the "girafarig if instead of a line it split off in a triangular formation" cup FINALS

Round 1
Team iplaymonslol vs team i love xzern

Arcticblast vs Frat Dude
iplaytennislol vs NightLight26
Laga vs clius
team JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP FAM vs Team cute bunny gifs

BLOOD TOTEM vs Meloettaaa
kamikaze17 vs Hashtag
Stratos vs Paraplegic
Team Norcal aka Haruno + 2 ghosting slots vs Team LuckynBad

Haruno vs Nido-Rus
WreckDra vs Yellow Paint
Peli vs MainEvent
Triple Threat vs Team CT!!!

n1n1 vs DaAwesomeDude1
Hiro97 vs Serapis
Vert84 vs Steven Stone

Giragoomy + 2 Randoms vs JOHN CENA

ElegyOfVGC vs Derivatives
qsns vs Roxer
GiraGoomy vs BlueSkiddoWeCanToo

Team treemater2798 vs UrsaDank

Yoda2798 vs Mishimono
checkmater75 vs Teamcali15
thetalkingtree vs manga team

free mega mence vs Itz GRAND Heliosan

thinkin vs GRAND EMPRESS
XvolcaronaX vs Heliosan
xzern vs Itz ZecaroN

team xzern rocks vs Team Draft Twix for SPL

lolbro vs Twix
Silverwhiteblue vs thecrystalonix
Lord Qwilfish vs AuraRayquaza

  • Croven's intense baggotry:
  • team vgc is better
  • team stratos is a peasant
  • #SavePastelle
things to remember:
  • the mon next to your team is the mon u need to use
  • this tournament is single elimination
  • battles are best out of one
  • teams between your team cannot share exactly the same 6 pokemon
  • the forme that is given is the only that may be used. landorus-i =/= landorus-t and rotom-mow =/= rotom wash
  • if you think your mon has an unfair advantage against the other, remember that u have.... 5 other slots!!! or contact me if you think its a serious issue

Round 1 ends Dec 13
pls post replays
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So basically if we have almost identical teams and we use like 1 different mons (let's say, a keld check in the forms of jelli, amoonguss and latios in each team), does that still count as a legal team?
tfw you get shitmon and enemy team gets godtier serperior
are the rest of your 5 slots shitmons that lose to serperior too
So basically if we have almost identical teams and we use like 1 different mons (let's say, a keld check in the forms of jelli, amoonguss and latios in the same team), does that still count as a legal team?
technically yes you can get away with changing just one mon but keep in mind that i have that rule for a reason, and that reason is to keep the matches from being bland. yes the teams would still be legal though
dont use totem teams fucking lol

Dear Everyone,
CM cress is a good mon but that doesnt mean you can just set it up turn 1 when ur opponent still has all their counters intact. like, if they have a full health kangaskhan, or an aegislash, or a wisp user, or perish trap, or all of the above, and u just start CMing then i start to cross my fingers and hope u lose every match forever

ps if you see a cm cress burn that shit asap

examples of setting up a cm cress too early:

someone should make a thread about this
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