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The Legend Run: (Athenodoros) Timeless Tower [Completed]


Ice Spire - Glacial Cavern

Going through the endless hallways, you lose your footing & randomly slip across the cold Ice & fall down what seemed to be a trap door. As you hit the deck face-first, you get up & you gaze in awe at what you see. This Gigantic cavern stretches on seemingly forever, but it appears it only has one denizen: a Mamoswine. It isn't happy you entered its terrirory, and quickly seals you under an avalanche. Only one of your Pokemon will be able to give chance...So who do you send into battle?

Arena Rules:

-No Water Supply.
-No Natural Grass.
-Indoor Arena.

Athenodoros OOOO

Ares @ Expert Belt | Forky @ Magnet | Peppy @ Kings Rock
HP: 49 | 58 | 54
Energy: 45 | 63 | 84
Atk: Rank 5 | 2 | 1
Def: Rank 3 | 4 | 2
SpA: Rank 4 | 5 | 3
SpD: Rank 3 | 3 | 2
Speed: 76 | 81 | 50
Size Class: 3 | 2 | 1
Weight Class: 4 | 3 | 2
Base Rank Total: 20 | 18 | 12
No Changes | Frozen (0a) | No Changes

Mamoswine A

Mamoswine (M) @ Rocky Helmet
HP: 110
Energy: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 2
Speed: 80
Size Class: 5
Weight Class: 7
Base Rank Total: 20
No Changes
Potion: 2/2 free slots
Super Potion: 1/1 free slots
Ether: 2/2 free slots
2 Ethers
Revive: 1/1 free slots
Pokeballs: 10/50 free slots
4 Cherish Balls
12 Heal Balls
15 Sport Balls
9 Timer Balls
Berries: 30/30 free slots
Battle Items: 12/20 free slots
2 Expert Belts (Equipped)
1 Expert Belt
1 Kings Rock (Equipped)
1 Leftovers
1 Magnet (Equipped)
2 Mental Herbs
Gems: 18/20 free slots
2 Steel Gems
Spare Pocket (any item): 3/3 free slots


+1 Klink
+1 Magneton
+1 Klang
+1 Registeel
+1 Snorunt
+1 Kings Rock
+1 Leftovers
+1 Magnet
+2 Mental Herbs
+2 Steel Gems
-2 Potions
-1 Super Potion
-8 Heal Balls
-1 Sport Ball
-1 Timer Ball

Athenodoros: 14 CC
Ares: 16 MC, 2 KOC
Posedion: 11 MC, 3 KOC
Nestor: 13 MC
Klink: 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 DC
Forky: 4 EC, 9 MC, 4 DC, 1 KOC
Bertha: 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 DC
Registeel: Nothing
Peppy: 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 DC, 1 KOC

Its_A_Random: 10 UC (5 from Lackeys, 0.5 from RP's, 5 from Nests)

Please send in ONE Pokemon & Issue THREE Actions for it.
It messes up the game plan a bit (a lot), but this looks like the perfect chance for Peppy to buy us some time!

Edit: damn, this thing is useless.

Shadow Ball * 3

Ice Spire - Glacial Cavern

In a mass movespam war, Peppy fired blobs of shadow, while Mamoswine piled barrage after barrage of rocks until Peppy was defeated...Oh well, you have three Pokemon in reserve. Who will you send out?

Athenodoros OOOX

Energy: 68
Atk: Rank 1
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Speed: 50
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 12
No Changes

Mamoswine A

Mamoswine (M) @ Rocky Helmet
HP: 89
Energy: 70
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 2
Speed: 80
Size Class: 5
Weight Class: 7
Base Rank Total: 20
-1 Sp. Defence
Mamoswine used Rock Slide (Peppy)!
(Hit Roll [<=9000]: 3126/10000; Hit)
(Crit Roll [<=625]: 3352/10000; No Crit)
Its Super Effective!
Peppy took ((8+4.5)*1.5)=18.75 Damage!
Mamoswine used 6 Energy!

Peppy used Shadow Ball (Mamoswine)!
(Crit Roll [<=625]: 6334/10000; No Crit)
(Effect Roll {-1 Sp. Defence} [<=2000]: 597/10000; Sp. Defence drop)
Mamoswine took (8+1.5)=9.5 Damage! Mamoswine's Sp. Defence dropped 1 Stage!
Peppy used 6 Energy!
Mamoswine used Rock Slide (Peppy)!
(Hit Roll [<=9000]: 5813/10000; Hit)
(Crit Roll [<=625]: 7934/10000; No Crit)
Its Super Effective!
Peppy took ((8+4.5)*1.5)=18.75 Damage!
Mamoswine used 10 Energy!

Peppy used Shadow Ball (Mamoswine)!
(Crit Roll [<=625]: 9257/10000; No Crit)
(Effect Roll {-1 Sp. Defence} [<=2000]: 5665/10000; No Sp. Defence drop)
Mamoswine took (8+1.5+1.75)=11.25 Damage!
Peppy used 10 Energy!
Mamoswine used Rock Slide (Peppy)!
(Hit Roll [<=9000]: 899/10000; Hit)
(Crit Roll [<=625]: 4743/10000; No Crit)
Its Super Effective!
Peppy took ((8+4.5)*1.5)=18.75 Damage!
Mamoswine used 14 Energy!

Peppy Fainted!
Potion: 2/2 free slots
Super Potion: 1/1 free slots
Ether: 2/2 free slots
2 Ethers
Revive: 1/1 free slots
Pokeballs: 10/50 free slots
4 Cherish Balls
12 Heal Balls
15 Sport Balls
9 Timer Balls
Berries: 30/30 free slots
Battle Items: 12/20 free slots
2 Expert Belts (Equipped)
1 Expert Belt
1 Kings Rock
1 Leftovers
1 Magnet (Equipped)
2 Mental Herbs
Gems: 18/20 free slots
2 Steel Gems
Spare Pocket (any item): 3/3 free slots


+1 Klink
+1 Magneton
+1 Klang
+1 Registeel
+1 Snorunt
+1 Kings Rock
+1 Leftovers
+1 Magnet
+2 Mental Herbs
+2 Steel Gems
-2 Potions
-1 Super Potion
-8 Heal Balls
-1 Sport Ball
-1 Timer Ball

Athenodoros: 16 CC
Ares: 16 MC, 2 KOC
Posedion: 11 MC, 3 KOC
Nestor: 13 MC
Klink: 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 DC
Forky: 4 EC, 9 MC, 4 DC, 1 KOC
Bertha: 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 DC
Registeel: Nothing
Peppy: 2 EC, 4 MC, 2 DC, 1 KOC

Its_A_Random: 12 UC (5 from Lackeys, 0.5 from RP's, 5 from Nests, 2 from Rare Encounters)

Please send in ONE Pokemon that hasn't fainted. I will then issue actions for Mamoswine, then you will issue actions for your Pokemon. Finally, I'll ref.

"MAMOSWINE!!!" (Translation: "KILL NESTOR!!!")
Mamoswine: Earthquake > Bulldoze > Earthquake
IF Nestor uses Disable (Mamoswine's Earthquake) A1 OR A2, THEN replace A3 with Rock Slide
It would be so easy to just kill it...

Hydro Pump ~ Yawn ~ Protect
IF Hydro Pump misses A1, use it again A3

Ice Spire - Glacial Cavern

Well, not much happens...Mamoswine becomes drowsy, Nestor takes damage, Heal Balls are out of the equation, but other than that, not much happened. Issue your actions.

Athenodoros OOAX

Nestor @ Expert Belt
HP: 59
Energy: 59
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 4
Speed: 26
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19
-1 Speed

Mamoswine A

Mamoswine (M) @ Rocky Helmet
HP: 55
Energy: 54
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 2
Speed: 80
Size Class: 5
Weight Class: 7
Base Rank Total: 20
Drowsy (1a)

Mamoswine used Earthquake (Nestor)!
(Crit Roll [<=625]: 6295/10000; No Crit)
Nestor took (10+3+3)=16 Damage!
Mamoswine used 6 Energy!

Nestor used Hydro Pump (Mamoswine)!
(Hit Roll [<=8000]: 1911/10000; Hit)
(Crit Roll [<=625]: 8071/10000; No Crit)
Its Super Effective!
Mamoswine took ((12+3+4.5+2)*1.5+1.75)=34 Damage!
Nestor used 7 Energy!
Mamoswine used Bulldoze (Nestor)!
(Crit Roll [<=625]: 5608/10000; No Crit)
Nestor took (6+3+3)=12 Damage! Nestor's Speed dropped 1 Stage!
Mamoswine used 4 Energy!

Nestor used Yawn (Mamoswine)!
Mamoswine became drowsy!
Nestor used 7 Energy!
Nestor used Protect!
Nestor protected himself!
Nestor used (7+(16/2.5))=13 Energy!

Mamoswine used Earthquake (Nestor)!
(Crit Roll [<=625]: 2384/10000; No Crit)
Nestor protected himself (Would've done (10+3+3)=16 Damage)!
Mamoswine used 6 Energy!

Mamoswine's Sp. Defence returned to normal!


Potion: 2/2 free slots
Super Potion: 1/1 free slots
Ether: 2/2 free slots
2 Ethers
Revive: 1/1 free slots
Pokeballs: 10/50 free slots
4 Cherish Balls
12 Heal Balls
15 Sport Balls
9 Timer Balls
Berries: 30/30 free slots
Battle Items: 12/20 free slots
2 Expert Belts (Equipped)
1 Expert Belt
1 Kings Rock
1 Leftovers
1 Magnet (Equipped)
2 Mental Herbs
Gems: 18/20 free slots
2 Steel Gems
Spare Pocket (any item): 3/3 free slots

+1 Klink
+1 Magneton
+1 Klang
+1 Registeel
+1 Snorunt
+1 Kings Rock
+1 Leftovers
+1 Magnet
+2 Mental Herbs
+2 Steel Gems
-2 Potions
-1 Super Potion
-8 Heal Balls
-1 Sport Ball
-1 Timer Ball


Athenodoros: 16 CC
Ares: 16 MC, 2 KOC
Posedion: 11 MC, 3 KOC
Nestor: 16 MC
Klink: 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 DC
Forky: 4 EC, 9 MC, 4 DC, 1 KOC
Bertha: 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 DC
Registeel: Nothing
Peppy: 2 EC, 4 MC, 2 DC, 1 KOC

Its_A_Random: 13 UC (5 from Lackeys, 0.5 from RP's, 5 from Nests, 3 from Rare Encounters)
Dammit I forgot this wasn't trap combat. And dammit I forgot the Special Defence Drop. And most of all, dammit dammit dammit I wanted my Heal Balls. However, I'm tired of this and I might as well make use of my sleep.

Heal Ball * 3

We'll reconsider after this round when I don't catch it.
Sorry for the delay. Being at Uni classes as "I've Been Busy", right?


Ice Spire - Glacial Cavern

Despite your best efforts, you throw three Heal Balls, & neither of the three balls catch Mamoswine...Looks like it's time for you to reconsider. Issue your actions. ;)

Athenodoros OOAX

Nestor @ Expert Belt
HP: 59
Energy: 59

Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 4
Speed: 26
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19
No Changes

Mamoswine A

Mamoswine (M) @ Rocky Helmet
HP: 55
Energy: 90
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 2
Speed: 80
Size Class: 5
Weight Class: 7
Base Rank Total: 20
No Changes
Athenodoros threw 1 Heal Ball!
(Capture Rate=(((220*50)+1)/330)/256=13.02%)
(Catch Roll [<=1302]: 6674/10000; No Catch)
Awww...Mamoswine appeared to be caught!

Mamoswine Chilled Out!
Mamoswine recovered 12 Energy!

(Sleep Lv. Roll [1a/1a/2a]: 1280/10000; 1 Action)
Mamoswine fell asleep (1a)!

Athenodoros threw 1 Heal Ball!
(Capture Rate=(((220*100)+1)/330)/256=26.04%)
(Catch Roll [<=2604]: 4489/10000; No Catch)
Aargh! Almost had it!

Mamoswine Chilled Out!
Mamoswine recovered 12 Energy!

Athenodoros threw 1 Heal Ball!
(Capture Rate=(((220*100)+1)/330)/256=26.04%)
(Catch Roll [<=2604]: 3541/10000; No Catch)
Shoot! It was so close too!

Mamoswine woke up!
Mamoswine Chilled Out!
Mamoswine recovered 12 Energy!

Nestor's Speed returned to normal!
Potion: 2/2 free slots
Super Potion: 1/1 free slots
Ether: 2/2 free slots
2 Ethers
Revive: 1/1 free slots
Pokeballs: 13/50 free slots
4 Cherish Balls
9 Heal Balls
15 Sport Balls
9 Timer Balls
Berries: 30/30 free slots
Battle Items: 12/20 free slots
2 Expert Belts (Equipped)
1 Expert Belt
1 Kings Rock
1 Leftovers
1 Magnet (Equipped)
2 Mental Herbs
Gems: 18/20 free slots
2 Steel Gems
Spare Pocket (any item): 3/3 free slots

+1 Klink
+1 Magneton
+1 Klang
+1 Registeel
+1 Snorunt
+1 Kings Rock
+1 Leftovers
+1 Magnet
+2 Mental Herbs
+2 Steel Gems
-2 Potions
-1 Super Potion
-11 Heal Balls
-1 Sport Ball
-1 Timer Ball

Athenodoros: 16 CC
Ares: 16 MC, 2 KOC
Posedion: 11 MC, 3 KOC
Nestor: 16 MC
Klink: 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 DC
Forky: 4 EC, 9 MC, 4 DC, 1 KOC
Bertha: 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 DC
Registeel: Nothing
Peppy: 2 EC, 4 MC, 2 DC, 1 KOC

Its_A_Random: 13 UC (5 from Lackeys, 0.5 from RP's, 5 from Nests, 3 from Rare Encounters)

Mamoswine: Earthquake > Bulldoze > Earthquake
IF Nestor uses Disable (Mamoswine's Earthquake) A1 OR A2, THEN replace A3 with Rock Slide
IF Nestor uses Yawn, AND it is not as part of a combo, AND Dig hasn't been disabled, THEN replace that action with Dig, pushing actions back IF Earthquake was subbed


Ice Spire - Glacial Cavern

Well, Reflect may have softened the blows a little bit, but not by much. At any rate, you also deal massive damage with Brine...Other than that, issue your actions.

Athenodoros OOAX (Reflect (3a))

Nestor @ Expert Belt
HP: 43
Energy: 33
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 4
Speed: 26
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19
-1 Speed

Mamoswine A

Mamoswine (M) @ Rocky Helmet
HP: 17
Energy: 74
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 2
Speed: 80
Size Class: 5
Weight Class: 7
Base Rank Total: 20
No Changes
Mamoswine used Earthquake (Nestor)!
(Crit Roll [<=625]: 6966/10000; No Crit)
Nestor took (10+3+3)=16 Damage!
Mamoswine used 6 Energy!

Nestor used Reflect!
Athenodoros' team was protected by Reflect (6a)!
Nestor used 7 Energy!
Mamoswine used Bulldoze (Nestor)!
(Crit Roll [<=625]: 9446/10000; No Crit)
Nestor took (3+3+3)=9 Damage! Nestor's Speed dropped 1 Stage!
Mamoswine used 4 Energy!

Nestor used Slack Off!
Nestor recovered 20 HP!
Nestor used ((100/10)+2)=12 Energy!
Mamoswine used Earthquake (Nestor)!

(Crit Roll [<=625]: 1124/10000; No Crit)
Nestor took (5+3+3)=11 Damage!
Mamoswine used 6 Energy!

Nestor used Brine (Mamoswine)!
(Crit Roll [<=625]: 76/10000; Crit)
A Critical Hit! Its Super Effective!
Mamoswine took ((13+3+3+4.5+2)*1.5)=38.25 Damage!
Nestor used 7 Energy!
Potion: 2/2 free slots
Super Potion: 1/1 free slots
Ether: 2/2 free slots
2 Ethers
Revive: 1/1 free slots
Pokeballs: 13/50 free slots
4 Cherish Balls
9 Heal Balls
15 Sport Balls
9 Timer Balls
Berries: 30/30 free slots
Battle Items: 12/20 free slots
2 Expert Belts (Equipped)
1 Expert Belt
1 Kings Rock
1 Leftovers
1 Magnet (Equipped)
2 Mental Herbs
Gems: 18/20 free slots
2 Steel Gems
Spare Pocket (any item): 3/3 free slots


+1 Klink
+1 Magneton
+1 Klang
+1 Registeel
+1 Snorunt
+1 Kings Rock
+1 Leftovers
+1 Magnet
+2 Mental Herbs
+2 Steel Gems
-2 Potions
-1 Super Potion
-11 Heal Balls
-1 Sport Ball
-1 Timer Ball


Athenodoros: 16 CC
Ares: 16 MC, 2 KOC
Posedion: 11 MC, 3 KOC
Nestor: 16 MC
Klink: 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 DC
Forky: 4 EC, 9 MC, 4 DC, 1 KOC
Bertha: 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 DC
Registeel: Nothing
Peppy: 2 EC, 4 MC, 2 DC, 1 KOC

Its_A_Random: 13 UC (5 from Lackeys, 0.5 from RP's, 5 from Nests, 3 from Rare Encounters)
Yawn ~ Slack Off ~ Chill
IF Mamo uses Protect or Dig successfully when you would use Yawn, swap that action and the next.
Too many subs. They're all ignored.


Ice Spire - Glacial Cavern

Yay, more boring things happen...Nestor focuses on recovery, Mamswine continues to pelt away, all that's left for you now is to issue your actions!

Athenodoros OOAX

Nestor @ Expert Belt
HP: 36
Energy: 26
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 4
Speed: 26
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19
No Changes

Mamoswine A

Mamoswine (M) @ Rocky Helmet
HP: 17
Energy: 55
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 2
Speed: 80
Size Class: 5
Weight Class: 7
Base Rank Total: 20
No Changes
Mamoswine burrowed underground!

Nestor used Yawn!
Nestor's Attack missed!
Nestor used 7 Energy!

Mamoswine unleashed Dig (Nestor)!
(Crit Roll [<=625]: 4781/10000; No Crit)
Nestor took (4+3+3)=10 Damage!
Mamoswine used 9 Energy!
Mamoswine used Earthquake (Nestor)!
(Crit Roll [<=625]: 8815/10000; No Crit)
Nestor took (5+3+3)=11 Damage!
Mamoswine used 6 Energy!

Nestor used Slack Off!
Nestor recovered 20 HP!
Nestor used ((100/10)+2)=12 Energy!
Mamoswine used Earth Power (Nestor)!
(Crit Roll [<=625]: 3674/10000; No Crit)
(Effect Roll {-1 Sp. Defence} [<=1000]: 3655/10000; No Sp. Defence drop)
Nestor took (9+3)=12 Damage!
Mamoswine used 6 Energy!

Nestor Chilled Out!
Nestor recovered 6 HP!
Nestor recovered 12 Energy!

Athenodoros' Reflect wore off!
Nestor's Speed returned to normal!
Potion: 2/2 free slots
Super Potion: 1/1 free slots
Ether: 2/2 free slots
2 Ethers
Revive: 1/1 free slots
Pokeballs: 13/50 free slots
4 Cherish Balls
9 Heal Balls
15 Sport Balls
9 Timer Balls
Berries: 30/30 free slots
Battle Items: 12/20 free slots
2 Expert Belts (Equipped)
1 Expert Belt
1 Kings Rock
1 Leftovers
1 Magnet (Equipped)
2 Mental Herbs
Gems: 18/20 free slots
2 Steel Gems
Spare Pocket (any item): 3/3 free slots

+1 Klink
+1 Magneton
+1 Klang
+1 Registeel
+1 Snorunt
+1 Kings Rock
+1 Leftovers
+1 Magnet
+2 Mental Herbs
+2 Steel Gems
-2 Potions
-1 Super Potion
-11 Heal Balls
-1 Sport Ball
-1 Timer Ball

Athenodoros: 16 CC
Ares: 16 MC, 2 KOC
Posedion: 11 MC, 3 KOC
Nestor: 16 MC
Klink: 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 DC
Forky: 4 EC, 9 MC, 4 DC, 1 KOC
Bertha: 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 DC
Registeel: Nothing
Peppy: 2 EC, 4 MC, 2 DC, 1 KOC

Its_A_Random: 13 UC (5 from Lackeys, 0.5 from RP's, 5 from Nests, 3 from Rare Encounters)

Mamoswine: Earthquake > Earth Power > Earthquake
IF Nestor uses Disable (Mamoswine's Earthquake) A1 OR A2, THEN replace A3 with Rock Slide
IF Nestor uses Yawn, AND it is not as part of a combo, AND Dig hasn't been disabled, THEN replace that action with Dig, pushing actions back IF Earthquake was subbed


Ice Spire - Glacial Cavern

Two Heal Balls is all it takes to snag you the Mamoswine. Well done. After the catch, you gain a Rocky Helmet which was already equipped to Mamoswine, & you then move on, deeper into the spire...

Athenodoros OOOXO

Ares @ Expert Belt | Nestor @ Expert Belt | Forky @ Magnet
HP: 49 | 36 | 58
Energy: 45 | 26 | 63
Atk: Rank 5 | 3 | 2
Def: Rank 3 | 3 | 4
SpA: Rank 4 | 5 | 5
SpD: Rank 3 | 4 | 3
Speed: 76 | 26 | 81
Size Class: 3 | 3 | 2
Weight Class: 4 | 4 | 3
Base Rank Total: 20 | 19 | 18
No Changes | No Changes | Frozen (0a)
Athenodoros threw 1 Heal Ball!
(Capture Rate=(((296*50)+1)/330)/256=17.52%)
(Catch Roll [<=1752]: 6976/10000; No Catch)

Awww...Mamoswine appeared to be caught!

Mamoswine Chilled Out!
Mamoswine recovered 12 Energy!

Athenodoros threw 1 Heal Ball!
(Capture Rate=(((296*50)+1)/330)/256=17.52%)
(Catch Roll [<=1752]: 1474/10000; Catch)

Gotcha! Mamoswine was caught!
Potion: 2/2 free slots
Super Potion: 1/1 free slots
Ether: 2/2 free slots
2 Ethers
Revive: 1/1 free slots
Pokeballs: 15/50 free slots
4 Cherish Balls
7 Heal Balls
15 Sport Balls
9 Timer Balls
Berries: 30/30 free slots
Battle Items: 11/20 free slots
2 Expert Belts (Equipped)
1 Expert Belt
1 Kings Rock
1 Leftovers
1 Magnet (Equipped)
2 Mental Herbs
1 Rocky Helmet (Equipped)
Gems: 18/20 free slots
2 Steel Gems
Spare Pocket (any item): 3/3 free slots

+1 Klink
+1 Magneton
+1 Klang
+1 Registeel
+1 Snorunt
+1 Mamoswine
+1 Kings Rock
+1 Leftovers
+1 Magnet
+2 Mental Herbs
+1 Rocky Helmet
+2 Steel Gems
-2 Potions
-1 Super Potion
-13 Heal Balls
-1 Sport Ball
-1 Timer Ball

Athenodoros: 16 CC
Ares: 16 MC, 2 KOC
Posedion: 11 MC, 3 KOC
Nestor: 16 MC
Klink: 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 DC
Forky: 4 EC, 9 MC, 4 DC, 1 KOC
Bertha: 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 DC
Registeel: Nothing
Peppy: 2 EC, 4 MC, 2 DC, 1 KOC
Mamoswine: Nothing

Its_A_Random: 13 UC (5 from Lackeys, 0.5 from RP's, 5 from Nests, 3 from Rare Encounters)

You know the drill...
Coolio. I love Mamo.

Anyway, team will be Ares, Forky and Mamo, with Mamo holding Slowking's EBelt.

Off we go again!

Ice Spire - Frozen Hall

As you slip & slide your way through the hallways & staircases, you notice, this is not going to get any warmer, this is going to get colder & colder. Nevertheless, eventually you find yourself in a room called The Frozen Hall. The Frozen Hall is a hollowed out room shaped like a sphere. Gigantic icicles stretch from the floor to the ceiling, up about 8 metres. A frozen draft blows through the room, and as you continue through the snow gets stronger. You get the distinct feeling of being watched. Buried under the snow is a glimmering object that could be valuable. This part of the ice also seems to have some obsidian shards sticking out nearby, an odd feature for such a place, but who knows who has traversed the area? Do you place your hand in the snow? What will you do?

a) Ignore the item.
b) Grab the item.

Athenodoros OOOXO

Ares @ Expert Belt | Forky @ Magnet | Mamoswine @ Expert Belt
HP: 49 | 58 | 110
Energy: 45 | 63 | 100
Atk: Rank 5 | 2 | 5
Def: Rank 3 | 4 | 2
SpA: Rank 4 | 5 | 4
SpD: Rank 3 | 3 | 2
Speed: 76 | 81 | 80
Size Class: 3 | 2 | 5
Weight Class: 4 | 3 | 7
Base Rank Total: 20 | 18 | 20
No Changes | Frozen (0a) | No Changes
Potion: 2/2 free slots
Super Potion: 1/1 free slots
Ether: 2/2 free slots
2 Ethers
Revive: 1/1 free slots
Pokeballs: 15/50 free slots
4 Cherish Balls
7 Heal Balls
15 Sport Balls
9 Timer Balls
Berries: 30/30 free slots
Battle Items: 11/20 free slots
2 Expert Belts (Equipped)
1 Expert Belt
1 Kings Rock
1 Leftovers
1 Magnet (Equipped)
2 Mental Herbs
1 Rocky Helmet
Gems: 18/20 free slots
2 Steel Gems
Spare Pocket (any item): 3/3 free slots


+1 Klink
+1 Magneton
+1 Klang
+1 Registeel
+1 Snorunt
+1 Mamoswine
+1 Kings Rock
+1 Leftovers
+1 Magnet
+2 Mental Herbs
+1 Rocky Helmet
+2 Steel Gems
-2 Potions
-1 Super Potion
-13 Heal Balls
-1 Sport Ball
-1 Timer Ball

Athenodoros: 16 CC
Ares: 16 MC, 2 KOC
Posedion: 11 MC, 3 KOC
Nestor: 16 MC
Klink: 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 DC
Forky: 4 EC, 9 MC, 4 DC, 1 KOC
Bertha: 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 DC
Registeel: Nothing
Peppy: 2 EC, 4 MC, 2 DC, 1 KOC
Mamoswine: Nothing


Its_A_Random: 13 UC (5 from Lackeys, 0.5 from RP's, 5 from Nests, 3 from Rare Encounters)

Ice Spire - Frozen Hall

Interested in the object, you decide to investigate it to see what it is. What it turns out to be, however, is a tinderbox that contains 5 Aspear Berries, which you throw straight into your berries pocket in your backpack. Convenient. After putting down the tinderbox, you notice the obsidian object moving in the corner of your eye & catch it out, stopping it in its tracks. Turns out it was a Glalie trying to do something bad to you...So the Glalie roars at you & not to soon, a Glaceon pops out of nowhere to assist the Glalie. So you are forced as a result to send in your Pokemon to defend you from this dynamic duo. How will this unfold? We'll soon see...

Arena Rules:
-Only Hail & Clear weather allowed, All other weathers will fail.
-No Water Supply.
-Ice in the dungeon is impregnable to Fire.
-No Rocks.
-No Natural Grass.
-Indoor Arena.

Athenodoros AOAXA

Ares @ Expert Belt | Forky @ Magnet | Mamoswine @ Expert Belt
HP: 49 | 58 | 110
Energy: 45 | 63 | 100
Atk: Rank 5 | 2 | 5
Def: Rank 3 | 4 | 2
SpA: Rank 4 | 5 | 4
SpD: Rank 3 | 3 | 2
Speed: 76 | 81 | 80
Size Class: 3 | 2 | 5
Weight Class: 4 | 3 | 7
Base Rank Total: 20 | 18 | 20
No Changes | Frozen (0a) | No Changes

Guardians AA

Glalie (M) @ Macho Brace | Glaceon (F) @ BrightPowder
HP: 100 | 100
Energy: 100 | 100
Atk: Rank 3 | 2
Def: Rank 3 | 3
SpA: Rank 4 | 6
SpD: Rank 3 | 3
Speed: 34 | 65
Size Class: 3 | 2
Weight Class: 6 | 3
Base Rank Total: 18 | 20
No Changes | No Changes
Potion: 2/2 free slots
Super Potion: 1/1 free slots
Ether: 2/2 free slots
2 Ethers
Revive: 1/1 free slots
Pokeballs: 15/50 free slots
4 Cherish Balls
7 Heal Balls
15 Sport Balls
9 Timer Balls
Berries: 25/30 free slots
5 Aspear Berries
Battle Items: 11/20 free slots
2 Expert Belts (Equipped)
1 Expert Belt
1 Kings Rock
1 Leftovers
1 Magnet (Equipped)
2 Mental Herbs
1 Rocky Helmet
Gems: 18/20 free slots
2 Steel Gems
Spare Pocket (any item): 3/3 free slots


+1 Klink
+1 Magneton
+1 Klang
+1 Registeel
+1 Snorunt
+1 Mamoswine
+5 Aspear Berries
+1 Kings Rock
+1 Leftovers
+1 Magnet
+2 Mental Herbs
+1 Rocky Helmet
+2 Steel Gems
-2 Potions
-1 Super Potion
-13 Heal Balls
-1 Sport Ball
-1 Timer Ball


Athenodoros: 18 CC
Ares: 19 MC, 2 KOC
Posedion: 11 MC, 3 KOC
Nestor: 16 MC
Klink: 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 DC
Forky: 5 EC, 11 MC, 5 DC, 1 KOC
Bertha: 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 DC
Registeel: Nothing
Peppy: 2 EC, 4 MC, 2 DC, 1 KOC
Mamoswine: 2 MC, 1 DC


Its_A_Random: 18 UC (5 from Lackeys, 0.5 from RP's, 5 from Nests, 3 from Rare Encounters, 5 from Guardians)
dum de dum Rock Slide spam...

Luke: Rock Slide * 2
Mamo: Rock Slide * 2
Magneton: Flash Cannon (Glalie) * 2
If Glalie uses Disable, his target uses Chill next action

I completely forgot about rocks. That's a real spanner in the works, and it means this battle is going to be a huge problem.

Luke: Hi Jump Kick (Glalie) ~ Close Combat (Glalie)
Mamo: Stone Edge (Glalie) * 2
Magneton: Flash Cannon (Glalie) ~ Shock Wave (Glalie)
IF Glalie uses Protect successfully, everyone targets Glaceon, UNLESS she also uses Protect or Detect successfully, in which case Luke and Ton Chill and Mamo uses Reflect
IF Glalie uses Disable, his target uses Chill if it is Luke or Ton and Reflect if it is Mamo, unless Reflect is already up, in which case everyone just uses Chill.
Of course, in such a frigid place, you wouldn't expect to see any rocks around, wouldn't you? At least I consider Stone Edge to not require external rocks...


Ice Spire - Frozen Hall

With the power of sheer brute force, you overrun Glalie without too much difficulty, but you did, on the other hand, have to deal with constant ice storms & pelting hail...Ares is wounded, Forky is wounded, & Mamoswine is still fresh atm, other than that, issue your actions.


Athenodoros AOAXA

Ares @ Expert Belt | Forky @ Magnet | Mamoswine @ Expert Belt
HP: 16 | 28 | 81
Energy: 31 | 55 | 82
Atk: Rank 5 | 2 | 5
Def: Rank 3 | 4 | 2
SpA: Rank 4 | 5 | 4
SpD: Rank 3 | 3 | 2
Speed: 76 | 81 | 80
Size Class: 3 | 2 | 5
Weight Class: 4 | 3 | 7
Base Rank Total: 20 | 18 | 20
-1 Defence, -1 Sp. Defence | No Changes | No Changes

Guardians XA

Glalie (M) @ Macho Brace | Glaceon (F) @ BrightPowder
HP: KO | 100
Energy: 61 | 84
Atk: Rank 3 | 2
Def: Rank 3 | 3
SpA: Rank 4 | 6
SpD: Rank 3 | 3
Speed: 34 | 65
Size Class: 3 | 2
Weight Class: 6 | 3
Base Rank Total: 18 | 20
No Changes | No Changes
Forky thawed out!
Forky used Flash Cannon (Glalie)!

(Crit Roll [<=625]: 2262/10000; No Crit)
(Effect Roll {-1 Sp. Defence} [<=1000]: 6014/10000; No Sp. Defence drop)

Its Super Effective!
Glalie took ((8+3+3)*1.5)=21 Damage!
Forky used 5 Energy!

Mamoswine used Stone Edge (Glalie)!
(Hit Roll [<=9000]: 9489/10000; Miss)
Mamoswine's attack missed!
Mamoswine used 7 Energy!

Ares used Hi Jump Kick (Glalie)!
(Crit Roll [<=625]: 9969/10000; No Crit)

Its Super Effective!
Glalie took ((13+3+3+2)*1.5)=31.5 Damage!
Ares used 7 Energy!

Glaceon used Hail!
It started to hail!
Glaceon used 9 Energy!

Glalie used a Blizzard + Blizzard combo (Ares, Forky, Mamoswine)!
(BEC=20, 100/20; Combo works)
(Crit Rolls [<=625/10000]: 6173, 8553, 7911; No Crits)
(Effect Rolls {Freeze, exc. Mamoswine} [<=2000]: 7345, 8765; No Freezes)

Its not very effective...(Ares, Forky, Mamoswine)
Ares took ((20.25+3+1.5)/1.5)=16.5 Damage!
Forky took ((20.25+3+1.5-1)/1.5)=15.833 Damage!
Mamoswine took ((20.25+3+3)/1.5)=17.5 Damage!
Glalie used ((8+2)*4-1)=39 Energy!

Hail continues to fall...
Ares & Forky were pelted by the hail (2 Damage)!
Glalie recovered 2 HP!

Forky used Shock Wave (Glalie)!
(Crit Roll [<=625]: 6093/10000; No Crit)
Glalie took (6+3+3+4)=16 Damage!
Forky used 3 Energy!

Mamoswine used Stone Edge (Glalie)!
(Hit Roll [<=9000]: 6540/10000; Hit)
(Crit Roll [<=1250]: 434/10000; Crit)

A Critical Hit! Its Super Effective!
Glalie took ((10+3+3+2)*1.5)=27 Damage!
Mamoswine used 11 Energy!

Ares used Close Combat (Glalie)!
(Crit Roll [<=625]: 5637/10000; No Crit)
Its Super Effective!
Glalie took ((12+3+3+2)*1.5)=30 Damage! Ares' Defence & Sp. Defence dropped 1 Stage!
Ares used 7 Energy!

Glalie Fainted! Ares gained 1 KO Counter!

Glaceon used Blizzard (Ares, Forky, Mamoswine)!
(Crit Rolls [<=625/10000]: 5714, 2347, 7999; No Crits)
(Effect Rolls {Freeze, exc. Mamoswine} [<=1000]: 3328, 5189; No Freezes)

Its not very effective...(Ares, Forky, Mamoswine)
Ares took ((9+3+4)/1.5+1.75)=12.417 Damage!
Forky took ((9+3+4-1)/1.5)=10 Damage!
Mamoswine took ((9+3+5.5)/1.5)=11.667 Damage!
Glaceon used 7 Energy!

Hail continues to fall...
Ares & Forky were pelted by the hail (2 Damage)!

Potion: 2/2 free slots
Super Potion: 1/1 free slots
Ether: 2/2 free slots
2 Ethers
Revive: 1/1 free slots
Pokeballs: 15/50 free slots
4 Cherish Balls
7 Heal Balls
15 Sport Balls
9 Timer Balls
Berries: 25/30 free slots
5 Aspear Berries
Battle Items: 11/20 free slots
2 Expert Belts (Equipped)
1 Expert Belt
1 Kings Rock
1 Leftovers
1 Magnet (Equipped)
2 Mental Herbs
1 Rocky Helmet
Gems: 18/20 free slots
2 Steel Gems
Spare Pocket (any item): 3/3 free slots


+1 Klink
+1 Magneton
+1 Klang
+1 Registeel
+1 Snorunt
+1 Mamoswine
+5 Aspear Berries
+1 Kings Rock
+1 Leftovers
+1 Magnet
+2 Mental Herbs
+1 Rocky Helmet
+2 Steel Gems
-2 Potions
-1 Super Potion
-13 Heal Balls
-1 Sport Ball
-1 Timer Ball


Athenodoros: 18 CC
Ares: 19 MC, 3 KOC
Posedion: 11 MC, 3 KOC
Nestor: 16 MC
Klink: 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 DC
Forky: 5 EC, 11 MC, 5 DC, 1 KOC
Bertha: 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 DC
Registeel: Nothing
Peppy: 2 EC, 4 MC, 2 DC, 1 KOC
Mamoswine: 2 MC, 1 DC

Its_A_Random: 18 UC (5 from Lackeys, 0.5 from RP's, 5 from Nests, 3 from Rare Encounters, 5 from Guardians)

Glaceon: Blizzard > Blizzard
You could just have very cold rocks...

Luke: Drain Punch (Glaceon) ~ Chill
Mamo: Dig (Glaceon) ~ Chill
Ton: Thunder Wave (Glaceon) ~ Hidden Power Flying (Glaceon)

Ice Spire - Frozen Hall

Okay, this round, things didn't exactly work out for you...Drain Punch didn't heal enough HP for Ares to survive...So he's gone. Forky's also low on health...And finally, well, Dig missed. Oh well, Nestor's now in to help you out...Issue your actions.


Athenodoros XAAXA

Ares | Nestor | Forky @ Magnet | Mamoswine @ Expert Belt
HP: KO | 36 | 4 | 69
Energy: 32 | 26 | 44 | 85
Atk: Rank 5 | 3 | 2 | 5
Def: Rank 3 | 3 | 4 | 2
SpA: Rank 4 | 5 | 5 | 4
SpD: Rank 3 | 4 | 3 | 2
Speed: 76 | 26 | 81 | 80
Size Class: 3 | 3 | 2 | 5
Weight Class: 4 | 4 | 3 | 7
Base Rank Total: 20 | 19 | 18 | 20
-1 Defence, -1 Sp. Defence, Frozen (1a) | No Changes | No Changes | No Changes

Guardians XA

Glaceon (F) @ BrightPowder
HP: 70
Energy: 58
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 6
SpD: Rank 3
Speed: 65
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 20
Paralysed (20%)
Forky used Thunder Wave (Glaceon)!
(Hit Roll [<=8500]: 135/10000; Hit)
Glaceon became Paralysed (25%)!
Forky used 6 Energy!

Mamoswine burrowed underground!

Ares used Drain Punch (Glaceon)!

(Hit Roll [<=7200]: 4789/10000; Hit)
(Crit Roll [<=625]: 822/10000; No Crit)

Its Super Effective!
Glaceon took ((8+3+3+2)*1.5)=24 Damage!
Ares recovered (24/2)=12 HP!
Ares used 11 Energy!

(Paralysis Roll [<=2500]: 8640/10000; No Paralysis)

Glaceon used Blizzard (Ares, Forky, Mamoswine)!
Mamoswine avoided the attack!
(Crit Rolls [<=625/10000]: 9734, 5856; No Crits)
(Effect Rolls {Freeze} [<=1000]: 2225, 1344; No Freezes)

Its not very effective...(Ares, Forky)
Ares took ((9+3+4)/1.5+1.75)=12.417 Damage!
Forky took ((9+3+4-1)/1.5)=10 Damage!
Glaceon used 11 Energy!

Mamoswine used Dig (Glaceon)!
(Hit Roll [<=7200]: 9475/10000; Miss)
Mamoswine's attack missed!
Mamoswine used 9 Energy!

Hail continues to fall...
Ares & Forky were pelted by the hail (2 Damage)!
Glaceon recovered 2 HP!

Forky used Hidden Power (Glaceon)!

(Hit Roll [<=8500]: 1916/10000; Hit)
(Crit Roll [<=625]: 2030/10000; No Crit)

Glaceon took (7+3)=10 Damage!
Forky used 5 Energy!

Mamoswine Chilled Out!

Mamoswine recovered 12 Energy!

Ares Chilled Out!
Ares recovered 12 Energy!

(Paralysis Roll [<=2500]: 8281/10000; No Paralysis)

Glaceon used Blizzard (Ares, Forky, Mamoswine)!

(Crit Rolls [<=625/10000]: 2151, 5664, 8511; No Crits)
(Effect Rolls {Freeze, exc. Mamoswine} [<=1000]: 525, 4496; Freeze on Ares)
(Freeze Lv. Roll {Ares} [1a/2a]: 1847/10000; 1 Action)

Its not very effective...(Ares, Forky, Mamoswine)
Ares took ((9+3+4)/1.5+1.75)=12.417 Damage! Ares became frozen (1a)!
Forky took ((9+3+4-1)/1.5)=10 Damage!
Mamoswine took ((9+3+5.5)/1.5)=11.667 Damage!
Glaceon used 15 Energy!

Hail continues to fall...
Ares & Forky were pelted by the hail (2 Damage)!
Glaceon recovered 2 HP!

Ares Fainted!

Glaceon's Paralysis weakened!

Athenodoros sent in Nestor (Slowking)!

Potion: 2/2 free slots
Super Potion: 1/1 free slots
Ether: 2/2 free slots
2 Ethers
Revive: 1/1 free slots
Pokeballs: 15/50 free slots
4 Cherish Balls
7 Heal Balls
15 Sport Balls
9 Timer Balls
Berries: 25/30 free slots
5 Aspear Berries
Battle Items: 11/20 free slots
1 Expert Belt (Equipped)
2 Expert Belts
1 Kings Rock
1 Leftovers
1 Magnet (Equipped)
2 Mental Herbs
1 Rocky Helmet
Gems: 18/20 free slots
2 Steel Gems
Spare Pocket (any item): 3/3 free slots


+1 Klink
+1 Magneton
+1 Klang
+1 Registeel
+1 Snorunt
+1 Mamoswine
+5 Aspear Berries
+1 Kings Rock
+1 Leftovers
+1 Magnet
+2 Mental Herbs
+1 Rocky Helmet
+2 Steel Gems
-2 Potions
-1 Super Potion
-13 Heal Balls
-1 Sport Ball
-1 Timer Ball

Athenodoros: 18 CC
Ares: 19 MC, 3 KOC
Posedion: 11 MC, 3 KOC
Nestor: 19 MC
Klink: 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 DC
Forky: 5 EC, 11 MC, 5 DC, 1 KOC
Bertha: 1 EC, 2 MC, 1 DC
Registeel: Nothing
Peppy: 2 EC, 4 MC, 2 DC, 1 KOC
Mamoswine: 2 MC, 1 DC


Its_A_Random: 19 UC (5 from Lackeys, 0.5 from RP's, 5 from Nests, 3 from Rare Encounters, 6 from Guardians)