Challenge The Scramble Challange

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Maybe I I'm just naive, but wouldn't a houndour have to significantly overlevel the giratina in order to beat it, even with an se attack? Off idk gira's moveset.

I think it'll be a 4HKO at the worst. He could also pick up the choice specs from celestic town, which would help even more.

Whoever said ancient power is a problem (too lazy to check who said it), STAB dragon claw hitting houndour's weaker defense (although both are pretty weak) is the bigger problem.
Assuming he's allowed to refuse Dratini, I give Eradd a Gible named "Loan Shark". You may only use it against the Elite Four if it soloes Volkner without using Earthquake. Its final moveset must consist of two STAB moves, Swords Dance, and either Fire Blast, Protect, or Substitute.

That should make things easier.

This conflicts with the evolution requirements for his Monferno. Probobly, in the interest of fairness, a good idea to change this.

Oh, and, I've not done much. Evolved Useless the Eevee into even more Useless the Flareon, then got bored grinding it.
Protect and Toxic stall Giratina!!! A moveset of Shadow Ball/Protect/Toxic/Filler should destroy Giratina with lots of items and it not using Ancientpower...
I would just like to say that I finished my Platinum Scramble Challenge about 2 hours ago. I don't have time to go into any details, but I would like to note that I did complete all (well most) requirements:
Shaqueefah(Gastrodon) soloed: Yanmega, Wishcash(sp?), Houndoom, Mr. Mime (stupid Dual Screen >.<), and Garchomp (woot!) in the Elite 4 to complete it's last requirements.

Gardevoir did not learn Hypnosis/Dream Eater as it only reached level 56, where as the requirements were 60/65 respectively.

That's the only one rule I didn't complete due to not wanting to run the E4 with a team of overpowered level 60s. I have started Ruby and Leafgreen, but I'm not too far in either of them yet.
If he's going to refuse my Dratini, then he's not allowed to have a sixth.

He only refused the dratini and he can refuse one poke per challenge. And he already has the final team. The last one was a wingull. Now he can't refuse another one. Just relax guys and think about reading his updates and you will smile.

Oh, congrats COKTAL!
Raseri-take a Chikorita. It must have no damaging moves a soon as possible, and must solo four pokemon on your rival teams. Notice-this can include pokemon that are the same as long as it is different battles.

I am starting a mono-fire Platinum challenge. I can hack in pokemon, but I want to use as many legit pokemon as possible.
Scramble Nazis, unite to give those guys some hell!

Raseri: hack in an Omanyte, name it Technician. It must never know a move with more than 60 BP. Evolves once it solos ten Rocket Grunts and one Admin.

Vikingraider, hack in a Charmander. Evolve it whenever you like after reaching Canalave City. For each time it evolves, it must permanently delete a move slot (i.e., if you evolve it once, it may only know three moves, if you evolve it twice, it may only know two). If it gains a level up move that would exceed the limit, you may not use the move and must delete one move ASAP.
Raseri, take a phanphy that must have the moves water gun, ancient power, body slam and another move of your choice. The only way to get these moves is to breed with a wooper/quagsire, who itself must be bred to get ancient power and body slam. Name the Phanphy "Chain" and the wooper "disposeable". Btw, no hacking for this you must chain breed in game. This really isnt hard, just annoying. Also phanphy/donphan must use water gun as its first move every time it is set out, because it is lulzy.

EDIT: I actually think its impossible to get both ancientpower and body slam on the same wooper/quagsire w/out using smeargle. Fortunatley, smeargle will be used, with the condition that it must be bred with wooper/quasire and not directly with phanphy, to retain the chain breeding theme. The smeargle will be known as "sketchy". Dont name the wooper/quasire and the phanphy/donphan you catch in the wild, as they mean NOTHING to you.
My Team (Platinum)

-Charmander-hacked in-can evolve anytime after Canalave City. For each time it evolves, it must delete one move slot
-Chimchar-FiaFighta-no stab moves after evo
-Ponyta-must be caught in routes 1206/207, must carry macho brace after evolution, can't learn flare blitz as ponyta
-Slugma-Rocky-must be caught in game, must have only rock type moves to evolve, can't use Heart Scales until evolution, after evo any moves
-Magby-can evolve to Magmar after soloing a Gyarados, can evolve into Magmortar after soloing Flint
Raseri, i know i just gave you a challenge, but i would like to take that one back and give you a new one if you would let me. I would wait for someone else but the challenge I'm thinking of can only be done for gen 2 and gen 2 scrambles are rare. The new one is (probably) less time consuming and deffinatley more fun. So the next time you post in this thread please let me know if i can change it ok?

Vikingraider, i'll think up a challenge for you right now and either put it in a new post or edit it into this post.

EDIT: ok vikingraider, take a slugma that must be caught in game. In order to evolve, it must know ONLY rock type moves, and you may not use heart scale to retirve any rock type move. After it evolves it loses its restrcitons on moves and heart scale useage. Name it "Rocky" (see what I did there with that name?).
vikingraider have a chimchar. It's only restriction is that it can't have any stab move after evolving into monferno (max lv. for the evoluction: 30). Name it FiaFighta
vikingraider, catch a ponyta on route 206 or 207. It can evolve whenever you want it to, but it must carry the macho brace once (if) it evolves into Rapidash. Also, as a Ponyta, it may NEVER learn Flare Blitz.
doomvendingmachine, sure if you want to change it I'm fine with it.

Current Team:

take a Chikorita. It must have no damaging moves a soon as possible, and must solo four pokemon on your rival teams. Notice-this can include pokemon that are the same as long as it is different battles.

hack in an Omanyte, name it Technician. It must never know a move with more than 60 BP. Evolves once it solos ten Rocket Grunts and one Admin.

Reserved for doomvendingmachines new challenge

Also Vikingraider, take a Magby, it can evolve into Magmar after soloing a Gyarados, it may evolve into Magmortar after soloing Flint
Vikingraider: Bring Vulpix (Ms.Cleo) It may never know more than one move of the same type and it may not evolve until you have one of every kind of evolutionary stone.

Raseri: Bring the first thing you encounter in the Bug Catching contest that is neither a Scyther nor a Pinsir. Name it BugGet.
Starting the Scramble Challenge on Platinum (Mono-Fire) after supper.
-Chimchar-no stab moves after evo. Must evolve by lvl 30, named FiaFighta
-Slugma-Rocky-must have only Rock-type moves to evolve, after evo. any moves allowed. No HS to get moves for evolution
-Ponyta-must be caught in route 206/207-after evolution must carry macho brace. Can't get Flare Blitz as Ponyta
-Charmander-evolve after Canalave-for each evo stage, lose one move slot
-Magby-can evolve into Magmar after soloing Gyrados, evolve in Magmortar after soloing Flint
-Vulpix-Ms.Cleo-no more than one move of each type, can evolve after getting one of every kind of evo. stone
Ok raseri, thanks. You new challenge will be to catch ANY pokemon that knows/can learn metrenome (and teach it metrenome obviously). Then use your old rod to fish up a magikarp and battle it. Use metrenome. the first time you use metrenome, use the link i'll post at the botton to look up the moves index number, and then use the national pokedex listing (which i'll also link) and find the pokemon with same number. THIS is your pokemon. The beatuy of this is that there are 251 moves in gen 2, and 251 pokemon, making this almost completley random, minus the moves metrenome cant select. If you happen to get a pokemon not fully evolved, too bad, it must stay in its nfe form. If you can't get the pokemon selected in crystal, hack it in, but if it's in the game get it legit. (also, if its a pokemon you have already been given by somebody else for this challenge or is in said pokemon's evo familiy ignore it).

Now continue to use metrenome. If a move is used that your future pokemon can learn, write it down and when you get that pokemon add it to your movelist. Continue to do this until you get a full move list. If you get a move that is illegal with a previous move, ignore the newer move.

If you get one of those horrible pokemon that cant learn more than four moves you dont have to go through the move selction steps.

If at anytime during this process you ko the magikarp/ko yourself/run out of pp, heal up at a pokemon center and contine on from where you left off. After you get a pokemon and a complete moveset, end the magikarp battle and release your metrenome user.

The last reqirement for this challenge is you must post what pokemon/moveset you get in this forum, because i wanna know what you get!

Meh, I'm a nice guy, so here's what I'll do; throughout the whole process you get 3 "rejects". If you get a pokemon/move you dont like, you can use a reject and then ignore the last metrenome result (obviously if you get a move that your pokemon cant learn/isnt legal with your prevoius moves, this doesnt count as a reset). After using a reject you CANNOT decide you liked the previous metrenome result better and go back to it.

If you would post what you reset (if you reset anything) with your final moveset it would be much appreciated!

Finally, the links you need:

Have fun and good luck!

EDIT i think I'm gonna make this my "singature" gen 2 challenge
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