The Musical Talent of Smogon

I've been playing the piano for 10 years now. I used to play in my church back when I still went. I was pretty much forced to play it back when I started but my parents gave me the option to quit a few years back but I decided to keep playing. I want to learn how to play the guitar now and start a mini band with my friends lol.
I play Euphonium(9 years), Trombone(5 years), guitar(1 year), and a tiny bit of piano since it is in my living room and easy to mess around with, and I used to play trumpet(1 year).

I was really into music during high school and did a lot of jazz and classical. At the moment I am at a community college that does not have much in term of a music program, but I am looking to play more.
I'm a drummer for my band, Persona. I also play guitar (both self taught) and write and compose songs. At this rate though, you ain't going to see a record from Persona for a few years. I already have all the material written and composed (only the drumming) and a pending name (The Sound of Radiowaves). However, we don't have a record contract. I have tried real hard to get one for my band, butno dice. Also, we only are good at a few songs so far.
Hey yoshi I play Trumpet and piano too. wierd. Anyway I have played trumpet for 4 years and piano for 8. I like both, but practice sometimes gets annoying.
I play piano a little, but I really enjoy trumpet more. I've been playing for 5 years (would have been 6 if the school's music program got funded...)

Here i am conducting a piece for my band:
Don't laugh, this was back in middle school. Also, we didn't have much time to work of the piece...
I've played the trumpet for 6 years, the bass for 4, and I've just recently gotten around to seriously practicing the guitar.

Also, I wouldn't really call myself a drummer, but I can jam fairly well and I've sat in for a friend on a gig or two so I'm fairly competent.
All-state violinst lol.

I can sing too, I'm in the select choir at our school.

I haven't done many gigs with bands, but I play at churches and weddings for mucho dinero. They don't come often, but I often get a good 200 dollars for a 1 or 2 hour gig including rehearsal.
Play piano and guitar.
Mainly working on George Winston music for both; Chrono Cross / Trigger music on guitar.
Oh, and Porcupine Tree as well
I've been playing guitar for a little over 4 years now. I'd like to think of myself as above average, but who knows. Oh, and I'm in a band right now, and we're making music. :)

I can also play bass, and a bit of piano (I know scales and modes and stuff, so I can sometimes compose things on piano).
I am currently trying to teach myself guitar, but I really suck at self-teaching. However as a vocalist I have greatly improved since that guy a few years ago who would just talk the songs. I'm a dramatic tenor. I use to play some viola and clarinet when I was in elementary school, but I have forgotten how to play them since.
I am currently trying to teach myself guitar, but I really suck at self-teaching. However as a vocalist I have greatly improved since that guy a few years ago who would just talk the songs. I'm a dramatic tenor. I use to play some viola and clarinet when I was in elementary school, but I have forgotten how to play them since.

I tried to learn by self teaching. Just get a tutor it's alot easier. I've improved so much ever since I got a tutor
Drums for 4 years, but had a 5 year break after the first year due to moving to Norway, and no way of playing any drums till 8th grade, and almost only learned to play by ear (I recognise some drumnotes if I see them, but the more complex ones... I'm lost). Trying to learn more, but moved again, and I don't have my own drumkit, so it isn't easy to learn :/
I used to play violin and trumpet then gave up both. Right now i'm starting to learn acoustic guitar. I've always had this thing for music/rhythm games though such as DDR, Stepmania, Guitarfreaks/Drummania, Guitar Hero, Rock band, etc.
I've played piano for 10 years (started at age 4) and violin for 5. I'm really good at piano, but rather average at violin. Piano has always been fun, and even though I will probably quit taking lessons soon, I'll always fiddle with it, even if its just for an hour a week or something like that.
I've been playing classical guitar for almost 2 years. although it is a short time i have gotten quite good. I'll try to get a video up soon.
Played piano for 7 years. Quit in grade 10, and started playing by myself. No more hours of practicing scales, arpeggios, and all that jazz. And no more music theory. Just some good old classical/modern/video game piano songs that I practice for relaxation.

Clarinet for around 5. Not the greatest, but I'm decent. I never practice so that may be a problem. Everyone tells me that if I practiced I'd be pretty darn good (since I always ace my playing tests with a bit of warm up beforehand), but with all the shit that's going on, it's hard.

Baritone sax for half a year and still going. Playing for my senior jazz band. I thought I couldn't play it, then my teacher found out my sax was broken >.>. I'm okay, but it's hard to control the really really deep notes and have dynamics in it at the same time. Needs more practice.
I play the bassoon. It is currently my main instrument (and shall stay that way!). I played trumpet in high school and before, so I've only played the bassoon for 3 years. D:

I started trumpet roughly 10 years ago, it was never my thing but I led myself to believe that anyway. lol When I finally realized that in 10th grade, I started the clarinet. I never caught on to it too much either, but at least it was a stepping stone to make going from trumpet to bassoon look less weird.

In addition, being a music major, I've had to start piano. My parents were nice and bought me a really nice Yamaha keyboard which has really helped me out there!

Now I really want to learn the tenor saxophone. Being a music education major for the university I'm going to I'm going to HAVE to march again. My bassoon teacher tells me never to touch the trumpet ever again. (fine by me. XD) The tenor saxophone is my choice since it's got such a pretty sound, and I have had a little experience with the alto saxophone, which I really enjoyed.
I'm a singer. I've been told I've got a lot of raw talent by every voice coach I've seen, but I don't have time to devote. le sigh.
I've played a few instruments over the years, started with Viola and Tenor Sax when I was 8, then (of course) Guitar as a teenager and once I started school for music theory I had to learn alot of piano and voice (though playing piano in time in an improv setting is still hard, I mostly did it for the theory practice), and went back to Viola as my instrument of focus. Gotta get back into guitar at some point though since my town is all rock bands and there isn't much demand for more eclectic live acts.