The Top 10 Titans of the 5th Gen OU Metagame [VOTING OVER]


We just got Genosect... so no to Scizor :P Lando-I is also a great mon that probably deserves to make the list, but we NEED the face of Fighting-types in here!
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For fuck sake finally gene won.

Anyway I gotta go with Terrakion with this one. He had a plethora of options and needed only 2 attacking moves most of the time. I'm trying to figure out possible candidates but i'm just not sure. Breloom, Volcarona, Dragonite, Salamence, Lati@s are all candidates but Terrakion has been a huge force the entire generation. I guess besides him I would say Dragonite and Salamence would round out the top 10 for me but who knows.
A lot of people who only played BW2 have said this, but honestly in BW1 it was "good", that's it, it had solid Checks and Counters but it was still a good consideration for your team, lets not forget that it had heavy competition from chomp and exca early BW1, effectively reducing it's shot at being a full metagame feared threat until veil chomp (not RS chomp) and exca were banned AND it received sheer force, until all of that, lando-i honestly was just "good" in BW1 and pre-sheer force era, after sheer force, it was not really "metagame definning" after BW2 got somewhat semi stablized (tornadus-t, gene AND deo-d were banned before it was even considered as meta definning, talk about late to the party) and even then it's checks were already awesome ass pokes to use in OU like latias and celebi, the uturn set got revenged and the RP set had big problems breaking down the aformentioned checks to it. It was metagame defining (even then keldeo was about as much as a force in the metas as much as it), but only enough to get banned, when you see all these "titans" and metagame forces up in the current top 7, do you really think Lando-I can fit in? or is it time for something like keldeo or terrakion to take the spotlight (lando-i was of titan relevance really only in it's own stage, keldeo and terrak were titan relevant in 2+ stages)

voting Latias though, terrak deserves it, but excadrill, blaziken and veil chomp stages hurt it bad, while latias was consistently awesome in all the stable shifts of OU (pre stage blaziken/excadrill doesn't really count imo as it was barely a "metagame" as much was it was a broken playground for threats to run around it)

Latias was possibly the most consistant special wall in the OU tier, not only that, but it was a good one too, it could become a very terrifying bulky booster sweeper with it's infamous CM and subCM sets, or go on the offensive with bulky specs or bulky LO, LOLati was amazing, it was a defensive and offensive check to so much pokemon, while constantly pressuring the opponent to lose something, or take like 40-100% on their steel(depending on what steel it was) from HP fire. Lets not even mention that it checked like 75% of the suspects this generation.

While yes it faced competition from Veil Chomp and Excadrill in early BW1, it's sheer unpredictability and great SpAtk helped it separate itself from the other two as more of a prime wallbreaker (due to it being able to heavily damage FerroCent, which was and still is extremely popular. Once Excadrill was banned, it was a popular sand sweeper with a pretty darn good speed tier (Keldeo wasn't around then, Garchomp was in ubers, Terrakion could only revenge kill) using Sand Force to boost itself to levels similar to those of Sheer Force, meaning it could brush aside any "counters" using Swords Dance, outspeed the whole metagame using Rock Polish and revenge kill with a Choice Scarf.

Obviously it was the later stages of BW2 that pushed it over the edge, but I think a mon that has been consistently good over the course of the whole generation deserves this spot.

Also, I'm not going to bother arguing this point anymore until voting for the next spot commences, as it looks like Terrakion has won anyway.

Edit: I played BW1, btw
Scizor has been #1 OU for 10 months straight, I can't see it not being Scizor. It's not like it sucked in BW1 either, it was one of the top tier threats, a devastating SD sweeper, and the staple of Volt-Turn.
Up goes Deoxys-S for me, same argument as last time, im too lazy to reelaborate.

Btw, Gary, were running short on time, i think you should cut at least 1 round short or else we might not get the entire list by 12 :]
Terrakion for reasons already mentioned(If I can vote by this point, that is). I'm also gonna have to agree that if we want to get this done before XY then a round is gonna have to be cut short. Since this one already has it's winner decided, we can probably end it now and get the last 2 rounds done in the following week and half or something. Just my 2 cents.
Up goes Deoxys-S for me, same argument as last time, im too lazy to reelaborate.

Btw, Gary, were running short on time, i think you should cut at least 1 round short or else we might not get the entire list by 12 :]

I'll make sure to end the round no later then 2 days for these last few nominations.
Wat is dis

What did Terrakion do to the metagame? He's another strong Fighting type. He didn't make Hippowdon, Lando-T, Gliscor, Skarmory (all premier physical walls) unviable or cause some massive metagame shift. He's just another scary Banded CC that you have to be able to deal with. He doesn't set a scary speed tier (that's 110), his power is good but not off-the-charts good (Conkeldurr, Breloom, Lucario all comparable). Yeah, he's a good pokemon, but not an influential one.

Latios, again. Should be top 5 at the lowest.
Latios was less influental, terrakion, latiAs, and friends were way more influental, latias esecially since literally like every suspect bar gene was checked at tye least by it. more was in my earlier post, andlook, I have nothing against latios aside from my bias for latias, but saying terrakion was just another threat is so wrong, late BW WAS TERRAKION
It was most influential back in good old BW1,a relatively stable metagame deemed to be the homeplace for VoltTurn and BulkyOffense.Back then,HyperOffense wasn't everywhere,and unlike BW2,people weren't used to sacrificing Pokemon left and right and people wanted an actual switch-in on every threat in OU.

Now,there may be some people who may say that Terrakion is not very influential to the metagame as a whole just because it went off-radar in BW2.This way of perception is wrong,and let me explain why.

Terrakion is an "ok" threat in BW2 but was a top-tier threat in BW1.Powerhouses deemed "uncounterable" like Kyu-b,Keldeo,Techniloom,and Thundy-T didn't exist,and these are the pokemon that don't have any real switch-ins.Nowadays we death fodder and revenge kill.Back then they switch in and force out.

But switching in and forcing out isn't the best way to handle Terrakion.High attack,powerful STAB,boosting moves,and an extremely high speed tier in BW1 standards means anything that switches in gets screwed,even if it happens to be Gliscor,Hippowdon,or Skarmory.(Hippowdon is the only one that doesn't get 2HKOed by Choice Band,but back then people didn't realise the usefulness of Hippowdon,just like how Latias,an extremely good pokemon,got neglected in BW1.)

This gave a bit of viability to many lower-tier pokemon,such as Claydol,Golurk,Nidoqueen,and especially Slowbro.Giving viability to lower-tier pokemon is a big testament to how influential it is,or atleast it was,just like how Specially Defensive Ludicolo,Gastrodon,and even Shedninja have little viability in Ubers just because they can counter the most infuential pokemon ever:Kyogre.

These days,almost all pokemon deemed "uncounterable" like the ones listed above are just revenge killed after death foddering something.Same goes for Terrakion.Since now everything is handled that way,including Terrakion,Terrakion fails to stand out amongst the crowd and so,drops in usage.

Since Terrakion was super influential in BW1,almost reaching Kyogre levels,it mitigates the fact that it was not so meta-defining in BW2.

And that folks,is why I am voting for Terrakion.
The voting for the #8 spot ends here! Here are the results

Terrakion: 19
Latias: 2
Deoxys-S: 1
Latios: 2
Dragonite: 1
Landorus: 3
Scizor: 2

Terrakion is the Winner!


Terrakion, another Pokemon that was fighting for a spot on this list, has finally found itself in the #8 spot, right behind Genesect. Although Terrakion wasn't broken like Genesect, Terrakion was one of the biggest reasons that this generation became so offensive. It set the bar for offense really. Once Black and White was released, this thing pretty much ruled the tier with an iron fist. Its blazing 108 base Speed, high Attack, and two incredible STAB moves made it one of the most dangerous Pokemon in OU that could run a myriad of different offensive sets to shake up the metagame. It was considered one of the greatest revenge killers, wall breakers, and sweepers in the tier, and it still is incredible at pretty much everything it does. It forced the tier to run more offensive to beat it, while also forcing some teams to run very defensive Pokemon such as Gliscor or Skarmory to counter this thing. Even with the tier adapting so heavily to it, such as Landorus-T becoming a very prominent bulky pivot, Jellicent becoming more physically defensive, and Scizor being on almost every other team, Terrakion is still one of OU's best Pokemon. There's never been a time where Terrakion was bad in OU, and there was never a time when Terrakion wasn't always something that every team could benefit from in some way. Its consistency, sheer power, and the more offensive playstyle this thing brought with it, is why Terrakion deserves a spot on this list.

Voting for #9 spot

Alright the voting has begun! We are going to be voting for the #9 spot. You're not required to write any sort of description about your vote, but if you want to then you're more then welcome to. From now on, I would highly advise you to write a few sentences explaining your vote, or else your vote may be more open to disagreement. The voting will always last for 2-4 days, as I feel that is more than enough time to cast your votes. Happy voting!
Eh, I feel Landorus-I needs this spot.

Landorus-I was a dominating force both in BW1 ad BW2. The roles it played in each metagame however are completely different. In BW1, it was considered the best Choice Scarfer, as with it's base 101 speed, it could revenge kill Salamence, Haxorus, Volcarona, and other base 100 speed tier Pokemon. It fit into Sand teams perfectly with Sand Force, and with access to U-turn, it was often found on Volt turn teams.

However, with BW2, Landorus-I received Sheer Force through the Dream World, allowing it to take on a completely different role in the metagame. It became one of the hardest hitting special attackers in the tier, and could often sweep offensive teams easily with it's Rock Polish set, while it's U-turn set could easily dismantle more defensive teams. Because of this, Landorus-I was banned to the Uber tier.

So yeah, Landorus-I for 9th pls.