The worst or most disappointing moment of your life

I felt like this may be easier to answer then the greatest moment of your life thread.

What is your worst or most disappointing moment?
Seeing my best friend lying down on the street after being hit by a train, calling his name out and getting absolutely nothing, screaming for help, and feeling his cold body and his organs spill on my shirt after I pick him up. Crying for two weeks after that. Didnt eat for a week, and only because I was physically forced to. Then subsequently trying to hang myself in my garage, only for the beam to break. Then trying to OD on a shit load of ibuprofen only to wake up in a hospital after getting my stomach pumped.


One Pixel
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Getting rejected from University of Chicago and Northwestern. After studying for the SATs each weekend for over 6 hours, setting up various community projects, raising my GPA to over 3.8, it was a kick in the stomach, when I found out I probably won't be able to accepted because I'm an international student. Even worse was the letter I got from Northwestern which a part read "you were not rejected because of your financial standing, and your country citizenship" when I know that they have a separate pile for international students, who cannot afford to pay full tuition.

Another horrible moment was when I destroyed a friendship between me and a friend, because I had feelings for her, and chose to bring it up selfishly and at the wrong time. We didn't talk for a year, but she closed the gap, when I was too selfish to. I look back, and I think what a jackass I was.
Another horrible moment was when I destroyed a friendship between me and a friend, because I had feelings for her, and chose to bring it up selfishly and at the wrong time. We didn't talk for a year, but she closed the gap, when I was too selfish to. I look back, and I think what a jackass I was.
Just recently happened to me, although I did manage to ask her to my last high school formal (prom night I guess you guys call it) and she accepted (after I told her my feelings). We danced and stuff but my friendship with her has been shaky ever since. Hard to talk to her now :L
I'm only 19, I think I can have a lot worse happen to me still than anything that currently has. (Although, getting turned down for prom senior year was pretty upsetting, but still not the "worst").


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When I traded my Spearow for a Farfetch'd in Pokemon Red, trained it up to around level 40 and then read in a strategy guide that Farfetch'd doesn't even evolve.
Disappointment would be when my brother brought me a new DS game but I opened the cartridge and a clown sprang out.

Worst would be... I can't really classify into moments.


Tree Young
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My life has been pretty good, I can't say I've had anything that could qualify as a "worst moment."
Losing to me repeatedly in pokemon? :).

Anyway in seriousness, I feel really blessed that I don't really have that many bad moments. The worst was when my friend gave me a message at 3 am telling me how much she loved me and how much I meant to her, and I could pretty much tell it was a suicide message. I tried calling her 10 times at 3:30 AM but she wouldn't pick up, and she lives interstate from me so I couldn't physically do anything. I very rarely cry but I cried myself to sleep that night, and only found out in the morning that the reason she didn't go through with it was because she thought it wasn't fair on her family. Me and this girl don't talk heaps anymore due to the distance, but I consider myself so lucky that nothing bad happened that night!


Simper Fi
This moment, because I realise it isn't as fun as I for some reason thought it would be. Again.

Or possibly the moment when I deleted my previous three half-written posts because I didn't want to seem attention-seeking and am now realising the irony of my editing this in.
This moment, because I realise it isn't as fun as I for some reason thought it would be. Again.

Or possibly the moment when I deleted my previous three half-written posts because I didn't want to seem attention-seeking and am now realising the irony of my editing this in.

If something bad happened to you or you were severely disappointed, write it. Never worry about what other people think when you're being truthful with yourself.
In fifth grade, on the way home from school, my friend decided to start running away from me. My nerd body naturally couldn't keep up with him. Apparently he hid behind a hedge in some person's yard and once he saw me, he kicked me to a curb. It drew blood. I was lying there for about half an hour.. Moral of the story: no-weapon zones are bullshit.


Banned deucer.
Mine would probably be losing my best friend in a car accident.

It was hard to even comprehend what had happened to him, I found out about what had happened when I had walked to his house to see if he wanted to hang out, only to find out what happened to him.
In my senior year of high school I had a 611$ gas bill. As soon as I got home it was basically a "rag on Thund" session ranging from the gas bill, to school, to work. Than my mom yelled "ARE YOU USING IT ON YOUR BOYFRIEND?!?!" Naturally I was shocked and pissed off that she just yelled that out.

The funny thing is is that I WAS using it a lot to drive to and from meeting my boyfriend, who she had no idea about. Bitch must be psychic. So yeah just those 10 minutes of my life basically sucked....actually most of the second half of senior year did too but that's life.
I was at the breaking point in the relationship with my mother. After her selling so many of my things, verbally mistreating me and not allowing me to go out places.... The first night we moved in to another house(this has been done so many times), I ripped a book of hers that had to deal with relationships since she stinks at them. She hid my Yugioh deck after that. I yelled at her for hours to give it back, then I chucked a spoon at her when walking away from me and it stabbed a big vein in her arm. She said she's bleeding and I told her "I don't give a shit anymore; you don't listen to me"... After that, she threw my Yugioh deck(the only hobby I had) and stomped on it. We went to Childrens Hospital the next day to transfer custody to my dad, and my mom tried to convince me she cared more than she did. I was leaving with my dad and she wanted one last hug. I flicked her off then left.


I was the first one to discover my German Shepherd, dead, two days before Christmas 08. She was covered in snow. We had Laura for 9 1/2 years. I was playing with her about 6 hours before. The worst part was when my dad asked me to get garbage bags to put her in, and it still brings me to tears after thinking about it... Cried for like 4 hours straight the day it happened


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When I realized that my previous best friend (who I stopped from freaking killing herself) hated me.
Um..... the worst moment I could possibly think of that I'm ever gonna tell anybody here was when I thought Tim and Eric Awesome show was good enough to look at.
when the ditzy love of my life ran across the road to embrace me and she got hit by a truck because she didn't look both ways


tits McGee (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
The day my grandmother died. I was getting home from school when my dad, step mom and grandfather had already left to visit her that day, and they said things weren't looking very good. I was freaking out, wanting to go there too even though I wasn't sure how to get there, needed money for the toll roads, etc. I rationalized that if I really desperately wanted to go I would ask for directions, figure out the toll amounts, ask neighbors for gas money, etc. I was really stressed. I calmed myself down thinking that I would be able to see her the next day, but my father called me later that evening to tell me that she had passed away. I was so sad; there were new developments in my life that I wanted to tell her about, and I was sad I hadn't played my violin for her in so long. She was easily the most important person in the world to me, and I miss her so much.
When i was so excited to watch a soccer game live with four friends and then we all discovered the tickets were false when the stadium's security called the cops -.-

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