Tournament Ubers World Cup III - Finals [Won by Oceania]


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i want to properly do some shoutouts, but before i do: i'm so proud of the collective effort put in to finally clutch this tour this time around and beat the pool a allegations in doing so. i wasn't active in the ubers community for uwc 1, but last uwc made me really appreciate how fun world cups can be and how much talent our godawful timezones have packed into them. my last two team tour wins involved me either not realising until a week after the tour ended that we had won or leaving the team server in a huff after losing in finals, so to pull number three off with such an all around great group of people feels really satisfying.

Aberforth - thank god you convinced me to sign up again when i was wavering around whether i wanted to come back. cocaptaining with you was a joy and helped me exorcise the demons of upl. i am also very grateful for you calling with me after that disaster of a finals match to offer support and help me get over it. dpp and ss aurora await the next time we get to team together

March Fires - you went from doubting yourself and labelling yourself as washed up after a rough start to pulling off an insane 8-3 record and clutching crucial wins for us every time we needed you to. when you resurfaced and signed up, i knew we were in with a good shot. the tiebreak performances in particular were magnifique. hope to go out for some drinks with you again some day

TrueNora - you were almost a one-man army with your scouting and testing efforts each week, helping us to figure out what sets to expect, reconstructing our opponent's previously teams from scratch... and you did this for virtually every single slot. a huge force within the team from start to finish

Stallion - your four wins in succession at the beginning of the tour helped us pull as far ahead as we did in our pool. even though you had a rough back half of games, you were still giving valuable input and offering tests and cooking fun stuff like wo-chien stall. if you are taking some time off from this game, enjoy your well deserved break coming off this win

Trade - not only do you cook some of the most fried teams i've seen in any ubers generation, you also back that up by being a really good player, especially when under pressure to perform. that performance when we were 3-5 down in finals in particular was the definition of clinical. i will never doubt one of your brings again

etern - i always appreciate a good pilot, having accumulated many flight hours with teams built for me myself, and you delivered in spades for us this tour. 6-2 in sv is a fantastic effort. you gelled really well with the teams built for you and were very dependable. i will crowdfund you a new internet connection if i have to though

baconeatinassassin - wasn't really involved in ss prep or anything like that, as i don't know how anyone plays ss ubers and stays mostly sane. it is for this reason that i'm glad you're good at the tier. i was considering booking myself a cardiologist appointment after you hard switched caly into yveltal in the finals match, but you won anyway. beast mode

Drifting - your sleep schedule sucks ass, and i cannot believe you decided to play one of your games at godforsaken hours. regardless, you have successfully pulled off the #DriftingSweep by achieving your record and getting this win. the minds of the little cup community will be captivated by such a performance

byronthewellwell - what an edge-of-your-seat experience game 3 of the tiebreak was. you and your crimson chin pfp are an icon of this team so it was fitting that we won off your match. you played in another generation i wouldn't wish playing on anyone else, but i felt honoured to carry on the byron vision when i randomly slotted into oras yet again (and won, for once). big ups for still playing your games while on holidays

shrang - we can always depend on you to put on a show in dpp. there were a few rough ones at the end there, but the first two thirds of the tournament were vintage shrang. when you were playing, you were constantly on the ball with prep, and when byron was playing, you were a constant presence making sure he loaded something good for what ended up being the deciding match. good luck with your burgeoning media career

MTB - you were kind of thrown into the deep end in being slotted into adv, a luckless and hax-prone slot for us, so i appreciated your never give up mentality and still being willing to front up even when the going got tough. it's a pretty cooked tier to learn by all means, you should keep at it though!

Tal - you are a legend for subbing into sv whenever we needed you. you did really well considering the fact you were continuously thrown into the deep end. getting us through to the tiebreak against canada was so clutch and pivotal in our eventual path to victory

rookierobbie - you were always there to help shrang with ideas, prep, tests, and the like. the diamond and pearl to his platinum, or something. you have come a long way from asking me of all people for help learning oldgens last time i was auth in the ubers room - i didn't have the heart to tell you that asking me for pokemon help is like asking a brick wall for help. hope to see more of you

corvere - trust me when i say that we all really appreciate the help you gave us in building for sv throughout the entire tour. your teams synergised really well with etern in particular and were doubtlessly massive contributors to why he managed to secure such a good record when all was said and done. you were a great asset to our team, so thanks again

FatFighter2 - it's no exaggeration to say that i would have been absolutely fucked in adv without your help. between the teams you passed me, the multitude of tests you did with me, and the help you gave me in working out how to sequence my moves properly in particular situations, i think i ultimately didn't disgrace myself and made your efforts pay off. i wish my luckiest pokemon in tests weren't absolute frauds in the actual games (looking at you, HOWL and CARCASS LOTTERY), but that's just how it goes in the end. thanks for everything and good luck with your hsr pulls

Hack Inspirited Seldanna Zesty43 Terracotta Kipkluif Icemaster lotiasite Batzi Frito Nyx Fc Kate and anyone else i might have forgotten or not been aware of - thanks for the help you all offered us at varying points throughout the season, whether it be during pools or when we made it to finals. we were better off for all of your assistance and input when the going got tough and we had to give it our all
good job well played guys !
we did WAY better than our last time
You all gave your best which i appreciate and is the ONLY reason why we performed this good in the first place.

pichus - Amount of efforts you put into your games is mind blowing !
Dedication , perseverance required in the cycle of keep building , testing , deleting and doing it over and over until you get what you want requires LOT of efforts and hardwork which you never backed down from. Your piloting is also really good. Also im glad you signed up. ( on the last day )

Taka - Bro you were helping in all sv ubers slots.
Not only were you creating teams,providing tests,giving suggestions and everything thats required in complete teambuilding but also keeping up with the needs of other slots whenever noone was around WHILE also managing your own slot which honestly astounded me as amount of effort that requires is crazy high and yet you managed to do this every single week.
Its not easy but you made it look easy
You are undoubtedly exceptionally good at sv ubers !
your chat presence was very good too.
Oh lord what a package !
Glad you played for India !

myjava -
never really played ubers
signed up
barely talked
was given a team
played with it

went 6-3
Also has an incredible record in current spl too !
CHADJAVA, very incredible pilot. A very nice person too. Glad you signed up ! i dont have much to say cuz close to none interaction ;-;
nooo imagine being in same team as such an incredible player and not even getting the chance to interact with him... i am such a

GeniusFromHoenn - :worrywhirl: what is a tour without entertainment , fear not !
Brought to you by UWC
Gareeb vs Hoenn every single week , lets fucking gooo and the provocateur skimmy not letting the flames burn out lmao. Good stuff.
Starting off with a rocky start hoenn managed to do a massive comeback at the later stage of the tour. Not your best tour but everyone in the server appreciates your presence and thats all that matters.

skimmythegod - the MVP of UWC 3 in my sight , one of the best player India has produced who can play multiple gens across multiple tiers.
Skimmy prepared teams for oras,involved in helping with ALL gens 3-9,providing tests to whoever asks and all the major things one can do besides playing which he was doing as well !
Bro was so active and helpful that at some point players stopped tagging roles and were just tagging skimmy LOL

not impressed yet?? well he did it for 11 weeks
This goes to show his sheer determination when serious if anything. Nonetheless i can't imagine us reaching this far if not for the HELPER'S insane dedication. ( taka and skimmy )

freezai -

YES BIG BRO you did ! you performed insanely good (8-1 !!) in oras ubers vs some of the best players to touch oras ubers in this season while also managing various other things outside of UWC.
Combination of skimmy + freezai was really good,
skimmy being top 3 finisher in ORAS UBERS INVITATIONAL was providing solid teams and great tests ( though freezai was not getting enough time to do many ) and also inputs and to do's and not to do's which is all that a busy person needs !
We all are glad that you signed up freezai !

RaJ.Shoot - Eldest one in our gang,been with us since UWC 1 playing every season for the sake of our country !
If team needs raj , RAJ GOT YOUR BACK
just having raj in the team is enough but oh boy if hes playing thats even more incredible. Raj was giving everything he can in his free time for mons to uwc.( which isnt a lot cuz irl stuff ). Incredible commitment on top of being a great pilot.

Piyush25 - Hero of UWC, probably has the best overall record in UWC's ( while being in pool with people on this site ever since it was created and still active ) while never really touching dpp ubers before which goes to show his amazing piloting skills.
uwc 1-> 4-1
uwc 2-> 4-1
uwc 3-> 8-2
all three UWC vs some dangerous opponents.
overall 16-4 (crazy !)
Anyone can easily see his adaptibility and consistency. Very impressive.
I have no idea how he do it mainly because 70% of his preparation is sending gifs like this and then picking a team few minutes before his game and WINNING !

Yippie - Yippie if he gets time puts his heart and soul into preparation and performs really good. Another OG player sticking with us since uwc 1 and claiming big W's whenever team needed those. Team India's BEST adv ubers player undoubtedly.
I also liked those mini yippie vs skimmy fights :zonger:

special s/o to Rhmsitb bhai , taka and skimmy.
Taka helped with upper 4 slots and sometimes lower too while skimmy provided teams for oras and tests for ALL SLOTS
I hope everyone realizes the amount of efforts these 3 had put in. I firmly dont believe we could have performed like we did if not for these 3.
Rhm bhai kept track of teams being used in every slot besides SV ( taka carried there hard ) and in most slots for almost every week provided teams too !

This tour isnt your average team tour , its an emotion because it feels like HOME here as everyone connects to each other in the server moving forward together, enjoying offtopic things, arguing, laughing and everything with your OWN PEOPLE so whats a home without family members? there were not just players in our server but others too who helped in indirect way you know
For that reason i appreciate the presence of -:
Blui - offtopic chats
Saurav the great - fabio > anyone else in this list , faboat.
Floss - very unfortunate season for floss,putting him here because of no messages and stuff but yes you'll get them next year !
Holymolycrabby - offtopic chats
Loudwinner - offtopic chats
Hrishioo7 - offtopic chats,helped ss and usum slots in his busy schedule sometimes like a goat he really is.
Spitfire/Dj breeloominati - offtopic chats.
TDR - MVP of UWC 2 in my sight but got very busy this year.
w_r - offtopic chats.

offtopic chats are great way to divert minds from uwc and put it at ease which i believe helps players out who are already taking a lot of stress.

Incredible gameplay from all of the players.
It sucks that we did not win when this uwc is last for some of us but on the bright side we performed really amazing compared to UWC 2 where we were left behind from playoffs by a small margin.

We got help from lot of people outside of our server too, most of whom im not aware of so wont name them ( dont want to name a few and miss. few ) but want to thank all of you if you're reading this.
Thank you to all our supporters too and apologies that we missed the crown. :blobsad:
ggs to all of the other teams.
congratulations to Team Oceania !
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is a Tiering Contributor
UPL Champion
Finally this tour is over. Congrats to the Oceania team. This was probably the most invested tour for everyone in the team we were very dominant throughout the tour and deserved to win (we were winning 80-20 till last turn). But now it is over.
A huge s/o for Gareeb "bhai" for everything that you have done for us. You're the soul of uwc for india. I can't imagine uwc without you. Captaining for me without you was not possible. Thanks for all the efforts in each and every gen.
Taka a goated player and builder. I don't think we'd have reached that far without you. Thanks for helping everyone in building and testing. You carried our sv on your strong shoulders.
skimmythegod again one of best ubers player right now. Thanks for all the hard work and helping everyone in every gen. India's future is safe in your hands.
Piyush25 you again proved the world who's India's best player. Thanks for preparing every week.
freezai you're an amazing player. Going 8-1 is not easy. Thanks for playing for us.
pichus you're the best player to perform in pressure situations. Or I should say you don't know what the pressure is. Thanks for playing for us.
myjava what a player. Having never touched the tier you played sv like you've been playing this for years. Amazing performance. Thanks for playing for us.
RaJ.Shoot you're a goated player. You had limited time in this tour but you still performed amazing. A huge s/o for you.
Yippie A great player. You performed great for us. You won when we needed the most. Thanks for playing for us.
GeniusFromHoenn A great player. This wasn't your best tour but you won when needed the wins. Thanks for playing for us. But you should stop skipped classes to walk in park.
Floss team was stacked but you were the best sub for us. Thanks for playing for us.
TDR you've always been here for us. Thanks for playing.
Dj Breloominati♬ only undefeated player in our team.
S/o Holymolycrabby , Hrishioo7 , Saurav the great , @wr , Blui , Loudwinner for joining the team and amazing presence.
And yes s/o spitfire always


formerly Piyush25
is a defending SCL Champion
RoAPL Champion
After two close heartbreaking years, we finally made it to playoffs. The ending was unfortunate but that's the game we play.
Very proud of the boys y'all were amazing. S/o u know who for all the teams
Apologies for my comment earlier but losing to a miss after dedicating 3 months to a tour sucked.

Congrats Oceania


is a Top Social Media Contributoris a Member of Senior Staffis a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Contributor to Smogon
Ubers Leader
I've struggled to put into words how much this tournament meant to me, after coming so close with the two previous UWCs. Winning it with this group that has largely stayed unchanged since the off makes it even more special to me, especially because, as Lasen said:

We never even left the server that started it, back when team-private-general was 'useless' into the outrage over it being deleted, I'm glad that I'm able to share this victory with all of you guys. My one regret from SS was that we couldnt win a UWC in spite of our dominance over the pools, and doing so with basically the same group has made this special to me.

You credited me with getting you to undelete your signup, but I distinctly remember telling you to think on it and decide if you'd want to return to mons, so I feel like I'm getting some credit I dont deserve there. Nonetheless, I'm glad you did decide to come back, without you I dont think we win this tournament. Be it clutching up important games like against Heysup, or providing tests in tiers I know for a fact you despise, you were invaluable to the team and we do not get here without you. I cant wait to make you learn RBY for UPL! At least there, Megahorn cant miss! Selfdestruct on the other hand?

March Fires
You turned the season around fantastically from talking in the manager chat about how you might need to bench yourself, going from 0-2 into 8-3 is fantastic. Speaking as a teammate, you have no idea how relieving it is to know that someone on your team is so clutch and capable of playing in big moments, especially as we picked your bread and butter generation for both Tiebreaks. It gives your teammates immense confidence every week, and that faith was more than repaid. As a person, I'm glad you keep sticking around, you're incredibly fun to talk to and have in servers, I just wish you didnt lose your first discord account somehow. That being said, thanks for carrying my ass over the finish line.

I was a little concerned going into the tournament how much you actually wanted to be here. You had a full time job, a secondary job on the side, and had quit mons entirely as gen9 rolled in, so I didnt know whether we'd be seeing you once a week on occasion, or if you'd be a bit more active and helpful. Turns out it was neither, you were fucking everywhere while carrying the ss slot's prep on your back week in and week out. The amount of time, effort and dedication you put into this tour far exceeded what I expected, and it was fantastic to team up with you again like that. You mentioned the other day that you're possibly wanting to manage this UPL, I sincerely hope that was true, because you'd be a fantastic manager for any team you'd pick. One day we'll meet up for a drink... one day.

Speaking of meeing up for a drink, you've become one of my closest friends on this website and I'm glad that we got to meet up in Melbourne, even though we couldnt go to the gym together. Back to pokemon though, your hot streak at the start of the tour combined with your unwavering faith in me helped push both me and the team to greater heights when it mattered the most, even as your own form started to drop when you faced tier fatigue. With the fish gone and nothing happening on the tier front for a while, I hope you can fully enjoy the break you intend to have for the next few months. And during that break, its ok to relax, you can even be fine with your fiancé eating chicken in bed! Hmu next time you're up north.

Going into this tournament, I thought that of the 4 'managers' from the SS era, only I would be signing back up. Even after Tape and Nora started talking in the discord, I didnt expect you to be around. You yourself hadnt even posted on the forums for 10 months when you did sign up. Needless to say, it was a profound relief to read your signup message, and know that we could resume the status quo, seeing no messages for about a week until we got a battle link, where you'd somehow mind control your opponents and win the games as though it was effortless. Thank you so much for playing even through your european holiday, and for being a pillar on which Oceania relied upon, both in ORAS and in tiebreak.

I am incredibly angry with you, I only got to play my favourite generation once the entire tournament because you're too fucking good to not play. While I didnt always agree with the prep choices, you and Nora worked fantastically well together, and you were your normal self when it came to actually piloting them. Well, with one exception, and if I ever see an Urshifu OHKO a Calyrex switching in hard on it again I might start getting flashbacks, but you still clutched the game up anyway. Learn gen9 god damn it!

In a similar boat to byron, I wasnt expecting you to be around at all when you signed up. I hadnt seen you involved in Ubers for a long time, and I thought we'd probably repeat our first year together, with you saying nothing at all, linking gen7 games and winning them. To my unending delight, it turned out you wanted to play gen9 instead of gen7, and while your communication with regards to what team you wanted to bring is still not always what I would call reliable, after the mono-water fiasco and losing about 8 games to mono-water while using Miraidon, I decided that I would just trust you without letting myself get bogged down with silly details like "looking at the paste" or "sanity checking". Like I said with your tiebreak team, I dont think I could ever use one of your teams myself, but I am glad that you can and that you delivered as hard as you did this tournament, especially clutching up in high pressure situations against both Canada and India. We dont get to the finish line without you there pulling us along with you, and I am glad to have spent the season with you.

The DPP-HO goat! You said yourself that you were approaching the point in DPP where you feel like you were starting to commit to the one specific aspect of DPP that you have carved out for yourself, the HO playstyle as a whole, and I'm glad that it worked as well as it did here. With Robbie and Nora helping you prep, you really popped off at the start of the tour and were dominating games the way I knew you could. The tournament didnt end as well, most likely from it being too long of a format and too draining, which is why we switched it up with Byron in playoffs, but I also knew that you'd be both willing and capable of clutching up a win if push came to shove. You're the friend I've had on this website the longest, back from when you had a tiny yellow car and we saw the latest Star Wars movie, and I'm glad you stick around to this day.

We have had our differences over the years, and I'm not sure I'll ever forgive you for all of the fucking Pangoro tests, but you wanted to play USM for us and I'm glad you were able to, clutching up an impressive 5-4 record against a rather stacked pool. I dont think we interacted that often this tour, my distaste for USM Ubers is well known at this point, but you were impressively consistent against tough opponents, and your general commentary in general and game-discussion was perfect for what the chat needed in terms of activity. Thank you for signing up, and I look forward to us teaming up again for World Cup proper! I swear to god though if I see another Pangoro in testing for OU I am 4-pointering you on preview.

I did not expect to see you sign up, but I was delighted that you did. I knew from SCL just how capable you were as a pilot, and you rounded out our SV core fantastically. I hope this will mean that you keep playing Ubers more, we could always do with a few more aussies around these parts.

You were dealt an incredibly rough hand with ADV. It was the tier that was giving us the most headache going into the tournament, and I was glad to know that you wanted to play it for us, as it helped resolve that headache as best we could. While your record wasnt great at the end, I put that more on myself and the rest of us for not providing you the platform to thrive in, and myself especially for not being able to give you more building and testing support throughout the season. Thank you for playing with us.

You stepped in 3 times in emergency situations and gave it your all every time, including clutching up the game that sent us to tiebreak against Canada. Two of those times were also directly because of me. Thank you for playing with us and helping us out of our tight spots, and you were also always willing to spar with any of us in SV who needed the test games. I hope to see you stick around and keep playing Ubers, because it was a delight to team with you this tournament.

I have two regrets this tournament, and they are: Not forcing Nora to play (ideally USM or BW Ubers), and not getting a chance to slot you into the lineup. You were invaluable in prepping with multiple old gen slots, and we had a serious discussion about finding a way of getting you into the lineup on a couple of occasions. You were a great teammate, helped keep the chat active and were always around and scheming up new twists on teams and styles with shrang, and it is a massive relief to me (someone clueless in all generations before the Fairy Type was invented) to have someone like you around and being so helpful.

And for some people who were heavily involved in the prep or the discord, but who were not on the team:

I am sorry that we ended up needing to cut you from our lineup, but I'm glad that you stuck around in the discord and enjoyed your time there. We're now teaming up in DLWC so hopefully we can work well together there.

You hard carried etern's prep every single week, and it says something about the standards you have for yourself that you were somehow upset that you only managed to help guide him to a 6-2 record instead of an undefeated one. You were invaluable in prep and clicked fantastically with etern's playing style, and I am selfishly truly glad that we were able to have you on board and helping prep the entire season. Thanks for joining, thanks for sticking around, and thanks for just generally being an unsung hero for us.

I know you left the discord, but you were still helping both myself and Stallion prep each week until playoffs, even in spite of your dwindling investment in the tournament. I still think week 1 was the most entertaining scenario I've been a part of in a tournament when you accidentally built the team I was going to use for Autumn in call (and that you were going to use too!), and the game itself was one of the most generally fun games that I had this tournament too, even though I ended up losing it. You got me good, and I cant wait to get you back in PICHU.

Its incredible to me how much our friend groups have managed to overlap since I met you in the old draft server we were both in. I find you a fantastic and reliable friend, and I think that the compliment you gave me in your RMT is one of the nicest I have ever received on this website. Much like Frito, you were a big help for both me and stallion in prepping and testing, although unlike frito you never bothered to join the discord to do so.

We think very differently about SS, but the help you gave in the SS tiebreaker was invaluable. Nobody understands Fc's tendencies better than you do, and I appreciated your help immensely when I played. While the game didnt end up mattering, prepping with you made me infinitely more confident going into the game, and I'm glad that you were willing to help us out.

I'm glad you agreed to join to try to help our ADV, we were truly lost without you and you immediately started to have a great impact, including helping Aurora prep into winning a crucial game against Heysup, while also giving Aurora the right guidance needed for our finals ADV game, provided Megahorn is a good move.

While this was no BLT, even the brief amount of time you were helping us reminded me of just how much I enjoy being able to use your teams. You build fucking weird man, but for me they just click sometimes, and I'm glad that it was the case with the one team of yours I used. You're the only madman I'd compare Trade to, and I'll never draft the both of you on the same roster, but I really look forward to the next time we can team together again.

I've never had someone in the team discord who also tells me straight up that they are rooting for the other player to win. A very odd choice, but I appreciated it nonetheless, and I am sorry that I wasnt able to showcase your building better in the tiebreak match. You're a good friend, and I couldnt ask for someone better to lead Ubers alongside me.

I've stayed up far too late putting this together after accidentally deleting it once, but once more from my heart, thanks to everyone who was on the team with me, I had a great time.
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