Banning tera
This is the best and least controversial solution, only casuals would get pissed about it but they're playing a different game anyways so who cares. The meta can develop and we can see what stands out better without factoring in X changing type to overcome X. I will say using the term 'counter' has been a fucking joke for years and everything just checks one another, but its too dangerous to check anything rn especially vs. snowbally HO comps where 1 hole in your team can be the entire game and if your defensive mon you've been preserving for an offensive threat gets cheesed by the boosted STABs now 2HKOing it or destroyed by a now STAB coverage move you're just too fucked.
I agree since the entire tera form seemed like no attempt was taken to balance it and was simply built to "spice up the formula" and provide an excuse for GameFreak to claim that they modified the main purpose of the game. Furthermore, it reduces a game involving strategy and forecasting your opponents' actions and team building to a fucking guessing game. The risk-reward ratio is also unfavourable, as it appears that putting on a defensive terra type on a 2x dragon dance garchomp is all you need to climb in OU. It also doesn't help that these new pokemon are just designed to disrupt the meta in an irritating way, such as glimmora with its toxic debris ,shed tail cyclizar or even greavard,and how each of them can sweep with little to none set up, making this gen's OU as the same as gen 8 and how you have to counters to these pokemons or your fucked.
Also the whole STAB inclusion is just plain stupid and it should be completety removed