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Trading 5IV/HP/Shiny/Legend/Tutor Move/Ditto [Status : closed for now]

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Can I get an imperfect HP Fighting Litwick for an imperfect HP Ice Joltik? Joltik has Compund Eyes, Timid nature, and a 31/0/x/x/31/31 spread. PM me if yes.
Hello I'm interested in:

Naive | Regenerator | 31/30/30/31/x/31 (HP Ice) | male

I can give:
Scyther 31-31-31-x-31-31 with batton pass and defog :)
Timid | Protean | 31/x/31/30/31/30 (HP Fire) | -

My offers:
6IVd Timid Ditto
5IVd (missing Attack) Modest Chlorophyll Bulbasaur SHINY
31/31/31/X/31/<5 Brave Honedge nicknamed Excalibur SHINY

Let me know if you are interested n.n'
You have any interest in a 6 IV Jolly Female Dratini with Marvel Scale, and egg moves Dragon Dance and Extreme Speed, or a 6 IV Male Adament Marill with Huge power and Egg move Aqua Jet ?

Any of these for Hasty Prankster Riolu, HP Fire Froakie(If it's shiny let me know), HP Ice Zorua, and HP Ice Helioptile?

-Larvitar; 5IV Careful[Stealth Rocks]
-Venipede; 5IV Adamant Speed Boost
-Snubull; 5IV Adamant[Close Combat/Heal Bell]
-Sandile; 5IV Jolly[Thunder/Fire Fang, Pursuit]
-Treecko; 5IV Timid Unburden
-Feebas; 5IV Bold[ Hypnosis, Dragon Pulse, Mirror Coat]
-Duskull; 5IV Bold[Pain Split, Skill Swap, Night Shade]
-Cyndaquil; 5IV Timid
-Yamask; 5IV[Bold, Nasty Plot, Disable]
-Whismur; 5IV Modest
-Scraggy; 5IV Adamant/Jolly[Dragon Dance, Ice/Drain Punch]
-Murkrow; 5IV Adamant
-Marril; 5IV Adamant Huge Power[Aqua Jet/Belly Drum]
-Gligar; 5IV Impish Immunity
-Goomy; 5IV Calm
-Froakie; 5IV Naive/Timid Protean
-Drilbur; 5IV Adamant Mold Breaker[Rapid Spin]
-Staryu; 5IV Timid Natural Cure
-Chimchar; 5IV Jolly, Naughty Iron Fist[Thunder/Fire Punch, Fake Out*]
-Absol; 5IV Adamant[Sucker Punch/Baton Pass/Play Rough]
-Noibat; 5IV Timid/Modest
-Scyther; 5IV Adamant Technician
-Growlithe; 5IV Adamant[Flare Blitz/Close Combat]
-Shroomish; 5IV Adamant Poison Heal
-Kangaskhan; 5IV Jolly Scrappy
-Klefki; 5IV Calm Prankster[Spikes/Foul Play]
-Riolu; 5IV Jolly/Naive/Adamant[Bullet Punch/High Jump Kick]
-Pawniward; 5IV Adamant
-Vullaby; 5IV Bold[Defog/Foul Play/Roost]
-Roselia; 5IV Timid[Sleep Powder/Spikes]
-Elektrike; 5IV Timid
-Mawile; 5IV Adamant[Sucker Punch/Baton Pass/Play Rough(Perfect Absol sex partner)]
-Larvesta; 5IV Timid
-Ghastly; 5IV Timid[Disable]
-Shelder; 5IV Jolly Skill Link[Icicle Spear/Rock Blast]
-Nidoran; 5IV Timid Sheer Force(Male)
-Timburr; 5IV Adamant[Drain Punch/Mach Punch]
-Fletchling; 5IV Adamant Gale Wings
-Bulbasuar; 5IV Bold[Leech Seed/Synthesis/Giga Drain]
-Drowzee; 5IV Calm Inner Focus
-Jellicent; 5IV Bold+Calm[Recover]
-Beldum; 5IV Adamant
-Scatterbug; 5IV Timid
-Ralts; 5IV Timid
-Fennekin; 5IV Modest Magician[/Hypnosis, Magic Coat, Wish]
-Shuppet; 5IV Adamant[Knock Off/Destiny Bond/Phantom Force]
-Sneasel; 5IV Jolly[Ice Shard/Icicle Crash/Ice Punch/Pursuit]
-Pinsir; 5IV Adamant+Jolly[Close Combat/Quick Attack]
-Litwick; 5IV Modest Flash Fire
-Heracross; 5IV Adamant
-Helioptile; 5IV Timid Dry Skin
-Bagon; 5IV Jolly+Timid[Dragon Dance/Claw/Hydro Pump]
-Hawlucha; 5IV Jolly Unburden
-Charmander; 5IV Modest/Timid/Adamant/Jolly[Dragon Pulse/Dance/Outrage/Belly Drum]
-Rotom; 5IV Bold+Timid
Any of these for Hasty Prankster Riolu, HP Fire Froakie(If it's shiny let me know), HP Ice Zorua, and HP Ice Helioptile?

-Larvitar; 5IV Careful[Stealth Rocks]
-Venipede; 5IV Adamant Speed Boost
-Snubull; 5IV Adamant[Close Combat/Heal Bell]
-Sandile; 5IV Jolly[Thunder/Fire Fang, Pursuit]
-Treecko; 5IV Timid Unburden
-Feebas; 5IV Bold[ Hypnosis, Dragon Pulse, Mirror Coat]
-Duskull; 5IV Bold[Pain Split, Skill Swap, Night Shade]
-Cyndaquil; 5IV Timid
-Yamask; 5IV[Bold, Nasty Plot, Disable]
-Whismur; 5IV Modest
-Scraggy; 5IV Adamant/Jolly[Dragon Dance, Ice/Drain Punch]
-Murkrow; 5IV Adamant
-Marril; 5IV Adamant Huge Power[Aqua Jet/Belly Drum]
-Gligar; 5IV Impish Immunity
-Goomy; 5IV Calm
-Froakie; 5IV Naive/Timid Protean
-Drilbur; 5IV Adamant Mold Breaker[Rapid Spin]
-Staryu; 5IV Timid Natural Cure
-Chimchar; 5IV Jolly, Naughty Iron Fist[Thunder/Fire Punch, Fake Out*]
-Absol; 5IV Adamant[Sucker Punch/Baton Pass/Play Rough]
-Noibat; 5IV Timid/Modest
-Scyther; 5IV Adamant Technician
-Growlithe; 5IV Adamant[Flare Blitz/Close Combat]
-Shroomish; 5IV Adamant Poison Heal
-Kangaskhan; 5IV Jolly Scrappy
-Klefki; 5IV Calm Prankster[Spikes/Foul Play]
-Riolu; 5IV Jolly/Naive/Adamant[Bullet Punch/High Jump Kick]
-Pawniward; 5IV Adamant
-Vullaby; 5IV Bold[Defog/Foul Play/Roost]
-Roselia; 5IV Timid[Sleep Powder/Spikes]
-Elektrike; 5IV Timid
-Mawile; 5IV Adamant[Sucker Punch/Baton Pass/Play Rough(Perfect Absol sex partner)]
-Larvesta; 5IV Timid
-Ghastly; 5IV Timid[Disable]
-Shelder; 5IV Jolly Skill Link[Icicle Spear/Rock Blast]
-Nidoran; 5IV Timid Sheer Force(Male)
-Timburr; 5IV Adamant[Drain Punch/Mach Punch]
-Fletchling; 5IV Adamant Gale Wings
-Bulbasuar; 5IV Bold[Leech Seed/Synthesis/Giga Drain]
-Drowzee; 5IV Calm Inner Focus
-Jellicent; 5IV Bold+Calm[Recover]
-Beldum; 5IV Adamant
-Scatterbug; 5IV Timid
-Ralts; 5IV Timid
-Fennekin; 5IV Modest Magician[/Hypnosis, Magic Coat, Wish]
-Shuppet; 5IV Adamant[Knock Off/Destiny Bond/Phantom Force]
-Sneasel; 5IV Jolly[Ice Shard/Icicle Crash/Ice Punch/Pursuit]
-Pinsir; 5IV Adamant+Jolly[Close Combat/Quick Attack]
-Litwick; 5IV Modest Flash Fire
-Heracross; 5IV Adamant
-Helioptile; 5IV Timid Dry Skin
-Bagon; 5IV Jolly+Timid[Dragon Dance/Claw/Hydro Pump]
-Hawlucha; 5IV Jolly Unburden
-Charmander; 5IV Modest/Timid/Adamant/Jolly[Dragon Pulse/Dance/Outrage/Belly Drum]
-Rotom; 5IV Bold+Timid
no thanks
hi are you still looking for a hp ground ditto 31 / 30 / 31 / 30 / 30 / 31 ? if yes would you trade it for the calm celebi?
hi are you still looking for a hp ground ditto 31 / 30 / 31 / 30 / 30 / 31 ? if yes would you trade it for the calm celebi?

I should be getting the HP Ground Ditto from someone else; but that person is ignoring me and you aren't, so you win.

Can you do a clone trade though? I.e. clone my celebi and give it back to me after we trade.

I should be getting the HP Ground Ditto from someone else; but that person is ignoring me and you aren't, so you win.

Can you do a clone trade though? I.e. clone my celebi and give it back to me after we trade.

yeah can do clone trades, did clone trades for you before remember?
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