Metagame Ubers UU Underdogs - Post your niche heat here!


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Gen 9 Ubers UU is an amazing place for creative team building, moveset experimentation, and varied competitive compositions thanks to the unique metagame, lack of certain threats, and well-defined top-meta roles. This thread is dedicated to discussing the underdogs; niche Pokepicks such as lower-tier Pokemon, unconventional specialized sets, team cores, strategies, and more! If you're looking to talk about creative sets for your Ubers UU favorites that fulfill unique team needs, or you're looking to talk about Pokemon below Ubers UU that carry some valuable weight for your team, look no further than this thread!

What this thread is for:
  • Viable sets of OU or below Pokemon that occupy a unique role in Ubers UU due to role compression, handling specific meta threats (anti-meta picks), or fulfilling the specific needs of a playstyle (such as Balance, Stall, or Hyper Offense).
  • Viable unique sets of OUBL/Ubers UU Pokemon that either utilize unconventional moves or Tera-typings to change their functionality in the meta.
  • Viable team cores, combinations, and strategies that are otherwise underutilized (for example, Regenerator Trick Room + Snow Combination Offense).
  • Posting detailed information or cited information about your unconventional Pokepick; replays, damage calculations, and explanations of the role the Pokemon or set occupies are all wonderful options and highly encouraged so people understand exactly how your Pokepick functions.
What this thread is not for:
  • "Meme" sets; this isn't a thread for obvious joke picks such as LC Pokemon, Choice Specs Palafin, or Trick Room Sweeper Spectrier. Operate under this rule of thumb, "if you have to force the set to work, rather than the set working for you, it likely needs work or a refocus."
  • Common meta sets with only a single change or two; aka swapping one commonly used move to another commonly used move (for example; Palafin switching between Wave and Liquidation).
  • Deriding players who experiment with unconventional Pokemon or sets. Everyone is at different stages of competitive understanding, and the only thing that making fun of them accomplishes is giving Smogon and the competitive Pokemon community as a whole a negative reputation for gatekeeping and not being beginner friendly. Every single person on this site was a beginner at one point including those of us who have been playing for a decade or more, please treat people with the respect you'd want to be treated with yourself.
  • One-liners asking people to test your favorite lower-tier Pokemon for you, this isn't a request thread. If you'd like to talk about a Pokemon, please test your Pokemon set on Showdown in the OU meta, learn what works and what doesn't, and then come here to talk about it!
Example Sets:
Post some heat and we'll put it up!
I guess I'll continue the trend of kicking things off. Introducing... Scarf Greninja!

:choice scarf: Greninja @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Protean
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 172 Atk / 96 SpA / 240 Spe
Naughty Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Gunk Shot
- Ice Beam
- U-turn

Its primary purpose is to revenge kill Zacian, with the added benefits of being a cool fast pivot, outspeeding and killing the more prominent scarfers (Landorus and Chi-Yu) and serving as a great anti-lead into popular options such as Cyclizar, Lead Zacian, and Meowscarada.

172+ Atk Protean Greninja Gunk Shot vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Zacian: 288-338 (88.6 - 104%) -- 25% chance to OHKO
96 SpA Greninja Hydro Pump vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Tera Ground Zacian: 236-282 (72.6 - 86.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
^ The genesis of the set for me. With any reasonable chip, the top dog falls to Scarf Greninja; this is usually a surprise to the opponent due to how uncommon Greninja is currently.

96 SpA Protean Greninja Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 252 SpD Cyclizar: 224-266 (65.1 - 77.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
RIP Shed Tail (Gunk Shot also does similar damage, but it is less safe to lock into early game)

172+ Atk Protean Greninja U-turn vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Meowscarada: 508-600 (173.3 - 204.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO
This set significantly eases the matchup into Lead Meow Stack teams.

96 SpA Protean Greninja Ice Beam vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Landorus: 528-624 (165.5 - 195.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
96 SpA Greninja Hydro Pump vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Tera Ground Landorus: 320-378 (100.3 - 118.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
96 SpA Greninja Hydro Pump vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Chi-Yu: 230-272 (91.6 - 108.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO after 1 layer of Spikes
172+ Atk Protean Greninja Gunk Shot vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Chi-Yu: 193-228 (76.8 - 90.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
I didn't need to put these here, but I did.

172+ Atk Protean Greninja Gunk Shot vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Palkia-Origin: 162-192 (50.4 - 59.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
Not bad

It's also quite a flexible set if you want to outspeed something specific or lure something specific. I will mention Max Atk Low Kick and =>152+ Speed to hit Dialga and outspeed Walking Wake in Sun, respectively. I just went 240 Spe on this one to catch Timid Scarf Landorus, giving it the best overall power level (to hit the aforementioned Zacian calc).
the strongest (Arceus-Bug) @ Insect Plate
Ability: Multitype
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 156 HP / 252 Atk / 100 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- X-Scissor
- Extreme Speed
- Earthquake

This set truly shows the potential of what it means to be the strongest the power behind x scissor is something that cannot be understated. It makes scizor a pu mon in comparison. Bug may not be the best offensively but with the power of normal and ground coverage it makes up for it and to be honest all the slow pokemon that you need to hit is neutral or super effective so it doesnt matter as the strongest. Bug defensibly is very flaw in some ways but has a great resist to ground, fighting, and grass making lando a fraud and set up fodder.

For calcs you simply dont need any because at +2 you 1hko everything with tera ground earthquakes or x-scissor and if you dont kill you can finish them with espeed.

In conclusion arceus bug is the strongest...
Lycanroc @ Focus Sash
Ability: Sand Rush
Tera Type: Rock
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Taunt
- Accelerock
- Endeavor

This set is to get up rocks or taunt an opposing lead, and then endeavor a wall to 1 hp and finish. Many times against something like a Dialga lead, Lycanroc can taunt rocks, and if Dialga Draco Meteors, Lycanroc can bring Dialga to 1 and render it useless for the rest of the match. This set is a little gimmicky and prediction reliant, but at it's worst it is still a fast taunter and rocks setter with priority, that can use Accelerock to finish a kill. For example, this set can do +-60% to Chi-Yu with Accelerock.

Overall, Lycanroc is the best suicide lead a sand team could ask for, and a great lead in general to just get up rocks taunt and die.
Toedscruel @ Leftovers
Ability: Mycelium Might
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 HP / 88 SpA / 168 SpD
Calm Nature
- Spore
- Earth Power
- Rapid Spin
- Sludge Bomb / Knock Off / Spikes / Toxic Spikes

This goober is funny
Uhh spams Rapid Spin and Spore, due to Spore, it can force switches to get Rapid Spin off, or also slot in Knock Off or hazards to get them up for free when a Grass type switches in and is expecting Spore, Ghold is able to get hit by Spore and gets 2hko'd by EP, and if it doesnt Spore it, it can survive a +2 max SpAtk Make it Rain with Stealth Rock up 50% of the time, and it also has a good matchup into non-Ice Beam Magearna sets, as it has a high chance to 2hko it if Stealth Rock are up with EP, it can also live a 252 SpAtk Arceus Grass Ice Beam which i think its funny, Tera Water makes its main Fire and Ice weaknesess become resistances, and makes its Bug and Flying weaknesess become neutralities

252+ SpA Gholdengo Make It Rain vs. 88 HP / 252+ SpD Toedscruel: 139-165 (43 - 51%) -- 3.1% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
+2 252+ SpA Gholdengo Make It Rain vs. 88 HP / 252+ SpD Toedscruel: 279-328 (86.3 - 101.5%) -- 50% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
+2 252 SpA Gholdengo Make It Rain vs. 88 HP / 252+ SpD Toedscruel: 253-298 (78.3 - 92.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Gholdengo Make It Rain vs. 88 HP / 252+ SpD Toedscruel: 127-150 (39.3 - 46.4%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
167 SpA Toedscruel Earth Power vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Gholdengo: 210-248 (55.5 - 65.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252+ Atk Meowscarada Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 88 HP / 0 Def Toedscruel: 220-259 (68.1 - 80.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
252+ Atk Meowscarada Flower Trick vs. 88 HP / 0 Def Toedscruel on a critical hit: 237-280 (73.3 - 86.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
167 SpA Toedscruel Sludge Bomb vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Meowscarada: 174-206 (59.3 - 70.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ SpA Magearna Fleur Cannon vs. 88 HP / 252+ SpD Toedscruel: 148-175 (45.8 - 54.1%) -- 49.2% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
167 SpA Toedscruel Earth Power vs. 248 HP / 0 SpD Magearna: 174-206 (47.9 - 56.7%) -- 35.2% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
167 SpA Toedscruel Earth Power vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Magearna: 170-204 (46.8 - 56.1%) -- 75.4% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

252 SpA Arceus-Grass Ice Beam vs. 88 HP / 252+ SpD Toedscruel: 236-280 (73 - 86.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

167 SpA Toedscruel Earth Power vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Dialga: 194-230 (56.8 - 67.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
My nomination to Underdog (Because underb**** is too offensive for a lady) would be Ogerpon-Wellspring

Liandry's Torment (Ogerpon-Wellspring) (F) @ Wellspring Mask
Ability: Water Absorb / Embody aspect: Wellspring (Special defense)
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Ivy Cudgel
- Power Whip
- Swords Dance
- Low Kick / Spikes / Knock off / Taunt

Everyone who has played OU should be familiar with her, a powerful physical grass/water attacker who can destroy teams with a combo of Ivy Cudgel, Trailblaze/encore and Swords dance. The question would be then, Why should I play this over Palafin or ugly Palkia, or Rillaboom if we compare with other grass types?
I'll admit this girl has some problems, like one of the nastiest 4MSS in the whole tier and the same item restriction as the armless Centaurus and now even Tera restriction, but as I've heard way too many times in the last game I've played (The ones who know me should know what title I'm talking about), you sometimes have to think outside the box, starting to question what does she offer other water types do not. The answer is the following:
  1. Is a setup sweeper that cannot be checked by unaware. The 3 unaware pokémon this tier has are Clefable, Quagsire and the newly added Dondozo. All 3 of them are destroyed by Ogerpon's Power whip due to the 20% damage boost by the Liandry. That being said, it's not the most reliable due to needing tera at times.
    • 252 Atk Wellspring Mask Ogerpon-Wellspring Power Whip vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Dondozo: 290-344 (57.5 - 68.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
    • 252 Atk Wellspring Mask Ogerpon-Wellspring Power Whip vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Clefable: 195-231 (49.4 - 58.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
    • 252 Atk Wellspring Mask Tera Water Ogerpon-Wellspring-Tera Ivy Cudgel vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Tera Poison Quagsire: 198-234 (50.2 - 59.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after sandstorm damage and Leftovers recovery
  2. Access to taunt means is a very good stallbreaker. No toxic nor recover for the opponent, just a duel one on one its kinda guaranteed to lose.
  3. She has Water absorb. This means two things.
    1. She has recovery to compensate for rocks damage, as well as entry points against two of the most common pokémon around in Palafin and Palkia-Origin. While it's not a good idea to switch into Palkia due to Draco Meteor being a OHKO, Palafin is another history, specially if it's on its zero form who will be prone to use flip turn and are very often banded.
    2. She does not have anti-synergy with Earthquake users. This tier is quite vulnerable to ground moves atm, and there's two ways of going about it: Cover it or exploit it. This weakening of earthquake can be a bad thing for pokémon, most notably the Dragon types who indeed use earthquake as coverage for steel types.
  4. It has lots of utility for the last moveslot. She can be a spikes lead, use knock off, trap someone with encore, pivot with U-turn and again, taunt enemies. Tbf the last 3 options are something Palafin can also do, but the knock off and spikes is admittedly quite rare outside Meowscarada, a mon mostly used as suicide lead due to a lesser bulk and worse defensive typing.
    • 252+ Atk Flame Plate Arceus-Fire Flare Blitz vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Tera Water Ogerpon-Wellspring-Tera: 140-165 (46.5 - 54.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
    • 252+ Atk Flame Plate Arceus-Fire Flare Blitz vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Tera Dark Meowscarada: 327-385 (111.6 - 131.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO
    • 252+ Atk Palafin-Hero Close Combat vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Meowscarada: 450-530 (153.5 - 180.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO
    • 252+ Atk Palafin-Hero Close Combat vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Ogerpon-Wellspring: 194-229 (64.4 - 76%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
  5. Yes, she does indeed deal enough damage with Ivy Cudgel and Power whip, although barely and might need rocks help.
    • 252 Atk Wellspring Mask Ogerpon-Wellspring Ivy Cudgel vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Zacian: 163-193 (50.1 - 59.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
    • 252 Atk Wellspring Mask Ogerpon-Wellspring Power Whip vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Palkia-Origin: 222-262 (69.1 - 81.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
    • 252 Atk Wellspring Mask Tera Water Ogerpon-Wellspring-Tera Ivy Cudgel vs. 172 HP / 0 Def Arceus-Fire: 424-500 (100 - 117.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO
    • 252 Atk Wellspring Mask Ogerpon-Wellspring Ivy Cudgel vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Chi-Yu: 444-524 (176.8 - 208.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO
    • 252 Atk Wellspring Mask Ogerpon-Wellspring Ivy Cudgel vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Sneasler: 280-331 (93 - 109.9%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
    • 252 Atk Wellspring Mask Ogerpon-Wellspring Ivy Cudgel vs. 168 HP / 252 Def Volcarona: 384-452 (108.7 - 128%) -- guaranteed OHKO
    • 252 Atk Wellspring Mask Ogerpon-Wellspring Power Whip vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Spectrier: 336-396 (98.5 - 116.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
    • 252 Atk Wellspring Mask Ogerpon-Wellspring Power Whip vs. 148 HP / 0 Def Ursaluna-Bloodmoon: 380-450 (94 - 111.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
All in all, Ogerpon-Wellspring is all-round attaker, who isn't the best at anything due to being that well-rounded, but she's quite good at a surprising amount of things. This kind of pokémon are better on teams who really need most of her talents, but the niche is definitely worth using if you really need a grass type stallbreaker/offensive support on more offensive teams who want to use earthquake, as long as you're careful about what she doesn't endure.

BTW, those masks are very iconic LoL items, Liandry's torment and Anguish repectively, and kinda look like Wellspring's mask.
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This thread is pretty death, but the concept got me interested in dropping an idea here, so, here we go:

Introducing: THE MOTH
Iron Moth.png

Iron Moth @ Booster Energy
Ability: Quark Drive
Tera Type: Grass/Fairy
EVs: 132 Def / 124 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fiery Dance
- Sludge Wave
- Dazzling Gleam
- Energy Ball

_ The Moth is a pretty weird option, but because of the meta, it can work well in some Hyper-Offense Teams. It has his speed boosted only by hitting the field, which is pretty nice for an HO Mon, and with his STAB Combination and coverage, the solar panel hit many mons on the tier for super-effective and neutral damage, most particularly, resisting Magearna and Zacian STABS and 2HKOing the defensive sets of the first and OHKOing the second with little chip. Dazzling Gleam is particularly useful against the dragons that thrive in the tier, and Energy Ball for the Water Types. Even if most people find the Fiery Dance boosting method as "no reliable" is actually pretty solid when you consider sometimes one boost is enough to sweep with proper chip on the opposing team, and considering how good are hazards in this meta for every archetype, it´s not a hard thing to achieve. It pairs well with mons that threaten his defensive counters like Heatran or Toxapex, an also mons that can deal with Palafin since it can ignore his speed boost with Jet Punch.

Alternatively, you can go 252/252 if your running a Sticky Web Team, so you gain an SpA Boost that allows you to be one of the heaviest hitters allowed in the tier with no drawback, and you can also run Substitute to ignore status or Agility so you can outspeed everything at the cost of coverage. Overall, the Moth is pretty underrated and can be really decent

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