Pre-Round Information:
Bayleef (Beiriifu) [F]
HP: 39
En: 80
Spe: 52
Items: EXP. Share
Stats: -10 Eva.
Abilities: Overgrow
Other: None
Team: None
Hydreigon (Maleficient) [F] | Haxorus (Slasher) [M]
HP: 46 | 76
En: 38 | 21
Spe: 113 | 112
Items: EXP. Share | EXP. Share
Stats: +15 Acc. | +14 Acc.
Abilities: Levitate | Mold Breaker/Unnerve
Other: Paraylzed (15%), Seeded (3a) | Burned
Team: None
Round 7 Starts!
And this is where I would put my flavour! =]
I have discovered... CENTRE. Also moving Calcs here because they be oh so sexy. Comments on either, in terms of aesthetics, would be appreciated.
Action 1:
Bayleef: Uses Protect! (7 En) Bayleef Protected Itself!
Haxorus: Uses X-Scissor (Bayleef)! (6+4=10 En)
(Crit. <625, rolled 3702) (8-3+8.5-4.5)*1.5 = 13.5 Dmg! Bayleef Protected Itself! (13.5/3= 4.5 En)
Hydreigon: (Para. <1500, rolled 1833) Uses Fire Blast (Bayleef)! (8 En)
(Crit. <625, rolled 4025) (12+(5-3)*1.5)*1.5 = 22.5 Dmg! Bayleef Protected Itself! (7.5 En)
Between Actions:
Haxorus: -2 HP!
Bayleef: +3 HP!
Hydreigon: -3 HP!
Action 2:
Haxorus: Chills! (+12 En)
Bayleef: Uses Light Screen! (8 En) Bayleef Erected a Golden Wall!
Hydreigon: (Para. <1500, rolled 8000) Uses Flamethrower (Bayleef)! (7 En)
(Crit. <625, rolled 1708) (10/2+(5-3)*1.5)*1.5 = 12 Dmg!
(Burn. <1000, rolled 9489)
Between Actions:
Haxorus: -2 HP!
Bayleef: +3 HP!
Hydreigon: -3 HP!
Action 3:
Bayleef: Uses Protect! (7 En) Bayleef Protected Itself!
Haxorus: Uses X-Scissor (Bayleef)! (6 En)
(Crit. <625, rolled 422) A Critical Hit! (8+3+8.5-4.5)*1.5 = 22.5 Dmg! Bayleef Protected Itself! (22.5/3= 7.5 En)
Hydreigon: (Para. <1500, rolled 4042) Uses Fire Blast (Bayleef)! (8 En)
(Crit. <625, rolled 7118) (12+(5-3)*1.5)*1.5 = 22.5 Dmg! Bayleef Protected Itself! (7.5 En)
Between Rounds:
Haxorus: -2 HP!
Bayleef: +3 HP!
Hydreigon: -3 HP! Free from Seeds! Paralysis Lessens! (10%)
End of Round-ing:
Hydreigon: 9 Dmg! -23 En!
Haxorus: 6 Dmg! -4 En!
Bayleef: 3 Dmg! -42 En!
Round 7 Ends!
Post-Round Information:
Bayleef (Beiriifu) [F]
HP: 36
En: 38
Spe: 52
Items: EXP. Share
Stats: -10 Eva.
Abilities: Overgrow
Other: None
Team: Light Screen (4a)
Hydreigon (Maleficient) [F] | Haxorus (Slasher) [M]
HP: 37 | 70
En: 15 | 18
Spe: 113 | 112
Items: EXP. Share | EXP. Share
Stats: +15 Acc. | +14 Acc.
Abilities: Levitate | Mold Breaker/Unnerve
Other: Paraylzed (10%) | Burned
Team: None
Elevator_Music Orders
Texas_Cloverleaf Orders
I Ref