The Sondex [Closed]

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Friend Code: 0276 1877 4951
IGN: Alejandro
Pokemon: Cobalion
Set: UU Offensive Pivot
Receiving time: Today Monday - 17:00 to 23:00 (5PM to 11PM)
Additional Pokemon: Genesect and Buzzwole
Additional Pokemon Sets: Uber Choice Specs, OU Roost + 3 Attacks

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Friend Code: 2423-3616-7944
IGN: Edgar
Pokemon: Landorus - Therian
Set: OU Defensive (Therian)
Receiving time: Tuesday (8/8) - 21:30 to 23:00 (9:30PM to 11PM)

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Friend Code: 3969 4221 4342
IGN: Mana
Pokemon: Magearna
Set: OU Shift Gear
Receiving time: Friday (today) - 21:30 to 23:00
Additional Pokemon: Zekrom and Kyurem
Additional Pokemon Sets: Uber Wallbreaker and OU All-out Attacker (Black)

Thanks :)
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Friend Code: 1950-8159-5011
IGN: Addison
Pokemon: Genesect
Set: Uber Choice Specs
Receiving time: Sunday 9PM-11PM (21:00-23:00)
Additional Pokemon: Keldeo, Hoopa
Additional Pokemon Sets: Keldeo - Choice Scarf, Hoopa - OU Choice Band
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Friend Code: 2879-0773-7427
Pokemon: Ash-Greninja
Set: OU Specs
Receiving time: Saturday 9:00 PM to 3:00 AM (time zone GMT +2)
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Friend Code: 1478-8549-7423
IGN: Kim
Pokemon: Manaphy
Set: OU Tail Glow
Receiving time: Sunday (today) Now until-3pm
Additional Pokemon: Ash-Greninja and Shiny Alolan Ninetales
Additional Pokemon Sets: Ou Choice Specs and OU Utility

Thank you
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Friend Code: 2895-6374-9590
IGN: Midorie
Pokemon: Magearna
Set: OU Shift Gear
Recieving time: Tuesday - 21:30 to 23:00
Additional Pokemon: Hoopa and Buzzwole
Additional Pokemon sets: OU Choice Band and OU Roost+3 Attacks

Thank you! :D
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IGN : Pacifis
FC : 5343-8744-1538
Pokemon : Shiny Pidgeot
set : OU offensive

Receiving time : wednesday (today) between 19:00 and 21:00 (ill be more specific later today) if possible
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Friend Code: 4657-0857-0681
IGN: Sam
Pokémon: Latias
Set: OU Offensive Support
Receiving time: Friday - 00:20 to 1:00 (00:20AM to 1AM)
Friend code: 1332-8118-6990
IGN: Nedcone
Pokemon: Latias
Nickname: (no nickname)
Item: Sitrus Berry
Ability: Levitate
Moves: Ice Beam, Moonlight, Psychic, Lunar Dance
Nature: Bold
EVs: 252 HP/252 Def/6 Sp.D

Receiving time: Friday 12-1 am
Friend Code: 4657-0857-0681
IGN: Sam
Pokémon: Latias
Set: OU Offensive Support
Receiving time: Friday - 00:20 to 1:00 (00:20AM to 1AM)
Friend code: 1332-8118-6990
IGN: Nedcone
Pokemon: Latias
Nickname: (no nickname)
Item: Sitrus Berry
Ability: Levitate
Moves: Ice Beam, Moonlight, Psychic, Lunar Dance
Nature: Bold
EVs: 252 HP/252 Def/6 Sp.D

Receiving time: Friday 12-1 am
Just so you know, guys. You can request 2 additional Pokemon from the thread. I can't guarantee I'll send both of them to you, but if you've read and followed the rules and meet up at the scheduled time, I'll more than likely send all 3 mons to you.
Hello Sondero,

May I request the Shiny Primarina please.
I don't think the friend code is needed for this one, but you have me registered anyways.
Deposited: male Zorua lvl 1 in ultra ball.
IGN: Tidus.

Thanks in advance.
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Just so you know, guys. You can request 2 additional Pokemon from the thread. I can't guarantee I'll send both of them to you, but if you've read and followed the rules and meet up at the scheduled time, I'll more than likely send all 3 mons to you.

Oh really? The new rules confused me. I'll request these as well.

Nickname: (no nickname)
Item: PP Max (meant to hold Psychium Z)
Ability: Beast Boost
Moves: Hypnosis, Tail Glow, Thunderbolt, Grass Knot
Nature: Timid
EVs: 6 HP/252 Sp.A/252 Spe

Nickname: (no nickname)
Item: Leftovers (meant to be Electrium Z)
Ability: Volt Absorb
Moves: Agility, Thunderbolt, Hidden Power, Nasty Plot
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 Sp.A/6 Sp.D/252 Spe
Friend Code: 4485-3006-9848 (You may already have me added from June)
IGN: Thomas
Pokemon: Hoopa
Set: OU Choice Band
Receiving Time: Friday 10:30 - 11:30 GMT+2 (4:30 - 5:30 EDT?)
Additional Pokemon: Manaphy and Keldeo
Additional Pokemon sets: OU Tail Glow + 3 Attacks and OU Choice Specs
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Just so you know, guys. You can request 2 additional Pokemon from the thread. I can't guarantee I'll send both of them to you, but if you've read and followed the rules and meet up at the scheduled time, I'll more than likely send all 3 mons to you.

Ok thanks, I hope to receive the other two gift too, i would like to ask:
Shiny Charizard OU Drought Wallbreaker Y
Shiny Pidgeot OU Offensive
Friend Code: 4356-0351-4887
IGN: Couto

Pokemon: Volcanion
Set: UU Walbreaker
Receiving time: Every week day 19:00 PM - 01:00 AM (GMT).

Additional Pokemon 1: Hoopa (OU Choice Band)
Additional Pokemon 2: Genesect (Uber Choice Specs)
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Friend Code: 2337-4359-3002
IGN: Jonyeo
Pokémon: Genesect
Set: Uber Choice Specs
Receiving time: Saturday - 15:00 to 16:00 (3PM to 4PM)
Additional Pokémon: Shiny Charizard, Shiny Alolan Ninetales
Additional Pokémon Sets: OU Drought Wallbreaker Y, OU Utility

Just so you know, guys. You can request 2 additional Pokemon from the thread. I can't guarantee I'll send both of them to you, but if you've read and followed the rules and meet up at the scheduled time, I'll more than likely send all 3 mons to you.

Friend Code: 4699 - 7754 - 1605
IGN: Green
Pokemon: Kartana
Sets: VGC17 Sash Attacker
Receiving time: Friday 21:30 - 23:30 (GMT+2)

Additional Pokémon:
Nihilego, VGC17 Fast Offensive Lego
Shiny Pidgeot, OU Offensive
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Friend Code: 2036 7622 1628
IGN: Henning
Pokemon: Zygarde - skal bruke den i online competition som begynner i kveld!
Receiving time: Nå, og ut kvelden :)
"So it turns out I was trade-banned while sending the Pokemon to a participant, I may not be able to send you your prizes during the Participating time, Jonyeo97, PCouto, Bazuken and Ingo."

Phew, seems like I'm already unbanned. Sorry for the (probably not necessary) mass-tagging. But I figured it was worth mentioning.
Fc in signature
IGN Atharv
Pokémon: Facebook Shiny Primarina
Trading time:I think you're on right now so now if that works now
Additional Pokémon : Manaphy OU Tail Glow+3 Attacks and Lunala z hypnosis sweeper
FC: 2879-0773-7427 (you already have my fc)
Pokemon: Shiny Charylizard OU Drought Wallbreaker Y
Additional Pokémon: Latias OU Offensive Support
Receiving time: saturday 06:00 PM to 01:00AM
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FC: 2595 0773 4366
IGN: Taran
Pokemon: Ninetales-A
Receiving time: Sunday 12am-7pm or all of monday

Thanks in advance!
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