Media touhou music and doujin circles


is a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
it would be an understatement to describe touhou music as incredible. this thread serves to show and talk about the vast arrangements and remixes of touhou songs by many various doujin circles, as well as talk about the circles that remix touhou songs.
for more context, touhou is a bullet hell video game series solely developed by zun, zun programs the games, creates the characters, and most notably composes the music. many other games are renowned for their soundtracks but what makes touhou different from other games is that the series is very fan-driven by nature of its origins as a "doujin game", and that zun encourages fans to create fanworks of his games, including fanart, games, and of course music. this has amounted to a continuous explosion of touhou fan remixes in the past 15-20 years from hundreds if not thousands of doujin circles. remixes in every genre you can think of, vocal arrangements, even vocals in different languages beyond japanese like french and german, there is an endless sea of touhou fan music. doujin circles often would often release their work during the biannual comiket convention, which is held once in august and another in december. touhou was so popular at comiket that a convention made just for touhou known as reitaisai was made, which usually happens around the spring time, although the recent pandemic as thrown a wrench in that.

most touhou arrangements you can find on youtube, however as of late, more and more artists and circles have been putting their works on streaming platforms such as spotify. some notable circles that have their works on spotify include xi-on, eastnewsound, alstroemeria records, cool&create, and theres also official touhou osts from team shanghai alice and twilight frontier. check out this link to see what doujin circles have their works on spotify:
zun under team shanghai alice has already put out his various music albums on spotify and is currently releasing the osts of the zun-developed games. the touhou fighting game songs made along with twilight frontier are already on spotify. more info (although in japanese) here:
as for my tastes, im a very simple person, i see a touhou song i will most probably like it, doesnt matter what genre, style, or if it has vocals, though i slightly prefer instrumental stuff. theres a lot of rock and metal remixes so doujin circles such as demetori, ui-70, and xi-on are up my alley, not to mention that these are probably among the most well known doujin circles. it seems as if only xi-on has their albums on spotify out of the circles i named, which is a tad unfortunate, perhaps the other circles will hop on soon. dbu is another one of my favorite circles, i especially like how close dbu's songs are to the original touhou songs. ill link a small sample of my favorites from these circles, please listen warmly:

xi-on - emotional skyscraper
ui-70 - septette for the dead princess
xi-on - fall of fall
demetori - pure furies
dbu - lunatic princess
ui-70 - desire drive
demetori - vessel of stars
dbu - border of life

there are a lot more circles i like but these are the first ones that come to my mind and frankly there are so many awesome circles. last thing i want to say though, is that the songs considered to be the big three of touhou songs (un owen was her, flowering night, and bad apple) are all remixes, with the last brutal scarlet sister s and night of nights remix made by cool&create, and the bad apple song by alstroemeria records, with the shadow art video accompanying it coming a bit later, which really cements the influence of fan culture surrounding the series on the internet.
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hba raid let's go

caution: bangers itt

my experience with touhou music is really weird, my main music source is youtube so often i find new music through (questionably legal) big music compilations and stuff. i try to support the artists when i can by buying albums though.

demetori - nuclear fusion demetori goes so hard. nuclear fusion goes so hard. there really is nothing like the melody coming through after the awesome 90-second buildup on this song.
magnum opus - imperishable sin and millennium history this album is really neat. magnum opus blends touhou melodies in with symphony x melodies to create really cool and chaotic songs that go all over the place (old world and plain asia work really well here imo). my favorite track on this album is actually the mystical maple remix at 1:42:20. listen to that. right now. do it.
this compilation of jazz songs is super sick, it features a lot of different artists with various takes on the genre. my recommendations are wind god girl (15:11) and hartmann's youkai girl (1:14:53). i was also super impressed by the vocal tracks in here.

if the above are too energetic for you, then here's this four-hour compilation (with part 2 lol) featuring primarily orchestral songs. check out marasy if you wanna hear your favorite 2hu tunes on piano.
i'll leave this section mostly to zovrah since he's the resident floating cloud enjoyer

sensitive heart - memories of shooting the moon is that still too energetic? then sensitive heart is for you. this album costs money and isn't on youtube but i found it through the incredible gensokyo millennium remix which you can listen to here. they also have an independent album, heart life, which is free to listen to

karasu - tabula rasa this album is sick. it's kind of the opposite of imperishable sin and millennium history above in that instead of adding more melodies, it tries to tie the songs together to make them as coherent as possible. karasu often fixates on a specific part of the melody and iterates on it, which sounds boring but all 6 of these songs are absolute bangers: though they use similar techniques, the energy levels of the songs vary massively (solitary flames, for example, is very slow in contrast to madness festival). worth the price for sure. if you want a sample, here's the 8 minute masterpiece, edge of the neverending night, to get you hooked
hba raid lets go

Based Demetori enjoyer. I rly like Floating Cloud myself, they do a lot of nice folk instrumental stuff

an arrangement of Broken Moon (IaMP one instead of SWR apparently? Don't know the differences there)

I have more arrangements of Border of Life than I do any other song, but this is by far my favorite. Gives the whole a sick party vibe.

Tutti Sound's The Light of Faith is cool. Suwa Foughten Field arrangement, if that matters.

Floating Cloud again, an arrangement of IN's Eastern Night. its very cinematic

a Grimoire of Alice arrangement from TAMUSIC, though as far as I can tell its more like Doll Maker of Bucuresti x Grimoire of Alice
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Never ever thought I'll actually live to see a Touhou music thread in smogon site...

So first of all, I'm also a big fan of Touhou-related music myself and I'm so happy to see some fella in here does the same. I myself listen more on Rock or Eurobeat-based circle, such as Akatsuki Record and A-ONE. But overall I just LOVE Touhou music in general, can't get enough of them.

Circles that I usually listens to:
A-ONE (lyrics by T.Stebbins)
Odyssey Eurobeat
Akatsuki Records 「暁Records」
Diao ye zong 「凋叶棕」

Some recommendations or suggestions:
【東方Eurobeat ENG SUBS】On The Moon【A-ONE】
【東方English Vocal/Eurobeat】 Catch Us 「A-ONE」【English Subtitle】
【東方Vocal/Rock】 幽鬼傀儡、あるいはその愛と再生 「Akatsuki Records」 【Subbed】
【東方Vocal/Traditional Rock】 「心綺楼」 「凋叶棕」 【ENG Subs】
【FELT】03. Lost in the Abyss(FELT-014 Fortunes Gate)[Audio Archives]
can I take this opportunity to ask some burning questions i've had about the touhou franchise?

so I watch a lot of anime. I'm really into anime idols and stuff. some might call me a weeb. but I just legitimately do NOT understand touhou. whenever I see anyone talk about it, it's always something different. but honestly I've never EVER seen anyone praise the actual games. at most it's like, "this was made by one person!" which is cool but are they actually good? I guess so because I see it everywhere. It's always praising the art or some Youtube AMV and now the music. Do people actually play the games? I've watched a few videos and they seem really hard and honestly a little seizure-inducing. Am I looking at the wrong games?

what is actually so popular about this franchise? why are people drawn to it? I already know it's the waifus so maybe don't answer this. but at the same time the designs have an older VN style that I didn't think was popular anymore? but whatever maybe that's part of it too. I just feel like in my mind touhou has 0 sense of identity behind shrine and yokai waifus. I really want to understand. But like I've listened to almost every song in this thread and they legitimately sound SO different from each other but also like they could be in just any old game or whatever, in any form, boss music or chill music. Some of them even sound like they could be from Pokemon. is that the appeal?

Soundtrack of my student life tbh

like the first song of this just sounds like any random-ass cafe song that could appear in literally any cafe video game ever, hell maybe even a real cafe I'm not sure I'd question it. Like I'm not trying to be rude I'm just trying to understand what makes this a touhou song? Is it remix of something that appeared in the games? that people actually supposedly play?

please don't take this as me trying to be rude I've just had this burning desire to understand for almost like a decade honestly. the most I know about touhou is from the wikipedia page and I can recognize a few characters because it seems like people will obsess over 1 on twitter which is fine I do that too but I don't understand anything else because I get so lost whenever I try to figure it out.
can I take this opportunity to ask some burning questions i've had about the touhou franchise?

so I watch a lot of anime. I'm really into anime idols and stuff. some might call me a weeb. but I just legitimately do NOT understand touhou. whenever I see anyone talk about it, it's always something different. but honestly I've never EVER seen anyone praise the actual games. at most it's like, "this was made by one person!" which is cool but are they actually good? I guess so because I see it everywhere. It's always praising the art or some Youtube AMV and now the music. Do people actually play the games? I've watched a few videos and they seem really hard and honestly a little seizure-inducing. Am I looking at the wrong games?

what is actually so popular about this franchise? why are people drawn to it? I already know it's the waifus so maybe don't answer this. but at the same time the designs have an older VN style that I didn't think was popular anymore? but whatever maybe that's part of it too. I just feel like in my mind touhou has 0 sense of identity behind shrine and yokai waifus. I really want to understand. But like I've listened to almost every song in this thread and they legitimately sound SO different from each other but also like they could be in just any old game or whatever, in any form, boss music or chill music. Some of them even sound like they could be from Pokemon. is that the appeal?

like the first song of this just sounds like any random-ass cafe song that could appear in literally any cafe video game ever, hell maybe even a real cafe I'm not sure I'd question it. Like I'm not trying to be rude I'm just trying to understand what makes this a touhou song? Is it remix of something that appeared in the games? that people actually supposedly play?

please don't take this as me trying to be rude I've just had this burning desire to understand for almost like a decade honestly. the most I know about touhou is from the wikipedia page and I can recognize a few characters because it seems like people will obsess over 1 on twitter which is fine I do that too but I don't understand anything else because I get so lost whenever I try to figure it out.
Well the simple reason is that the music and large cast just make it very accessible to a mass audience, and the games are excellent entry-level bullet hell games since they're generally not very challenging.

Obviously different things appeals to different people, the music and games are what attracted me to the series, some people love the world building and how much freedom the concept of youkai in Gensokyo gives people(fanwork is HUGE in the fandom, fangames music and printwork are all super common and of course the thing that keeps it alive is that a majority is extremely high quality)

For bullet hell games, most (keyword most, th12 and 15 are particularly cruel on Lunatic) of them are like I said entry-level difficult games for schmup standards, most of them are pretty realistic to beat given a few days dedicated to learning each pattern. Of course this isn't to say Touhou is strictly bullet hell, there's fighting games(Tenshi the character I'm named after comes from one -w- , Soku in particular has a dedicated fanbase to it) The songs posted here are remixes of the songs that appear in the games or in separate CDs, all of which are composed by Zun(except in the fighting games where Zun usually only composes the themes for the new characters appearing in said games)

The thing about music in general is that it can be whatever the composer wants it to be, you can take a calming song say for example Suwako's theme(Native Faith) from touhou 10, it's a super happy-go-lucky energetic song, but if an arranger wanted to say...make a metal arrangement it exists :) and if someone wants to just capitalize on the happy energy and just make a complete fucking EDM dance track, it can happen. They're just taking the original and recreating what they want to make out of it, of course Zun's music is very characteristic of his own work (zunpets are a meme because of his heavy use of trumpets in his compositions)

I know I can be very run-on-sentence heavy so pardon if that's a mess to read but hopefully that answered something ;^_^
Ultimately Zun makes touhou games for his music so I feel like the games almost take a backseat in that sense but in reality they're excellent games(and they look a lot less seizure inducing when you get used to bullet hells and what you're actually looking at on screen when shit hits the fan)

Also as someone who's not into women, the whole waifu thing is completely irrelevant to me(and for I'd say probably a good size of the fanbase) and there's a lot to enjoy about the characters beyond that
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can I take this opportunity to ask some burning questions i've had about the touhou franchise?

so I watch a lot of anime. I'm really into anime idols and stuff. some might call me a weeb. but I just legitimately do NOT understand touhou. whenever I see anyone talk about it, it's always something different. but honestly I've never EVER seen anyone praise the actual games. at most it's like, "this was made by one person!" which is cool but are they actually good? I guess so because I see it everywhere. It's always praising the art or some Youtube AMV and now the music. Do people actually play the games? I've watched a few videos and they seem really hard and honestly a little seizure-inducing. Am I looking at the wrong games?

what is actually so popular about this franchise? why are people drawn to it? I already know it's the waifus so maybe don't answer this. but at the same time the designs have an older VN style that I didn't think was popular anymore? but whatever maybe that's part of it too. I just feel like in my mind touhou has 0 sense of identity behind shrine and yokai waifus. I really want to understand. But like I've listened to almost every song in this thread and they legitimately sound SO different from each other but also like they could be in just any old game or whatever, in any form, boss music or chill music. Some of them even sound like they could be from Pokemon. is that the appeal?

like the first song of this just sounds like any random-ass cafe song that could appear in literally any cafe video game ever, hell maybe even a real cafe I'm not sure I'd question it. Like I'm not trying to be rude I'm just trying to understand what makes this a touhou song? Is it remix of something that appeared in the games? that people actually supposedly play?

please don't take this as me trying to be rude I've just had this burning desire to understand for almost like a decade honestly. the most I know about touhou is from the wikipedia page and I can recognize a few characters because it seems like people will obsess over 1 on twitter which is fine I do that too but I don't understand anything else because I get so lost whenever I try to figure it out.

Hello and welcome, my fellow friend. I shall answer your question based on the music perspective in my opinion since for the game-wise, I'm not really a big fan of bullethell games(which is what Touhou Project originally was).

So, what is so popular with this franchise music-wise? In my opinion, counting out the waifu part, the beauty of Touhou music is how vast and how diverse the music genre can falls into. Which also makes it easier to fall into this rabbit hole. Most of the circles are independent and produce the musics based on the genre they specialized into, but all-in-all, they trace back to the Touhou game soundtrack, which is where they based it from.

What makes it a Touhou song? Some may have a different interpretation of this, but for me, a Touhou song, as what you seen from this thread earlier, are all based on the original Touhou game soundtrack (mostly, or all, are composed by ZUN), in which they remixed it into different subgenre of songs to attract different genre music listeners.

Take this for example, this is the original soundtrack of Sakuya's theme from the Touhou game Phantasmagoria of Flower View
Sakuya's Theme - Flowering Night

Then you can also find Touhou music based on the theme above, from other music circles like:
【東方Vocal/Metal】 Bloody Devotion 「Akatsuki Records」 【Subbed】
【東方Vocal/Eurobeat】 トラベリング・デイズ 「Crazy Beats」

If you listened to those above, they are composed based on the theme song, which you can find the resemblance in the music pace and beats, also they credit the original soundtrack usually. I hope I have at least answered some of your questions. :blobuwu:
can I take this opportunity to ask some burning questions i've had about the touhou franchise?

so I watch a lot of anime. I'm really into anime idols and stuff. some might call me a weeb. but I just legitimately do NOT understand touhou. whenever I see anyone talk about it, it's always something different. but honestly I've never EVER seen anyone praise the actual games. at most it's like, "this was made by one person!" which is cool but are they actually good? I guess so because I see it everywhere. It's always praising the art or some Youtube AMV and now the music. Do people actually play the games? I've watched a few videos and they seem really hard and honestly a little seizure-inducing. Am I looking at the wrong games?

what is actually so popular about this franchise? why are people drawn to it? I already know it's the waifus so maybe don't answer this. but at the same time the designs have an older VN style that I didn't think was popular anymore? but whatever maybe that's part of it too. I just feel like in my mind touhou has 0 sense of identity behind shrine and yokai waifus. I really want to understand. But like I've listened to almost every song in this thread and they legitimately sound SO different from each other but also like they could be in just any old game or whatever, in any form, boss music or chill music. Some of them even sound like they could be from Pokemon. is that the appeal?

like the first song of this just sounds like any random-ass cafe song that could appear in literally any cafe video game ever, hell maybe even a real cafe I'm not sure I'd question it. Like I'm not trying to be rude I'm just trying to understand what makes this a touhou song? Is it remix of something that appeared in the games? that people actually supposedly play?

please don't take this as me trying to be rude I've just had this burning desire to understand for almost like a decade honestly. the most I know about touhou is from the wikipedia page and I can recognize a few characters because it seems like people will obsess over 1 on twitter which is fine I do that too but I don't understand anything else because I get so lost whenever I try to figure it out.
In my eyes the only thing that ties touhou covers together are the melodies lol. That creates some sort of undertale-like situation where you train your ears to recognize leitmotifs and its all very fun to see how far they can be used in different situations. The appeal of the franchise in my eyes are the absolutely bonker loose copyright rules around the franchise where anyone can basically make anything abt touhou and even make profit on it. This leads to hella creative stuff and an ever-growing ecosystem of fanworks.
ima just leave dis here

I have a playlist of my favorite vanilla songs and a handful of mostly but not all metal remixes, but this one stands out in the non-weeby-vocals space.

Pour one out for Alice Margatroid's YT channel, RIP.

Since the good ol' Nico Nico Douga days, I've always appreciated the stringing together of songs and finding smooth transitions between them. With all of the songs having roots in ZUN, Touhou medleys can be some of the most fluid I've listened to in the past some 10-15 years.

These are a few shorter ones for ease of listening:
Bad Apple but it's each character's theme songs instead
Unidentified Morphing Spheres with an Innocent Treasures theme
Every stage theme from TH6-9 in stage order

And a few longer ones if you would like:
marasy8's Touhou 6 Medley - If you're into piano, marasy8 is the absolute goat in Touhou piano music. check out their other covers and medleys!
Last Boss Rush
EX Boss Song Medley
so a thought randomly appeared in my head asking the question of "what is the singlemost influential/well known touhou doujin album?". and the way i answered this was mainly by how many well known and viral remixes exist in a single album, and so we bring to you TOUHOU STRIKE by COOL&CREATE.

1: 0:00 - BORDER OF STRIKE! [Border of Life - PCB Yuyuko]
2: 3:34 - Wriggle Buggle [Mooned Insect - IN Wriggle]
3: 6:50 - SORANO HANA (天花 -ソラノハナ-) [Capital City of Flowers in Sky - PCB Stage 4]
4: 12:42 - Shisso Ensemble (疾走あんさんぶる) [Phantom Ensemble - PCB Prismrivers]
5: 16:24 - REZAMARI DEMO TSURAKUNAI! (レザマリでもつらくないっ! ) [Master Spark - IN Marisa [vocal]]
6: 18:54 - TONO YO-KAI ZENSEN (遠野妖怪前線) [Fantastic Legend of Tohno - PCB Stage 2]
7: 22:49 - drizzly rain [Locked Girl - EoSD Patchouli [vocal]]
8: 26:28 - Mukau no kyou C.C.LIVE (無何有の郷 [C.C.LIVE]) [Deep Mountain - IN Stage 1]
9: 32:03 - Help me, ERINNNNNN!! [Lunatic Princess - IN Kaguya [vocal]]
10: 35:14 - SAKURA SAKURA (桜櫻 -サクラサクラ-) [Sakura Sakura - PCB Credits]
11: 41:47 - SAISHU-KICHIKU IMOTO Flandre-S (最終鬼畜妹フランドール・S) (U.N. Owen was her?) [you know this one]
12: 45:12 - Naki oujo nante hajimekara inakatta (亡き王女なんてはじめからいなかった) [Septette of the Dead Princess - EoSD Remilia]

this album released in december 2004 during comiket 67 and features songs from the first three windows touhou games. the first thing thats apparent to anyone familiar with touhou remixes is that this album is by the legendary COOL&CREATE, the same circle beatMARIO is from (or made rather). not only that, this album contains some of the most iconic remixes in the entire touhou project, particularly last brutal sister scarlet s and help me erinnnnn, remixes of un owen was her and lunatic princess. the former was notably included in the second part of the viral ronald mcdonald video that introduced touhou to a large western audience, while help me erinnnn was just a very popular song in general, sung at karaoke bars in japan even (according to marine lol), and one part of the song in touhou hijack memes all the way back. the phantom ensemble remix is also fairly well known for being included in the prismriver sisters on drugs flash animation, with flash animations being one of the ways touhou got very popular on the internet. the rest of the songs in the album are worth a listen too, theyre very well made and are just the classic fast paced cool&create style. patchouli and marisas themes have nice vocal arrangements here, with amane and beatmario lending their voices to the respective remixes. my favorite tracks from this album are the pcb stage 1 and 4 arrangements, mainly cause those were already some of my favorite songs from pcb already, but these are arrangements of touhou songs so every song is expected to be a banger. im not extremely into the super fast paced and upbeat nature of cool&create but its still very enjoyable nonetheless, and theres a reason their songs are frequently used in memes. theres a lot more albums from other circles i like lot more, but i dont think theres a single more stacked album in terms memes and recognizability than this one.
can I take this opportunity to ask some burning questions i've had about the touhou franchise?

so I watch a lot of anime. I'm really into anime idols and stuff. some might call me a weeb. but I just legitimately do NOT understand touhou. whenever I see anyone talk about it, it's always something different. but honestly I've never EVER seen anyone praise the actual games. at most it's like, "this was made by one person!" which is cool but are they actually good? I guess so because I see it everywhere. It's always praising the art or some Youtube AMV and now the music. Do people actually play the games? I've watched a few videos and they seem really hard and honestly a little seizure-inducing. Am I looking at the wrong games?

what is actually so popular about this franchise? why are people drawn to it? I already know it's the waifus so maybe don't answer this. but at the same time the designs have an older VN style that I didn't think was popular anymore? but whatever maybe that's part of it too. I just feel like in my mind touhou has 0 sense of identity behind shrine and yokai waifus. I really want to understand. But like I've listened to almost every song in this thread and they legitimately sound SO different from each other but also like they could be in just any old game or whatever, in any form, boss music or chill music. Some of them even sound like they could be from Pokemon. is that the appeal?

like the first song of this just sounds like any random-ass cafe song that could appear in literally any cafe video game ever, hell maybe even a real cafe I'm not sure I'd question it. Like I'm not trying to be rude I'm just trying to understand what makes this a touhou song? Is it remix of something that appeared in the games? that people actually supposedly play?

please don't take this as me trying to be rude I've just had this burning desire to understand for almost like a decade honestly. the most I know about touhou is from the wikipedia page and I can recognize a few characters because it seems like people will obsess over 1 on twitter which is fine I do that too but I don't understand anything else because I get so lost whenever I try to figure it out.
the best way to explain this imo is through looking at the original touhou themes. i remember watching this youtube video from like 8-bit music theory or someone where they explained that touhou music is typically very melody-driven and uses a LOT of key changes to give a sense of motion to the song. (for the record, this is also how the gameplay in touhou works--each attack pattern only shows up once per playthrough and it takes about 20-40 seconds to get through each one). here are a couple examples:

eosd - septette for the dead princess
here you can really split the song up into a bunch of recognizable parts:
0:00 - intro
0:12 - first main part (with more of the intro sprinkled in)
0:53 - first main part, but with a key change
1:07 - interlude between first and second parts
1:20 - second main part
1:48 - building on second main part
2:01 - see above but with a key change
2:14 - loop

then if you look at an arrangement such as this one (24:42 if timestamp doesnt work), you can recognize a lot of the same melodies and parts in there, of course with many creative liberties taken.

in - plain asia
this one isn't a final boss theme so it's much less complicated.
0:00 - intro
0:12 - main part (which is really just building on the intro)
0:25 - interlude between two parts
0:38 - what the hell is this
0:51 - what the hell is this, part 2 (key change boogaloo)
1:03 - main part comes back
1:15 - see above but with key change
1:28 - loop

most arrangements should have both the main part and the "what the hell is this" clearly recognizable. this one is an example that stays pretty close to the original structure of the song.

so basically, i'd say the key to enjoying touhou remixes as distinct songs is to recognize the underlying melodies and then look at how each artist builds on them. not to say that you have to listen to all the originals (i for one have not), but if you listen to say a remix of nuclear fusion and are like "wow this is a banger" i recommend seeking out other nuclear fusion mixes so your brain can compare the two.

as for the other questions you asked about the touhou fanbase i honestly could not tell you. it's been around since the 2000s so there's definitely a lot of old internet culture at its roots, but still, it's pretty weird.

edit: a lot of what i said was covered by the other responses but i'll just leave my post here
ive returned with more music

sensitive heart - scarlet destiny as a sensitive heart fan i was still blown away by this album. sensitive heart really steps outside their comfort zone with this album instrument-wise. a good example of what you can expect from this album are the 3 songs starting at 7:11. fickle elf (7:11) is comprised of nothing but recorders and still sounds great, cirno stylish (8:57) has a gazillion instruments and borders on too energetic, and rainbow camellia (13:40) is very relaxing and more of a classic sensitive heart song.

where this album really goes above and beyond imo is past the interlude. i'll save your mind (19:13) is calm, refined, but still very energetic and builds towards an incredible melody. four-dimensional warp device (27:37) is a lot of fun but does take a while to get to the melody. scarlet destiny (32:31) deserves its status as the title track: it uses an absolute ton of instruments without feeling heavy or contrived, it experiments without going too far off the beaten path, and it overall just sounds great.

also labyrinthine misdirection (23:35) is a maid & pocket watch of blood remix that i actually like which is awesome

karasu's youtube channel this guy is incredibly talented with arrangements. this is a 20 video playlist with nothing but bangers. he also makes fun stuff like lacrimosa - metal remix. go check this dude out hes so underrated

alright thats all for today

edit: got a couple more and didnt feel like posting again

magnum opus - scarlet devil fantastic rhapsody this album is pretty cool. it's in the same style as imperishable sin and millennium history above with extremely complex songs that weave a ton of different melodies together. i think this one is overall a bit worse due to some tracks just being short (how dare magnum opus not use the credits theme to create a 7 minute masterpiece of a song yet again??? im so mad!!!) but it's pretty consistent in quality. the standout songs of eosd imo (meiji 17, the girl's secret room, luna dial) are arranged extremely well here and lunate elf is inexplicably incredible too. magnum opus isn't for everyone but they are definitely in good form here.

karasu - what we become i just love this album. compared to tabula rasa, what we become is very laid-back and melancholy, but in the best way possible. comatose, mourning devil, and what we became don't try to get you hyped up, but they're deep, emotional, and beautiful songs. and then there's vermillion, a necrofantasia arrangement that's overflowing with energy. vermillion steals the show and can only be described as an absolute banger. you do have to pay for this album but its like $1 so, like, you really don't have any excuses not to get it.
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dark phoenix is another pretty damn good circle, mainly focusing on a similar instrumental type as the previous circles i mentioned in the op, wish they were on spotify.

dark phoenix - plain asia
this is probably their most well known song and its not hard to see why, it fucking slaps. just like the original plain asia the piano goes off here imo its just as strong as the original. no wonder this was played in like every montage loool.

dark phoenix - lunatic princess
lunatic princess remixes are always fire to listen to. the intro to this song feels so good to listen, and about 50 seconds in it goes fully into lunatic princess. the part i mainly wanted to highlight with this song comes two minutes in when the guitar kicks in. its prob just me but i especially like this guitar because its very distinctive of dark phoenix, and how it sounds paired with the composition, it gives me huge f-zero x vibes, which is one of my favorite games and soundtracks in a game.

dark phoenix - the primal scene of japan the girl saw
if you want some full on f-zero x guitars, this song blasts you with them right at the start, followed by your standard touhou fare, amazement. this song is probably one of my favorite stage 5 songs in the entire series too.

this circle has lot more amazing songs but these were the ones i wished to highlight, go check them out! all the songs i linked are from their arrow rain album or arrow realize which are just remastered versions.

i had this song stuck in my head for quite a while; desire drive has always been ridiculously catchy and the style of this song just works so well with it. i dont listen to vocal songs as much but theyre often pretty good, this one being no exception. happy 2022

i also had more dbu stuck in my head, particularly dbu - g free. g free is one of my favorite songs from zuns music albums, its just very catchy like desire drive, and dbu does a great job as always when arranging touhou songs. theres even a gameboy sounding part during the song which i really like, almost sounds like it would fit perfectly in gsc lol.

oh yeah this reminds me, zun released a music album at comiket two months ago, its titled rainbow coloured septentrion, idk how he comes up with these words, but its considered his 9.5th music album since it only has three songs, being rearrangements of chimata's theme in touhou 18, stage 4 theme from hsifs, and a new arrangement entirely. this new one is called the wolves of nanatushi dash to seize the clouds, and was apparently composed for a small mountainous community in japan, thats pretty cool. it doesnt seem like this album is on spotify or other streaming services yet unfortunately, as only a physical version at comiket has currently released, though there prob are some yt uploads.

this popped up in my playlist and its prob one of the best arranges of necrofantasia ive heard. ive known about this doujin circle for a while too but yea he makes bangers, tatsh also made songs in beatmania and dance dance revolution before making touhou arranges.