Turtwig's trading shack [ new: hp fire nest bulba, safari pinsir, deerling, and more ]

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I was interested in kanghaskan and rotom and a lightning rod cubone.
I can do the Rotom and Kangaskhan for BP items. How about Wise Glasses and Assault Vest?

Interested in your Zekrom !
CMT in my signature for anything you might like ? * U *
Sorry, didn't see anything I wanted ;o;

Offering a 3 iv shiny charmander, for a male and female love ball lickytung :)
Hmm nice offer, I'll have to pass since I prefer 5V, shiny or not. Sorry!

Quick update: I've been adding new Pokemon over the past couple days, like Krabby, Taillow, Trapinch, Snubbull, Barboach, and more. More to come soon! I've got lots of stuff in my breeding list.
I can do the Rotom and Kangaskhan for BP items. How about Wise Glasses and Assault Vest?

Sorry, didn't see anything I wanted ;o;

Hmm nice offer, I'll have to pass since I prefer 5V, shiny or not. Sorry!

Quick update: I've been adding new Pokemon over the past couple days, like Krabby, Taillow, Trapinch, Snubbull, Barboach, and more. More to come soon! I've got lots of stuff in my breeding list.

alright that sounds good to me! can you trade right now?
CMT for
[Skarmory] [OT: Sam 05919]
nature. | Sturdy
31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31| 31
Egg moves:
Brave Bird, Whirlwind, Stealth Rock*


[Snubbull] [OT: Sam 05919]
Adamant nature. | Intimidate
31 | 31 | 31 | x | 31| 31
Egg moves: Crunch, Heal Bell
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