Yessssss got my boy gligar.
#10 I gotta go viriz. I hate it and I think its underwhelming, but its semi defensive utility in coming into ground moves, good speed, and breaker sets define a big part of the grass-steel-poison centric RU meta in gen 7. Every team has preparations specifically for virizion, something which milotic lacks because it has natural checks here.
I've changed my vote to Milotic bc eifo has clearly shown that it is not only an RU titan but that it must be the best mon ever. I mean pink is the best color ever created and reminding anyone of pink is automatically a top 5 all time and it is also pretty, and there's a movie called Pretty in Pink, which means pretty in Milotic, which mean Milotic is pretty and therefore a top tier. Milotic is also colorful which is far better than competitive ability. Also being pretty is better than the ability competitive, which is lesser than pink. I will also add that Milotic does the same 5 things at all times which is better than having multiple sets because inconsistency is not pink, and pink is better than everything. The last point I would like to make for Milotic is that it is a water type which has more pink colors than Grass mons which are only better in the RU tier (where significantly better typings like grass and wall breaking capability are clearly worse than being a pretty mon, which Milotic is and Virizion is not as Virizion looks like a confused boner). In conclusion I would like you all to know I am voting Milotic, as walling things with boring and plain sets, while being pretty, and having more natural pink, is significantly more impressive and meta defining than defining the meta. Defining the meta is for non pink nerds who do not accept the power of being a pink wall that loses momentum and loses to very bad threats like Heliolisk, and winning games is absolutely unacceptable.