The Well #76 - earl

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When you go to Japan are you going to indulge your love for pokemon and travel around in a pikachu costume 24/7?

Why do midwesterners go so rabid for cheese curds?

Why does the degree interest you (what’s kept you in that degree instead of changing or dropping out and becoming a forager/gatherer like me?)

How did you hear of Super Auto Pets and if you were in SAP what would your effect be? You’re a pet-modser so I’m expecting something creative here.
1. Nah i’m going as nidoking
2. If they’re good, they’re really good
3. Just picked the first thing I found that I had a modicum of passion for. I’m not very passionate!
4. I think I heard of it thru northernlion. If I had an effect it would be- “pet sold: spawn a level 1 copy of that pet. Works (1,2, 3) times per turn” cuz I love buy sell. I LOVE SHRIMP

Favorite Z-Move animation?
Lax’s is a classic but it’s gotta be supersonic skystrike with a non-flier
hey everyone pay no mind to the Well being filled in, earl will be fine

(just keep your mouth closed so the concrete doesnt get in)

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