The Gauntlet - Round 1

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I did send the log in as well as posting in thread.
I lost Jolteon, Magnezone and Slowbro. I can resend the log if you need me to.
won vs. jolteon. lost pinsir, registeel, and due to a crucial hydro pump miss, salamence too. :(

Salamence for Ubers!

gg. log sent
Since I lost rotom, am I still allowed to use the other forms? Since it was the uu form I used?
Doctor Octagonapus has been substituted in for Lady Bug per LB's request and Eo Ut Mortus has been substituted in for Starkiller2 per his request.
ILoveLiza said:
I did send the log in as well as posting in thread.
I lost Jolteon, Magnezone and Slowbro. I can resend the log if you need me to.
That's fine. I must have missed it over the course of monitoring the thread. I've also found the log in my PM inbox, so no worries.
Stone_Cold said:
Since I lost rotom, am I still allowed to use the other forms? Since it was the uu form I used?
Yes, Rotom and Rotom-A, for the purposes of this tournament, are different.
apologies said:
he told me i could have the win and left at 6-5.... gg i guess
As I have mentioned before, this will be treated as an activity win. I'll be handling activity pushes and coin flips as described here.


Anyway, I have updated the first post according to the current PM responses I have received. For those participants who have responded to me, I have marked their name with a * to distinguish their activity. Please cross-check these to verify that you are *'d if you sent me a PM. I got like ~30 PMs, so I may have missed some in the review. If you've completed your match since I sent the PM, you won't be *'d, but the winner will instead be bolded as usual. If you finish your match, I will remove any *'s.
that is ridiculous, i easily could have won 6-0 (maybe 5-0) since he was using mostly uus... i think it's not really fair to rob me of what would have been a good win. he only left because my win was inevitable and he didn't care to play the game through. i will be v angry if i am made to lose pokemon for this
Then you should schedule a rematch with your opponent and replay using the same moves. It is the only way for you to ensure your 6-0 as you claim it. If a player is "given" a win in any round, he has a clear unfair advantage over the other players. This tournament is not like other tournaments for that reason.

If you are bothered by this, but cannot schedule a rematch with the same teams (or whatever conditions you place on the rematch, same moves, etc.), you may challenge me after this round is over to fight for your 6-0 again. If you'd like to seriously try for the rematch, I can (and will) extend your match-up into R2.

I'm sorry if this bothers you, and I knew the solution wouldn't fly with everyone, but it is the only way to remain objectively fair. I trust that you'll understand.
this post by tophway implies that he did not merely "leave" but "lost":
lost to apologies, gl!
he had the option to possibly take out a few mons but decided he didn't want to wate time trying and left. im not sure why i should be punished for his decision.
while this post by you implies that if one leaves with intention of forfeit, their opponent will not be punished:
I want to encourage players to play their matches all of the way to the end. Even if you have no chance of winning a match, see if you can take out a few of your opponent's Pokemon to hinder them in future matches!
Just a question out of pure curiosity, what happens to the players who lost Salamence if he is voted Uber? They will have the unfair advantage that a pokemon that died on there team is now banned for everyone. Do they get a random pokemon removed to replace Mence on their "dead list"?
apologies said:
this post by tophway implies that he did not merely "leave" but "lost":
I know that, but for this tournament, it is not within a player's rights to forfeit and push his opponent forward at no cost. (Similar systems have been made for official tournaments as well, mind you) I have to be consistent with the rules or else I have to make an exception for everyone. That's really the only way this can be fair.
apologies said:
while this post by you implies that if one leaves with intention of forfeit, their opponent will not be punished:
A line must be drawn somewhere. If you play your match to the end and it's 3-1, you should not forfeit in case you might KO one last Pokemon. If someone did in that case, however, I might still accept their match because it had been played through 'significantly.' However, if the match has barely begun and is at 6-5 and someone forfeits, he is, for all intents and purposes, giving away the match. The distinction therein must be made by someone, ie. the tournament host. It is for this reason that I required logs of all matches, and even more-so why I disallowed myself from even participating in my own tournament. I am making this judgment call with neither rue nor ire; this is just how it is. Sorry.
Jolteon17 said:
Just a question out of pure curiosity, what happens to the players who lost Salamence if he is voted Uber? They will have the unfair advantage that a pokemon that died on there team is now banned for everyone. Do they get a random pokemon removed to replace Mence on their "dead list"?
As this tournament is directed by its previous rounds, Salamence will be allowed for all rounds of the tournament regardless of his tiering. Because of this, no one gains an unfair advantage for using Salamence early on.
i still think you're being an idiot but w/e. ill try to rematch tophway with same
moves, since he seems nice and like he wouldn't mind much. i am requesting an extension though since i probably won't get it done today.
lost a joke of a match

ok forgot the point of this tournaments playstyle when i rushed on to do this fuck so annoyed jesus christ
Lost to Heist in a gg, confirming that he lost Forretress. It could have been a bit more had I not forgotten Pursuit on one of my Pokemon's movesets lol. Gl and tfp.
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