US Northeast was predicted 1st on average, with 17,722 expected wins. They finished 2nd with 15 wins. 6 out of 98 predictors correctly called their final record.
Their biggest fans were Corazan (22-2), We Three Kings, Hiro', Nat, Clone, Thootjuh, Raiza, Ox the Fox (21-3), while the biggest haters were FMG (8-16), Hipmonlee (12-12), "predicted against teamates :o", doc1203 (13-11), Tuthur, Expulso, MangoSteak, MAX UND MAX (14-10).
Germany was predicted 2nd on average, with 17,170 expected wins. They finished 6th with 13 wins. 5 out of 98 predictors correctly called their final record.
Their biggest fans were LNumbers, Serpi (24-0), mind gaming (23-1), Eonito & Mike Cometa & jcbc & JuanSG (22-2), Amaranth, xray, Bloo's Brother, MangoSteak, MAX UND MAX (21-3), while the biggest haters were Nigel (8-16), Ahmad Alfatih (9-15), FMG (10-14), 0ne Last Kiss (11-13), Michielleus (12-12).
Italy was predicted 3rd on average, with 15,749 expected wins. They finished 4th with 14 wins. 12 out of 98 predictors correctly called their final record.
Their biggest fans were giove97, STABLE (24-0), Raiza, Mihowk (21-3), Tuthur, IPF (20-4), while the biggest haters were FMG (8-16), Mishimono (9-15), Eonito & Mike Cometa & jcbc & JuanSG (11-13), Nat, Hipmonlee (12-12).
US South was predicted 4th on average, with 14,507 expected wins. They finished 7th with 13 wins. 9 out of 98 predictors correctly called their final record.
Their biggest fans were Bouff (24-0), Hiro', Xrn, Ox the Fox (21-3), Amaranth, mind gaming, Nat, Clone, Nigel (18-6), while the biggest haters were Happygate (8-16), Gman (10-14), xray, Skypenguin, bdoghlfarghl, 0ne Last Kiss, Michielleus, Rotom Wash (11-13).
US West was predicted 5th on average, with 14,109 expected wins. They finished 12th with 11 wins. 6 out of 98 predictors correctly called their final record.
Their biggest fans were bdoghlfarghl, Hockey1 (21-3), Corazan, doc1203 (20-4), Feaniix, euglena, tob, Sjneider, AtraX Madara (18-6), while the biggest haters were FMG (7-17), Nigel (8-16), Expulso (9-15), Regnite, VyoletRayn, Ahmad Alfatih, MangoSteak, Freezerman, Bouff (10-14).
Europe was predicted 6th on average, with 13,904 expected wins. They finished 9th with 12 wins. 14 out of 98 predictors correctly called their final record.
Their biggest fans were STABLE (22-2), kjdaas, We Three Kings, Hiro', Heika, tob (18-6), while the biggest haters were Corazan (7-17), Freezai, FMG (8-16), abd1710, Expulso, Skypenguin, Mihowk (10-14).
Canada was predicted 7th on average, with 11,842 expected wins. They finished 1st with 15 wins. 5 out of 98 predictors correctly called their final record.
Their biggest fans were Jytcampbell (24-0), Skypenguin, disgusting (17-7), Eonito & Mike Cometa & jcbc & JuanSG, FMG (16-8), while the biggest haters were Leo, India fan (7-17), STABLE, Sjneider, Nigel (8-16).
Spain was predicted 8th on average, with 11,739 expected wins. They finished 10th with 11 wins. 9 out of 98 predictors correctly called their final record.
Their biggest fans were Regnite (24-0), Livio (23-1), Malekith, Xrn (17-7), abd1710, Bloo's Brother (16-8), while the biggest haters were Heika, tob (5-19), Clone, Happygate, Ravenna, Nigel (7-17).
US Midwest was predicted 9th on average, with 11,680 expected wins. They finished 5th with 14 wins. 7 out of 98 predictors correctly called their final record.
Their biggest fans were Expulso (24-0), Ahmad Alfatih (19-5), starry blanket, tob, Happygate (18-6), while the biggest haters were Jytcampbell (0-24), Serpi (6-18), Leo, Livio (7-17), Feaniix, Malekith, abd1710 (8-16).
Latin America was predicted 10th on average, with 11,568 expected wins. They finished 15th with 9 wins. 9 out of 98 predictors correctly called their final record.
Their biggest fans were Livio (20-4), giove97 (19-5), Leo (18-6), 0ne Last Kiss (17-7), starry blanket (16-6), while the biggest haters were VyoletRayn, Boulicrok (7-17), Xrn, Relous, Corazan, Hockey1, Hipmonlee, Bouff (8-16).
Brazil was predicted 11th on average, with 11,333 expected wins. They finished 13th with 9 wins. 9 out of 98 predictors correctly called their final record.
Their biggest fans were elodin (19-5), Spl4sh, Livio (17-7), Rewer, Ash KetchumGamer (16-8), while the biggest haters were Ahmad Alfatih (2-22), Ravenna (5-19), giove97 (7-17), ojr, Clone, doc1203, STABLE, Daruma (8-16).
France was predicted 12th on average, with 10,037 expected wins. They finished 3rd with 15 wins. 2 out of 98 predictors correctly called their final record (Boulicrok and Nat - you get a special mention, nice one).
Their biggest fans were VyoletRayn (21-3), Ahmad Alfatih, Corazan (18-6), Welli0u (17-7), Heika (16-8), while the biggest haters were luisin, IPF, tob (5-19), kythr (6-18), and nine people i cannot be bothered listing (7-17).
Asia was predicted 13th on average, with 8,762 expected wins. They finished 16th with 8 wins. 11 out of 98 predictors correctly called their final record.
Their biggest fans were Alpha Rabbit (23-1), IPF (16-8), Relous, Ahmad Alfatih, AtraX Madara, India fan (13-11), while the biggest haters were Bloo's Brother (1-23), STABLE (2-22), Hiro' (3-21), VyoletRayn, Heika (4-20).
Oceania was predicted 14th on average, with 8,731 expected wins. They finished 8th with 13 wins. 3 out of 98 predictors correctly called their final record (VyoletRayn, Bouff, and Drifting - nicely done).
Their biggest fans were FMG, Hipmonlee (24-0), ninjadog (16-8), MangoSteak, Nigel (15-9), while the biggest haters were Hiro', ojr, Livio, elodin (4-20), Regnite, Hockey1, Icequake, snlfja (5-19).
India was predicted 15th on average, with 7,129 expected wins. They finished 11th with 11 wins. ONE out of 98 predictors correctly called their final record - GOBLIN.
Their biggest fans were Freezai, India Fan (21-3), FMG (14-10), guille14, Nigel (13-11), while the biggest haters were kjdaas, Feaniix, Bloo's Brother, euglena (2-22), Alpha Rabbit, Eonito & Mike Cometa & jcbc & JuanSG, STABLE (3-21).
Greece was predicted 16th on average, with 6,139 expected wins. They finished 14th with 9 wins. 5 out of 98 predictors correctly called their final record.
Their biggest fans were FMG (24-0), Nigel (13-11), AtraX Madara (12-12), Hipmonlee, MangoSteak (11-13), while the biggest haters were Nat (1-23), Corazan, Drifting (2-22), apologies, Hiro', Boulicrok, Clone, doc1203, Ravenna (3-21).