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The Top 10 Titans of the Gen 7 DOU Metagame

Hi, I am Yoda2798 and This is Nerdstats. Quick question, have you ever spent a couple of evenings compiling and analysing Pokemon statistics when you have more important things to be doing? Haha, yeah, me neither... anyways, here's some stats and fun facts about the voting in this thread from my friend on Alderaan (definitely not me). What follows is a collection of hide tags containing a pie chart and tally of votes for each round of voting. I counted the votes by hand, and if you want to look at them can go here. I converted that to a csv file and used Python to process the data. Below the collection of stats you can find comments on trends and interesting factoids by yours tru- I mean by my friend. The pie wedges for each Pokemon are coloured to be close to the Pokemon they represent, some of them are kind of meh and some of the labels are a bit squashed but I hope it's alright. Pokemon are sorted by vote count descending first, then by name alphabetically.


Total Number of Votes for #1: 33
:tapu fini: Tapu Fini: 22 votes (66.7%)
:gengar-mega: Mega Gengar: 7 votes (21.2%)
:incineroar: Incineroar: 3 votes (9.1%)
:marshadow: Marshadow: 1 vote (3.0%)

Total Number of Votes for #2: 23
:incineroar: Incineroar: 18 votes (78.3%)
:landorus-therian: Landorus-Therian: 3 votes (13.0%)
:gengar-mega: Mega Gengar: 2 votes (8.7%)

Total Number of Votes for #3: 26
:landorus-therian: Landorus-Therian: 10 votes (38.5%)
:tapu koko: Tapu Koko: 10 votes (38.5%)
:gengar-mega: Mega Gengar: 5 votes (19.2%)
:marshadow: Marshadow: 1 vote (3.8%)

Total Number of Votes for #4: 17
:landorus-therian: Landorus-Therian: 13 votes (76.5%)
:gengar-mega: Mega Gengar: 2 votes (11.8%)
:metagross-mega: Mega Metagross: 1 vote (5.9%)
:snorlax: Snorlax: 1 vote (5.9%)

Total Number of Votes for #5: 29
:gengar-mega: Mega Gengar: 18 votes (62.1%)
:marshadow: Marshadow: 8 votes (27.6%)
:metagross-mega: Mega Metagross: 2 votes (6.9%)
:camerupt-mega: Mega Camerupt: 1 vote (3.4%)

Total Number of Votes for #6: 15
:metagross-mega: Mega Metagross: 12 votes (80.0%)
:marshadow: Marshadow: 2 votes (13.3%)
:tapu lele: Tapu Lele: 1 vote (6.7%)

Total Number of Votes for #7: 19
:marshadow: Marshadow: 9 votes (47.4%)
:zygarde: Zygarde: 6 votes (31.6%)
:snorlax: Snorlax: 2 votes (10.5%)
:tapu lele: Tapu Lele: 2 votes (10.5%)

Total Number of Votes for #8: 16
:snorlax: Snorlax: 8 votes (50.0%)
:zygarde: Zygarde: 6 votes (37.5%)
:tapu lele: Tapu Lele: 2 votes (12.5%)

Total Number of Votes for #9: 14
:zygarde: Zygarde: 8 votes (57.1%)
:tapu lele: Tapu Lele: 2 votes (14.3%)
:genesect: Genesect: 1 vote (7.1%)
:kartana: Kartana: 1 vote (7.1%)
:camerupt-mega: Mega Camerupt: 1 vote (7.1%)
:zapdos: Zapdos: 1 vote (7.1%)

Total Number of Votes for #10: 19
:tapu lele: Tapu Lele: 9 votes (47.4%)
:zapdos: Zapdos: 6 votes (31.6%)
:genesect: Genesect: 2 votes (10.5%)
:kartana: Kartana: 1 vote (5.3%)
:camerupt-mega: Mega Camerupt: 1 vote (5.3%)
First I'd like to talk about some interesting facts around the votes of individual users and Pokemon. There were 5 users who voted for all 10 Pokemon: Amaranth (TIN), fespy, HeatEdgeSword, Mishimono, and talkingtree. There were also a number of people who voted only once, from tenzai for #1 to Archfeywild for #10. The person who voted for the most 'correct' Pokemon (the one chosen as the titan) was Mishimono, who voted for the winning Pokemon 9 times out of 10. The person who voted for the most 'wrong' Pokemon (ones not chosen as titan that round) was TIN, voting for losing Pokemon 7/10 times. The longest consecutive streak of voting for the same Pokemon is a joint title, held by TIN for voting Mega Gengar for places #1-5, and fespy for voting Tapu Lele for places #6-10, both streaks ending with the desired Pokemon winning (unsurprisingly).

The Pokemon with the fewest (non-zero) total number of votes across the whole process was Kartana, who received 2 votes from only Yuichii (sobad) for #9 and 10. Just behind Kart, we have a tie between Genesect and Mega Camerupt at 3 votes each. Genesect received votes from TIN for #9 and 10, as well as SteelixPrismGX for #10; Mega Camerupt took the support of GenOne for #5 and #10 (an interesting gap where he voted for other Pokemon inbetween), and had YoBuddy's vote for #9. Next in order is Zapdos with 7 votes and after that everything had >=10 votes. Out of 17 Pokemon nominated, 14 Pokemon received some number of votes, with those receiving no votes being Mega Kangaskhan, Kyurem-Black, and Tapu Bulu. So if you ignore the three Pokemon with <=3 total votes each, then you can see that 11 Pokemon received a substantial number of votes for being part of the 10 titans; meaning that the overall consensus on who the 10 should be was quite strong, the choice between Zapdos or Tapu Lele for #10 being the exception. Another fact is that all Pokemon voted for in round #1-8, aside from Camel, ended up on the final 10.

Now, I'll discuss the overall trends in the data. Out of the 10 votes, 6 had an outright majority (#1-4, 6, 8), 1 had exactly 50% of the vote going to the winner (#8), 2 had a winner close to 50% (#7, 10), and only 1 vote had the winner receiving <40% of the vote, being #3. This vote also happened to be a tie 10-10 between Landorus-T and Tapu Koko, which our friendly gay overlord miscounted and so attributed the win to Koko. Since Landorus is the #4 titan anyways, this is no big deal since voting would likely otherwise be the same. As you may have expected, the 2nd or 3rd most popular votes for a particular place tended to be the ones to take the winning spot next round, with the one exception being Koko for #3. Interestingly enough, Tapu Koko actually received zero votes in the previous two rounds and came out of the blue to win the spot as SM DOU's #3 titan. On the opposite end of things, we have Mega Gengar, who was 2nd or 3rd in votes from #1-4 before finally winning place #5. Marshadow also received varying numbers of votes (sometimes even down to zero) in the votes from #1-6 preceding its victory in the vote for #7. Something something broken Ghost-types sticking around forever. Tapu Lele steadily grew in influence during the votes from #6-10 before finally winning. Between some rounds you can see the majority moving from the winning Pokemon mostly onto the same one Pokemon (#1-2, 3-4, 4-5, 5-6, 7-8), while in other rounds the winning crowd spreads out among the options more. The round with the biggest variety of Pokemon voted for was for #9 with 6 different Pokemon taking a bite of the voting pie. Earlier rounds had only 3 or 4 different Pokemon voted for, perhaps showing that people's opinions started to diverge when voting for the highest numbers/lowest places. With the exception of #3, earlier votes tended to have a bigger majority for the winner than in the later rounds of voting, also lending credit to this idea.

In terms of the Pokemon themselves selected to be titans, there was 1 starter Pokemon, 3/4 Island Guardians, 2 Mega Pokemon, 1 pseudo-legendary, and 6 legendaries (those categories not being mutually exclusive, of course). The lowest BST is Incineroar's measly 530, with most having 570 BST or above due to being a Mega or legendary. Four types appear multiple times in the list: Fairy (3), Ground (2), Ghost (2), and Psychic (2); while four types did not appear at all: Bug, Grass, Ice, and Rock.

So, there you have it! I hope you enjoyed, that would help lessen my existential pain and make me feel less like I wasted my - I mean my friend's - time.
Hi, I am Yoda2798 and This is Nerdstats. Quick question, have you ever spent a couple of evenings compiling and analysing Pokemon statistics when you have more important things to be doing? Haha, yeah, me neither... anyways, here's some stats and fun facts about the voting in this thread from my friend on Alderaan (definitely not me). What follows is a collection of hide tags containing a pie chart and tally of votes for each round of voting. I counted the votes by hand, and if you want to look at them can go here. I converted that to a csv file and used Python to process the data. Below the collection of stats you can find comments on trends and interesting factoids by yours tru- I mean by my friend. The pie wedges for each Pokemon are coloured to be close to the Pokemon they represent, some of them are kind of meh and some of the labels are a bit squashed but I hope it's alright. Pokemon are sorted by vote count descending first, then by name alphabetically.

View attachment 206045
Total Number of Votes for #1: 33
:tapu fini: Tapu Fini: 22 votes (66.7%)
:gengar-mega: Mega Gengar: 7 votes (21.2%)
:incineroar: Incineroar: 3 votes (9.1%)
:marshadow: Marshadow: 1 vote (3.0%)
View attachment 206046
Total Number of Votes for #2: 23
:incineroar: Incineroar: 18 votes (78.3%)
:landorus-therian: Landorus-Therian: 3 votes (13.0%)
:gengar-mega: Mega Gengar: 2 votes (8.7%)
View attachment 206047
Total Number of Votes for #3: 26
:landorus-therian: Landorus-Therian: 10 votes (38.5%)
:tapu koko: Tapu Koko: 10 votes (38.5%)
:gengar-mega: Mega Gengar: 5 votes (19.2%)
:marshadow: Marshadow: 1 vote (3.8%)
View attachment 206048
Total Number of Votes for #4: 17
:landorus-therian: Landorus-Therian: 13 votes (76.5%)
:gengar-mega: Mega Gengar: 2 votes (11.8%)
:metagross-mega: Mega Metagross: 1 vote (5.9%)
:snorlax: Snorlax: 1 vote (5.9%)
View attachment 206049
Total Number of Votes for #5: 29
:gengar-mega: Mega Gengar: 18 votes (62.1%)
:marshadow: Marshadow: 8 votes (27.6%)
:metagross-mega: Mega Metagross: 2 votes (6.9%)
:camerupt-mega: Mega Camerupt: 1 vote (3.4%)
View attachment 206050
Total Number of Votes for #6: 15
:metagross-mega: Mega Metagross: 12 votes (80.0%)
:marshadow: Marshadow: 2 votes (13.3%)
:tapu lele: Tapu Lele: 1 vote (6.7%)
View attachment 206051
Total Number of Votes for #7: 19
:marshadow: Marshadow: 9 votes (47.4%)
:zygarde: Zygarde: 6 votes (31.6%)
:snorlax: Snorlax: 2 votes (10.5%)
:tapu lele: Tapu Lele: 2 votes (10.5%)
View attachment 206052
Total Number of Votes for #8: 16
:snorlax: Snorlax: 8 votes (50.0%)
:zygarde: Zygarde: 6 votes (37.5%)
:tapu lele: Tapu Lele: 2 votes (12.5%)
View attachment 206053
Total Number of Votes for #9: 14
:zygarde: Zygarde: 8 votes (57.1%)
:tapu lele: Tapu Lele: 2 votes (14.3%)
:genesect: Genesect: 1 vote (7.1%)
:kartana: Kartana: 1 vote (7.1%)
:camerupt-mega: Mega Camerupt: 1 vote (7.1%)
:zapdos: Zapdos: 1 vote (7.1%)
View attachment 206054
Total Number of Votes for #10: 19
:tapu lele: Tapu Lele: 9 votes (47.4%)
:zapdos: Zapdos: 6 votes (31.6%)
:genesect: Genesect: 2 votes (10.5%)
:kartana: Kartana: 1 vote (5.3%)
:camerupt-mega: Mega Camerupt: 1 vote (5.3%)
First I'd like to talk about some interesting facts around the votes of individual users and Pokemon. There were 5 users who voted for all 10 Pokemon: Amaranth (TIN), fespy, HeatEdgeSword, Mishimono, and talkingtree. There were also a number of people who voted only once, from tenzai for #1 to Archfeywild for #10. The person who voted for the most 'correct' Pokemon (the one chosen as the titan) was Mishimono, who voted for the winning Pokemon 9 times out of 10. The person who voted for the most 'wrong' Pokemon (ones not chosen as titan that round) was TIN, voting for losing Pokemon 7/10 times. The longest consecutive streak of voting for the same Pokemon is a joint title, held by TIN for voting Mega Gengar for places #1-5, and fespy for voting Tapu Lele for places #6-10, both streaks ending with the desired Pokemon winning (unsurprisingly).

The Pokemon with the fewest (non-zero) total number of votes across the whole process was Kartana, who received 2 votes from only Yuichii (sobad) for #9 and 10. Just behind Kart, we have a tie between Genesect and Mega Camerupt at 3 votes each. Genesect received votes from TIN for #9 and 10, as well as SteelixPrismGX for #10; Mega Camerupt took the support of GenOne for #5 and #10 (an interesting gap where he voted for other Pokemon inbetween), and had YoBuddy's vote for #9. Next in order is Zapdos with 7 votes and after that everything had >=10 votes. Out of 17 Pokemon nominated, 14 Pokemon received some number of votes, with those receiving no votes being Mega Kangaskhan, Kyurem-Black, and Tapu Bulu. So if you ignore the three Pokemon with <=3 total votes each, then you can see that 11 Pokemon received a substantial number of votes for being part of the 10 titans; meaning that the overall consensus on who the 10 should be was quite strong, the choice between Zapdos or Tapu Lele for #10 being the exception. Another fact is that all Pokemon voted for in round #1-8, aside from Camel, ended up on the final 10.

Now, I'll discuss the overall trends in the data. Out of the 10 votes, 6 had an outright majority (#1-4, 6, 8), 1 had exactly 50% of the vote going to the winner (#8), 2 had a winner close to 50% (#7, 10), and only 1 vote had the winner receiving <40% of the vote, being #3. This vote also happened to be a tie 10-10 between Landorus-T and Tapu Koko, which our friendly gay overlord miscounted and so attributed the win to Koko. Since Landorus is the #4 titan anyways, this is no big deal since voting would likely otherwise be the same. As you may have expected, the 2nd or 3rd most popular votes for a particular place tended to be the ones to take the winning spot next round, with the one exception being Koko for #3. Interestingly enough, Tapu Koko actually received zero votes in the previous two rounds and came out of the blue to win the spot as SM DOU's #3 titan. On the opposite end of things, we have Mega Gengar, who was 2nd or 3rd in votes from #1-4 before finally winning place #5. Marshadow also received varying numbers of votes (sometimes even down to zero) in the votes from #1-6 preceding its victory in the vote for #7. Something something broken Ghost-types sticking around forever. Tapu Lele steadily grew in influence during the votes from #6-10 before finally winning. Between some rounds you can see the majority moving from the winning Pokemon mostly onto the same one Pokemon (#1-2, 3-4, 4-5, 5-6, 7-8), while in other rounds the winning crowd spreads out among the options more. The round with the biggest variety of Pokemon voted for was for #9 with 6 different Pokemon taking a bite of the voting pie. Earlier rounds had only 3 or 4 different Pokemon voted for, perhaps showing that people's opinions started to diverge when voting for the highest numbers/lowest places. With the exception of #3, earlier votes tended to have a bigger majority for the winner than in the later rounds of voting, also lending credit to this idea.

In terms of the Pokemon themselves selected to be titans, there was 1 starter Pokemon, 3/4 Island Guardians, 2 Mega Pokemon, 1 pseudo-legendary, and 6 legendaries (those categories not being mutually exclusive, of course). The lowest BST is Incineroar's measly 530, with most having 570 BST or above due to being a Mega or legendary. Four types appear multiple times in the list: Fairy (3), Ground (2), Ghost (2), and Psychic (2); while four types did not appear at all: Bug, Grass, Ice, and Rock.

So, there you have it! I hope you enjoyed, that would help lessen my existential pain and make me feel less like I wasted my - I mean my friend's - time.
what a nerd
Speaking of which, Yoda pointed out to me while he was working on this that I, in fact, cannot count. The vote for the #3 slot between Landorus-T and Tapu Koko was a tie and not a 10-9 victory for Koko as I had previously thought. The easiest solution here is to call it a tie and give them both the #3 slot, since this project was entirely for fun and has no real consequences. Sorry I'm dumb!