Let's Play! Twitch Plays Pokemon

Can we collectively drop the old running jokes from the last game and have this be its own experience? We praised fossils and birds for long enough, let's let the jokes die in peace instead of running them into the ground. This is Johto, It's a whole new way to see. A whole new place with a brand new attitude.
I dunno, for one GSC is a direct sequel to RBY and we will visit Kanto/face red eventually, besides we'll have to let these things happen on their own instead of forcing people to think a certain way, I'm sure we'll get tons of new jokes very soon...once WE GET OFF THAT ENDLESS BLOODY LEDGE.

Anyway, dis a lil something I did to recap our Red adventure via summarizing our journey/story with fan arts, hope you enjoy this and excuse for the errors you find:

He means the precise direction inputs required because there is only one possible path to Morty. You teleport back to the entrance as soon as you stray off that path. Nothing of this sort was there in Red.

I'll take "what is rocket hideout" for 500

Also if rngplayspokemon can get through morty's gym, so can this
rocket hideout was a matter of trial and error. With enough random sliding around you will eventually land up on the other end. Given there are similarities, but you didn't go back to square one if you slid over the wrong panel. But I am also of the opinion this is doable (moreso)... it's just a matter of waiting for democracy and getting it done then. There is no puzzle aspect to this... just a pure and simple of matter of walking in a straight fucking line, something twitch seems incapable of doing.
Totodile is so overleveled already... Really, at this rate, they aren't even going to need the PC...

Edit: leer in this game is fucking hilarious.
you know what would be insane.

if he used the interim period to hack Red the same pokemon as the first TPP.

If this happens minds will be blown.
Can we collectively drop the old running jokes from the last game and have this be its own experience? We praised fossils and birds for long enough, let's let the jokes die in peace instead of running them into the ground. This is Johto, It's a whole new way to see. A whole new place with a brand new attitude.
Agreeing with this, plus it looks like totodile will carry us this time

Seems they agree.
I don't suppose Red's going to get Abby back for the final battle, or is it just gonna be the hall of fame team? Because some of them are weak enough that they won't be much of a problem.
I don't suppose Red's going to get Abby back for the final battle, or is it just gonna be the hall of fame team? Because some of them are weak enough that they won't be much of a problem.
It'll be the hall of fame team, which means Level 81 Zapdos with Thunder. Gulp.
Very possible that it'll be our hall of fame team from Red with the levels raised to match Red's pokemon from Crystal originally.

I'm a fan of the new system - it means we're forced to wait to enact democracy and in the event democracy is enacted, we can always manually revert to anarchy if that's what the hivemind wants.