The CAP Kitchen: Non-Competitive Discussion Goes Here

[depressing picture]


Yilx stop being depressing.

EDIT: Also here's some finished artwork I made of pkmn-taicho321's unfinished submission:
So sad he couldn't finish it before the deadline, because I liked it a lot. :<
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That was quite the nerve-wracking poll haha XD

Since my flask homunculus lost, it goes into my fakedex project instead lol

480 BST only cuz derpy standalone mon :P

Thanks for the support on my entry :)

I really like this pokemon. The clash of the bright and dark colors of Red and Blue go great together. I really like how this is a fire/water type pokemon :D

Here's a cross-forum post with an MS Paint picture of Cawdet. I've finally decided that this Cawdet will be the main Pokemon of my fake movie poster.
I am not entirely sure if the Kitchen is the right place, but would it be okay to dicsuss any fake romanized Japanese names for the currently existing CAPs? If so, I have ideas for two of them, but no katakana.

Pyroak: Honorchid (Ho-no-o-ki-do) = Honoo, the Japanese word for flame, and okido, the Japanese spelling for orchid, as a reference to a Pokemon Professor, this case being Oak. The "trademarked" romanization might include honor.
Cyclohm: Kaminadra (Ka-mi-na-do-ra) = Kaminari, the Japanese word for lightning, and -dra, short for dragon.
have i told anyone the reason i didn't even want to vote for the octopus is because it's obviously an octillery
I still remember your art submission, miririri.
I was disappointed it didn't get to the final poll :(

There needs to be more CAPs like Necturna, no competitive ability, giving the Pokémon a better chance to use its moves and item to its advantage.

Next CAP should totally be mono-Normal
CerberusSONE While that seems to be a joke, mono Normal actually sounds perfect for a hypothetical physical Blissey, but with more balanced bulk. For the design, I'll go for a RoboPup, but it's still a pure Normal-type.

It's quite nice to have Kitchen-exclusive CAPs here and there. They could work well as unobtainable species, which can easily add diversity, even if they're not native to a specific region. My planned CAP fan fiction could make use of them.

By the way, which CAPs could use a Mega? I know we shouldn't hold our breath for that, but I want Mega Evolutions for Syclant, Revenankh, Voodoom, Mollux, and especially Pyroak.
Ooh, NO Mega Pyroak please! Unless it balances its physical attack with special attack, and loses Rock Head, then keep it a non Mega.
That thing is deadly if using it in a pair with a Speed passer like Blaziken.
Keep in mind MegaScylant retains Tail Glow and quite possibly Mountaineer. I wouldn't want to face that thing.
Mega Voodoom and Mega Necturna would be interesting. I'd like to see what kinds of changes Voodoom would get as a Mega (Regenerator instead of Lightningrod ims). This could make it work even better with other Regenerators (Slowbro and MegaVoodoom).
MegaNecturna, maybe given a higher special attack and an ability like Multitype would be beast.
Ooh, NO Mega Pyroak please! Unless it balances its physical attack with special attack, and loses Rock Head, then keep it a non Mega.
That thing is deadly if using it in a pair with a Speed passer like Blaziken.
Keep in mind MegaScylant retains Tail Glow and quite possibly Mountaineer. I wouldn't want to face that thing.
Mega Voodoom and Mega Necturna would be interesting. I'd like to see what kinds of changes Voodoom would get as a Mega (Regenerator instead of Lightningrod ims). This could make it work even better with other Regenerators (Slowbro and MegaVoodoom).
MegaNecturna, maybe given a higher special attack and an ability like Multitype would be beast.
Multitype? On a Mega? I'll let you think that one out again.
I'd like for Mega Syclant to get Compound Eyes in order to keep its frailty, even if both of its base Defenses are increased by 10 points.

Mega Pyroak, on the other hand, should have at least 100 base Attack with Tough Claws, and as such, becomes more of a tank. From a flavor-based perspective, Pyroak could use a Mega Evo, similar in design to Mega Charizard X. If that's too much, then how about just a CAP Kitchen-exclusive design?
As frightening as it sounds, Mega Pyroak would probably have an awesome design.
Instead of its eyes, it should probably have sockets with a faint orange glow to make it look truly intimidating, like Stallord from LoZ TP.
Mega Scylant? Ice crystals, ice crystals everywhere.
Something was in my mind regarding Breezi and Fidgit: Why does their Egg Group consist of mono Field, if that's usually a group dedicated to mammals, lizards, snakes, and grounded birds? Could someone retcon it as a combination of Field / Bug, since both of them are spiders? I just don't get how a spider can breed with mammals, some reptiles, and grounded birds, but not other arthropods.

I guess Mollux has a similar story, being Field / Fairy, rather than Field / Amorphous, which would make more sense for a gastropod. But since this is Pokemon we're dealing with, it might not matter to those who don't pay attention to Egg Groups.

If you're wondering about consistency, then how about if Smogon University made a special discovery about the Pokemon's breeding abilities long after they actually discovered Fidgit's existence?
The egg groups are chosen by movepool submitters (at least on recent CAPs I admit I have no idea how it was done back when Fidgit was made). Most submitters try to pick something flavourful for the Pokémon in question, but convenience in egg move availability sometimes trumps that, which in particular means that Field often ends up where it really doesn't belong. Personally my movepool submissions always had egg groups I considered flavourful which sometimes led to weird moves in level up. Admittedly it's been a couple CAPs since I actually submitted one.

I doubt old CAPs will ever get updated for purely flavour reasons. If general revisions ever happen, something like that might be on the table as part of it, but that's a big "if" and I expent most people don't really care about egg groups.
Something was in my mind regarding Breezi and Fidgit: Why does their Egg Group consist of mono Field, if that's usually a group dedicated to mammals, lizards, snakes, and grounded birds? Could someone retcon it as a combination of Field / Bug, since both of them are spiders? I just don't get how a spider can breed with mammals, some reptiles, and grounded birds, but not other arthropods.

The original egg pool contained such moves as Toxic Spikes, Spikes, Wish, Pursuit, Sucker Punch, and the like, which at the time basically necessitated Smeargle to be a part of its breeding chain. Hence the Field egg group. This was changed at the end of DPP by the movepool revisions.

Also, it isn't a spider. I don't know where you got that idea from. It's a harvestman. Which admittedly isn't that different but oh well. Egg groups require zero competitive justification and only exist to make sure that the Pokemon would be cartridge-compatible, hence quite a few of the old CAPs went straight to the Field egg group and nowhere else. Even so, the design bears distinctly mammalian characters - it's not out of the question to say it can breed with creatures in the Field egg group. The fact that it has a drill does not mean it should go in the mineral egg group, after all.
On a side note, where would you place the CAPs to be encountered in the wild in Kalos?

For me:

Syclar: Frost Cavern (Horde)
Syclant: Frost Cavern
Revenankh: Victory Road
Flarelm: Kalos Route 20 (Horde)
Pyroak: Kalos Route 20
Breezi: Kalos Route 8
Rebble: Glittering Cave, Reflection Cave
Privatyke: Ambrette Town, Kalos Route 8, Cyllage City, Shalour City, Kalos Route 12, Azure Bay (Surf)
Nohface: Reflection Cave
Monohm: Kalos Route 8
Colosshale: Kalos Route 12 (Surf)
Protowatt: Ambrette Town, Kalos Route 8, Cyllage City, Shalour City, Kalos Route 12, Azure Bay (Good Rod)
Krilowatt: Ambrette Town, Kalos Route 8, Cyllage City, Shalour City, Kalos Route 12, Azure Bay (Super Rod)
Voodoll: Lost Hotel (Trash Can)
Voodoom: Lost Hotel, Pokemon Village (Trash Can)
Scratchet: Kalos Route 10
Necturine: Kalos Route 20 (Horde)
Necturna: Kalos Route 20
Mollux: Kalos Route 19
Cupra: Kalos Route 6
Brattler: Kalos Route 20 (Horde)
Malaconda: Kalos Route 20
Cawdet: Kalos Route 8 (Horde)
Volkraken Pre-evo: Shalour City (Good Rod)
Volkraken: Shalour City (Super Rod)
bugmaniacbob I know what you mean now, since I looked up what a harvestman was because I forgot that it's also referred to as daddy long legs, and it seems more legit. Thanks for clearing that up.

EDIT: I've thought about CAP Mega Evolutions for a few days, and there are four CAPs that could make use of them, and those are Pyroak, Fidgit, Voodoom, and Malaconda.

A design for Mega Malaconda was already drawn by dracoyoshi8 (Malaconda's original artist) earlier in the thread, so I guess we could at least make a Mega for Pyroak and Voodoom. I'll come up with something for Pyroak soon.
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On a side note, where would you place the CAPs to be encountered in the wild in Kalos?

For me:

Syclar: Frost Cavern (Horde)
Syclant: Frost Cavern
Revenankh: Victory Road
Flarelm: Kalos Route 20 (Horde)
Pyroak: Kalos Route 20
Breezi: Kalos Route 8
Rebble: Glittering Cave, Reflection Cave
Privatyke: Ambrette Town, Kalos Route 8, Cyllage City, Shalour City, Kalos Route 12, Azure Bay (Surf)
Nohface: Reflection Cave
Monohm: Kalos Route 8
Colosshale: Kalos Route 12 (Surf)
Protowatt: Ambrette Town, Kalos Route 8, Cyllage City, Shalour City, Kalos Route 12, Azure Bay (Good Rod)
Krilowatt: Ambrette Town, Kalos Route 8, Cyllage City, Shalour City, Kalos Route 12, Azure Bay (Super Rod)
Voodoll: Lost Hotel (Trash Can)
Voodoom: Lost Hotel, Pokemon Village (Trash Can)
Scratchet: Kalos Route 10
Necturine: Kalos Route 20 (Horde)
Necturna: Kalos Route 20
Mollux: Kalos Route 19
Cupra: Kalos Route 6
Brattler: Kalos Route 20 (Horde)
Malaconda: Kalos Route 20
Cawdet: Kalos Route 8 (Horde)
Volkraken Pre-evo: Shalour City (Good Rod)
Volkraken: Shalour City (Super Rod)

Putting a bunch of random FE CAPs in the game is a really bad idea. As cool as wild Pyroak would be, there's zero reason to even have that in the game. Sure you get stuff like Trevenant on Route 20, but there's a reason for that--the only other way to get Trevenant is by trade, and Trevenant is super weak compared to pretty much every CAP. Just look at the other encounters on the route--specifically, the most common, Jigglypuff. Super Rod stuff is fine but you certainly should not be able to just fish up Volkraken. At least, it shouldn't be common.

So here's my list (with rarity!):
Syclar: Frost Cavern (Uncommon normally, Rare with Horde)
Syclant: Frost Cavern (2%)
Revenankh: Victory Road (5%)
Flarelm: Kalos Route 20 (Uncommon normally, Uncommon with Horde)
Pyroak: Kalos Route 20 (1%)
Breezi: Kalos Route 8 (common)
Rebble: Glittering Cave, Reflection Cave (common)
Bolderdash: Frost Cavern (3%), Victory Road (10%)
Privatyke: Ambrette Town, Kalos Route 8, Cyllage City, Shalour City, Kalos Route 12, Azure Bay (Surf, common)
Nohface: Reflection Cave (uncommon)
Monohm: Kalos Route 8 (uncommon)
Colosshale: Ambrette Town, Kalos Route 8, Cyllage City, Shalour City, Kalos Route 12, Azure Bay (Good Rod, rare | Super Rod, uncommon)
Protowatt: Ambrette Town, Kalos Route 8, Cyllage City, Shalour City, Kalos Route 12, Azure Bay (Good Rod, uncommon | Super Rod, common)
Krilowatt: Ambrette Town, Kalos Route 8, Cyllage City, Shalour City, Kalos Route 12, Azure Bay (Super Rod, 5%)
Voodoll: Lost Hotel (Rare normally, common with Trash Can)
Voodoom: Lost Hotel (Trash Can, 1%), Pokemon Village (Trash Can, 5%)
Scratchet: Kalos Route 10 (uncommon)
Necturine: Kalos Route 20 (Uncommon normally, common with Horde*)
Necturna: Kalos Route 20 (1%)
Mollux: Kalos Route 19 (5%)
Cupra: Kalos Route 6 (5%)
Brattler: Kalos Route 20 (Uncommon normally, common with Horde*)
Malaconda: Kalos Route 20 (1%)
Cawdet: Kalos Route 8 (Uncommon with Horde)
Volkrakid: Shalour City (Good Rod, uncommon | Super Rod, common)
Volkraken: Shalour City (Super Rod, 5%)

*Hordes show up with both Necturine and Brattler, the same way Zangoose/Seviper hordes, Plusle/Minun hordes, and Trevenant/Sudowoodo hordes show up.

Basically, most CAPs are designed to be powerful, yet rare mons. Think Heracross, Axew, Scyther. You can't exactly find those very easily in the wild (before Gen VI for Axew). There's some exceptions--Rebble and Protowatt, for example. But that's no reason to make its evolutions common. For example, you can find Aron really easily in Granite Cave, whereas the first place you can find Lairon is Victory Road, and it's not exactly super common there. Zubats annoy you in every game's early caves, but Golbat usually comes after Badge 7.

Super Rod is certainly no exception. Ever fished up a Wailord in Gen III? 5% is a really generous rate imo.