The Complete Pokedex Project Reboot

Thanks for waiting, here is the next slate! Something that this project can really help with: adding evolutions to the niche-less, unusable, bottom of the barrel pokemon. Either they have no evolutions or have trash BST evolutions. Let's help them out shall we?

-Current Slate-

"Bottom of the Barrel"

[Stage 1] Delibird
[Stage 2] Delicholas
Delivery + St. Nicholas.
Hidden Ability: 1
Stats: x | x | x | x | x | x (BST cannot exceed 450)
New Moves:
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight:
x / x

[Stage 3] Deliclause
Delivery + Santa Clause
Hidden Ability: 1
Stats: x | x | x | x | x | x (BST cannot exceed 545)
New Moves:
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight:
x / x

[Stage 1] Skitty
[Stage 2] Delcatty
[Stage 3] Purrstine/Fluffeline
Purr + Pristine or Fluffy + Feline
Hidden Ability: 1
Stats: x | x | x | x | x | x (BST cannot exceed 520)
New Moves:
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight:
x / x

[Stage 1] Unown
[Stage 2] Heiroscrypt/Heiroscript
Heiroglyph/Heiro- (meaning sacred) + Script/Crypt

Hidden Ability: 1
Stats: x | x | x | x | x | x (BST cannot exceed 460)
New Moves:
Removed Moves:
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight: x / x

[Stage 3] Syntense
Syntax + Sentence + Tense (as in Past, Present, Future tense)

Hidden Ability: 1
Stats: x | x | x | x | x | x (BST cannot exceed 555)
New Moves:
Removed Moves:
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight: x / x

[Stage 1] Luvdisc
[Stage 2] Diskiss
Disc/Discus + Kiss

Hidden Ability: 1
Stats: x | x | x | x | x | x (BST cannot exceed 455)
New Moves:
Removed Moves:
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight: x / x

[Stage 3] Alomomola Discruise/Romandisc

Disc/Discus + Cruise (reference to romantic ship cruises or cruising through waves) or Romantic + disc

Hidden Ability: 1
Stats: x | x | x | x | x | x (BST cannot exceed 525)
New Moves:
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight:
x / x

[Stage 1] Farfetch'd
[Stage 2] Saber'd/Sayber'd
Say (speech theme since farfetched can refer to unconvinving stories) + Saber + Bird. You can go a either a weapon theme or a speech/language theme.

Hidden Ability: 1
Stats: x | x | x | x | x | x (BST cannot exceed 465)
New Moves:
Removed Moves:
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight: x / x

[Stage 3] Halber'd/Quilber'd/Absir'd/Ab'sword

Halberd + Bird, Quill (a feather for writing, continuing speech theme) + Bird (reference to pen is mightier than sword) or Absurd + Sir/Sword

Hidden Ability: 1
Stats: x | x | x | x | x | x (BST cannot exceed 530)
New Moves:
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight:
x / x

Copy+Paste me:
Hidden Ability:
New Moves:
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight:
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[Stage 3] Fluffeline
Ability: Tinted Lens / Protean
Hidden Ability: Magic Bounce
Stats: 110 | 80 | 80 | 70 | 70 | 110 (520 cannot exceed 520)
New Moves: Icicle Crash, Dragon Claw, Cotton Guard, Shadow Claw, ExtremeSpeed
Method of Evolution: ???
Height / Weight: 5'07" / 132 lbs.
Design/Desc.: Much larger than Delcatty. It floof is now pink again, and is much floofier (think Altaria to Mega Altaria). The end of its tail looks like Skitty's.
Both Venomoth and Sigilyph, the other Wonder Skin 'mons, have Tinted Lens, so... Protean is the reverse of Normalize - changing Fluffeline's type to that of its moves, rather than the type of its moves to Fluffeline's type. Magic Bounce is a straight upgrade from Wonder Skin.

[Stage 2] Saberd
Ability: No Guard / Inner Focus
Hidden Ability: Defiant
Stats: 85 | 80 | 70 | 70 | 90 | 70 (465 cannot exceed 465)
New Moves: Iron Head, Drill Pack
Method of Evolution: Trade while holding Enhanced Metal Coat
Height / Weight: 2'07" / 99.3 lbs
Design/Desc.: Saberd is now covered in metal armor, and its stick is also metal.

more tomorrow
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[Stage 2] Delicholas
: Ice/Flying
Ability: Vital Spirit/Hustle
Hidden Ability: Anticipation
Stats: 55/65/55/85/65/100 (BST 425)
New Moves: Agility, Powder Snow, Acrobatics, Defog, Drill Peck, Feather Dance, Peck, Roost, Sky Drop, After You, Baton Pass, Egg Bomb, Encore, Heal Bell, Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up, Metronome, Pay Day, Secret Power, Play Rough, Wake-Up Slap, U-Turn, Quick Attack, Role Play, Sheer Cold, Icicle Crash, Air Cutter, Air Slash, Hurricane
Method of Evolution: Used Present 50 times
Height / Weight: 1.3 m/48.8 kg
Alright, Delibird has a painfully small learnset of, uh, one move. Which is why the size of this move addition is so large - I basically slapped every move I can imagine on Delibird into here. That, and I consider it to be more streamlined and quick, which is why U-Turn, Quick Attack and Agility are there. Anticipation is to set up for the ability in stage 3, and who needs 2 sleep immunity abilities anways?

[Stage 3] Deliclaus
: Ice/Flying
Ability: Vital Spirit/Hustle
Hidden Ability: Infiltrator
Stats: 70/85/65/105/90/120 (BST 535)
New Moves: Extreme Speed, Healing Wish, Psychic, Zen Headbutt, Sky Attack, Dazzling Gleam, Vacuum Wave, Calm Mind
Method of Evolution: Used Present 100 times
Height / Weight: 1.6 m/74.0 kg
We don't have much fast Ice-type mons around, which is funny considering that Ice-type is a terrible defensive type. Anyways, here's a 120 Speed Ice-type mon with a usable 105 SpA, a decent movepool including a coveted Extreme Speed (since it's based on santa claus, and he has to go pretty fast to distrubute presents all over the world, no?), nice supporting moves in Healing Wish, Defog, Encore, Baton Pass and Heal Bell, and some nice STAB moves. Its Def isn't as good as the rest of the stats though, and its coverage is pretty thin.

[Stage 3] Purrstine
: Normal
Ability: Serene Grace/Normalize
Hidden Ability: Magic Guard
Stats: 90/75/90/75/80/110 (BST 520)
New Moves: Recover, Agility, Psychic, Psyshock, Dazzling Gleam, Disarming Voice, Taunt, Skill Swap, Entrainment, Encore, Foul Play, Trick, Light Screen, Reflect, Healing Wish, Headbutt
Method of Evolution: Shiny Stone
Height / Weight: 1.5 m/56.1 kg
Keeping Normalize because c'mon, that's Delcatty line's signature ability. The other two abilities are changed to Serene Grace and Magic Guard mostly for competitive reasons, but I don't think they really contradict its flavor. The added moves are mostly supporting moves, with one or two coverage moves. I would've made it more bulky, but there's just not enough BST to distribute. Oh, well.

[Stage 2] Syntense
: Psychic
Ability: Levitate
Hidden Ability: N/A
Stats: 58/82/58/102/88/48 (BST 436)
New Moves: Ally Switch, Extrasensory, Imprison, Ominous Wind, Uproar
Method of Evolution: Level 26 with 5 other Unown lines in party (does not consume the Unown lines)
Height / Weight: 1.1 m/ 11.0 kg
There's no way an Unown evo would be viable without giving it moves other than Hidden Power, so I added one move that starts with each vowels. Granted it's still a pretty lame movepool, but at least it's better than nothing. It now has a consistent STAB in Extrasensory and Ominous Wind for further coverage, and, uh, not really anything else... That said, 102 SpA is pretty nice for a stage 2.

[Stage 3] Heiroscrypt
: Psychic
Ability: Levitate
Hidden Ability: N/A
Stats: 68/92/73/142/128/48 (BST 551)
New Moves: Ancient Power, Barrier, Cosmic Power, Dark Pulse, Earth Power, Future Sight, Guard Split, Hypnosis, Icy Wind, Judgment, Kinesis, Light Screen, Magic Coat, Nature Power, Overheat, Power Split, Quiver Dance, Reflect, Secret Power, Teleport, U-Turn, Vacuum Wave, Weather Ball, X-Scissor, Yawn, Zen Headbutt
Method of Evolution: Level 42 with 5 other Unown lines in party (does not consume the Unown lines)
Height / Weight: 2.5 m/ 52.0 kg
And for the final evolution, I'm going full-out and giving it a move for each alphabet. It now has great boosting options (Quiver Dance, Cosmic Power), great coverage (Rock/Dark/Ground/Ice/Fire/Fighting (sort of) without counting Hidden Power), Judgment, pivot even though it's coming off the weaker offense stat, status inflicting moves (read: Hypnosis and Yawn) and of course Hidden Power. Judgment is there both because Jump Kick doesn't fit - it requires feet, lol - and Unowns are said to be able to manifest odd powers when in a large group, so its evo should definitely be strong enough to mimic the capabilities of the highest legendary.

[Stage 2] Diskiss
: Water/Fairy
Ability: Swift Swim
Hidden Ability: Hydration
Stats: 63/35/70/55/85/112 (BST 420)
New Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Disarming Voice, Hyper Voice, Calm Mind, Lovely Kiss, Synchronoise, Stored Power, Wide Guard, Wish, Heart Stamp, Heal Bell, Light Screen, Reflect, U-Turn, Endeavor, After You, Helping Hand
Method of Evolution: Level up with Attract learned
Height / Weight: 0.9 m/15.6 kg
The two "Kiss" moves that Luvdisc learns are both Fairy-type, so why not make it an outright Fairy-type? The moves added are mostly supporting moves and Fairy/Psychic-type moves, with Hyper Voice there because it's kind of like the upgrade version of Hyper Voice but without the Fairy-type. Wide Guard can be interpreted as protecting friends, while U-Turn is fitting for a mon of base 112 Speed, and isn't even fully evolved.

[Stage 3] Romandisc
: Water/Fairy
Ability: Swift Swim
Hidden Ability: Hydration
Stats: 88/45/85/75/105/127 (BST 525)
New Moves: Psychic, Psyshock, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Dream Eater, Trick Room
Method of Evolution: Level up when infatuated
Height / Weight: 1.2 m/27.4 kg
At the final stage, I added even more Psychic-type moves to show that it's the final stage. Differenciating itself from Alomomola, Romandisc is mostly specially defensive and a fast supporter at the same time, having a really good 127 Speed and 88/85/105 bulk to sustain itself long enough to support its teammates.

[Stage 2] Sayber'd
: Normal/Flying
Ability: Keen Eye/Inner Focus
Hidden Ability: Defiant
Stats: 62/90/68/63/77/70 (BST 430)
New Moves: Brick Break, Cross Chop, Detect, Quick Attack, Vacuum Wave, Acupressure, Superpower, Reversal, Psycho Cut, Sucker Punch, Dual Chop, Focus Energy, Roost
Method of Evolution: Level 26
Height / Weight: 1.4 m/38.5 kg
Keeping this as a Normal/Flying type because it doesn't learn all that much Fighting type move, and having it suddenly turn into part Fighting would be weird because of that. The stat buffs focuses on Atk and to a lesser extend SpD, while the Speed is kept relatively low for the stage 3. The moves added are mostly Fighting-type moves and chopping moves, though Roost is there for some recovery too. Acupressure... is kind of a move I added for fun, heh.

[Stage 3] Absir'd
: Fighting/Flying
Ability: Keen Eye/Inner Focus
Hidden Ability: Defiant
Stats: 77/130/83/68/92/80 (BST 530)
New Moves: Close Combat, Sacred Sword, Mach Punch, Blaze Kick, Power-Up Punch, Drain Punch, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch
Method of Evolution: Level up holding Black Belt
Height / Weight: 1.9 m/51.6 kg
Different from Hawlucha, Absir'd abandons speed for bulk and a lot more power. As I never saw Farfetch'd as particularly fast, its evolution would probably be similarly middling in terms of speed; Sacred Sword isn't quite a legendary signature move by now, so it's fine to add that in, while other moves are just standard moves that Fighting-types get.
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[Stage 3] Imposivalry (Impossible + Chivalry)
Typing: Steel/Flying
Ability: No Guard / Inner Focus
Hidden Ability: Defiant
Stats: 100 | 100 | 80 | 75 | 100 | 75 (530 cannot exceed 530)
New Moves: Hurricane, Sacred Sword, X-Scissor, Psycho Cut, Heavy Slam
Method of Evolution: Level up in a match that also involved Gallade and Bisharp
Height / Weight: 4'11" / 198.6 lbs
Design/Desc.: Imposivalry is much larger than Saberd. Its metal leek (which, while larger than before, is not the same proportion has it was to Saberd) now functions as the hilt of a large blade. Some other stuff probably happens too.
[Stage 2] Delibered (Delivered + Bird)
Typing: Ice/Flying
Ability: Vital Spirit / Hustle
Hidden Ability: Gale Wings
Stats: 75 | 75 | 55 | 85 | 55 | 105 (BST 450)
New Moves: Brave Bird, Quick Attack, Agility, Double Team, Giga Drain, Bullet Seed, Roost, Tailwind, Feather Dance, Sweet Kiss, Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight:
24kg / 1.2m
Design/Desc.: Delibered becomes slick like a real penguin, it's sack-like tail becomes bigger and stays still on it's back. It's wings grow and can be used to fly.
Justification: Delibird has to get faster and braver to deliver gifts, so it evolves. It also carries food so that's why the Grass moves and Stockpile moves are there.

[Stage 3] Nauclause (Naughty/No + Clause(as in condition)/Claus)
Typing: Ice/Flying
Ability: Vital Spirit / Prankster
Hidden Ability: Gale Wings
Stats: 75 | 105 | 80 | 95 | 80 | 105 (BST 540)
New Moves: Nasty Plot, Sucker Punch, Taunt, Torment, Stealth Rock, Encore, Flatter, Hex
Method of Evolution: Level up if there is a Dark-type Pokémon in the user's party.
Height / Weight: 65kg / 1.6m
Design/Desc.: The upper half of it's body becomes red with white details, while the lower half becomes a darker tone of red. It's button becomes like a piece of coal, and it carries it's sack-like tail on it's shoulder. It's wings grow even bigger.
Justification: Santa has to punish the naughty kids, and so does Nauclause.

[Stage 2] Duckbious (Duck + Dubious)
Ability: Sniper/Inner Focus
Hidden Ability: Defiant
Stats: 72 | 85 | 75 | 58 | 82 | 93 (BST 465)
New Moves: Sacred Sword, Psycho Cut, X-Scissor, Power Whip, Punishment, Beat Up
Method of Evolution: Level up holding Stick
Height / Weight: 17kg / 1.0m
Design/Desc.: It becomes so attached to it's green onion stick that it becomes part of it's body. One of it's feathers on both wings becomes greener like the Stick. It still holds another Stick.
Justification: Farfetch'd is said to need his plant to live. Therefore, it becomes one with it like in a symbiosis. Sniper isn't technically an upgrade to Keen Eye, but they're related in flavour.

[Stage 3] Unconvinstic (Unconvincing + Stick)
Ability: Sniper/Inner Focus
Hidden Ability: Defiant
Stats: 72 | 105 | 75 | 61 | 102 | 100 (BST 525)
New Moves: Synthesis, Aromatherapy, Solar Beam, Fire Punch, Iron Defense, Dual Chop, Karate Chop, Cross Chop, Focus Energy
Method of Evolution: Level up in sunny weather
Height / Weight: 32kg / 1.3m
It's whole body becomes greneer, it becomes more bulky-looking, and the black V on it's head becomes like the top part of the onion stick it's holding.
Justification: Once again, the Stick that allows Farfetch'd to live does a strong symbiosis with the duck. It is said in the Pokedex that sometimes, Farfetch'd eats the stick on emergencies, but with it's symbiosis, it can do synthesis and recover energy without eating the stick. It also becomes better at using and defending the stick.
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On mobile so very big WIP

[Stage 2] Delicholas

Typing: Ice/Flying
Ability: Magic Guard/Prankster
Hidden Ability: Thick Fat
Stats: 80 | 60 | 60 | 85 | 85 | 80 (BST cannot exceed 450)
New Moves: Switcheroo, Hurricane, Dazzling Gleam, Acrobatics, U-turn, Bullet Seed, Icicle Spear, Rock Blast, Reflect, Light Screen, Defog, Sing, Encore
Method of Evolution: Evolve at level 32 under Hail conditions and after using Present to heal opponent.
Height / Weight: x / x
Design/Desc.: Its tail has an aurora glow. Beard becomes longer and becomes more jolly in appearance. Top feathers curve backwards and are shaped like an elf hat.​
It enjoys leaving behind presents on cold winter nights when no one is looking. Sometimes, these presents include lumps of coal as a suggestion for children to change their behaviour.
Thick Fat because based on Santa Claus. Magic Guard because Santa is a magical being. Has more tricks in its sleeve with Prankster Switcheroo, Defog, Screens and Sing (Christmas carols more likely). Also has the multi-hit moves more for flavour. Magic Guard Rapid Spin/Defog is also a thing.

[Stage 3] Deliclause
Typing: Ice/Fairy
Ability: Magic Guard/Prankster
Hidden Ability: Thick Fat
Stats: 105 | 60 | 70 | 95 | 115 | 100 (BST cannot exceed 545)
New Moves: Moonblast, Misty Terrain, Wish, Healing Wish, Psychic, Psyshock
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight:
x / x
Design/Desc.: It has a red and white feather crown on its head that resembles a Santa hat with bells on the end. It becomes even fatter and its beard has small colorful baubles. Its eyes are always closed and smiling.​
It races the skies under moonlight, leaving special gifts to those in need. Legend says receiving a present from this jolly Pokemon will bring eternal satisfaction and joy.
No Attack increase because Santa wouldn't dare attack children. Added more Fairy-moves (Moonblast fits because Santa moves at night). Prankster Wish/Healing Wish makes good support options.

[Stage 3] Fluffeline
Typing: Normal/Fairy
Ability: Serene Grace/Fur Coat
Hidden Ability: Wonder Skin
Stats: 80 | 70 | 70 | 90 | 110 | 100 (BST cannot exceed 520)
New Moves: Slack Off, Encore, Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, Psychic, Foul Play, Psyshock, Tri Attack
Method of Evolution: Trade while holding Fluffy Tail.
Height / Weight: x / x
Design/Desc.: Its tail is split into two with playful fluffy toy-tails at the end, similar to a cross of a nekomata with the Fluffy Tail design. It has soft, pristine, velvet and thick fur at the front of its body, with a crescent moon design on its forehead (Sailor Moon reference?).​
Its soft, velvet fur glitters under moonlight and has the power to calm the soul of any who is lucky enough to caress it. Its gentle and playful nature allows it to make friends with any type of creature, no matter how violent or intimidating.
Slightly more bulk than Furfrou with more resistances thanks to Normal/Fairy. Speedy wall with Fur Coat or Serene Grace abuser thanks to its nice movepool.
[Stage 2] Heiroscrypt
Typing: Psychic
Ability: Levitate/Trace
Hidden Ability: Protean
Stats: 60 | 80 | 70 | 80 | 80 | 90 (BST cannot exceed 460)
New Moves: Secret Power, Nature Power, Teleport, Protect, Magic Room, Wonder Room, Trick Room, Miracle Eye, Psywave, Rest, Return, Frustration, Facade, Double Team, Round, Psych Up, Swagger, Sleep Talk, Substitute, Psychic, Psyshock, Reflect, Light Screen, Confide
Method of Evolution: Defeat a horde of Unown using Unown- Unown ? must be in the horde.
Height / Weight: x / x
A small trio of Unown with the ? Unown in the centre.
A strange phenomenon has allowed a cluster of Unown to revolve around a specific Unown form. Linking their thoughts allowed it to unlock new and mysterious powers.
Protean because it adds a new dimension to the randomness that it has with Hidden Power. Trace is also roulette kind of ability. Finally gave it the ability to learn TMs but also the other Power-related moves and Room moves. Miracle Eye because most of its body is an eye, Psywave for the strange waves Unown gives off and Teleport because I imagine they can.

[Stage 3] Syntense

Typing: Psychic
Ability: Levitate/Trace
Hidden Ability: Protean
Stats: 70 | 80 | 80 | 105 | 115 | 105 (BST cannot exceed 555)
New Moves: Discharge, Calm Mind, Volt Switch, Barrier, Cosmic Power, Future Sight, Heal Block, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Power Swap, Power Split, Guard Swap, Skill Swap, Role Play, Stored Power, Synchronoise, Trick, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Aura Sphere
Method of Evolution: Defeat a horde of Unown using Heiroscript- Unown ! must be in the horde.
Height / Weight: x / x
A cluster of Unown with both the ? and ! as the nucleus.
It has the power to communicate in any language, forming sentences by using portals to summon or dismiss different letterforms to form sentences. Its multiple bodies furiously guard its nucleus, as it is said to hold secret knowledge of forgotten civilizations.
Gave it final evo moves like Hyper Beam and Giga Impact and coverage moves that Psychics usually have or are related to nature like Thunderbolt, Aura Sphere and Energy Ball.

[Stage 2] Diskiss
Disc/Discus + Kiss

Typing: Water/Fairy
Ability: Swift Swim/Serene Grace
Hidden Ability: Marvel Scale
Stats: 80 | 45 | 60 | 70 | 95 | 105 (BST cannot exceed 455)
New Moves: Moonlight, Lovely Kiss, Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, Heal Bell, Baton Pass, Calm Mind, Switcheroo, Extrasensory, Heart Stamp, Cosmic Power, Wish, Baby-Doll Eyes
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight: x / x
It now has wing-shaped fins, making it look like a cupid. It now has stripes on its body.
A popular Pokemon given as a gift to beloved partners during long-distance trips, as it is said it uses strong romantic feelings to keep the bearer safe from harm. Its marvellous scale glows brightly around strong, romantic gestures of affection.
Heart Scales actually look pretty marvellous, so Marvel Scale fits. Good luck getting past Eviolite sets that have Marvel Scale activated. Serene Grace Scald will be evil.

[Stage 3] Romandisc
Typing: Water/Fairy
Ability: Swift Swim/Serene Grace
Hidden Ability: Marvel Scale
Stats: 95 | 50 | 70 | 90 | 110 | 110 (BST cannot exceed 525)
New Moves: Hyper Beam, Giga Impact
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight:
x / x
Design/Desc.: Now a sleeker, more stylised heart shape. Has rainbow stripes. The wing-like fins are even larger and surround the whole silhouette and has two streamer like fins at the end of its tail (like the streamers at the end of wedding limousines). It always has a blush sticker near its gills.
Its scales glitter like a rainbow when it is within the presence of a couple truly in love. A popular gift in weddings to ensure lifelong happiness.
A speedier, specially based Alomomola with less HP. Marvel Scale allows it to a good tank and it can even use Switcheroo to get rid of Flame/Toxic Orb. Serene Grace Scald is again something to watch out for.

[Stage 2] Sayber'd

Typing: Normal/Flying
Ability: Super Luck/Technician
Hidden Ability: Defiant
Stats: 72 | 90 | 75 | 68 | 75 | 85 (BST cannot exceed 465)
New Moves: Sacred Sword, Focus Energy
Method of Evolution: Level up with Stick, full happiness and Swords Dance.
Height / Weight: x / x
Has a more focused expression and leek blade is now sharper. Has a knightly appearance.
It is proficient in swordplay and is often seen sharpening its leek blade. It is able to fend off predators with its precise strikes of its sword.
Focus on Attack and Speed- its blade theme lets it learn lots of high critical ratio moves so Super Luck enhances those moves further (plus Farfetch'd's concept is about being lucky to see a duck and leek together, killing two birds in one stone).

[Stage 3] Absir'd
Typing: Fighting/Flying
Ability: Super Luck/Technician
Hidden Ability: Defiant
Stats: 82 | 110 | 80 | 73 | 80 | 105 (BST cannot exceed 530)
New Moves: Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, X-Scissor, Vacuum Wave, Mach Punch, Close Combat, Brave Bird
Method of Evolution: Level Up with Cross Chop while holding Stick.
Height / Weight: x / x
Design/Desc.: Dual-wielding swordsbird. Wings look more like fists so can use some basic punching moves. The V on its forehead is now an X.
It gracefully wields dual leek blades to protect its flock. It uses defensive countermeasures such as blocking an attack on one side and attack with another- this brave Pokemon will never start a fight by itself.
Makes better use of Technician with a new STAB and Mach Punch. Two blades means it can use things like Cross Chop and X-Scissor.
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One more!

[Stage 2] Diskiss

Typing: Water/Fairy
Ability: Swift Swim / Flame Body
Hidden Ability: Hydration
Stats: 63 | 50 | 85 | 55 | 95 | 97 (BST 445)
New Moves: Baby-Doll Eyes, Dazzling Gleam, Sweet Kiss, Magic Coat, Heart Stamp, Flame Charge, Ember
Method of Evolution: Evolves during the day
Height / Weight: 10.7kg / 0.7m
Design/Desc.: It becomes less flat, and the patterns of a Heart Scale form in it's body, in a brighter color of red
Justification: Luvdisc is known for being the Pokemon of love, and love is kinda related to the Fairy type. It also lives in warm waters, and love "makes people feel warm inside", that's why it gets some Fire type moves and Flame Body.

[Stage 3] Romandisc
Typing: Water/Fairy
Ability: Swift Swim / Flame Body
Hidden Ability: Hydration
Stats: 73 | 65 | 85 | 95 | 95 | 100 (BST 513)
New Moves: Mystical Fire, Flame Wheel, Extrasensory, Lovely Kiss, Moonblast
Method of Evolution: Evolves with maximum happiness.
Height / Weight: 12.7kg / 1.0m
Design/Desc.: Romandisc grows heart-shaped discs for fins on it's laterals. It becomes even less flat, and a white heart appears on it's forehead.
Justification: Same as Diskiss
Time to vote! Due to the numerous name options I'll just keep it simple with the ones in the slate and you can just replace it with your vote's name if it's different.

Voting Format:

Delicholas->Deliclause: username goes here

The submissions:

Delicholas/Deliclaus by zerobreaker000
[Stage 2] Delicholas
: Ice/Flying
Ability: Vital Spirit/Hustle
Hidden Ability: Anticipation
Stats: 55/65/55/85/65/100 (BST 425)
New Moves: Agility, Powder Snow, Acrobatics, Defog, Drill Peck, Feather Dance, Peck, Roost, Sky Drop, After You, Baton Pass, Egg Bomb, Encore, Heal Bell, Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up, Metronome, Pay Day, Secret Power, Play Rough, Wake-Up Slap, U-Turn, Quick Attack, Role Play, Sheer Cold, Icicle Crash, Air Cutter, Air Slash, Hurricane
Method of Evolution: Used Present 50 times
Height / Weight: 1.3 m/48.8 kg
[Stage 3] Deliclaus
: Ice/Flying
Ability: Vital Spirit/Hustle
Hidden Ability: Infiltrator
Stats: 70/85/65/105/90/120 (BST 535)
New Moves: Extreme Speed, Healing Wish, Psychic, Zen Headbutt, Sky Attack, Dazzling Gleam, Vacuum Wave, Calm Mind
Method of Evolution: Used Present 100 times
Height / Weight: 1.6 m/74.0 kg
Delibered/Nauclause by the someone
[Stage 2] Delibered (Delivered + Bird)
Typing: Ice/Flying
Ability: Vital Spirit / Hustle
Hidden Ability: Gale Wings
Stats: 75 | 75 | 55 | 85 | 55 | 105 (BST 450)
New Moves: Brave Bird, Quick Attack, Agility, Double Team, Giga Drain, Bullet Seed, Roost, Tailwind, Feather Dance, Sweet Kiss, Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight:
24kg / 1.2m
Design/Desc.: Delibered becomes slick like a real penguin, it's sack-like tail becomes bigger and stays still on it's back. It's wings grow and can be used to fly.
Justification: Delibird has to get faster and braver to deliver gifts, so it evolves. It also carries food so that's why the Grass moves and Stockpile moves are there.

[Stage 3] Nauclause (Naughty/No + Clause(as in condition)/Claus)
Typing: Ice/Flying
Ability: Vital Spirit / Prankster
Hidden Ability: Gale Wings
Stats: 75 | 105 | 80 | 95 | 80 | 105 (BST 540)
New Moves: Nasty Plot, Sucker Punch, Taunt, Torment, Stealth Rock, Encore, Flatter, Hex
Method of Evolution: Level up if there is a Dark-type Pokémon in the user's party.
Height / Weight: 65kg / 1.6m
Design/Desc.: The upper half of it's body becomes red with white details, while the lower half becomes a darker tone of red. It's button becomes like a piece of coal, and it carries it's sack-like tail on it's shoulder. It's wings grow even bigger.
Justification: Santa has to punish the naughty kids, and so does Nauclause.

Delicholas/Deliclause by mcFlareon
[Stage 2] Delicholas
Ability: Magic Guard/Prankster
Hidden Ability: Thick Fat
Stats: 80 | 60 | 60 | 85 | 85 | 80 (BST cannot exceed 450)
New Moves: Switcheroo, Hurricane, Dazzling Gleam, Acrobatics, U-turn, Bullet Seed, Icicle Spear, Rock Blast, Reflect, Light Screen, Defog, Sing, Encore
Method of Evolution: Evolve at level 32 under Hail conditions and after using Present to heal opponent.
Height / Weight: x / x
Design/Desc.: Its tail has an aurora glow. Beard becomes longer and becomes more jolly in appearance. Top feathers curve backwards and are shaped like an elf hat.

[Stage 3] Deliclause
Ability: Magic Guard/Prankster
Hidden Ability: Thick Fat
Stats: 105 | 60 | 70 | 95 | 115 | 100 (BST cannot exceed 545)
New Moves: Moonblast, Misty Terrain, Wish, Healing Wish, Psychic, Psyshock
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight:
x / x
Design/Desc.: It has a red and white feather crown on its head that resembles a Santa hat with bells on the end. It becomes even fatter and its beard has small colorful baubles. Its eyes are always closed and smiling.

[Stage 3] Fluffeline by Pika Xreme
Typing: Normal
Ability: Tinted Lens / Protean
Hidden Ability: Magic Bounce
Stats: 110 | 80 | 80 | 70 | 70 | 110 (520 cannot exceed 520)
New Moves: Icicle Crash, Dragon Claw, Cotton Guard, Shadow Claw, ExtremeSpeed
Method of Evolution: ???
Height / Weight: 5'07" / 132 lbs.
Design/Desc.: Much larger than Delcatty. It floof is now pink again, and is much floofier (think Altaria to Mega Altaria). The end of its tail looks like Skitty's.

[Stage 3] Purrstine by zerobreaker000
Typing: Normal
Ability: Serene Grace/Normalize
Hidden Ability: Magic Guard
Stats: 90/75/90/75/80/110 (BST 520)
New Moves: Recover, Agility, Psychic, Psyshock, Dazzling Gleam, Disarming Voice, Taunt, Skill Swap, Entrainment, Encore, Foul Play, Trick, Light Screen, Reflect, Healing Wish, Headbutt
Method of Evolution: Shiny Stone
Height / Weight: 1.5 m/56.1 kg

[Stage 3] Fluffeline by mcFlareon
Typing: Normal/Fairy
Ability: Serene Grace/Fur Coat
Hidden Ability: Wonder Skin
Stats: 80 | 70 | 70 | 90 | 110 | 100 (BST cannot exceed 520)
New Moves: Slack Off, Encore, Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, Psychic, Foul Play, Psyshock, Tri Attack
Method of Evolution: Trade while holding Fluffy Tail.
Height / Weight: x / x
Design/Desc.: Its tail is split into two with playful fluffy toy-tails at the end, similar to a cross of a nekomata with the Fluffy Tail design. It has soft, pristine, velvet and thick fur at the front of its body, with a crescent moon design on its forehead (Sailor Moon reference?).

Syntense/Heiroscrypt by zerobreaker000
[Stage 2] Syntense
: Psychic
Ability: Levitate
Hidden Ability: N/A
Stats: 58/82/58/102/88/48 (BST 436)
New Moves: Ally Switch, Extrasensory, Imprison, Ominous Wind, Uproar
Method of Evolution: Level 26 with 5 other Unown lines in party (does not consume the Unown lines)
Height / Weight: 1.1 m/ 11.0 kg

[Stage 3] Heiroscrypt
: Psychic
Ability: Levitate
Hidden Ability: N/A
Stats: 68/92/73/142/128/48 (BST 551)
New Moves: Ancient Power, Barrier, Cosmic Power, Dark Pulse, Earth Power, Future Sight, Guard Split, Hypnosis, Icy Wind, Judgment, Kinesis, Light Screen, Magic Coat, Nature Power, Overheat, Power Split, Quiver Dance, Reflect, Secret Power, Teleport, U-Turn, Vacuum Wave, Weather Ball, X-Scissor, Yawn, Zen Headbutt
Method of Evolution: Level 42 with 5 other Unown lines in party (does not consume the Unown lines)
Height / Weight: 2.5 m/ 52.0 kg
Heiroscrypt/Syntense by mcFlareon
[Stage 2] Heiroscrypt
Ability: Levitate/Trace
Hidden Ability: Protean
Stats: 60 | 80 | 70 | 80 | 80 | 90 (BST cannot exceed 460)
New Moves: Secret Power, Nature Power, Teleport, Protect, Magic Room, Wonder Room, Trick Room, Miracle Eye, Psywave, Rest, Return, Frustration, Facade, Double Team, Round, Psych Up, Swagger, Sleep Talk, Substitute, Psychic, Psyshock, Reflect, Light Screen, Confide
Method of Evolution: Defeat a horde of Unown using Unown- Unown ? must be in the horde.
Height / Weight: x / x
A small trio of Unown with the ? Unown in the centre.

[Stage 3] Syntense

Typing: Psychic
Ability: Levitate/Trace
Hidden Ability: Protean
Stats: 70 | 80 | 80 | 105 | 115 | 105 (BST cannot exceed 555)
New Moves: Discharge, Calm Mind, Volt Switch, Barrier, Cosmic Power, Future Sight, Heal Block, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Power Swap, Power Split, Guard Swap, Skill Swap, Role Play, Stored Power, Synchronoise, Trick, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, Aura Sphere
Method of Evolution: Defeat a horde of Unown using Heiroscript- Unown ! must be in the horde.
Height / Weight: x / x
A cluster of Unown with both the ? and ! as the nucleus.

Diskiss/Romandisc by zerobreaker000
[Stage 2] Diskiss
: Water/Fairy
Ability: Swift Swim
Hidden Ability: Hydration
Stats: 63/35/70/55/85/112 (BST 420)
New Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Disarming Voice, Hyper Voice, Calm Mind, Lovely Kiss, Synchronoise, Stored Power, Wide Guard, Wish, Heart Stamp, Heal Bell, Light Screen, Reflect, U-Turn, Endeavor, After You, Helping Hand
Method of Evolution: Level up with Attract learned
Height / Weight: 0.9 m/15.6 kg

[Stage 3] Romandisc
: Water/Fairy
Ability: Swift Swim
Hidden Ability: Hydration
Stats: 88/45/85/75/105/127 (BST 525)
New Moves: Psychic, Psyshock, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Dream Eater, Trick Room
Method of Evolution: Level up when infatuated
Height / Weight: 1.2 m/27.4 kg
Diskiss/Romandisc by the someone
[Stage 2] Diskiss
Ability: Swift Swim / Flame Body
Hidden Ability: Hydration
Stats: 63 | 50 | 85 | 55 | 95 | 97 (BST 445)
New Moves: Baby-Doll Eyes, Dazzling Gleam, Sweet Kiss, Magic Coat, Heart Stamp, Flame Charge, Ember
Method of Evolution: Evolves during the day
Height / Weight: 10.7kg / 0.7m
Design/Desc.: It becomes less flat, and the patterns of a Heart Scale form in it's body, in a brighter color of red
Justification: Luvdisc is known for being the Pokemon of love, and love is kinda related to the Fairy type. It also lives in warm waters, and love "makes people feel warm inside", that's why it gets some Fire type moves and Flame Body.

[Stage 3] Romandisc
Ability: Swift Swim / Flame Body
Hidden Ability: Hydration
Stats: 73 | 65 | 85 | 95 | 95 | 100 (BST 513)
New Moves: Mystical Fire, Flame Wheel, Extrasensory, Lovely Kiss, Moonblast
Method of Evolution: Evolves with maximum happiness.
Height / Weight: 12.7kg / 1.0m
Design/Desc.: Romandisc grows heart-shaped discs for fins on it's laterals. It becomes even less flat, and a white heart appears on it's forehead.
Justification: Same as Diskiss
Diskiss/Romandisc by mcFlareon
[Stage 2] Diskiss
Typing: Water/Fairy
Ability: Swift Swim/Serene Grace
Hidden Ability: Marvel Scale
Stats: 80 | 45 | 60 | 70 | 95 | 105 (BST cannot exceed 455)
New Moves: Moonlight, Lovely Kiss, Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, Heal Bell, Baton Pass, Calm Mind, Switcheroo, Extrasensory, Heart Stamp, Cosmic Power, Wish, Baby-Doll Eyes
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight: x / x
It now has wing-shaped fins, making it look like a cupid. It now has stripes on its body.​

[Stage 3] Romandisc
Typing: Water/Fairy
Ability: Swift Swim/Serene Grace
Hidden Ability: Marvel Scale
Stats: 95 | 50 | 70 | 90 | 110 | 110 (BST cannot exceed 525)
New Moves: Hyper Beam, Giga Impact
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight:
x / x
Design/Desc.: Now a sleeker, more stylised heart shape. Has rainbow stripes. The wing-like fins are even larger and surround the whole silhouette and has two streamer like fins at the end of its tail (like the streamers at the end of wedding limousines). It always has a blush sticker near its gills.

Saberd/Imposivalry by Pika Xreme
[Stage 2] Saberd
Ability: No Guard / Inner Focus
Hidden Ability: Defiant
Stats: 85 | 80 | 70 | 70 | 90 | 70 (465 cannot exceed 465)
New Moves: Iron Head, Drill Pack
Method of Evolution: Trade while holding Enhanced Metal Coat
Height / Weight: 2'07" / 99.3 lbs
Design/Desc.: Saberd is now covered in metal armor, and its stick is also metal.

[Stage 3] Imposivalry (Impossible + Chivalry)
Typing: Steel/Flying
Ability: No Guard / Inner Focus
Hidden Ability: Defiant
Stats: 100 | 100 | 80 | 75 | 100 | 75 (530 cannot exceed 530)
New Moves: Hurricane, Sacred Sword, X-Scissor, Psycho Cut, Heavy Slam
Method of Evolution: Level up in a match that also involved Gallade and Bisharp
Height / Weight: 4'11" / 198.6 lbs
Design/Desc.: Imposivalry is much larger than Saberd. Its metal leek (which, while larger than before, is not the same proportion has it was to Saberd) now functions as the hilt of a large blade. Some other stuff probably happens too.
Sayber'd/Absir'd by zerobreaker000
[Stage 2] Sayber'd
: Normal/Flying
Ability: Keen Eye/Inner Focus
Hidden Ability: Defiant
Stats: 62/90/68/63/77/70 (BST 430)
New Moves: Brick Break, Cross Chop, Detect, Quick Attack, Vacuum Wave, Acupressure, Superpower, Reversal, Psycho Cut, Sucker Punch, Dual Chop, Focus Energy, Roost
Method of Evolution: Level 26
Height / Weight: 1.4 m/38.5 kg

[Stage 3] Absir'd
: Fighting/Flying
Ability: Keen Eye/Inner Focus
Hidden Ability: Defiant
Stats: 77/130/83/68/92/80 (BST 530)
New Moves: Close Combat, Sacred Sword, Mach Punch, Blaze Kick, Power-Up Punch, Drain Punch, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch
Method of Evolution: Level up holding Black Belt
Height / Weight: 1.9 m/51.6 kg

Duckbious/Unconvinstic by the someone
[Stage 2] Duckbious (Duck + Dubious)
Ability: Sniper/Inner Focus
Hidden Ability: Defiant
Stats: 72 | 85 | 75 | 58 | 82 | 93 (BST 465)
New Moves: Sacred Sword, Psycho Cut, X-Scissor, Power Whip, Punishment, Beat Up
Method of Evolution: Level up holding Stick
Height / Weight: 17kg / 1.0m
Design/Desc.: It becomes so attached to it's green onion stick that it becomes part of it's body. One of it's feathers on both wings becomes greener like the Stick. It still holds another Stick.
Justification: Farfetch'd is said to need his plant to live. Therefore, it becomes one with it like in a symbiosis. Sniper isn't technically an upgrade to Keen Eye, but they're related in flavour.

[Stage 3] Unconvinstic (Unconvincing + Stick)
Ability: Sniper/Inner Focus
Hidden Ability: Defiant
Stats: 72 | 105 | 75 | 61 | 102 | 100 (BST 525)
New Moves: Synthesis, Aromatherapy, Solar Beam, Fire Punch, Iron Defense, Dual Chop, Karate Chop, Cross Chop, Focus Energy
Method of Evolution: Level up in sunny weather
Height / Weight: 32kg / 1.3m
It's whole body becomes greneer, it becomes more bulky-looking, and the black V on it's head becomes like the top part of the onion stick it's holding.
Justification: Once again, the Stick that allows Farfetch'd to live does a strong symbiosis with the duck. It is said in the Pokedex that sometimes, Farfetch'd eats the stick on emergencies, but with it's symbiosis, it can do synthesis and recover energy without eating the stick. It also becomes better at using and defending the stick.

Sayber'd/Absir'd by mcFlareon
[Stage 2] Sayber'd
Ability: Super Luck/Technician
Hidden Ability: Defiant
Stats: 72 | 90 | 75 | 68 | 75 | 85 (BST cannot exceed 465)
New Moves: Sacred Sword, Focus Energy
Method of Evolution: Level up with Stick, full happiness and Swords Dance.
Height / Weight: x / x
Has a more focused expression and leek blade is now sharper. Has a knightly appearance.
[Stage 3] Absir'd
Ability: Super Luck/Technician
Hidden Ability: Defiant
Stats: 82 | 110 | 80 | 73 | 80 | 105 (BST cannot exceed 530)
New Moves: Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, X-Scissor, Vacuum Wave, Mach Punch, Close Combat, Brave Bird
Method of Evolution: Level Up with Cross Chop while holding Stick.
Height / Weight: x / x
Design/Desc.: Dual-wielding swordsbird. Wings look more like fists so can use some basic punching moves. The V on its forehead is now an X.
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Delicholas/Deliclause: mcFlareon
Fluffeline: Pika Xreme
Heiroscript/Syntense: mcFlareon
Diskiss/Romandisc: the someone
Saberd/Imposivalry: Pika Xreme
Delibered/Nauclause: the someone
Purrstine: zerobreaker000
Syntense/Heiroscript: zerobreaker000
Diskiss/Romandisc: the someone
Sayber'd/Absir'd: zerobreaker000
Delibered/Nauclause: the someone
Fluffeline: mcFlareon
Syntense/Heiroscrypt: mcFlareon
Diskiss/Romandisc: the someone
Duckbious/Unconvinstic the someone
Oh snap I just realised I missed my submission for the Diskiss hide tag ><

Edited that in now, up to you if you want to change votes or not.

Anywho will edit my vote here later when I get home. Just posting as well to say there's 48 hours left to vote :)
Delicholas->Deliclause: mcFlareon
Fluffeline: zerobreaker000
Heiroscript->Syntense: zerobreaker000
Diskiss->Romandisc: mcFlareon
Sayber'd->Absir'd: mcFlareon
Delicholas/Deliclause: mcFlareon
Purrstine: zerobreaker000
Syntense/Heiroscript: zerobreaker000
Diskiss/Romandisc: mcFlareon
Sayber'd/Absir'd: mcFlareon
Here are the winners- congrats and thanks to all the voters!

Delicholas/Deliclause: mcFlareon
Purrstine: zerobreaker000
Syntense/Heiroscrypt: zerobreaker000
Diskiss/Romandisc: the someone
Sayber'd/Absir'd: mcFlareon

Winning entries:
  • Delicholas: Ice/Flying, 80 / 60 / 60 / 85 / 85 / 80, Abilities: Magic Guard / Prankster / Thick Fat, New Moves: Switcheroo, Hurricane, Dazzling Gleam, Acrobatics, U-turn, Bullet Seed, Icicle Spear, Rock Blast, Reflect, Light Screen, Defog, Sing, Encore
  • Deliclause: Ice/Fairy, 105 / 60 / 70 / 95 / 115 / 100, Abilities: Magic Guard / Prankster / Thick Fat, New Moves: Moonblast, Misty Terrain, Wish, Healing Wish, Psychic, Psyshock
  • Purrstine: Normal, 90 / 75 / 90 / 75 / 80 / 110, Abilities: Serene Grace / Normalize / Magic Guard, New Moves: Recover, Agility, Psychic, Psyshock, Dazzling Gleam, Disarming Voice, Taunt, Skill Swap, Entrainment, Encore, Foul Play, Trick, Light Screen, Reflect, Healing Wish, Headbutt
  • Syntense: Psychic, 58 / 82 / 58 / 102 / 88 / 48, Abilities: Levitate, New Moves: Ally Switch, Extrasensory, Imprison, Ominous Wind, Uproar
  • Heiroscrypt: Psychic, 68 / 92 / 73 / 142 / 128 / 48 , Abilities: Levitate, New Moves: Ancient Power, Barrier, Cosmic Power, Dark Pulse, Earth Power, Future Sight, Guard Split, Hypnosis, Icy Wind, Judgment, Kinesis, Light Screen, Magic Coat, Nature Power, Overheat, Power Split, Quiver Dance, Reflect, Secret Power, Teleport, U-Turn, Vacuum Wave, Weather Ball, X-Scissor, Yawn, Zen Headbutt
  • Diskiss: Water/Fairy, 63 / 50 / 85 / 55 / 95 / 97, Abilities: Swift Swim / Flame Body / Hydration, New Moves: Baby-Doll Eyes, Dazzling Gleam, Sweet Kiss, Magic Coat, Heart Stamp, Flame Charge, Ember
  • Romandisc: Water/Fairy, 73 / 65 / 85 / 95 / 95 / 100 , Abilities: Swift Swim / Flame Body / Hydration, New Moves: Mystical Fire, Flame Wheel, Extrasensory, Lovely Kiss, Moonblast
  • Sayber'd: Normal/Flying, 72 / 90 / 75 / 68 / 75 / 85, Abilities: Super Luck / Technician / Defiant, New Moves: Sacred Sword, Focus Energy
  • Absir'd: Fighting/Flying, 82 / 110 / 80 / 73 / 80 / 105 , Abilities: Super Luck / Technician / Defiant, New Moves: Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, X-Scissor, Vacuum Wave, Mach Punch, Close Combat, Brave Bird
Next slate will probably be up 2 days from now due to some RL stuff I can't get out of. In the meantime, feel free to put some constructive thoughts on the new Pokemon :)

Some quick ones before I go to bed:

-Deliclause's typing makes it a jolly old Dragonslayer. Useful Prankster moves like Switcheroo, Defog, Wish, Healing Wish, Screens and maybe even Sing make it an interesting support mon and it can even pivot out with U-turn.

-Purrstine is better with some support moves to go with its Speed stat. Doesn't really have any new tools to use Serene Grace with but with Magic Guard at least it can have a bit more offensive presence than before with Life Orb in the lower tiers. Normalize Entrainment/Skill Swap can thing but Purrstine still won't like taking hits and I feel the gimmick is better done with a Ghost type.

-A new typing is a good start to Romandisc at least and Lovely Kiss can turn the tide around in a pinch while Moonblast is nice coverage. Better offensive presence is an improvement but I think it still needs more. Flame Body is a bit left-field so at least it has a thing other Water types don't have, can score some pinch burns against priority for example, but it's Defense is still kind of mediocre- it at least has some toys to use in the lower tiers. Due to no increase in Defenses, I feel Eviolite Diskiss would be better in terms of being a Flame Body wall in the lower tiers.

-Heiroscrypt's Speed stat not changing is a bit of a bummer but it does have access to some unique and interesting moves like U-turn, Hypnosis, Earth Power, Magic Coat, Quiver Dance, Vacuum Wave and Judgment! (Which fits with the whole Arceus and Sinjoh ruins/Ruins of Alph thing in HGSS so bonus points for creativity!) 142 Special Attack is not something to trifle with although it's best Psychic STAB is limited to Future Sight or Zen Headbutt- it will probably be using Earth Power/Vacuum Wave/Dark Pulse.Judgment the most anyway.
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Deliclause is definitely nice in the higher tiers. All of it's abilities are great, and it has some nice status moves. I just think think it'll be underwhelming offensively, even with a great offensive typing. It lacks set up moves and has a physical movepool infinitely better than a special movepool, both in utility and power, with a special attack way higher than physical attack.

Purrstine is a nice support mon in the lower tiers. It won't get past that.

Heiroscrypt is an awesome special attacker, sadly it needs Trick Room support or a bunch of turns to get Quiver Dance boosts. And low speed doesn't matter much if it wallbreaks slower walls.

Romandisc helps Rain teams do better against Grass types. When Rain is not in effect, it can use Mystical Fire to hit them hard. Fire type coverage also helps against Steel types outside of Rain, since it is a Fairy and Scald does less damage.

Absir'd is just a better Staraptor. Definitely viable, but it makes the other poor bird useless.
Apologies for the wait, let's move on with the next slate! (Hey that rhymed!)

The next slate is a tribute to those that dare to stand in your way. From giant sleeping bears to electric web-spinning spiders that force you to beat a Gym Leader- you either had to catch them or do some plot quest to move on.

-Current Slate-

"You Shall Not Pass"

[Baby] Munchlax
[Stage 1] Snorlax
[Stage 2] Dozelax
Doze + Lax/Relax
Hidden Ability: 1
Stats: x | x | x | x | x | x (BST cannot exceed 600)
New Moves:
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight:
x / x

[Baby] Bonsly
[Stage 1] Sudowoodo
[Stage 2] Petriant/Imitimber
Petrified + Tree/Treant/Ent or Imitation + Timber
Hidden Ability: 1
Stats: x | x | x | x | x | x (BST cannot exceed 535)
New Moves:
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight:
x / x

[Stage 1] Kecleon
[Stage 2] Kamoleon
Camouflage + Chameleon

Hidden Ability: 1
Stats: x | x | x | x | x | x (BST cannot exceed 480)
New Moves:
Removed Moves:
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight: x / x

[Stage 3] Kaleideon
Kaleidoscope+ Chameleon

Hidden Ability: 1
Stats: x | x | x | x | x | x (BST cannot exceed 530)
New Moves:
Removed Moves:
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight: x / x

[Stage 1] Wailmer
[Stage 2] Wailord
[Stage 3] Wailstorm/Wailstrom
Whale + Storm/Maelstrom

Hidden Ability: 1
Stats: x | x | x | x | x | x (BST cannot exceed 555)
New Moves:
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight:
x / x

[Stage 1] Joltik
[Stage 2] Galvantula
[Stage 3] Tarantavolt/Tarantabolt

Tarantula + Volt/Bolt

Hidden Ability: 1
Stats: x | x | x | x | x | x (BST cannot exceed 535)
New Moves:
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight:
x / x

Copy+Paste me:
Hidden Ability:
New Moves:
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight:
[hide=Dex Entry][/hide]

For reference the roadblockers are:
-Infamous Snorlax blockers in Kanto
-Dancing Sudowoodo tree in Johto/Emerald Battle Frontier
-Invisible Kecleon in/around Fortree in Hoenn
-Wailmer blocking the ocean routes thanks to a Team Magma/Aqua member, forcing you to storm their hideout first
-Galvantula spiderwebs blocking Chargestone Cave until you beat Clay
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[Stage 3] Morsnorlax (More + Snore + Lax)
Typing: Normal/Fairy
Ability: Thick Fat / Poison Heal
Hidden Ability: Levitate
Stats: 170 | 120 | 80 | 80 | 120 | 30 (BST 600)
New Moves: Shadow Claw, Play Rough, Icicle Crash, Heat Crash, Waterfall, Dragon Claw, Slack Off
Method of Evolution: Level up while Cursed
Height / Weight: 6'11 / 1014.1 lbs
Design/Desc.: The blue/green fur becomes rainbow-y and floofy. Morsnorlax itself is sitting on an upside-down rainbow that connects to its back instead of standing on the ground.
Snorlax guards the third secret word that grants access to the Granite Zone - "rainbow". so obviously it becomes rainbow-y, gaining powerful moves of almost all types in the process.

[Stage 2] Truowoodo
Typing: Rock/Grass
Ability: Sturdy/Rock Head
Hidden Ability: Heatproof
Stats: 110 | 110 | 125 | 40 | 110 | 40 (BST 535)
New Moves: Head Smash, Seed Bomb, Leaf Blade, Synthesis
Height / Weight: 4'11" / 123 lbs
Design/Desc.: Truowoodo has achieved its dream of becoming a tree. It's still a rock, but it's a rock that's also a tree. Its body is much thicker, and leaves are growing on it. Its smile is less derpy and more of someone who has accomplished their dream.
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[Stage 2] Petriant
: Rock
Ability: Sap Sipper/Rock Head
Hidden Ability: Chlorophyll
Stats: 85/115/130/45/90/70 (BST 535)
New Moves: Energy Ball, Solar Beam, Bullet Seed, Horn Leech, Seed Bomb, Grass Knot, Worry Seed, Superpower, Recover, Grassy Terrain
Method of Evolution: Level up when Grassy Terrain is active
Height / Weight: 1.6 m/83.6 kg
Keeping the concept of pretenting to be a tree, Petriant gets even more Grass-type moves and two ability that go with Grass-types well... and still stays as a pure Rock type. The stat buffs includes a sizable speed boost, letting it take advantage of Chlorophyll even better, as well as a general increase in bulk, particularly on the special side. I would've gave it Synthesis, but it's not actually a plant, so Recover will have to fill in.

[Stage 2] Kamoleon
: Normal
Ability: Color Change
Hidden Ability: Protean
Stats: 65/95/75/70/125/50 (BST 480)
New Moves: Play Rough, Iron Head, Tail Slap, Dragon Claw, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Tail, Power Whip, Smack Down, Zen Headbutt, Reflect Type, Entrainment, Role Play, Stealth Rock, Refresh, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Poison Jab, Sucker Punch, Extrasensory, Psycho Cut, Signal Beam, Encore
Method of Evolution: Level up while knowing Camouflage
Height / Weight: 1.5 m/39.0 kg
To be honest, I'm just slapping all kinds of moves that would fit a tougher Kecleon here. As Kecleon line's whole gimmick is type changing, changing its base type would be pretty useless. The stat boost is fairly spread out since you only have so much stat to distribute (why not give Kecleon a baby stage instead?), and in the movepool I added Dragon-type moves for Kecleon line being reptiles (and its evolution would probably look dragon-like) as well as Poison-type moves. Power Whip is a move that Kecleon really should've had access to the whole time, so yeah.

[Stage 3] Kaleideon
: Normal
Ability: Color Change
Hidden Ability: Protean
Stats: 70/105/80/80/135/60 (BST 530)
New Moves: Outrage, Surf, Focus Blast, Earthquake, Bulldoze, Dark Pulse, Superpower, Gunk Shot, Nature Power, Swords Dance, Psychic, Psyshock, Calm Mind, Ancient Power, Agility, Earth Power
Method of Evolution: Level up while in a team with members that do not have overlapping types.
Height / Weight: 2.1 m/67.5 kg
Alright, this is probably the best you can get a Protean mon to be without being broken. Atk and bulk is further (slightly) buffed, and it does get more Speed and SpA - not that special attacks are going to see much use, eh. More Psychic-type moves are added as Kelceon already knows a few Psychic-type moves, plus the general powerful moves as well as some more boosting moves - all in all, it's the mon that has basically everything.

[Stage 3] Wailstrom
: Water
Ability: Drizzle/Unaware
Hidden Ability: Pressure
Stats: 180/90/65/100/70/50 (BST 555)
New Moves: Slack Off, Boomburst, Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up, Belch, Refresh, Perish Song, Hurricane, Whirlwind
Method of Evolution: Level up in rain
Height / Weight: 24.5 m/721.9 kg
Being the (even further) largest pokemon, Wailstrom should have no problem calling up rainstorms by its sheer presence - Which is why I gave it Drizzle; Unaware, on the other hand, is an upgrade of Oblivious. The stat boosts mainly focused on its defenses as its skin should be thicker and more capable as a natural armor by now. Slack Off is self-explanatory and I have no idea why it doesn't get that before; Boomburst is because I'm pretty sure whales can produce some pretty loud sound, the Stockpile crew is again self-explainatory, Belch is on Snorlax so why not, Refresh is pretty generic and it needed a way to stave off statuses, Perish Song refers to whale songs, while Hurricane and Whirlwind ties into Wailstrom's Drizzle.

[Stage 3] Tarantavolt
: Bug/Electric
Ability: Compound Eyes/Intimidate
Hidden Ability: Fur Coat
Stats: 80/80/85/117/65/108 (BST 535)
New Moves: Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Poison Jab, Gunk Shot, Toxic Spikes, Dark Pulse, Knock Off, Ancient Power, Ominous Wind, Shadow Ball, Shadow Claw
Method of Evolution: Level up in Chargestone Cave
Height / Weight: 1.1 m/36.8 kg
Galvantula already has a lot of fur on it, so Fur Coat is a rather fitting ability on it, while Intimidate is just a natural progression of Unnerve. The stat boosts focuses on bulk mainly, especially on the physical side; I don't think it'd get faster, anyways. Poison-type moves are added as it's a spider and some spiders are venomous (not all, I know, but it doesn't really hurt to have more moves), It already learns a few Dark-type moves, and Ghost-type moves are pretty much like Dark-type moves but, uh, more shadowy.
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I'm gonna try this

Stage 3: Dozelax
Ability: Filter / Thick Fat
Hidden Ability: Gluttony
Stats: 180 / 130 / 65 / 65 / 130 / 30 (BST 600)
New Moves: Nope
Method of Evolution: Feed Snorlax 100 Pokepuffs in Pokemon-Amie
Height / Weight: 8'6" (2.6 m) 1543.2 lbs (700 kg)
Design/Desc.: It is basically even bigger and better. Notably, it is 120% floofier. It also has different shades of blue, such as light blue and darker blue in waves around its body.
Dozelax, after enough food has been digested, is said to unleash powerful bursts of energy, then promptly fall asleep.
Snorlax's movepool is more than good enough, as any recovery would most likely put Dozelax straight into Ubers. Because Munchlax and Snorlax are similar in stat builds, I decided to follow that. Filter is a balanced third ability because it only reduces the power of one type. Everyone's most likely to use Thick Fat, but making poison damage guaranteed on this beast is a relatively good idea because of the phenomenal bulk.

Stage 3: Tarantavolt
Bug - Electric
Ability: Compoundeyes / Lightningrod
Hidden Ability: Swarm
Stats: 75 / 77 / 70 / 107 / 70 / 136 (BST 535)
New Moves: Taunt, Sleep Powder, Nasty Plot, Spikes
Method of Evolution: Thunderstone
Height / Weight: 3'8" (1.1 m) 87 lbs (39.5 kg)
Design/Desc.: Like Galvantula but much, much larger and with 8 legs instead of six. Notably, Tarantavolt is jittery in appearance, which is contrary to its large size. The yellow floof areas make up much more of its body as well, and the blue floof makes a large lightning-bolt-shaped floof structure in the back.
Taratavolt use their electrically charged webs to paralyze their prey. These webs also work against predators, who don't appreciate being immobilized.
Galvantula had the sticky web, but not enough speed to pull it off. So how do we solve that? Make it faster than Mega Lopunny of course! The reason for many of the status moves are as follows: Big Sp00ky Spiders are pretty taunting. Sleep Powder is on most other bug types and sleeping immobilizes the foes like a wab. Nasty Plot because Galvantula's dex entries mention it creating electrified webs and eating the immobilized prey alive. Spikes is because the design will have very sharp fur and claws (Like seriously Greninja gets it). Any of these make Tarantavolt a powerful versatile threat that doesn't need its middling bulk to sweep.

Stage 3: Wailstrom
Water / Steel
Ability: Oblivious / Water Veil
Hidden Ability: Multiscale
Stats: 180 / 90 / 50 / 100 / 50 / 85 (BST 555)
New Moves: Recover, Flash Cannon, Splash (It learns it again)
Method of Evolution: Level up while knowing Hydro Pump and Water Spout
Height / Weight: 60'11" (18.6 m) 1010 lbs (458 kg)
Design/Desc.: Like Wailord but... BIGGER. Also, with a red line going down the side and spots that make it look like a submarine / airplane.
Myths about Wailstrom describe how it can overturn entire fleets by diving into the ocean.
Slack off is for monkeys and sloths. Recover is on so many pokemon, so I just figured I'd use that. Hydro Pump is learned at lv 58, which makes Wailstrom a late evolution. Flash Cannon was mainly for Steel STAB, but it also has the trait of being like a flash of a submarine light or something... idk. Splash will be its final levelup move just because it is literally the single best move in all of Pokemon. Multiscale gives Wailord a good niche of barfing specs or scarfed Water Spouts.
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[Stage 2] Dozelax
Ability: Poison Heal/Thick Fat
Hidden Ability: Oblivious
Stats: 200 | 110 | 75 | 75 | 110 | 30 (BST 600)
New Moves: Psycho Shift, Trick, Slack Off, Trick Room
Method of Evolution: Level up while knowing Rest.
Height / Weight: 2.3m / 502kg
Design/Desc.: A bigger Snorlax that has Psychic powers to collect food while sleeping. It's arms and upper part of it's back become pink-ish, as if it was wearing a shirt way too small for it's body.
Justification: Rest is a Psychic-type move, and the line is based on sleeping, so it becomes part-Psychic. When it sleeps, it becomes Oblivious to other things. The Pokedex says it even eats moldy food, so Dozelax evolves to eat poisonous things safely.

[Stage 2] Kamoleon
Ability: Color Change
Hidden Ability: Protean
Stats: 70 | 90 | 80 | 70 | 120 | 50 (BST 480)
New Moves: Mach Punch, Acrobatics, Dazzling Gleam, Dragon Breath, Sludge, Recycle, Stealth Rock, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Teleport, Double Team
Method of Evolution: Level up while type is changed.
Height / Weight: 1.6m / 36kg
Design/Desc.: Kamoleon becomes bigger and has purple patterns. It gets a longer torso and arms.
Justification: Since Kecleon can change into any type, it should also get moves from every type (weak moves so it doesn't become broken). The status moves are based on the well known Kecleon Merchant from the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series. It sells items very similar to entry hazards, can teleport at random, and summons a team of Kecleons when you steal something.

[Stage 3] Kaleideon
Ability: Color Change
Hidden Ability: Protean
Stats: 80 | 100 | 90 | 80 | 120 | 60 (BST 530)
New Moves: Quick Attack, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Claw, Pursuit, Confuse Ray, Trick-or-Treat, Conversion, Conversion2, Reflect Type
Method of Evolution: Level up while type is changed.
Height / Weight: 2.0m / 12kg
Design/Desc.: Kaleideon gets more purple details, and some parts of it seem like they're floating, but they're actually invisible.
Justification: Kecleon learns a lot of Dark type moves, and the theme of camouflage and hiding is also a cheap trick, fitting for a Dark type. In it's final form, Kaleideon should be able to change it's typing with moves as well And since it learns a bunch of Ghost moves as well, changing the opponent's typing with trickery should be easy to it.

[Stage 3] Wailstorm
Ability: Water Veil/Oblivious
Hidden Ability: Levitate
Stats: 170 | 100 | 60 | 100 | 60 | 60 (BST 550)
New Moves: Sky Attack, Fly, Sky Drop, Bounce, Defog, Air Slash, Hurricane, Thunder
Method of Evolution: Level up while type is changed.
Height / Weight: 14.6m / 430kg
Design/Desc.: Looks like Wailord, except it has a pointy head and the lower white part is metallic grey.
Justification: Wailord is kinda like a blimp. It's heavy, but it has low density, and therefore it can float. So Wailstorm becomes a blimp, and it can float in the sky. It's also related to storms, and it's made of electric conductors, so it can learn Thunder. Shrugs.
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[Stage 2] Dozelax
Typing: Normal
Ability: Natural Cure / Thick Fat
Hidden Ability: Gluttony
Stats: 180 | 120 | 75 | 75 | 130 | 20 (BST cannot exceed 600)
New Moves: Slack Off
Method of Evolution: Feed 50 pokepuffs in Pokemon-Amie.
Height / Weight: x / x
Design/Desc.: A bigger, fatter Snorlax with darker fur and a beard.
Justification: Rest cures status, and Snorlax is known for sleeping, so I gave it Natural Cure.

[Stage 2] Kecmeleon
Typing: Normal
Ability: Color Change
Hidden Ability: Protean
Stats: 75 | 95 | 75 | 65 | 125 | 45 (480 cannot exceed 480)
New Moves:
Height / Weight: 4'04" / 70 lbs
Design/Desc.: idk

[Stage 3] Kecleidascope
Typing: Normal
Ability: Color Change
Hidden Ability: Protean
Stats: 100 | 100 | 80 | 70 | 130 | 50 (530 cannot exceed 530)
New Moves: Bulk Up, Dragon Dance
Height / Weight: 5'05" / 90 lbs
Design/Desc.: idk

[Stage 3] Wailstrom
Typing: Water
Ability: Water Veil / Oblivious
Hidden Ability: Magic Bounce
Stats: 180 | 120 | 50 | 95 | 50 | 60 (555 cannot exceed 555)
New Moves: Icicle Crash, Slack Off
Height / Weight:
67'07" / 600 lbs
Design/Desc.: ??

[Stage 3] Galvander
Typing: Bug/Electric
Ability: Compound Eyes / Intimidate
Hidden Ability: Swarm
Stats: 80 | 85 | 70 | 105 | 80 | 115 (535 cannot exceed 535)
New Moves: Quiver Dance, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave
Height / Weight:
3'04" / 32.5 lbs
Design/Desc.: It gets its little nibbly things from its time as Joltik back, and its fur is floofier. And it gets a little bit bigger, too.

[Stage 2] Dozelax

Typing: Normal/Psychic
Ability: Poison Heal / Thick Fat
Hidden Ability: Truant
Stats: 180 | 130 | 75 | 65 | 120 | 30 (BST cannot exceed 600)
New Moves: Slack Off, Hypnosis, Explosion, Skill Swap, Trick, Trick Room, Gravity, Psychic
Method of Evolution: Level up while asleep
Height / Weight: 7'11" / 1241 lbs
Design/Desc.: Dozelax has a goatie and a hourglass pattern on its belly. It has gotten rounder and much bigger and has a night like hat growth of hair on its head.

Justification: WIP

[Stage 3] Wailstrom

Typing: Water/Steel
Ability: Levitate / Soundproof
Hidden Ability: Pressure
Stats: 180 | 95 | 60 | 110 | 60 | 50 (BST cannot exceed 555)
New Moves: Iron Head, Flash Cannon, Perish Song, Boomburst, Roar, Iron Defense
Method of Evolution: Level up in a hoarde of Wailord
Height / Weight: x / x

[Stage 2] Imitimber

Typing: Rock
Ability: Sap Sipper / Rock Head
Hidden Ability: Illusion
Stats: 90 | 125 | 130 | 40 | 85 | 60 (BST cannot exceed 535)
New Moves: Head Smash, Transform, Energy Ball, Seed Bomb, Bullet Seed
Method of Evolution:
Height / Weight:
x / x
