Tyranitar @ Weakness Policy / Lum Berry / Tyranitarite
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 156 Spd / 252 Atk / 100 HP
Adamant Nature
- Taunt
- Dragon Dance
- Crunch
- Stone Edge
A bulky DDTar set, similar to the likes of Gyarados'. Tyranitar can use its massive bulk to force switches pretty easily, and can use Taunt in order to stop things like Skarmory or Rotom-W from stopping its set up with Whirlwind or Will-o-Wisp. Weakness Policy is definitely more dangerous, letting TTar grab boosts off of weak super effective attacks. Lum Berry offers more options to switch into, and can let TTar get away with being more lenient with Taunt or start setting up on faster threats, such as Thundurus-I (without Focus Blast or Superpower, I guess :/). Tyranitarite is your best option if neither of the above are useful to you, though you might want to play around with Speed investments if you go this route, as you can outpace a few more things with 71 base Speed than 61. Max Attack Adamant is obvious, 156 Speed lets you outpace 0 Speed Venusaur and stop its Sleep Powder or Leech Seed with a Taunt, and the rest goes to HP in order to tank hits better.
You'll need a pair of boosts before you start outspeeding faster 'mons (a single boost nets you 295 Speed, which lets you outspeed fully invested base 80s, while a second boost brings you to 394, which basically outspeeds every relevant, nonscarved threat in OU). However, this messes up bulky teams pretty badly, especially ones that rely on the likes of Talonflame, Mega Pinsir, or Bisharp to revenge kill with priority, or ones that use Rotom-W to check physical attackers with Will-o-Wisp. Something a little different, anyways.