With September drawing to a close, here are my takes on the Triples meta and what performed better or worse than expected.
Stronger than expected:
- Spread moves

Going in, I thought spread moves were going to be really good. Turns out, they are really, really, really meta-definingly good. A spread move from the central slot deals 75% × 3 = 225% of its usual damage. With that kind of output, you just don't care if one or several of your opponent's Pokemon resist or are immune. Spread move users are also naturally enabled by support mons, who want to be on the sides for protection.
- Neutralizing Gas

I posted a team in this thread with Galarian Weezing + Toedscruel for fast Spore -- I thought it was a gimmick, but turned out to be my best team. Without abilities, half the teams I faced crumbled, even at high ladder, since many strategies for speed control and damage output rely on abilities. No Armor Tail, Drought/Drizzle, Protosynthesis, or Prankster leave a lot of teams vulnerable.
- Raging Bolt

The giraffe is insane. My hot take is that Raging Bolt is the second best mon in the tier after Chi-Yu. It always puts in work, whether in the sun or rain, and can run any combination of moves and items it wants. It has ludicrous bulk while still able to outspeed in Tailwind. It has access to STAB priority, spread, and pulse moves off of 137 base SpA. Sprinkle this on any team and it will just work.
Weaker than expected:
- Physical attackers

I'm not the only one who's noticed that a good fraction of teams are heavily special leaning. It comes down to spread moves -- Rock Slide and Earthquake aren't as strong as the ten trillion special spread moves given to Chi-Yu/Gholdengo/the genies/Torkoal/the list goes on. Chien-Pao and Gouging Fire are good, but it still seems like special damage is easy to dish out while physical attackers need to work harder.
- Fake Out/redirection

This is an interesting one. I thought Fake Out would be really, really, really meta-definingly good -- instead it's just good. The problem is positioning: Fake Out users want to be on the ends, but then they can't reach the diagonally opposite enemy mon. This makes you unable to protect the central mon from attacks from that side. Add in the prevalence of Ghost Tera/Covert Cloak/Armor Tail and Fake Out can be a risky click. It's a similar story with Follow Me/Rage Powder.
- Incineroar

Demon cat kinda sucks in triples. Its dominance in doubles (which is on the decline in reg H anyway) is due to Intimidate cycling and Fake Out pressure. Well, Fake Out is worse in triples, and Intimidate is worse too due to no physical attackers and limited range. Switching is punished hard in Triples which doesn't suit Incin's style at all. Maybe I'm using it wrong but I haven't gotten it to work at all.
I had so much fun this month! The council did a great job ensuring a wide variety of playstyles are viable with no clearly dominant archetype. I still have tons of ideas that I'm excited to try next time this OM rolls around.
If I could suggest anything to make the tier more balanced, perhaps banning Chi-Yu and unbanning Annihilape could bring the balance back towards the physical side a little bit.