Online Competition Tiny Tourney [NOW ON SHOWDOWN]

tiny tourney results: >1680 rating with a 30-15 record (13-2,7-8,10-5)
Team: Excadrill, Hawlucha, Honchkrow, Azumarill, Chandelure, Rotom-Fan

Pretty happy with the way things turned out, third month ever battling in any format and third month with a >1670 rating in the IC.

Brought a team I thought I could handle given my lack of experience. Really wish I didn't drop Amoongus for Rotom-Fan at the last second, it really didn't make sense and at least 3 battles I lost would have been easy wins with Amoon-Azu. Day 2, the day of lightning, I got punished for bring so many mons weak to electric, I knew it was a bad idea but it could've been worse as I only saw electric in 10 of 45 games.


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Oh, by the way, this tourney taught me an incredibly important thing for me from now on.

Quash can be deadly versus Trick Room.

I threw my team together a little too haphazardly but the concepts in it are pretty solid. Always led Togedemaru and usually led Azelf. Skill Swap and Stealth Rock probably would have been better as Psychic and Protect but gimping a few Prankster Pokémon was worth it. Krokorok is completely useless and should have been A-Muk. Rotom should have been Wash and Toxapex should have been Chandelure or A-Marowak. Kartana could have done well with a Scarf or an Assault Vest instead.

Togedemaru, Azelf and Kartana were solid and Rotom was usually the fourth pick. If I knew my record I probably wouldn't be happy enough about it to share since I made some stupid mistakes, but it would definitely be a lot better if Nintendo didn't run on potato batteries for servers.

Edited for proofreading.

I threw my team together a little too haphazardly but the concepts in it are pretty solid. Always led Togedemaru and usually led Azelf. Skill Swap and Stealth Rock probably would have been better as Psychic and Protect but gimping a few Prankster Pokémon was worth it. Krokorok is completely useless and should have been A-Muk. Rotom should have been Wash and Toxapex should have been Chandelure or A-Marowak. Kartana could have done well with a Scarf or an Assault Vest instead.

Togedemaru, Azelf and Kartana were solid and Rotom was usually the fourth pick. If I knew my record I probably wouldn't be happy enough about it to share since I made some stupid mistakes, but it would definitely be a lot better if Nintendo didn't run on potato batteries for servers.

Edited for proofreading.

I assume your Krokorok has Moxie because you couldn't get one with Intimidate in time, right? Seeing as it does literally nothing on that set.
I assume your Krokorok has Moxie because you couldn't get one with Intimidate in time, right? Seeing as it does literally nothing on that set.
I was so rushed to make the team I must not have even noticed that. That's definitely part of why its so bad.
So it turns out that I'm an hour too late to try to battle again, after 3 days of it telling me it couldn't find any opposing trainers for the junior division (I would refresh it while doing other things)... And I have "5" games in total, which were all games that cut connection before the second round... I'm kinda mad, really. The other link battles in-between didn't do that

I wonder if I still get the megastones?
I was so rushed to make the team I must not have even noticed that. That's definitely part of why its so bad.

That being said Intimidate could have been a little counterproducing for Foul Play (which is why I didn't have a physical Dark STAB on my Scraggy).
So it turns out that I'm an hour too late to try to battle again, after 3 days of it telling me it couldn't find any opposing trainers for the junior division (I would refresh it while doing other things)... And I have "5" games in total, which were all games that cut connection before the second round... I'm kinda mad, really. The other link battles in-between didn't do that

I wonder if I still get the megastones?
Unfortunately you only get the mega stones if you did at least 3 battles. However, they'll probably distribute them to the public in a few months (like they did with the other mega stones)
question: does cancelling your participation before the competition ends have an impact on whether or not you receive the prizes at the end of the comp? i'd assume so bc i did the battles but it would suck if i put the work in and then invalidated it just bc i wanted my team unlocked :c

Loved the idea behind this tourney so tried to theory-craft a team without lurking the Battle Spot forums; it was fun to see how many of the same ideas I shared with other battlers! I'd second Mishimono 's sentiments about Haze being overkill on Chandelure, wish I'd put Protect or Overheat in that slot.

Stopped battling when I broke 1700's, went around 24-8, usually led Chandelure/Amoonguss and usually regretted it when I didn't. Excadrill was a huge problem for this team as well as opposing Amoonguss. Got 0-4'd by a beautiful Sky Drop Hawlucha and Night Slash Kartana lead. Sky drop prevented TR from going up and broke the sash while Kartana finished my Chandy off, perfectly countered.

All in all a pretty fun tournament, looking forward to next months!
went 31-14, with a rating of 1710 which is 9th in Canada and 350 overall. So I didnt do as well as I normally do, hopefully I like the next comp better and spend more time preparing a team.
29-16....1683 rating, good for 651st overall and 18th in Canada. Feel good about these results, considering 4 months ago I didn't even know what an excadrill was and hadn't played pokemon in any capacity since I was 13 (I'm 29 now). Also had to get up to speed on all the non SM pokedex mons, as I had only done ICs(April/May) with SM dex.