The Most Influential Person in History.

... Atilla the Hun, perhaps. That guy caused the only Y Chromosome in a chunk of Europe to be his, and only his. Atilla certainly has had a major impact on Europe, and we all know a large portion of world history was from European's actions (of course, of late, the US has been hopping in: WWI, WWII, Cold War)
My vote goes to either Aristotle or Genghis Khan.

Aristotle wins out as far as thought is concern because his way of thinking is still prevalent in today's society, even though Galileo debunked much of his thinking. He preached that all things had an essence natural to them, which is where Christian theology gets its idea of a soul from. If you've ever thought that the reason that something did something was because it was natural for that thing to do so, you've engaged in Aristotelean thinking.

If we're talking about genetic influence, however, I'd go with Genghis Khan. Something like 3% of humans can claim him as a direct ancestor.