Other The Dark Horse Project (ORAS Edition)

Pokemon Showdown! Username: horsesmiles
Prior Hall of Fame Standing: none
Current Dark Horse Pokemon: Whimsicott and Starmie (previously Tentacruel)
Explanation of Dark Horses: Well tbh I builded this team before knowing about this project but as a fellow player that try to use underrated pokemon I'd gladly join. Let's start from whimsicott, a prankster memento user capable of stopping any set-up tentative with encore and really good in worn down the opposite team. It had a good synergy with tentacruel because tspikes helped his work but as i was weak to the likes of mgross and mgallade I sacrificied this synergy to mantain the main role i chose whimsicott for: Provide set up chances. Starmie on the other hand is a spinner with reliable recovery, burn chance and decent bulk
Pokemon Showdown! Username: PrrettyReverend69
Prior Hall of Fame Standing: Noperino
Current Dark Horse Pokemon: Entei, Escavalier
Explanation of Dark Horses: Entei is one of the most annoying pokemon to deal with in the tier due to have a STAB physical super Scald, which can easily annoy or outright cripple most things that want to switch in to eat up a fire move. It also provides utility in the form of Extreme-Speed. It's also reasonably bulky thanks to its amazing HP stat and gets free switches in on common pokemon like Clefable and Sableye. Escavalier is an underutilized pokemon thanks to Scizor's presence but serves as a sturdy Pursuit trapper for the Lati twins with AV while also providing a rare non grass-type counter for Breloom which is greatly appreciated with how much of a pain that pokemon can be to deal with otherwise.

I'm gonna go ahead and change Escavalier to Slurpuff here. Slurpuff is like a weird fucked up Belly Drum Azumarill that doesn't have to rely on a 40 bp move to sweep after setting up. It's really not prepared for because of how uncommon and unorthodox it is, and I feel like it would go well with Entei considering the latter deals with BP Scizor and Mega Metagross as well as Unaware Clefable which would present serious problems for Slurpuff. I'll be using the same alt since I haven't played a ladder game on it yet.
I'm gonna go ahead and change Escavalier to Slurpuff here. Slurpuff is like a weird fucked up Belly Drum Azumarill that doesn't have to rely on a 40 bp move to sweep after setting up. It's really not prepared for because of how uncommon and unorthodox it is, and I feel like it would go well with Entei considering the latter deals with BP Scizor and Mega Metagross as well as Unaware Clefable which would present serious problems for Slurpuff. I'll be using the same alt since I haven't played a ladder game on it yet.
Awwww man I thought I was the only one who chose Slurpuff. I don't feel so special anymore. Anyway Slurpuff's main issue is it can't get past any steel types without going mixed and it can't get past Heatran at all. That's why I partnered it with Magnezone (Generic choice I know) and EQ Latios to lure in Heatran and bop him. Dugtrio is another option for you too.
Awwww man I thought I was the only one who chose Slurpuff. I don't feel so special anymore. Anyway Slurpuff's main issue is it can't get past any steel types without going mixed and it can't get past Heatran at all. That's why I partnered it with Magnezone (Generic choice I know) and EQ Latios to lure in Heatran and bop him. Dugtrio is another option for you too.

That might have been true before ORAS, but now it gets Drain Punch, destroying Heatran and healing itself at the same time. It still can't get past Skarm though :(
Awwww man I thought I was the only one who chose Slurpuff. I don't feel so special anymore. Anyway Slurpuff's main issue is it can't get past any steel types without going mixed and it can't get past Heatran at all. That's why I partnered it with Magnezone (Generic choice I know) and EQ Latios to lure in Heatran and bop him. Dugtrio is another option for you too.

Lol sorry dude didn't mean to snipe you. Like Phatolegend! said Drain Punch helps out Slurpuff a lot but Heatran is still an issue for Entei so lure Latios and Dugtrio are good options
That might have been true before ORAS, but now it gets Drain Punch, destroying Heatran and healing itself at the same time. It still can't get past Skarm though :(
Lol I actually didn't know that. Well that pretty much nullifies two of my team members (although keeping latios with Psyshock is still good). I feel quite dumb that I've got to 1450 Elo relying on Magnezone and Lure Lati to get rid of steels for Slurpuff. Mind you that could really help to improve my team's preparation for other major threats. Thank you for bringing this to my attention before I have to post my team in this forum lol.
Misplayed a couple of times, so I'm up to five losses, but I'm at 1558 ELO (29-5). If babby cooperates, I might try to get in a bit more laddering this morning before work.

Here's an absurdly long (383 turn) game in a stall versus stall matchup, where Alomomola was probably the MVP, and where Shedinja was brought in exactly once in 383 turns, but surprised Slowbro with an X-Scissor to break the opposing team's regen core and more or less win the match: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-202968287
....okay this might just be me in stupid hype mode atm, but ill do it anyway!

PokemonShowdown! Username: Land Settler Sale
Prior Hall of Fame Standing: N/A
Dark Horse Pokemon: Tyrantrum and Mega Beedrill

Now i havent had a heck of a lot of time to battle sadly like i usually do, but what with my team out of the playoffs (was a damn catch -_-) and can't do anything outside of waiting for apps to be read so i havent experimented with as much as i normally would so thought id pick two mons i could use some experience with.

Basically Beedrill was my pick cause i thought of that i might enjoy a speedy u-turn that could punish fairies to hell and back (not named kfeki) and was woneering who would be beneficiary of a fast turn and could be an unorthodox addition, hence where i came to the idea of Tyrantrum.

Sure its claim to fame is a Recoiless Head Smash but damn thats a pretty nice claim i think and nough reason for me to abuse him as i am geniunely curious seeing how he goes and fits within the current meta with this newest niche. I also like the idea of dinos and bees :D

EDIT: Course even if i cant use it yet (i havent bee on today so couldnt say) i can still have this here for the registry
Made it to 1650!


Regarding the team...

Honestly, Alomomola is effective enough as a physical wall that I'm considering upping her defensive investment and changing Skarmory out for something else. Because Defog is so vital for the team thanks to Shedinja, I find myself reticent to bring Skarmory out recklessly. It doesn't help that I'm pretty much forced to run Shed Shell to keep her from getting trapped, which in turn means I don't have any passive recovery and often have to choose between Roosting to keep Skarm alive or doing something useful. I end up leaning heavily on Momo as my defensive wall.

Of course, if I do that, I'd probably need to up Momo's defensive investment, which would make her less useful overall. Right now I've got a mixed spread defensively, so that she can counter Keldeo, and the standard defensive spread has a chance of getting 2HKO'd by Specs Keldeo's Hydro Pump. Instead I'm currently running 56/252+/200, which is enough to avoid the 2HKO from anything Keldeo can throw at me even with rocks down and helps against stuff like Megagross Grass Knot. I had originally been using Knock Off, but I've switched to Toxic so I can threaten CharX, who is a serious pain if it has both EQ and a Fire move (CharX lacking EQ loses to Heatran, CharX lacking a fire move loses to Sheddy).

Shedinja is Shedinja. While it's not a gamechanger every battle, just having it on my roster is an advantage. Seeing it there pressures most teams to try to get hazards down at all costs, which puts the game on my terms, since my team is all about hazard control. It's also such an absolute counter to what is arguably the biggest threat in OU, Megagross, that it's worth its weight in gold just for that alone. Oh, and it steals free ladder points off of BP teams, which is a gas. Now that Espeon pretty much has to run Dazzling Gleam to beat Sableye, it doesn't have room for HP Fire or Shadow Ball, so Shedinja just laughs at it. It's also just fantastic against rain teams, who rarely have more than two or three mons that can even touch it (Ferrothorn is hard countered by Sableye, so they're down to Kabutops, who is easily stalled out of Stone Edges and super predictable, and maybe Torn-T or Toxic on Politoed or something). It's also a great defensive pivot in general, since you pretty much always know what's coming after you switch it in. Bring it on on a Thundurus, for instance, and you know that they'll either Knock Off, HP Flying or switch out. That gives you an easy switch in and reveals their set. Bring it in on something that occasionally carries Toxic or WoW, then pivot out to MSableye, and either they have switched out (if they lack status) or gotten their status bounced back to them. Focus Sash lets me be a little reckless, but I try not to reveal Focus Sash until it means doing something dramatic like surviving an HP Fire from Latios to kill with X-Scissor and deprive them of their Defogger.

The main three things to stop Shedinja from playing recklessly are Ferrothorn, Garchomp and Tyranitar. Ferro and Garchomp are fairly easy - just always click WoW instead of attacking, so that you don't die to Iron Barbs/Rough Skin damage if they try to surprise you and switch them in. Once burned Garchomp is easily beaten by Sableye, and Ferrothorn can't scratch Sableye even without a burn. Tyranitar is a bit more annoying, but it really just means a lot of double-switching. You'll eventually wear it down with hazards and status, and then Shedinja is free to roam. Alternately, if you don't need it to specifically check something like Megagross or Manaphy, you can catch Tyranitar with a burn or X-Scissor on the switch and take him out of the game early.

The rest of the team is bog-standard stall core, Skarm/Tran/Mega-Eye/Chansey. The only real difference is that I run a lot of Protect, because it helps in scouting the opposing team's moves and also lets me do stuff like catch choice-locked Volt Switches or U-turns to block with Shedinja and give me a free burn or hit on the incoming manual switch.

The team has a couple of problems. More than half of my losses were due to either CM Mega-Sableye or stallbreaker Gliscor (especially the Taunt + SD version), both of which just run through this team without much I can do about it. I've seriously considered dropping Seismic Toss on Chansey for Skill Swap just to beat those two. Also, if I play too recklessly with Mega-Sableye early and lose him, that really kills my momentum for the game. It's possible to recover from it, but it's not easy. Bulk Up + Taunt Talonflame is also annoying, although it's relatively rare. All other versions of Talonflame are reliably handled by Alomomola plus either Heatran or Sableye. The only time I've faced it I managed to beat it, but only because I won what amounted to a 50/50. (He was in KO range from Seismic Toss against Chansey, couldn't KO with BB, and had to either Taunt or Roost. He guessed I would go for the Toss and picked Roost, but I went for the Toxic, which is the only reason I won.)

TL;DR version: Sheddy + Mega-Sableye = Fun Times. I'm probably going to keep tinkering with the team, but without a doubt I'd say that this at least demonstrates that Sheddy is viable in OU, although it requires a lot of careful teambuilding.
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Pokemon Showdown! Username: Claimh Solais
Prior Hall of Fame Standing: None. This is my first time.
Current Dark Horse Pokemon: Typhlosion, Shaymin
Explanation of Dark Horses: Will explain later
This is a very cool thing!

Pokemon Showdown! Username: Costi93
Prior Hall of Fame Standing: None. This is my first time.
Current Dark Horse Pokemon: Volcarona, Tentacruel
Explanation of Dark Horses:

I have not much to say about it, I feel like Volcarona power is very underrated and it can do a lot of work in the right team. Tentacruel can be a good partner of it and i would like to explore it too.
So, stay tuned for the future explanations, need to play some game!
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Ok, time for updates. So I am currently standing at 1360 with 15 wins and 3 losses. Proof of rank and the team I've been using thus far:


Houndoom @ Houndoominite
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 16 HP / 252 SpA / 240 Spe
Timid Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Taunt
- Dark Pulse
- Fire Blast

Tornadus-Therian (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 92 Atk / 200 SpA / 216 Spe
Naive Nature
- Hurricane
- Knock Off
- U-turn
- Superpower

Ferrothorn @ Leftovers
Ability: Iron Barbs
EVs: 252 HP / 88 Def / 168 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Gyro Ball
- Power Whip
- Leech Seed
- Spikes

Latias (F) @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 72 HP / 184 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Psyshock
- Defog
- Healing Wish

Landorus-Therian (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 240 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD / 8 Spe
Impish Nature
- U-turn
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock

Rotom-Wash @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Volt Switch
- Trick
- Will-O-Wisp
In short, I'm not happy with the team and will be changing it up. I don't know but for some reason I can't build around Doom + Torn. It'll happen though, dw. Yeah, anyways, I will explain the team a bit:

The team's intention is to hazard-stack, applying pressure to force a Defog/Spin, and in turn, kill the Defogger/Spinner with Tornadus-T or another team member (by wear-down or KOing upright on a good double switch). I like that the team has Voltturn, an answer to Calm Mind Mons in trick scarf Rotom (something that isn't expected), checks to most DD mons, stall breaking in Houndoom, and Healing Wish. Don't get me wrong, I like the team but I'm not in love. Will change things around and update.

Now to discuss the core:

Torn-T and Mega Houndoom have been doing really well. They have awkward synergy however ...but anyways, Torn softens stuff like Rotom-W, fairies, Chansey, etc with Knock Off and LO Hurricane. This coupled with hazards allows Mega Houndoom to clean up teams. Match-up wise, the core have the best match up vs Stall and Balance imo. From what I've encountered, Offense kinda prevents doom from doing anything, even m-evolving is a challenge, lol, but it can get off at least one heavy hit before going down. Torn-T, on the other hand, does really nicely vs offense thanks to its speed tier and LO coverage. The core, in my opinion and from the games I played seems to need: (A-hazards and B-defensive pivots as teammates and not gotta go fast offensive goons) in order to reach their full potential.

Replays and stuff should be coming in once I make a team I like, lol. That's the update. Wish me luck. (Srsly I got haxed in those 3 losses, like you don't even know..)
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Is there a reason why you are using 224 speed Mega Houndoom and not max speed? Serperior seems to be a problem for you, since Hurricane has shaky accuracy and the rest of the team is fodder to Leaf Storm/HP Fire/ Dpulse
Omg, Amy Sorel, I didn't even think of that. Thank you. Will change doom's spread o.O
It was to outspeed thundurus but yeah Serp is a thing now haha.
Oh we're supposed to update XD Well I honestly just play when I feel like it so I am doing this at my own pace, I doubt Xatu and Coballion will be spiking up in usage.
My team is doing fairly well:

Loss so far was due to Zen Headbutt flinches + timer issues but otherwise on a normal game it performs fairly consistently.

As for my Dark Horses they perform their role as I would say Xatu and Coballion fit in well with the needs of my team. With magic bounce on Xatu I am generally able to keep hazards away, unless it is one of those annoying Mold breaker Excadrill more importantly it can u-turn so momentum is not lost having to defog/rapid spin while keeping hazards at bay. No other mon fulfill this role so~ As for what it does aside from bouncing hazards it is generally my best answer to Ferrothorn as it gets worn down with Rocky Helmet + Night Shade, or I can just stall it out with roost. It also does a good number against other popular setters like Skarmory or Klefki and to an extent Gliscor. My Xatu carries a Thunder Wave so I use it as a clutch against certain sweepers that think Xatu to be a free set up opportunity.

With regard to Coballion well he is admittedly more expendable as compared to Xatu since his role is primarily to set up rocks as well as prevent them via taunt or just outright killing setters like Heatran or Ferrothorn with Close Combat, my best answer to Chansey. Taunt has generally been a great move as it not only prevents hazards or slower defoggers from doing their work but also surprises many would be set up sweepers, e.g. DD Gyara, or just healing in general, e.g. Slowbro, from exploiting Coballion. Aside that he has been a fairly good knock off sponge and the +1 Iron Head can dent would be switch ins.
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no hall of fame standing

cacturne hard walls mega slowbro and suicune and most people dont know it can either set up spikes and that is has access to priority via sucker punch and gets counter
archeops is a great rock setter it has taunt and endeavor so with sash its a powerful and underused mon. I never even thought of weavile as a dark horse he is great fast strong has priority and with icicle crash its a big threat
(made by ox the box)
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Pokemon Showdown! Username: Ox the Sox
Prior Hall of Fame Standing: none
Current Dark Horse Pokemon: Cacturne/archeops
Explanation of Dark Horse(s): Archeops is an extremely underrated mon with the ability to set up rocks, get taken down to his sash and then fire off an extremely strong endeavor. It also has access to head smash and taunt to prevent defog/spin. Cacturne is another extremely underrated threat which prevents keldeo scald spam, and has access to counter. That is extremely useful as it is my only way of dealing with scizor
Pokemon Showdown! Username: Synxx DH
Prior Hall of Fame Standing: none
Current Dark Horse Pokemon: Seismitload
Explanation of Dark Horse(s): I wanna use Seismitload cuz it beats Mega CroBro/Crocune as well as all the electric mons in the tier, it can be a Stealth Rocker, and it can be used on a rain team, its p underrated but it should work very well especially with the m venu usage being so low :]
Pokemon Showdown! Username: Synxx DH
Prior Hall of Fame Standing: none
Current Dark Horse Pokemon: Seismitload
Explanation of Dark Horse(s): I wanna use Seismitload cuz it beats Mega CroBro/Crocune as well as all the electric mons in the tier, it can be a Stealth Rocker, and it can be used on a rain team, its p underrated but it should work very well especially with the m venu usage being so low :]
Each team must use, at the very least, TWO Dark Horse Pokemon
I used Alomomola in my own DH, and I agree that it's a fantastic pivot, especially with Helmet. That said, as much as I love that Momo gets Knock Off, I found it wasn't able to effectively check CharX without Toxic.

If you look upthread, I posted the spread I use for Momo, which lets it also counter Keldeo (another big threat to stall), always avoiding the 2HKO from Specs Hydro Pump.
I used Alomomola in my own DH, and I agree that it's a fantastic pivot, especially with Helmet. That said, as much as I love that Momo gets Knock Off, I found it wasn't able to effectively check CharX without Toxic.

If you look upthread, I posted the spread I use for Momo, which lets it also counter Keldeo (another big threat to stall), always avoiding the 2HKO from Specs Hydro Pump.
I wouldn't ever use alomomola as a keldeo answer tbh, because it is complete setup fodder for the sub cm set (arguably the best), as keldeo pretty much just gets to +6 on the fish.
I wouldn't ever use alomomola as a keldeo answer tbh, because it is complete setup fodder for the sub cm set (arguably the best), as keldeo pretty much just gets to +6 on the fish.

Fair enough - probably not a great sole answer to Keldeo even if it does give you a reliable switch into the Specs version. CM Keldeo is such a threat against stall that it's not a bad idea to have a couple of things that can deal with it regardless. My team also had Shedinja to pretty much hard counter CM Keldeo, so it was never a real concern. Still, moving in some SpDf investment doesn't seriously impede Momo's abilities as a physical wall, and having a defensive pivot that can also switch into non-CM Keldeo certainly doesn't hurt.
Hi, I wanna join in, too.

Pokemon Showdown! Username: DH Xperiments
Prior Hall of Fame Standing: None
Current Dark Horse Pokemon: Tyrantrum & Toxicroak
Explanation of Dark Horses: This may be long but I hope you will have the patience for it, as I want to do it right.

First one, Tyrantrum, the reason I choosed it is because I believe it has potential given the right support/team and do well in OU being an offensive threat, as it has the tools in form of decent movepool, decent ability and enough stats for it.

I did some research of the situation and will use this:

Tyrantrum @ Life Orb
Ability: Strong Jaw
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stone Edge
- Thunder Fang
- Ice Fang
- Rock Polish

It Doesn't realiably check at full health, without Stealth Rocks at +2 speed:

Zapdos (91.4 - 108.3%)
Latias (89.6 - 105.9%)
Keldeo (88.5 - 104.6%)
Dragonite (84.5 - 99.6%)
Mega altaria (78.8 - 93.1%)
Azumarill (78.5 - 92.7%)
Mandibuzz (73.7 - 87.2%)

Pokemon not covered with those 3 moves but heavily damaged by another at +2 speed:

Magnezone @ Earthquake (170.1 - 201.7%)
Excadrill @ Earthquake (112.4 - 132.4%)
Bisharp @ Earthquake (99.2 - 117.6%)
Terrakion @ Earthquake (91 - 107.7%)
Ferrothorn @ Fire Fang (100.5 - 118.1%)
Mega Heracross @ Fire Fang (77.7 - 91.6%)

Threats to Tyrantrum at +2 speed:


Mega Gallade
Mega Heracross
Mega Lopunny
Mega Metagross
M/B Scizor


Mega Sableye
M/B Slowbro
Mega Venusaur

Notable mentions:
Mega Gyarados
Mega Manectric
M/B tyranitar

This last are pokemon who could do something to Tyrantrum but Tyrantrum will most likely win against them when healthy

Notes: Jolly is faster than 110 +nature scarfers at +2 with 1 Rock Polish.
To know damage done with adamant nature multiply % of damage using: x 1.10

Some Pokemon not listed means they are defeated by Tyrantrum at +2 speed in one hit like Garchomp with an Ice fang.

Pokemon who are naturally faster at +0 speed with strong moves aren't here because they can OHKO it and thus shouldn't stay against them, like Kyurem-Black.

The data here also has its a meaning: To make it work I will need a SRocker in the team, Fight checks, a Wall breaker, another way to obtain that +2 in case I can't have the turn to set up, chip damage on the opponent and pokemon with moves that cover what Stone edge , Thunderfang and Ice fang can't alone.

Second, Toxicroak, I also know it has a potential to shine in OU and when finding a second Dark Horse pokemon to pair up with Tyrantrum I though it has some offensive synergy and also can clean what Tyrantrum weakened or viceversa.

Tyrantrum @ Life Orb
Ability: Strong Jaw
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stone Edge
- Thunder Fang
- Ice Fang
- Rock Polish

Talonflame @ Expert Belt
Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 92 HP / 252 Atk / 164 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Brave Bird
- Flare Blitz
- Roost
- Tailwind

Latios (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Psyshock
- Trick
- Defog

Sableye @ Sablenite
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 200 Def / 52 SpD
Bold Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Recover
- Shadow Ball
- Calm Mind

Toxicroak @ Life Orb
Ability: Dry Skin
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Sucker Punch
- Swords Dance
- Gunk Shot
- Drain Punch

Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 248 HP / 192 SpD / 68 Spe
Calm Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Protect
- Toxic
- Lava Plume
If you saw the team you will see I incorporated the fight check, Talon which also has Tailwind to have a chance to give Tyrantrum some help, Latios is a secondary fight check and a defoger, Heatran and M-Sableye will be the shield of the team and chip some damage so the Dark horses have and easier time the last can help with hazard control too and other various things and finally the second Dark Horse star Toxicroak as you could have thought will serve as a fairy check which will greatly help Tyrantrum.

Team Evolution:

Here I will put how things are going and changes I will make as I use the team and find its flaws or ways to improve it.

I've been stuck with this team around 1350, one of the reason being getting haxed (seriously and it's been a lot of it.) but also I've found that the team may need some improvements in some places.

Toxicroak will have changed Gunk Shoot for Poison jab as I can't count the times I easily managed to play around Azumarill and switch it in safely just for it to miss Gunk shoot on some BD/AV Azu and get destroyed by Play rough and making the team sack more to get rid of it aside of that, Toxicroak has proved an importand asset to the team I will try to use Knock off instead of SD to see what is the best option as utility for the team.

Scarf Latios will be switched for a Support Latias with T-wave, Defog, Thunderbolt, Draco meteor with leftovers, the reason being that while the team has Tailwind Tflame which is how Tyrantrum has been cleaning/sweeping most of the time I can't find many chances to RP.

Talonflame will use Life orb/Leftovers as I forgot to change the expert belt which was useless also changed the spread to adamant 252atk 252spd as It's been a nuisance the low damage output with jolly.

Heatran now has Earth power instead of Protect.

Notes: It may be preferable to run adamant even with the loss of speed at +2, as Skarmory has been a problem in a 1vs1 as the last pokemon as TFang did around 50% but Skarm lefties and roost accomplished stalling out Tyrantrum with Life orb recoil.

I will be doing an OU types analisys and will use the results to change some moves on Tyrantrum if needed as the boltbeam fangs could not be the best options.

This is a battle I made after the team update, I put it because is shows the great utility that Toxicroak offered for my team which otherwise would have more problems.
I had a favorable match up in form of solid switch ins to most things but it shows Toxicroak is no deadweight.

In this one Tyrantrum does some work and removing some of the threats to my team and win possibilities. It looks like people often forget when you set up a tailwind and they think is a Choice scarf set which leads them to misplay. Heatran now having Earth power saved me from losing this game.
So far things are going slow but fine.

I have been testing BallonTran instead over lefties so far has worked really good but both options seem to be really nice, having Earth power over Protect was also a good choice as it's helping my a lot against other Heatrans which seems to be even more common than before.

Poison Jab is working really well on Toxicroak and I will keep SD over Knock off as it's been of a greater help move to the team.

The lack of Rock Polish set up opportunities made me think using EQ instead of it and FF instead of TF.

Tyrantrum @ Life Orb
Ability: Strong Jaw
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stone Edge
- Fire Fang
- Ice Fang
- Earthquake

Talonflame @ Life Orb
Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Brave Bird
- Flare Blitz
- Roost
- Tailwind

Latias (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 72 HP / 184 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Thunderbolt
- Defog
- Thunder Wave

Sableye @ Sablenite
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Recover
- Dark Pulse
- Calm Mind

Toxicroak @ Life Orb
Ability: Dry Skin
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Sucker Punch
- Swords Dance
- Poison Jab
- Drain Punch

Heatran @ Air Balloon
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 248 HP / 192 SpD / 68 Spe
Calm Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earth Power
- Toxic
- Lava Plume

Aside of that there hasn't been any other changes.

Seeing others have been posting image of how things are going might as well too so people in charge know I'm not slacking off


In this replay you can see Toxicroak has been really important and put a lot of work when it set up with SD. Tyrantrum works well but I have to test more different moves until I get the optimal for this team.

In some battles important hax stills happens against me but it's something that happens I only can do more battle and win to fix it.

Edit: I will be updating with edits this post on the evolution of the team, etc.
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K count me in.
I'll be bringing Toxicroak! also Torn t
Username: NotRKA
Prior standing: pleb
Current Dark Horse pokemon: Toxicroak. Torn T
The lord needs no explanation.
In all seriousness Toxicroak is an insanely useful pokemon, with a disturbingly high powered move in Gunk shot. The amount of things this thing counters or hard checks is insane. Completely shuts down pokemon like Suicune, Keldeo and megacrobro. Not to mention access to priority in sucker punch, nailing things like latios. It also hard checks pokemon like azumarill and clefable. And for those nasty steel types that are immune to gunk shot, get to meet drain punch. Unless your skarmory. I'll probably run it with lando i, as lando i hates keldeo and azumarill while trying to sweep. Toxicroak also nails lando t with ice punch.

Torn T is awesome in this meta, spamming hurricane all day erryday. it's incredibly hard for balance to deal with it, because knock off + hurricane spam as well as regenerator making it very hard to wear down even with stealth rocks up. It's an awesome pokemon and i'm surprised its so low in usage.
Edit: Sorry Machi
Also Tagging qwazz because i know how much he wants a reason to use Granbull and god knows what else he's got in store.
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