The World Cup of Pokémon IX - Round 1

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at least France got an invitation to play next year's World Cup. oo
doidaaao will now proceed to destroy FLCL and Tsunami in the tiebreak.
Unfortunate that a good ass team like France would miss playoffs due to extremely bad luck while sacks of shit like shake soge valentine etc luck their way thru despite having no skill whatsoever (shoutout shake go head get lukd (BAN ME PLEASE)) anyways it's been fun watching France play, and u guys were pretty much the only threat so on behalf of east id like to thank u guys for letting this trophy come uncontested. On another note how the fuck is metro third niggas is steppin up big props to lord funk
Brasil, Asia and Canada will battle for #6 in a xy game
Deadline: next Thursday, but battle asap pls

Also teams may send me their round 2 line ups.
Germany and Spain should send their line ups to Ciele
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I would like to understand why were Canada given an activity win in such conditions. We're out because of an activity win, how can it be possible. I won't waste my time complaining about what happened yesterday in all our games because that's useless but trust me this is more frustrating to be out because of an activity win than on bad luck. I can't believe an activity win with such an impact on the tournament was given considering the fact that activity wins are rarely given in WCOP.

Canada probably "deserved" this activity win but I just can't understand how such a decision was taken by M Dragon or the TDs. If Canada don't get this activity win we tie with them and still have a chance to make it to playoffs. How is that fair for us? Why aren't we playing a tiebreak against Canada to decide which Team advances into playoffs? It's clear that Afrabs threw their games and didn't want to sub Felony out to make us lose. I also watched Europe's games yesterday and they clearly lost on purpose. I guess I can't prove they did but this is seriously sad to see that a Team make it to playoffs over another because of an activity win and another Team that don't want to sub their player our and throw their games. Also UK are in the same situation, don't forget that. You decided to give an activity win while 2 teams were able to make it to playoffs.

I really would like M Dragon and the other TDs to reconsider this decision or Canada's captain(s) to post regarding this.

Thanks for reading.
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Since they didn't tie: no

Btw ojama how did we make play offs even though all german players except cbb and darklucario suck? :<
Canada probably "deserved" this activity win but I just can't understand how such a decision was taken by M Dragon or the TDs.
I don't know the full situation but if you think Canada deserved the activity win why are you complaining about them getting it?

The score between teams should have no bearing on whether an activity win is given. Give an activity win based on who was active and the circumstances of the battlers themselves. This same faulty (imo) logic has sprung up in SPL before where ppl bitched that matches should be extended instead of activitied when the scores were so close, but that's just retarded.

Activity wins are there for a reason and they shouldn't just be thrown out the window because a score is REALLY close, because if you're going to take that line then you really shouldn't give activity wins at all. I feel for you France, but if the only reason you're mad Ojama is because an activity win was given when the scores were so close rather than Canada not deserving the activity win, then, well...
This discussion shouldn't be public and only between TDs and the captains of france/uk/canada

If you want to do it here don't be surprised if you get stupid comments
Activity wins are there for a reason.

and so are substitutes, you can read the OP, a situation like that is really not supposed to happen, plus the fact that it's not a consequence-free game means that the captain of Afrabs has no excuse for such negligence

edit : Soulgazer : put me captain of afrabs, I'll sub someone in don't worry, and I would not give any credit to reyscarface's impartial opinion on the situation lmfao
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and so are substitutes, you can read the OP, a situation like that is really not supposed to happen, plus the fact that it's not a consequence-free game means that the captain of Afrabs has no excuse for such negligence

what part of afrabs had no subs is too hard to grasp.

this is pretty clear cut in my opinion, i agree with everything panamaxis said. the only way any other outcome could come out of this would be if you completely remove every activity win that has been given this tour, make them get played and go from there. sadly not only is this impractical for obvious reasons, but its also unfair for the teams that were readily available during the timeframe given. not even mentioning the dangerous precedent this sets.

also i want to point out if you want to go with the "fair" option, it wouldnt be to remove the activity wins, and succesfully screw over teams that were ready, but instead punish those who didnt get their matches completed for x or y reason. 3 weeks was a monstruous amount of time to get *3* matches done. if you want fairness, create a blacklist and ban tourney players that lose on activity (there could be exceptions, leave it to host discretion).

shit happens in tournaments, i learned this the hard way through Latin America missing playoffs with a 13-11 record when 2 teams that advanced were at 12-12. Shitty point system and whatnot, and due to that it was changed the following years.

Canada didn't play his last game. If we play a tiebreaker, it is as if they had played it.

da fuck? no it isnt, its literally shafting canada out of a game because their opponent wasnt available. how would you feel if we say: Okay France, you get to play 23 games while everyone else plays 24. It is extremely unfair.
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Team Brazil is not interested in playing a tiebreak. We accept being the 8th seed.
I speak with captain Hantsuki and the whole team permission.
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