@topher4167 -- well here is a flyer... take Ramesses the Sigilyph! Ramesses is really old, and plans to stick around for a while. Additionally, it has grown very fond of your team and plans on making sure they stick around for a while as well. That is why he must be present in every double/triply/rotation battle you encounter. Also, since it is so protective, it does not enjoy resting and thus will never learn the move roost.
I hope this is good for you, GL and HF!
@Seedy_Dot -- take Rosie the Budew. Rosie is really shy, and thus won't learn moves that might make her vulnerable; Sweet Scent or Ingrain. Also, as a Budew she must always use water sport as her first move since she doesn't like fire very much. When she trusts you enough and evolves into a Roselia, she no longer has this fear, but instead develops a fear of never having enough HP. Thus she must use a move that recovers HP during every battle (e.g. leech seed, giga drain, etc). Finally, when she evolves into Roserade, she has no more silly fears, although the road to evolution is difficult for her. She cannot evolve until she solos two of Candice's pokemon since she feels that if she can beat her, she can beat anything!
I hope that isn't too hard. GL and HF!
Also, to whoever is listening,
I need two more guys for my Ruby Scramble! Right now I have a Torchic, Shroomish, Tentacool, and Keckleon! I just need two more to get started, and I really want to start soon! Thanks guys!
I hope this is good for you, GL and HF!
@Seedy_Dot -- take Rosie the Budew. Rosie is really shy, and thus won't learn moves that might make her vulnerable; Sweet Scent or Ingrain. Also, as a Budew she must always use water sport as her first move since she doesn't like fire very much. When she trusts you enough and evolves into a Roselia, she no longer has this fear, but instead develops a fear of never having enough HP. Thus she must use a move that recovers HP during every battle (e.g. leech seed, giga drain, etc). Finally, when she evolves into Roserade, she has no more silly fears, although the road to evolution is difficult for her. She cannot evolve until she solos two of Candice's pokemon since she feels that if she can beat her, she can beat anything!
I hope that isn't too hard. GL and HF!
Also, to whoever is listening,
I need two more guys for my Ruby Scramble! Right now I have a Torchic, Shroomish, Tentacool, and Keckleon! I just need two more to get started, and I really want to start soon! Thanks guys!