Lusa contacted Sergio Aguero wanting to play on a weekday of the third week. Sergio agreed to play on Friday the 14th after his game with dice, and then informed Lusa that that game was scheduled for 5 PM GMT -4. Lusa agreed to play shortly after this time.
On the 14th, at 5 PM GMT -4, since the game between dice and Sergio hadn't started yet, Lusa PM'd Sergio asking to clarify if he was still good to play soon, and received no response. Team Brazil tagged team UK to provide Sergio or a sub at 5:28 GMT -4, to which they replied that they wouldn't be subbing anyone and that the dice game was scheduled for 4 hours later. Turns out that his game with dice had never been scheduled for 5 PM, but instead 9 PM, and he just lied(?) to Lusa. Any good faith interpretation of the
scheduling reads as them agreeing to play at this timeframe, IE: between 5 and 6 PM GMT -4, but in any case Sergio never replied to any further message, and failed to show up to his game with dice, so even a reading of them agreeing to play broadly on the Friday evening still results in inadequate activity from Sergio and Team UK.
Lusa kept trying to contact Sergio to sort this out, and stayed online for several more hours afterwards, and received no communication from Sergio or Team UK. He will be unavailable for the rest of the week. We request an activity win.