Other The Next Best Thing - ORAS OU Edition (Discussing Gardevoir sets) Check Post #920

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So my previous set didn't work so here is a new one:

Mew @ Choice Scarf
EV: 252 SpA/ 252 Spe / 4 HP
Nature: Timid
-Ice Beam
-Volt Switch
-Psychic/ Psyshock

I used a similar set on Gen 5 and I had good results. The set was physical and took advantage of perma-weather to hit hard with boosted moves. When translating the set to Gen 6 it was difficult to figure out which moves to use, but settled on these. One of Mew's greatest assets is its versatility and surprise factor and this set takes advantage of this. This Mew can serve as a Pivot early in the match, using volt switch to keep momentum and switch to appropriate counters. However, later in the match Mew can serve as a revenge killer. Ice Beam is there to get Scarf Lando-T who is currently the number one used mon. From my experience Lando-T comes on Mew trying to U-turn or Knock off, but you can surprise him and KO with Ice beam first. It also helps against other dragons and flying types. Psychic is for STAB, but can be switched for another coverage move. Finally Trick can help stop stall. Comments are appreciated.
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I literally just made an account (long time lurker) to post this amazing set:

Sweeper Mew
Mew @ Life Orb
EV: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Nature: Timid
-Nasty Plot
-Fire Blast

This set requires a bit of setup, but has high reward. Psychic is your go to move, which has insanely high damage with STAB. Fire blast kills off bug type threats, and also functions as a bit of a clutch move- if your opponent has a psychic type resisting pokemon out. With decent bulk and good hp, softboiled lets mew regen hp to continue the sweep, where other pokes would have fallen, as well as make up for the gradually increasing negative impact life orb has on sweepers. This mew can be absolutely insane when set up properly, and is also very surprising to your opponent- who expects a mew sweep?!

Mew @ Life Orb
Ability: Synchronize
EVs: 140 HP / 252 SpA / 116 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Rock Polish
- Nasty Plot
- Psyshock
- Dazzling Gleam
Alright, so here, we have Double Dance Mew. This set allows it to be useful against Stall and Offense, but limits its coverage to two moves, which is a shame. Psyshock is kind of needed since it's Mew's strongest move without major drawbacks aside from Psychic and is able to get past Chansey after a Nasty Plot. Aura Sphere would have been the most optimal secondary attack pre-ORAS, but Mega Sableye's here, so Dazzling Gleam seems to be the best now. Fire Blast and Dark Pulse are also solid options, but you will always struggle against a few Pokemon at least, so team support is always needed in some way. With Dazzling Gleam, Magnezone is a great partner since it gets rid of Steels (including Bisharp, who is pretty nasty for sweeper Mews thanks to Sucker Punch).

The EVs maximize your damage output while outspeeding Scarf Lando-T after Rock Polish while outspeeding neutral base +speed base 70's before RP. The rest is dumped into HP so that you have enough bulk to tank some hits before boosting and priority after boosting.

EDIT: Fixed my rushed, late-at-night math.
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Swords Dance Physical Mew


Mew @ Life Orb / Lum Berry
Ability: Synchronize
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / Def
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Drain Punch / Baton Pass
- Zen Headbutt
- Knock Off / Roost (Soft-Boiled)

If this isn't innovative, I don't know what is. This is a great lure set that brings in things like Heatran, only to get nailed with a Drain Punch. Mew packs a surprising amount of firepower, and after a Swords Dance, there are few things that want to take a hit. Mew also has reliable recovery and great bulk, and 100 Speed isn't terrible. After a Swords Dance, Mew hits around the same power as a +2 Talonflame.

Will write more when I get onto my computer
A priority move is suggested for SD Mew such as sucker punch to sweep easier. Slash it with whatever you want. I really like this set.
Mew @ Leftovers
Ability: Synchronize
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Spe / 4 Sdef
Jolly Nature
- Trick Room
- Soft-Boiled
- Will-O-Wisp
- U-turn

The Evs are standard to outspeed adamant exca and jolly mega heracross, but it's moveset is quite different from the most common one. This set aims to provide TR teams something that sets trick room and then brings in a powerful attacker safely thanks to the "slow" U-turn. What's great is that thanks to reliable recovery and good bulk it can set up TR multiple times during the match, while when outside of trick room it can proceed to burn things just like it normally does or lure in fire types and generate momentum with U-turn.
Is this set supposed to have 252 speed because that is very weird for a trick room pokemon.
A priority move is suggested for SD Mew such as sucker punch to sweep easier. Slash it with whatever you want. I really like this set.

Is this set supposed to have 252 speed because that is very weird for a trick room pokemon.
Yes it is in order to obtain a "slow" U-turn under trick room and bring in safely one powerful TR sweeper
So here are the current entries:

Recrean'ts SD Physical Mew
Jukain's Physically Defensive Mew
silver97's Trick Room Mew
ArchPhantom's Lead Mew
s0me1 b0red's U-turn Defog Mew
darkshadowfire's Offensive Lure Mew
SketchUp's SubPunch Mew
MrAldo's Stallbreaker Mew 2.0
felix's Choice Scarf Mew
TheWillPower's Sweeper Mew
Jaguar360's Double Dance Mew
Parashuffler Mew (every other set I wanted to nominate is taken...)

Mew @ Leftovers
Ability: Synchronize
EVs: 248 HP / 212 Def / 32 SpD / 16 Spe
Impish Nature
- Thunder Wave
- Dragon Tail
- Stealth Rock
- Soft-Boiled

So pretty much the aim of this moveset is to set up rocks and spread paralysis while wearing down the opposing team with phasing. Thunder Wave cripples so many threats that rely on speed, effectively taking them out of the game and the equation. The awesome thing about mew is that, if it wants to, it can paralyse magic bounce users (thunder wave gets bounced back then synchronise activates) which is a big advantage. This set is awesome support and it always does something in a match.
Seems decent, paralyzing mega diancie which other wise walls you is pretty nice.

Recrean'ts SD Physical Mew
Jukain's Physically Defensive Mew
silver97's Trick Room Mew
ArchPhantom's Lead Mew
s0me1 b0red's U-turn Defog Mew
darkshadowfire's Offensive Lure Mew
SketchUp's SubPunch Mew
MrAldo's Stallbreaker Mew 2.0
felix's Choice Scarf Mew
TheWillPower's Sweeper Mew
Jaguar360's Double Dance Mew
You... You...'s Parashuffler Mew
Seems decent, paralyzing mega diancie which other wise walls you is pretty nice.

Recrean'ts SD Physical Mew
Jukain's Physically Defensive Mew
silver97's Trick Room Mew
ArchPhantom's Lead Mew
s0me1 b0red's U-turn Defog Mew
darkshadowfire's Offensive Lure Mew
SketchUp's SubPunch Mew
MrAldo's Stallbreaker Mew 2.0
felix's Choice Scarf Mew
TheWillPower's Sweeper Mew
Jaguar360's Double Dance Mew
You... You...'s Parashuffler Mew
You cant paralyze mega diancie because magic bounce :o nvm lol
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Not HM Slave(Mew) @ TM 87
Ability: Synchronize
EVs: 5 HP / 46 Atk / 20 Def / 56 SpA / 14 SpD / 69 Spe
IVs: 23 HP / 5 Atk / 13 Def / 16 SpA / 12 SpD / 30 Spe
Serious Nature

As you can tell, Mew puts in lots of work versus those Magikarps and Rattatas.
EVs are from taking out a good variety of pokemon on different routes.
IVs cause the old man is lying to me
Serious nature cause Mew takes his job as a pilot/submarine captain/treasure hunter/sumo wrestler seriously.
Mew has so much swag it has to hold TM 87. Its not an HM slave cause Dig isn't an HM.
blinkie swag
hi blinkie
nice mystery box lol
e: don't like that post blinkie is trying to get 50 likes to revert his purchase! don't like the post! it's a trap!!
e2: lol I sound like an idiot but anyone that has been to the firebot grand central station should know what I'm talking about
e3: But seriously dude stop trolling
Mew @ Leftovers
Ability: Synchronize
EVs: 248 HP / 252 SpD / 8 Spe or 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spe
Careful Nature
- Will-o-Wisp/Thunder Wave
- Roost
- Defog
- U-turn

Defog Mew has a hard time competing with Latias and Skarmory but it has a few redeeming qualities, having better mixed bulk and access to Wisp and Voltturn. Mew is basically a defogger who keeps momentum. Come in on something you can stall out, defog or status the switch in then u-turn out. You could try running a phasing move or heal bell instead of status, but then you're probably better off using something else if you don't need the status. If you use heal bell make sure the team isn't full stall, as putting that much pressure on Mew will end badly.
Excuse the double post:
Here are all the current entries, I will be constantly updating this.

Recrean'ts SD Physical Mew
Jukain's Physically Defensive Mew
silver97's Trick Room Mew
ArchPhantom's Lead Mew
s0me1 b0red's U-turn Defog Mew
darkshadowfire's Offensive Lure Mew
SketchUp's SubPunch Mew
MrAldo's Stallbreaker Mew 2.0
felix's Choice Scarf Mew
TheWillPower's Sweeper Mew
Jaguar360's Double Dance Mew
You... You...'s Parashuffler Mew
Oh i didn't see that, they still play very differently though, one with offensive presence and one with longevity and status.
Can you just make one post of the entries and say something like, read #whatever post on the thread and just update that one instead? One when voting starts is fine to but like half the page is just updating sets that are either super team specific or just plain bad and not viable anyways and nobody really wants to read that over and over =/.
Okay during voting I'll constantly post to update the standings, but when discussing sets starts, I'll just constantly update one post because Recreant told me that things started getting cluttered.
Okay during voting I'll constantly post to update the standings, but when discussing sets starts, I'll just constantly update one post because Recreant told me that things started getting cluttered.
Uh no even when voting starts don't constantly update the number of votes through seperate posts rofl. Just have one post for the sets, one posts for the votes which would be updated, or just tally up the votes at the end and say the winner is whoever then onto the next slate. Theorymon thread is a good example of this.
Ok, today is saturday, which means we need to start voting!
Here are the entries:
Recrean'ts SD Physical Mew
Jukain's Physically Defensive Mew
silver97's Trick Room Mew
ArchPhantom's Lead Mew
s0me1 b0red's U-turn Defog Mew
darkshadowfire's Offensive Lure Mew
SketchUp's SubPunch Mew
MrAldo's Stallbreaker Mew 2.0
felix's Choice Scarf Mew
TheWillPower's Sweeper Mew
Jaguar360's Double Dance Mew
You... You...'s Parashuffler Mew

I'll tally up all the votes at the end, and here is my vote: ArchPhantom's Lead Mew
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