Mafia vs Village TWG Second Chances (Mafia) - Signups

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Second Chances

On Days 1 and 2, players vote on who should be lynched as well as which player (who died in the last night phase) should be brought back to life.
Wolf powers (on each sub-team) are pooled. This includes those of the traitor. So if the traitor dies, the Wolf Assassin gets totem and seer powers.

1. Master Wolf Shaman - Wolf seered green. Also has seer powers.
2. Wolf Corpse Mangler - At any point in the game, has the ability to mangle a corpse preventing it from coming back to life or communicating with/through the medium. Three uses.

3. Wolf Assassin - Makes a second wolfing each night phase separate from the Master Wolf and Corpse Mangler's wolfing.
4. Traitor-Shaman - Doesn't count for the wolves. Has seer powers. Every day phase, can create a message to be posted in the thread.

5. Megakiller - Vigilante. Power only works on nights 1 and 2. Must kill someone on those nights or else he dies.
6. Megakiller - Vigilante. Power only works on nights 1 and 2. Must kill someone on those nights or else he dies.
7. Medium - Can freely talk to dead players via PM. Can also sacrifice this ability to allow one dead player to freely communicate in the thread (without voting). This is canceled if the dead player's corpse gets mangled.
8. Seer - Just an ordinary seer. Can sacrifice powers to find out how many wolves are left in the game.
9. Angel - Can revive one lynched player after death. If the other Angel dies first, becomes an ordinary human. Thinks he's a human, finds out who he is after death.
10. Angel - Can revive one lynched player after death. If the other Angel dies first, becomes an ordinary human. Thinks he's a human, finds out who he is after death.
11. Miller - Thinks he's a human.
12. Millwright - Thinks he's a human.
13. Herring - Thinks he's a human.
14. Human
15. Human
16. Human
17. Human

If you have questions, I have answers. Let the signups begin!

2. Duskfall98
3. zorbees
4. Da Letter El
5. Wolv
6. Cancerous (pref sub)
7. VigilanteVigoroth
8. Mx
9. MoodyCloud
10. ItzViper482
11. Changed Wawmen
12. tonithetourguide
13. Former Hope
14. Apricity
15. Raeko
16. Conni
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yoom-tah! Thanks, friendly-friends!

in, I want to get on this game if it starts sooner than Asek's one. I heard this one was OC, thanks if someone wants to help me with the way it works differently than NOC
I'm still debating about the OC, because I'd like to keep it run the same way it was when it originally ran (a Mibbit IRC and forum PM only), but I also think it would be cool to see how different it would be if I allowed discord

if anyone vastly prefers one to the other (if you are weird and hate IRC for example, or if you are sane and hate discord), just let me know that too
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