Challenge The Scramble Challenge - Mark 2

Good luck with your Scramble, Phadunk!

I'll give you Andy the Aron. Andy desperately wants to be an Electric type Pokemon, so he can never learn Mud-slap and must be taught Shock Wave (via TM) at the earliest opportunity. To evolve, he must solo the master of Electric types - Wattson.

As a Lairon, Andy seeks to master the strengths of the Electric type. He must be part of (gain XP from) every battle against a Water or Flying Pokemon from here on out. To evolve, he must solo one of two Gym Leaders: Winona or Juan.

Andy's final trial is to use Shock Wave on any of the Champion's Pokemon - with the exception of Whiscash.

Also, I have one slot open for my Yellow scramble. If anyone has a Pokemon idea, that would be greatly appreciated.
Phadunk, take Shadow the Makuhita. In Orre, both of Shadow's siblings were captured and turned into Shadow Pokemon by Cipher. Because of this, Shadow decided to move to Hoenn, only to be caught by you. Also because of what happened in Orre, Shadow refuses to fight any Team Magma/Aqua members out of fear of being turned Shadow. Because of the fact that Orre is mostly a desert, Shadow must be in the back of your party in the desert part of Route 111. Shadow realizes that living every day in fear is bad for it, and it decides to overcome its fears by soloing half of the grunts as well as the admin (not leader) in Team Magma's Hideout and the same in Team Aqua's Hideout. After these soloes are completed, the "can't fight any of Team Magma/Aqua" rule is nullified. Change Shadow's nickname to Purified to make note of this event. Purified's heart feels much different, and decides to change every move it currently knows to different ones. Finally, to prove that it's no longer afraid of being a Shadow Pokemon, solo the first Elite Four member.
Have fun! If anything's wrong with this challange, don't hesitate to tell me!
*Just to annoy you*

Phadunk, take Detective the Lotad.

This Lotad has rounded up the names of 15 different suspects, and wants to "interrogate" them (read: annihilate their Pokemon)

Hence, solo the following 15 trainers:

Gym Leader Brawly (Dewford Gym)
Youngster Eddie (Trick House, Room 1)
Bird Keeper Benny (Trick House, Room 6)
Picknicker Diana (Jagged Pass)
Youngster Demetrius (Abandoned Ship)
Camper Beau (Route 111)
Expert Shelby (Mt. Chimney)
Ninja Boy Jaiden (Route 115)
Cooltrainer Braxton (Route 123)
Cooltrainer Alexia (Petalburg Gym)
Cooltrainer Ruben (Route 128)
Hex Maniac Valerie (Mt. Pyre)
Cooltrainer Julie (Victory Road)
Cooltrainer Vito (Victory Road)
Elite Four Sidney (Ever Grande City)
Phadunk, for your starter, take a Mudkip and name him Riptide.
His only restriction is that he can only use STAB moves if they have full PP.
Good luck!
Looks like Phadunk and I each have 5 Pokemon! Thanks for the great and interesting ideas!

I would make a sixth for him, but I already made one for him and making another would be against the rules.

I meant to put a recap of my team in my last post, but I must have forgotten :-( so here it is...

Pikachu (Ash)
Venonat (Zod)
Ponyta (sdrawkcaB)
Magikarp (Random)
Sandshrew (Jacob)

It would be awesome if we both could get a sixth Pokemon soon, in order to be able to start! I, personally, am looking forward to not only starting my own Scramble, but also seeing how Phadunk's will turn out!
No requirements, other than that it's compatible with the rest of the team and that it's available in Yellow (I can't trade due to not owning another RBY cart).

Thanks a lot for this! I'm looking forward to seeing what Pokemon you have to throw at me!
When you go to Cerulean City.. go to the girl who gives away Bulbasaur when your Pikachu is happy. [Make sure Pikachu is full happiness, easy to do].

Nickname it; Dunkasaur . It will always know Leech Seed the instant it learns it. It HAS to use LS once its health is below 50% no matter what [even if it fails vs grass], unless used already. Only in trainer battles though, so wild battles it's free choice.

We all know how Ash loves to use the same type vs the same type during gym battles.. especially when the scenery looks nice. So that's when Dunkasaur is at its best.. Celadon City of course.. unfortunately it cannot be a Venusaur when it does battle Erika.

The only way to evolve it? Solo her Gloom. It should be the last pokemon in her party.. and that's what Dunkasaur shall wait for. It's a simple 1v1.. and you cannot use any items.. so be smart and be strong.

Once you defeat Gloom, if you manage to do so.. evolve Dunkasaur whenever you would like.

That's it. Enjoy Dunkasaur.. you deserve to have some flexibility. lol.
Sorry this is so late, Phadunk. Here's Varied the Whismer.

Varied is very worred that things will become monotonus fast and must keep things going at a random pace.

In order to evolve, Whismer must know 4 moves of 4 different types. After evolution, solo all the normal gym trainers because of their blandness.

After that, it must learn 4 differnt moves than it had. After evolving into Exploud, solo any E4 member. After the solo is complete, teach it a move that it had never learned before and use it in the batle against the champion 3X.

KS, one of those trainers (Alexia) is taken by Detective, possibly two if Sidney is switched to another of them (Sidney was taken by Purified). I would suggest just soloing the remainder.

Duckie, the only male gym leader left for Backwards Ponyta/Rapidash is Koga. Everyone else has Pokémon that have already been taken (in particular Lt. Surge's Raichu by Ash) and he hasn't.
Good luck with your Scramble, Phadunk!

I'll give you Andy the Aron. Andy desperately wants to be an Electric type Pokemon, so he can never learn Mud-slap and must be taught Shock Wave (via TM) at the earliest opportunity. To evolve, he must solo the master of Electric types - Wattson.

As a Lairon, Andy seeks to master the strengths of the Electric type. He must be part of (gain XP from) every battle against a Water or Flying Pokemon from here on out. To evolve, he must solo one of two Gym Leaders: Winona or Juan.

Andy's final trial is to use Shock Wave on any of the Champion's Pokemon - with the exception of Whiscash.

No idea how he is going to solo Wattson with just normal/metal moves.. but sure, why not.. lol.

Phadunk, take Shadow the Makuhita. In Orre, both of Shadow's siblings were captured and turned into Shadow Pokemon by Cipher. Because of this, Shadow decided to move to Hoenn, only to be caught by you. Also because of what happened in Orre, Shadow refuses to fight any Team Magma/Aqua members out of fear of being turned Shadow. Because of the fact that Orre is mostly a desert, Shadow must be in the back of your party in the desert part of Route 111. Shadow realizes that living every day in fear is bad for it, and it decides to overcome its fears by soloing half of the grunts as well as the admin (not leader) in Team Magma's Hideout and the same in Team Aqua's Hideout. After these soloes are completed, the "can't fight any of Team Magma/Aqua" rule is nullified. Change Shadow's nickname to Purified to make note of this event. Purified's heart feels much different, and decides to change every move it currently knows to different ones. Finally, to prove that it's no longer afraid of being a Shadow Pokemon, solo the first Elite Four member.
Have fun! If anything's wrong with this challange, don't hesitate to tell me!

We shall overcome all obstacles.

*Just to annoy you*

Phadunk, take Detective the Lotad.

This Lotad has rounded up the names of 15 different suspects, and wants to "interrogate" them (read: annihilate their Pokemon)

Hence, solo the following 15 trainers:

Gym Leader Brawly (Dewford Gym)
Youngster Eddie (Trick House, Room 1)
Bird Keeper Benny (Trick House, Room 6)
Picknicker Diana (Jagged Pass)
Youngster Demetrius (Abandoned Ship)
Camper Beau (Route 111)
Expert Shelby (Mt. Chimney)
Ninja Boy Jaiden (Route 115)
Cooltrainer Braxton (Route 123)
Cooltrainer Alexia (Petalburg Gym)
Cooltrainer Ruben (Route 128)
Hex Maniac Valerie (Mt. Pyre)
Cooltrainer Julie (Victory Road)
Cooltrainer Vito (Victory Road)
Elite Four Sidney (Ever Grande City)

Hell yea man.. I'll work on this hit list.. just need to write it down so I can remember where these locations are.

Phadunk, for your starter, take a Mudkip and name him Riptide.
His only restriction is that he can only use STAB moves if they have full PP.
Good luck!

I tested out a few starters.. and I just can't enjoy using Mudkip.. I almost hate it. I'd like to use a Torchic please.. so a new challenge would be nice.


Sorry this is so late, Phadunk. Here's Varied the Whismer.

Varied is very worred that things will become monotonus fast and must keep things going at a random pace.

In order to evolve, Whismer must know 4 moves of 4 different types. After evolution, solo all the normal gym trainers because of their blandness.

After that, it must learn 4 differnt moves than it had. After evolving into Exploud, solo any E4 member. After the solo is complete, teach it a move that it had never learned before and use it in the batle against the champion 3X.


Word. Will do. Looks like it won't be evolving any time soon, ha.

So recap..


We'll be whoever the fuck we want to be.


The fear will only make him stronger.


The fucking hitman, we will bring down the ones who wronged us.


loud, versatile, and proud.


waiting for a challenge for torchic.

6th spot
(sorry, Phadunk.)

The revised list of trainers for Detective:

Gym Leader Brawly (Dewford Gym)
Youngster Eddie (Trick House, Room 1)
Bird Keeper Benny (Trick House, Room 6)
Triathlete Jasmine (Seaside Cycling Road)
Picknicker Diana (Jagged Pass)
Youngster Demetrius (Abandoned Ship)
Camper Beau (Route 111)
Expert Shelby (Mt. Chimney)
Ninja Boy Jaiden (Route 115)
Cooltrainer Braxton (Route 123)
Cooltrainer Alexia (Petalburg Gym)
Cooltrainer Ruben (Route 128)
Hex Maniac Valerie (Mt. Pyre)
Cooltrainer Julie (Victory Road)
Cooltrainer Vito (Victory Road)
I forgot to post saying my 1st gym update was up, it's up.

So is my update with the second gym.

Please read and comment, that'd be appreciated!
MB, I think that you should start placing a link in your sig.

It's kind of annoying to have to go back a couple of pages to hunt the post.

Anyway, I liked the update. Keep it up :)

take noseman the nosepass

it must solo every single legendary in the game including the regis

also it must have 3 stab moves
Phadunk, so you rejected Riptide the Mudkip in favor of Torchic because you prefer that starter? Fine, Kenny the Torchic it is. But the same restriction is put into play (i.e. use STAB only if on full pp); GL
This is the first update for my Yellow Scramble Challenge.

My Pokemon's restrictions are in the original post. There are too many to put in this post without making it unnecessarily long.

The update itself in prose:
Pallet Town. This sleepy town is the hometown of every Kanto Pokémon League Champion for the past fourteen years. It is also my hometown, and I plan on extending that streak to fifteen years. First, however, I need a Pokémon. My old friend Asper ((in game, Asper is my Rival)) and I go to our neighbor Prof. Oak’s lab, where he gives each of us one Pokémon: a Pikachu for me and an Eevee for Asper. Asper, being the competitive person that he is, immediately challenges me to a Pokémon battle. It is a close battle, but Asper wins. I name my Pikachu Ash after the Kanto Pokémon League Champion of fourteen years ago, and we set out for Viridian City.

Reaching Viridian City, I find the Gym closed! Oh well, it looks like I won’t be getting my first badge here. However, I do get to challenge Asper to a rematch, which Ash and I win this time, despite Asper having a Spearow in addition to his Eevee. Ash and I set out for Pewter City, but I forget to buy any Poké Balls! ((In game, I intentionally didn't buy any))

The trip through Viridian Forest gives Ash a lot of experience, and upon reaching Pewter City, we challenge Brock. The fight against Brock is a much tougher fight than either of the previous fights against Asper, as both of Brock’s Pokémon have a type advantage against Ash. However, reducing the opposing Rock-types’ Defense with multiple Tail Whips proves extremely helpful, allowing Brock’s Geodude to fall easily to Ash’s Quick Attack. Onix is a little harder – I have to remember to tell Ash to use Tail Whip or Thundershock when Onix uses Bide. Onix falls, and I get the Boulderbadge.

Ash and I set out for Mt. Moon, again with me forgetting to buy Poké Balls. We reach the Pokémon Center at Mt. Moon, where a shady merchant is selling Magikarp for P500. On impulse, I buy one and name it Random, as it is a random purchase. Finally realizing what I should have realized back in Viridian – that I never bought any Poké Balls ((in game, I found a Sandshrew)) – I head back to Pewter City to buy some…

My current team:
Ash (Lv18) (Current Scramble Goal: None)
Quick Attack
Tail Whip
Thunder Wave (unusable)

Random (Lv7) (Current Scramble Goal: Evolve)

Big thanks to everyone who created Scramble Pokemon!
You wanted Random's moveset, and now you have it.

Tackle (level up move)
Surf (HM move)
Blizzard (TM move)
Thunderbolt (move of my choice)