so no doubt, kyogre has good type coverage and is a good player on my team
1. Reshiram
2. Blaziken (sorta)
3. I dunno

5. Lugia
I have whirlwind to counter some set up sweepers, You don't know how many people ragequit after they sacrificed a pokemon to set up their sweeper and i just tanked a hit and whirlwinded them away. I also use the whirlwind + stealth rock strategy sometimes but only when I have no other options, I have reflect and toxic to wear an opponent down if no other pokemon can do the job. Also, this guy counters the geo + power herb + xerneas strategy.
1. Any pokemon that uses calm mind, or geomancy, or is a setup sweeper

6. Terrakion
A good team member, this guy has E-speed resistence and can then dish out the pain to e-killer, Very good revenge killer and scarfer, his speed has proved useful a lot of times. I just like this guy so much. He was the last member on my team when I was making this team but he should've been the first.
1. Darkrai
2. Darkrai
3. E-killer
(this thing is a darkrai murderer)
Please tell me how I can improve my team,
1. Darkrai has never done a lot of things for me, especially on pokemon showdown where there is a sleep clause mod. So i'm saying no to darkrai.
2. Choice specs kyogre... I'll think about it, If i am putting choice specs on it then thunder wave is out, and water spout is in
3. I want to keep lugia on my team in case of a gen-xearneas so I can whirlwind it out
4. Knock off on Deoxys-S, seems like a good idea,
5. I want to keep my setup for yveltal because dread plate is 1.2 times damage on dark type moves and life orb is 1.3 and my main strategy for yveltal is sucker punch spam, so i mean, dread plate is a good is already very useful and cmon, 1.3 pretty much equals 1.2 plus i just think that losing 1/10 of my hp per turn.... just not worth it
6. wait.. why is whirlpool on lugia.... wait what? WHAT IS THIS MADNESS, but I meant to have whirlwind on it, i must have accidentaly chose whirlpool..
7. Don't like dragon tail since faries are immune
8. Mewtwo has always done little for me so no,
9. dark pulse is not going on yveltal since i like it's current moveset

Changes to my team go here,
1. Fixed the Whirl mistake
2. Choice specs Kyogre, no thunder wave, yes water spout
3. Knock off on deo-s
4. screw knock off, I decided to go with magic coat
5. Replaced deo-s with infernape
6. Replaced infernape with groudon
7. changed nicknames
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1. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ubers-132093521
Get Derped
2. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ubers-132109222
Scared of the sweep
3. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ubers-132110652
I mopped the floor with this guy!
4. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ubers-132117584
Thunder wave SAVED me
Old Replays
1. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ubers-131073997
This guy was just being stupid
2. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ubers-131818098
Team = Carried by Kyogre
3. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ubers-131839363
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You need at least three lines of description for each pokemon as per RMT rules: http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/other-teams-rules-read-before-posting.3501444/

At a quick glance change your Yveltal set to the Life Orb set

Yveltal @ Life Orb
Ability: Dark Aura
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 Atk
Hasty Nature
- Oblivion Wing
- Dark Pulse / Focus Blast
- Sucker Punch
- Taunt

Dark Pulse is better imho.

Whirlwind > Whirlpool on Lugia. Or Dragon Tail so you aren't Taunt bait.

And you may as well run Knock Off on Deoxys-S just because Ferrothorn isn't as common and Knock Off can help cripple.
Hey. Can't do a full rate but run lo taunt ygod, and choiced kyogre. Overall, its kinda a weird team and lugia is bad on HO so basically that doesn't work synergy wise