Metagame Trademarked

I wanna post some more set ideas right now, but i wont have access to my laptop till the weekend and typing out ps format from my phone is a pain so instead i propose a question.

Now being honest, I wanted to test out a few of trademark from last gens mechanics but wasnt able to since the rom and dragonheaven variants were not working properly. So in that case at least until i can confirm whether or not its possible lets me get your opinion regarding a mechanic.

Should trademarks be usable while the pokemon has on a assault vest or gets taunted?.

Trademarks are essentially a mixture of abilities and status and as such take and lose elements from both sides. Now from a personal standpoint I would prefer that trademarks be usable with assault vest. However, I would like to hear your opinions on the matter. For one with it being use with assault vest, it means mons with recovery moves all get access to better regenvest sets since recovery is not yet banned as a trademark. Though I personally dont feel its an inherently bad thing as this meta will clearly lean to a more offensive nature and this may provide a better way to better deal with certain mons as not everything has access to stat drop status moves. However, it nay also possibly weaken special attackers as the average special attacker doesnt have access to good spa boosting status in the form of nasty plot or tail glow (though calm mins can have its uses).

What are you guys' view opinion on the matter ? Also if you played tm in gen 6 how did this work mechanically?
Assault Vest Oricorio can still dance on Quiver Dance and use the move successfully, showing that AV's blockage only applies to move selection and not to any other means of using a move. Meanwhile, Taunting a trademark is only possible at the leads or immediately following a double KO, but analogous situations there would result in the Pokemon attempting the move but having it fail for "can't use _____ after the taunt!"

Like Golisopod, Archeops is eager to ditch its ability for pretty much anything else, except even more so. Luckily, it has a few interesting options for Trademarks. Stealth Rock is an obvious choice, setting up hazards to chip at the opponent. Archeops also has three different options for boosting its speed, being Agility, Rock Polish, and Tailwind. Tailwind offers more team support, while Agility and Rock Polish lend themselves more to sweeping. Finally, there's Hone Claws, which not only boosts Archeops's Attack, but also makes its Stone Edges and Head Smashes less likely to miss. There's also Defog, but a frail, rock-weak Pokemon doesn't really want to be switching in to clear hazards, so that role is probably best left to a team mate.
Assault Vest Oricorio can still dance on Quiver Dance and use the move successfully, showing that AV's blockage only applies to move selection and not to any other means of using a move. Meanwhile, Taunting a trademark is only possible at the leads or immediately following a double KO, but analogous situations there would result in the Pokemon attempting the move but having it fail for "can't use _____ after the taunt!"

Alrigty then and yh i already had that mindset toward taunt. Thanks for the insight on that though. I dont mess with oricorio enough to have known that lol
Does Copycat (as a move- since it cannot be an ability), allow the user to copy the most recent trademark?
For example say you have a Lagging Tail Pokemon (letting their ability always go second), can you Copycat it?

Zangoose @ Salac Berry
Ability: Belly Drum
EVs: / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Brave Nature
IVs: 17 HP
- Substitute
- Flail
- Close Combat
- Shadow Claw

Send it in on a slower foe. Substitute twice, as the foe breaks the Substitutes, you shall activate Salac Berry to outspeed, threaten and sweep with STAB Flail, and use its coverage moves, all backed by a +6 Attack and +1 Speed.
Magearna @ Assault Vest / Leftovers
Ability: Heart Swap
EVs: 248 HP / 224 SpD / 36 Spe
Sassy Nature
- Volt Switch
- Fleur Cannon
- Focus Blast / Pain Split
- Iron Head

Item choice depends on whether AV is compatible with trademarks, but this should be a solid check to most special attackers and an emergency switch-in to other setup sweepers. And let's be honest here -- Haze on the switch-in is cute, but pointless unless you can force the opponent out.
Setting Magic Coat as Trademark should function similarly to CAP's Rebound ability.
Oh and let's not ignore stuff like Lock On and Laser Focus.

Porygon-Z @ Choice Specs
Ability: lock-on
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Zap Cannon
- Blizzard
- Trick
- Tri Attack

This set should lure in Ground types that are immune to Zap Cannon, so try to out predict them with Blizzard or Trick on the switch.

I can't find a reason to use Laser Focus tho. With the exceptions of Unaware mons and trademark Haze, regular stat boosts are better because they don't expire after one turn. Maybe Megacham and Megawile could use it since they lose their trademark anyway?

Porygon-Z @ Choice Specs
Ability: lock-on
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Zap Cannon
- Blizzard
- Trick
- Tri Attack

This set should lure in Ground types that are immune to Zap Cannon, so try to out predict them with Blizzard or Trick on the switch.

I can't find a reason to use Laser Focus tho. With the exceptions of Unaware mons and trademark Haze, regular stat boosts are better because they don't expire after one turn. Maybe Megacham and Megawile could use it since they lose their trademark anyway?
Things that don't get good boosting and megas could take advantage of it best. Hoopa is particularly terrifying to try and switch into.

Thankfully the only combination for Mind Reader and a sleeping move is on Poliwrath/Politoed.
I haven't seen Baton Pass + Parting Shot been mentioned yet, so posting
It will basically allow you to switch in and out infinitely (ideally someone would use this to reduce the opponent's stats to -6 in both) so I think you should check that out Whitephoenixace

Edit: my stupid ass forgot that baton pass was banned in OU
Just ban Baton Pass lmao it has no other use than this
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now that I finally got a laptop so i can post here gonna, start at least weekly posting some set ideas.
dont look too much into the evs as i dont know major threats yet so yh lol

Tsareena (F) @ Assault Vest
Ability: synthesis
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Rapid Spin
- U-turn
- Power Whip
- Knock Off

Now I know tsareena doesnt have the best of resists (I also not sure entirely on key special threats yet but most likely she wont resist them), however she does carry moves that most assvest mons want in the case of rapid spin, and u turn. Dhelmise can also work as it also has access to spin but lacks u turn and also provides a normal/ fighting immunity.

Slowbro @ Slowbronite
Ability: Iron Defense/Amnesia
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Calm Mind
- Slack Off
- Psyshock

Regenerator is cool and all , but have you tried a slowbro with semi furcoat? With this at least till u mega evolve you u can make slowbro bulkier than he already is, especially on his lacking special defense side. A calm mind set seems more plausible unless u plan on keeping at as a regular slowbro, since u lose the boosts once u mega evolve and may make it more sensible to abuse it once all threats to ur setup are gone, could even go for rest to help deal with status.

Hydreigon @ Choice Specs
Ability: Tailwind
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- U-turn
- Dark Pulse
- Draco Meteor
- Earth Power/fire blast

Both a tailwind setter and a fast hitter in one. With modest u can hit ur hardest with specs especially since being a plus speed nature wont matter as much since ur speed is doubled and u outspeed most scarf users. With u turn available u can easily just pivot into something else that may wanna abuse tailwind or out from something that can stomach ur attacks and ko back.

Other than this honestly people should take a look at using burn and prz inflicting status more so to help cripple sweepers. Shiinotic as well can abuse strength sap as tm since its an intimidate and a full recover in one. Honestly this is just about where my creativity ends. So let me see more of what you guys can come up with.
I'm exited for this, since Gen 6 Trademarked was so awesome and we have so many new pokes to mess around with! Tagging urkerab to (hopefully) code this on ROM. I'll share a set I was working on earlier.

Old Reliable (Medicham-Mega) @ Medichamite
Ability: bulkup
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Bullet Punch
- Power-Up Punch
- Zen Headbutt/Thunder Punch
- High Jump Kick

What's that? Megacham doesn't have enough wallbreaking power? You now have an instant +3 boost (just add water!) right off the bat, which you can increase with PuP. Bullet Punch is necessary priority, Zen Headbutt for secondary STAB or Tpunch for coverage, HJK as your Fighting STAB. Basically normal Megacham with more power, as if it wasn't already pure power.
Magearna @ Assault Vest / Leftovers
Ability: Heart Swap
EVs: 248 HP / 224 SpD / 36 Spe
Sassy Nature
- Volt Switch
- Fleur Cannon
- Focus Blast / Pain Split
- Iron Head

Item choice depends on whether AV is compatible with trademarks, but this should be a solid check to most special attackers and an emergency switch-in to other setup sweepers. And let's be honest here -- Haze on the switch-in is cute, but pointless unless you can force the opponent out.
read from last gen:
For this question (and a lot of others), you have to keep in mind that the moves become abilities which act like a move. It answers questions about whether Trademarks can be called by Assist and such as well.
This metagame seems quite interesting and looks like it'll be fun to try.

A random duo I thought of trying are Zapdos and Tyranitar.

Zapdos @ Choice Specs
Ability: Metal Sound
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power Ice / Hidden Power Grass
- Heat Wave
- Volt Switch

Tyranitar @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Screech
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Crunch
- Pursuit
- Stone Edge
- Ice Beam

With Metal Sound, Zapdos can easily force switches every time it comes into play as nothing besides maybe Chansey wants to take hits from it while they're at -2 SpDef, enabling the player to Volt Switch for momentum and bring in Tyranitar so it can lower the Defense of the Pokemon which came in to take a hit from Zapdos, while simultaneously trapping them with Pursuit. Choice Band can be used in place of Scarf for massive Pursuit damage which can potentially kill anything besides resists when coupled with the chip from Specs Volt Switch but I think the utility from Scarf is hard to pass up due to how many more things Tyranitar becomes able to trap.

Besides that, a more gimmicky concept that probably wouldn't work out in practice but sounds amusing on paper is Perish Song Gengar.

Gengar @ Life Orb
Ability: Perish Song
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 29 HP
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast
- Mean Look
- Protect

Perish Song lets you force low risk 50/50s when Gengar is brought in against passive Pokemon that don't threaten it much and can result in easing predictions. Shadow Ball and Focus Blast provide neutral coverage though you can use Sludge Bomb if you prefer hitting Fairy types super effectively. Black Sludge is also an option if you want more longevity at the cost of power. I don't honestly expect this to work out but it seems rather fun to play around with it regardless.
Things I can see being threatening or popular:

-Moves that call other moves. Assist, Copycat and Nature Power are on the banlist already, but you’re missing Mirror Move, Sleep Talk, Me First, and Metronome. (...actually, leave Metronome in, it’d be funny and I don’t see it doing real harm.)

-Mimic and Sketch. I don’t exactly know how these would work, but I think Pokémon with those trademarks might be able to have their Ability slot filled by an attacking move, which is (I assume) the reason you banned Assist, Copycat and Nature Power in the first place.

-Skill Swap and Role Play would probably be fun to mess around with. Skill Swap is especially useful because your opponent gets stuck with a trademark that does nothing.

-Imprison might also be neat to mess around with, especially on something like Lando-T to absolutely shut down opposing Lando-T.

-You forgot King’s Shield on the banlist. Aegislash is already banned, of course (though considering this meta revolves around replacing Abilities, it’s at a severe disadvantage and should probably be unbanned), but Smeargle isn’t.

-I don’t know if the Evasion Clause covers trademarked moves, but if it doesn’t, I’d suggest a ban on Double Team and Minimize as trademarks. Yes, they only activate once, but considering that basically everything in the game can trademark Double Team and hold Bright Powder, I can see a very dark path this meta could go down.

-Acupressure, or as I call it in this meta, Boneless Moody. It gives a random +2 on switch-in. Definitely not banworthy given that it’s random and only happens once, so you have to switch back out if the boost isn’t one you need, but it’s still worth noting.

-Chansey. Not only can it use Heal Bell or Aromatherapy to heal the whole team whenever it switches, or automatically set up healing for a teammate with Wish to become the Ultimate Cleric, it can also trademark Charm. Ever wish Chansey got Intimidate? Well, what about two Intimidates?

-Weather moves. So many more Pokémon can become weather setters now. Some notable examples include Swampert, who can Mega Evolve for an instant Speed boost; Palossand, which can use Shore Up much more effectively; and Garchomp, which can also Mega Evolve for a Sand Force boost.

-Probably not terrain moves. Nothing that can get Electric Terrain is better with it than Tapu Koko—the only things that come close are Xurkitree, on which Tail Glow is mandatory, or Magnezone, which is useful for Magnet Pull or Magnet Rise but not much else. Misty Terrain is bad and should never be used, especially in this meta, where it’s a worse version of Safeguard, which is itself inferior to Heal Bell (yes, Misty Terrain halves the power of Dragon moves, but literally nobody has ever used it for that purpose). Psychic Terrain has... oh crap, Alakazam can set up Psychic Terrain and then Mega Evolve to get another Ability. That’s scary. As for Grassy Terrain, there are some decent Pokémon that get it, like Tangrowth and Serperior, but they benefit much more from their native Abilities (Tangrowth would probably rather go for Synthesis though).

-Trick. You get to swap items with your opponent as soon as you switch in, leading to what I’m certain will be hilarious moments.

-Encore. Switching in a mon with Encore trademarked will lock your opponent into whatever their last move was, regardless of what they selected on the current turn. So if your opponent used a move that your Encore user resists or is unaffected by, you’ll be able to force a switch nearly every time. This makes Encore probably the best stallbreaking trademark in the meta, tied with Taunt.

-Trick Room abusers. All the existing Trick Room setters become a lot better now that they can automatically set up Trick Room (only one per team, though, so any backup Trick Room setters will have to carry it as an actual move). This lets Pokémon like Crabominable (no seriously, try it sometime), Rhyperior and especially Alolan Marowak come in and clean up with more ease than ever before.

-If you really want to meme, Clamperl. Automatic Shell Smash on switch-in plus doubled Sp. Atk from DeepSeaTooth lets it hit about as hard specially as Swords Dance Alolan Marowak does physically. Keep in mind that Clamperl’s base Speed and defenses are abysmal and this will almost never work, but it’s just fun to think about. (Seriously, Game Freak, just let Clamperl’s evolutions use the items already.)

-I am very scared of Hoopa-U. Instead of the worthless Magician, it has its choice of Nasty Plot, Calm Mind, Taunt, Toxic, Thunder Wave, Trick Room, Substitute, screens, Gravity, Laser Focus, and more. And it still has its base 160 Attack and 170 Sp. Atk.

-Volcarona. It can discard Flame Body and Swarm, neither of which are very useful, for Quiver Dance, Roost, Sunny Day, Defog (don’t actually switch Volcarona in on hazards, this is a joke), Will-o’-Wisp, Tailwind, Morning Sun if you’re running a sun team, or even a screen if you don’t take yourself too seriously.

-Ribombee. Its main use, of course, would be as a Sticky Web setter, replacing one of its basically useless Abilities with a very rare and extremely useful entry hazard. Alternatively, you could hearken back to the old days of CAP and take a page out of Syclant’s book by equipping Powder. This will act a lot like Mountaineer, except instead of protecting against Rock moves on switch-in, it’ll protect against Fire moves (and do damage to the opponent as a bonus). This makes Ribombee (well, Powder users in general, Ribombee’s just the only usable one) possibly the best switch-in to Fire in the whole metagame. You could also use Quiver Dance to try and be a less-scary Volcarona. The silliest option Ribombee has, though, is trademarking Speed Swap, which will utterly ruin Trick Room users and anything with 125 base Speed or more.

-Keldeo. It doesn’t stand out as much as some of the others on this list, but Keldeo benefits immensely from being able to get rid of that deadweight Justified garbage and use something like Calm Mind instead. (On a related note, why do people use Keldeo? Its best setup move is Calm Mind, its Speed tier is just shy of being good, it doesn’t get Ice Beam and has to rely on Icy Wind for coverage, and its Ability is useless in the standard meta. The only real reason I can see to use it is Secret Sword. Is that really a good enough gimmick to keep Keldeo out of UU all on its own? Someone please provide me with an actual answer, I’m legitimately confused as to why Keldeo is still in OU.)

-Zapdos. Instead of burning the opponent’s PP faster (which has basically no real effect) or sometimes paralyzing them if they make contact (which just doesn’t really happen), Zapdos provides amazing support for all sorts of teams with its difficult-to-deal-with defensive properties. It can spread paralysis around with Thunder Wave (or poison with Toxic, but so can everything else), remove hazards with Defog, heal with Roost (also known as Regenerator 2), set up a screen, set up rain for Thunder or even sun for Heat Wave, set up Tailwind, force switch-outs with Metal Sound (hmm, that sounds familiar), and probably do other things that I can’t think of at the moment. All that is good enough on its own, and combining it with Volt Switch gives you one of the most useful support Pokémon in the meta, with good defenses and offenses to boot. Zapdos is probably one of the most versatile Pokémon in Trademarked.

-Mew. Mew is probably the single most versatile Pokémon here. It can do any one of the following, among other things:
  • Set up with Bulk Up, Calm Mind, Swords Dance, Nasty Plot, Hone Claws, Barrier, Amnesia, Rock Polish or Iron Defense
  • Use Confide as a special Intimidate
  • Lower opponents’ Speed with String Shot
  • Inflict status with Toxic, Thunder Wave or Will-o’-Wisp
  • Clear hazards with Defog
  • Set up screens—not just Reflect or Light Screen, but Aurora Veil as well
  • Set up any weather
  • Set up Trick Room
  • Set up Tailwind
  • Set up Stealth Rock
  • Cure the team’s status conditions with Heal Bell
  • Heal with Roost, Soft-Boiled or Synthesis
  • Remove the opponent’s Ability with Skill Swap, Gastro Acid or Worry Seed
  • Use Spite to lower the opponent’s PP by 4 whenever it comes in
  • Deny the opponent items using Embargo or Magic Room
  • Deny the opponent moves with Taunt or Torment
  • Mess around with RNG using Flash or Swagger
  • Mess around with defenses using Wonder Room
  • Make itself immune to Ground with Magnet Rise
  • Make its opponent immune to Ground with Telekinesis
  • Make nobody immune to Ground with Gravity
  • Copy the opponent’s Ability with Role Play
  • Copy the opponent’s stat changes with Psych Up
  • Copy the opponent’s type with Reflect Type
  • Copy the whole opponent with Transform
And the only thing it loses is Synchronize, which isn’t a good Ability by anyone’s standards. And it has the stats to make use of all of those options. And it can U-Turn or Volt Switch out after doing any of them. Do you see where I’m coming from here? Mew is easily at least A-tier, probably S-tier on the viability rankings.

-Level 1 Pokémon with Power Split, Guard Split, Pain Split, or Speed Swap. Power Split, Guard Split and Pain Split will effectively halve the opponent’s offenses, defenses or HP respectively, and Speed Swap will make your opponent slower than literally everything else. It’s a terrible idea that hardly ever works, but I could say the same about every other strategy that uses Level 1 Pokémon, and besides, it’s hilarious.

I’ll probably have a lot of fun in this meta once it’s coded. Hope it makes OMotM soon!
Keldeo is fast enough usually, and Secret Sword isn't a gimmick by any stretch. It lets special attackers hit special walls' usually lower Defense without having to split investment. It also beats Blissey and Chansey. Water/Fighting is also good coverage, and Keldeo hits harder than almost all other Water-type special attackers.
Lemme clear up a few misunderstandings regarding your post alephgalactus.

1. If a trademarked move is banned as a standard move by ou clauses it is also banned in here flat out. So no double team or minimize shenanigans.
2. Kings shield only real user is smeargle, though it being able to drop attack on a switch migt be better for giving its team support vs contact moves so it may be considered in future
3. Nature power, copycat and assist are primarily banned since compared to mirror move and me first, they can call out moves with less reprecussions, essentially giving a free revenge kill or easy method to take a chunk out of something. Me first may be considered since it can send an attack right back possibly meant for another mon your team back at them. However it also can be abused on being swapped into an attack as opposed to coming out at the same time. With how mirror move should work mechanically it would never be able yo activate since mirror move is only usable if a move was used on you prior, which since ur tm activates with the same priority as abilities like intimidate, your opponent will never be able to land a hit on you before it activates.

Outside of that you brought up some interesting set ideas and some usable mons and for that i thank you good sir.
Ok so gen 6 trademarked on rom seems to be working now (sadly not gen 7 one on dh). So based on it I was able to test a few things and confirm how they interact and even edited a few of them into the opening post.

Concerning megas

Megas have their trademark removed upon mega evolution (as they should thankfully). This was how I had hoped it would work and it will therefore stay that way moving forward unless an issue carrying it into gen occurs.

Concerning skill swap,snatch, and role play as trademarks and the ability trace

Now skill swap ,as a move at least, transfers the trademark with the opponents and upon doing so, the trademarks activate upon transfer. I tried using it as a tm but the teambuilder gave me the same prompt it would give me for a banned move so it seems it may have been banned but it seems snaq doesnt recall if such was the case upon me asking him. Though considering how tm proc on transfer it may have been banned since it may have essentially caused a turn to go on infinitely.

Role play acts normally and only activates the trademark for you upon copying and be used as a move or as a tm.

Snatch may be bugged cause when i used it as a tm it seems to snatch your using snatch (lol) and then doesnt snatch the opponents tm at least, was only facing cpu so not sure how it works for moves

Trace works how it does normally and copies the TM like it would any other ability.

Concerning assault vest

Assault vest doesnt block trademarks by any means so your free to use your better regenvesters or whatever other odd stuff u may run on your vester to the shock of your opponent.

Thats all I have to report for now, if there are any other interactions with moves and abilities (that are gen 6 based since its the only variant available) that you guys want me to check let me know (and possibly offer some help so I do not only have to test with the bot lol).
I think I found the ultimate meme strategy in this meta. Simple Beam + Parting Shot + Role Play/Trace.
  1. Lead with a trade marked Parting Shot, switch to trademarked Simple Beam before turn 1.
  2. On turn 1, switch again to the Parting Shot mon to lower the foe's stats, and then into your tm Role Play or Trace user.
  3. Your ability copier will copy the foe's Simple. Boost up with move of choice.
If your parting shot and simple beam user's are faster than your opponent's lead, you opponent won't be able to activate their trademark or switch before you copy their Simple. Your foe's attacking stats should be lowered 3 stages after the double parting shot, so they won't be able to hit you very hard on the switch, and will need to switch out. Now that's all pretty good, but downside is that this strat is hard countered by Haze, or switching into tm Taunt before you can boost, or switching into a tm Encore after you boosted, so there is no chance that this is gonna work consistently.

Here's a replay of a team I made as proof of concept to test it on rom, where everything went according to plan.
Simple Beam Meme Team Dream.
I think I found a great rain setter in this meta:

Scizor @ Damp Rock
Ability: Rain Dance
EVs: 248 HP / 124 Def / 136 SpD
Impish Nature
- U-turn
- Iron Head
- Roost
- Defog

Yes, Scizor somehow gets Rain Dance. It's also bulky, has a slow U-turn, and has reliable recovery, which means it can set rain many times. Its lone weakness, Fire, being weakened by rain also helps.

The EVs are taken from the Gen 7 UU Defog analysis.

This might be a rediscovered set that used to be popular in Gen 6; I haven't checked for sure.
Ok once again I was able to confirm a few more mechanic changes but instead i just put them in the op.
In short, mbounce and mcoat bounce tm, imprison doesnt block them, entrainment seems to cause an infinite turn.

Anything else you guys want me to test out thats gen 6 based once again let me know

Now a set idea that I think could be usable on trick room teams.
Image result for doublade sprite

Doublade @ Life Orb/fightinium z/ghostium z
Ability: Power Trick
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Gyro Ball
- Shadow Claw
- Sacred Sword
- Shadow Sneak/Swords Dance

Power trick is mostly useless in standard since u make yourself less and in turn boost your attack, which for most that get it are either too slow to abuse it or dont have much of a difference between their attack and defense. in this case you can do it just upon switching to at least mitigate the turn you would have to wait to do so. Doublade can also still opt to run sd in its movepool and despite the defense swap still has a respectable defense stat. Yes i know it would be better to probably just use swords dance, but in this case you can boost your attack and still have access to sd to boost it further.
Thought I'd post a couple sets!

Here's one similar to lolLlLcker69's Xurkitree.

Manaphy @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Tail Glow
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Scald
- Ice Beam
- Energy Ball
- U-turn

This is faster than Xurkitree, but weaker. However with its excellent coverage options and basically immunity-free STAB (who's running Water immunity abilities here) this probably won't be as much of an issue as you might think.

Here's another Manaphy set!
Manaphy @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Heart Swap
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature / Naive Nature
- Liquidation
- Ice Beam
- U-turn
- Scald / Knock Off / Energy Ball

Whereas the other set was more of a cleaner this set focuses more on pure revenge killing. In a metagame that will be as set-up heavy as this one inevitably will Heart Swap TM is gonna be really good. This set aims to A) outspeed set-up sweepers after the heart swap, even if they dont boost speed B) Use as many varied boosts as possible to hit and revenge as much as possible. Liquidation enables you to steal boosts from stuff like Lando-T and Terrakion effectively, Ice Beam is there to hit grass types and dragon types primarily, U-Turn is because pivoting is gud. Last moveslot depends on what you want to hit most effectively, or what you want to utilize the boosts from most effectively. Scald lets you steal Quiver Dance boosts from Volcarona and lock into a special move it as well as just being a generally spammable STAB attack. Knock Off is good utility and can stop Chansey from switching into you for free. Energy Ball is your only real tool against other water types. Psychic is worth considering because Pex is a nightmare for this set.


LiZHOOOM (Linoone) @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Belly Drum
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Extreme Speed
- Throat Chop
- Stomping Tantrum
- Seed Bomb

No commentary needed. ZHOOM.
Make sure you clear away the Wispers, Charmers, and Heart Swappers first though


Weavile @ Life Orb
Ability: Swords Dance
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Ice Shard
- Knock Off
- Icicle Crash
- Poison Jab

Weavile appreciates both the easy setup due to its frailty and the fact that it now has a useful ability slot (Pressure OP). Pretty simple set, the sort of which we'll probably see a lot of.
Be aware that Gen 6 Trademarked has a lot fewer bans and clauses than this thread for Gen 7 does. Importantly, I was able to build a team with 3 mons with Rain Dance as the trademark and a Breloom with Spore as the trademark, then go up against the bot with a Breloom with Spore as the trademark:
This is the Gen 6 Trademarked thread for reference:

So yeah, I can't wait for a working Gen 7 version!

Here are some fun sets:

Latios @ Assault Vest
Ability: Trick
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Psyshock
- Defog
- Surf

The dreaded Trick-Vest set. Scout your opponent's team for walls and support mons before sending this guy in. Trick always activating might get annoying after the first switch-in, but the first Trick is worth it.

Landorus-Therian @ Leftovers
Ability: Bulk Up
EVs: 252 HP / 112 Def / 144 Spe
Impish Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge / Knock Off
- U-turn

Why leave Intimidate on defensive Lando-T when you can put on Bulk Up?

Heatran @ Firium Z
Ability: Substitute
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Magma Storm
- Earth Power
- Taunt
- Toxic / Stealth Rock

Substitute is underrated as a trademark, IMO. Here's one good use of it. Why keep Flash Fire when you can shield yourself from one Ground attack per switch-in? This guy makes a great lead as a result.

Victini @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Substitute
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- V-create
- Bolt Strike
- U-turn
- Trick

Here's another great use of the Substitute trademark. Pursuit trap? What Pursuit trap? It also lets you get more V-creates in.
Looking for something to give to this thread, and WPA2 gave me a dumb idea.

Then it worked: god has come

Shuckle (M) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Power Trick
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Bug Bite/Filler
- Gyro Ball/Filler
Just set up Trick Room and sweep. I used Bronzong for this since Gen 6 and all that, but Stakataka could very much work.
Also to anyone who actually watched the replay, can anyone explain why Doublade outsped? Answered
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