Process Update The CAP Grand Melee


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Hey y'all, GMars with a clickbait title. This PR post is inspired in part by the CAP Update day and will be a rather short post. One thing that makes Moveset stages go well is testing, and myself and a few other people have been talking about how to improve the number of people utilizing the test server during this stage. I think that having a dedicated day during the stage where we have a massive brawl on the server to test out tech on the new CAP could be fun, once we're far enough in the stage to shake out what potentially good options could be. We could spice up the day with 1-2 tours to cover different timezones that the winners of each could get a special role on Discord for about a month or so (Gross Sweep's idea), maybe with a list of approved moves for the tours so things don't get too wild. Any thoughts?
I do slightly worry about a tournament format (where there's a significant impetus to win), especially without deciding which moves were allowable first, as well, who's to say someone won't come in sincerely thinking that eg Dragon Dance is a valid option. Instead I think that a series of showmatches, or just having a scheduled time where we have a lot of people on the test server where we're all trying out new combinations, new moves, with the explicit goal of determining what's allowable, desirable, and good for the concept may be a better idea.

Perhaps this could even be scheduled with "rounds" where we try out specific controversial moves for a period of time to try to suss out how good they are.