The Ricky Gervais Show


Anyone here a fan of either the internet podcast or the animated series on HBO & coming-soon-to-the-BBC?
Just taking a look at the podcast now. Sounds like the sort of thing he'd be pretty good out. His "Guide to English" sounds promising, so I'll try that one first ^^

EDIT: I didn't know he was appreciated that much over the atlantic, I thought his humour was typically british :p
I have the complete xfm to podcast and audiobook collection on my ipod, from 1998 to 2010. So yeah :P Its like a week long straight radio shows and podcasts.

As for the animation, I'll stick with the podcasts. They work fine without visuals, I don't want them to cut things thanks, and Gervais and Merchant look silly in their animated forms. Karl is spot on though N.N
I didn't know he was appreciated that much over the atlantic

He had two movies do pretty well here, he hosted the Golden Globes, Extras still plays here on HBO, and the animated Ricky Gervais Show premiered here a few months ago to critical acclaim. Ricky Gervais is beloved here.

I have the complete xfm to podcast and audiobook collection on my ipod, from 1998 to 2010. So yeah :P Its like a week long straight radio shows and podcasts.

"The Guide to..." series was very impressive. Which series did you enjoy the most?
I enjoyed the first and second xfm series most, hearing karl go from producer to full on third member.

But if you mean the podcasts, I loved the first series and the podfather trilogy the most. The guide to series sometimes felt as if Ricky was being way too pushy and annoying (as he was on the the earlier xfm shows)
The animated show is not only the single laziest animation that I have ever encountered, but the first episode had the worst humor I have ever encountered. I think that it is detestable that garbage like this can get the slightest notoriety.
i have just started watching the animated show on HBO and have to say its pretty entertaining. it is remarkable some of the things that carl says =P
thing is, these podcasts have been around for years and the animation adds nothing..
I saw a few episodes on HBO, and maybe it's because I don't really know the premise, but it just isn't funny at all to me. Cool, so this idiot tells stories and Ricky Gervais and friend laugh at him a bunch? Not my cup of tea. If I'm missing something, please fill me in, cause I would love nothing more than to have another show that I enjoy, but from what I've seen, it's garbage.