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My wifi was on and off for the last two days, so apologies to TMan87, Maxim, Florina Liastacia, LouisCyphre, and anyone else who I might've forgotten about. I'll try to get to all of the things I'm up in today, so hang tight.
I am going out of town between September 30 and October 2 and probably won’t be doing anything BBP related those days. Honestly September 29th is also kinda swamped though I can probably do some stuff.
Neither the Data Audit nor Discord are working for me atm, so I'll probably be (more than) a bit slow in reffing and ordering. shadowpeaDoduodrioTheEverepicdrill
Update: To my knowledge things should be ok on the 8th or 9th, however I probably won't order until then bc there're a few things I want to check first
Reffings will probably still come though
Hello requesting leniency for a bit longer for the same reason as the last LOA I made- tentatively saying that I'll get back on track around the 10th but no guarantee
Conveniently I am feeling much better just in time for Thanksgiving, will post in stuff Tuesday unless I find some free time in between family stuff this weekend.
to people I owe posts to (shadowpeaP2X7Maxim and almost assuredly someone else): sorry in advance but they'll have to come late today or early tomorrow. after squeezing out this post I am going to now crash.
I had a block of shifts that I should have post LoA for. lenience requested for the moment
Going to be a bit busy for the next few days, so I probably will not get to my reffing duties until Saturday or Sunday. LouisCyphreFlorina LiastaciaTheEver
Computer fricking broke, will still try to order and stuff, reffings... ehhhhhh maybbe but the formatting will suck, requesting leniency overall though
Tagging TMan87epicdrillTheEverToonshadowpea