Teenage Drivers

I could have used fruits or something like that. The numbers were completely arbritrary and were only there to convey the point that teenagers are not being accused of being reckless, instead they are being of accused of being the majority in the reckless driver category. Even if that is not the case. I am only trying to clear up the mindset that people are taking, which is that teenagers are reckless.


There's always going to be some shitheads who decide to fuck around while driving, but putting a label like that on the majority of teenage drivers is not right nor accurate.

Teenage driver here. I speed, i'll admit that. I don't do stupid stunts or anything like that though.

Never got into an accident. I don't think all of us are reckless.

This is exactly the mentality that I am trying to avoid.
Teenage driver here, and I'd have to agree somewhat with the reckless teenage driver. I think the recklessness is mostly experienced drivers, who are confident with their driving skills yet are dumb enough to endanger people. I remember 5 years ago in my town there was an accident in which the driver was going near 100 MPH in a like 40MPH zone, they were going to a party and it was 5 PM. He crashed and killed 3 kids, nearly killed one, and came out with the least injuries (irony?).
But of course that's an extreme example, and I think many teenagers dont drive recklessly on purpose; it's just inexperience.
One thing I've learned from my driving lessons and many years of being driven to school by my mum is that every other driver on the road is a complete moron and a threat on the road until they prove otherwise.
One thing I've learned from my driving lessons and many years of being driven to school by my mum is that every other driver on the road is a complete moron and a threat on the road until they prove otherwise.
True. I'm really not looking forward to having to drive. I hate cars and roads, etc, and it looks so easy to just screw up probably because of someone else. I see too many idiots pulling out on my parents, speeding, chavs racing each other, and it's all too dangerous.

Teenage drivers are indeed a problem- it's ONLY teenage drivers or at least young ones that race each other (Need for Speed influencing morons probably, lol), which is what brings them to attention. You get plenty of other bad drivers, but the teenage ones attract attention because of the sheer recklessness that some of them exhibit. The others are old people who drive: from my experience they always drive either too fast or too slow, lol.
I disagree with this. First of all, driving is an enormous convenience, possibly important enough to warrant driver's licenses 'necessary'.

People who are irresponsible enough that their presence at the wheel is a danger to others should not be on the wheel until they mature, regardless of any inconvenience not having a licence may cause them personally.

Sorry, but that twat who was driving the car that smashed into my grandmother's vehicle, causing internal injuries to my mom that will plague her forever, and emotional trauma to everyone in the van (my mother, me, my grandmother)? I don't care if he loses his job because he can't drive. If he's an irresponsible fuckwit on the road, he's probably not responsible in the workplace, either. The asshole that killed Fuzznip's friend's older brother because of his speed fixation? His social and working lives are nowhere near as important as the fact that his presence on the road could and did ruin other people's lives due to his own irresponsibility.

There's nothing wrong with public transport. If one cannot sustain themselves on that (I perfectly understand, believe me), then it is their job to grow up and face the obligation that your licence symbolises.

Denying people privileges such as a driver's license just because they are an 'irresponsible child' is probably not the best way to go about things. What do you mean by 'irresponsible child'?

Withholding, I might emphasise, privileges that require vigilance and responsibility from irresponsible people is definitely the best way to go about things. I reiterate: if you cannot be mature when driving, you should not be driving, period. If you are unable to drive properly for whatever reason (immaturity, physical or mental limitations [trust me, I could probably get a licence if I passed the vision test, but I know I would be a shitty driver]), then it is your problem, and you must deal with it the best way you can. (If it is not your immaturity or otherwise something essentially under your control stopping you from driving, you should, of course, be able to get financial assistance or otherwise, if need be.)

As for relying on people's parents to do the parenting, that's really naïve and idealistic, sadly. We live in a society where a lot of parents simply indulge their offspring, don't care enough or have the maturity themselves to assess whether their kids are in danger / should not be driving, and will blame everyone else when something goes wrong.

Nate is correct, though, in that other people are dangers by being in the car, causing a perfectly responsible driver to become irresponsible. It really makes me mad when people are noisy or disruptive in the car. Ever since that crash, I've realised fully the lethal potential dangerous drivers have, and I wish other people would realise their petty nagging is endangering themselves, the driver, and everyone else.

Agreed that many teenagers are reckless, but they do have to learn sometime. If we raised the driving age, then teenagers would be far more difficult to employ, and lose a competitive edge in the job market. We'd be far behind other countries if people only started working around 25-30.

They should not be learning in a way that heavily endangers not just themselves but everyone else. I would probably not support a raising of the driving age; I agree that access to a driver's licence is a great thing and I think teenagers (speaking as one) should, within their capacity to use it responsibility, have access to growing amounts of power. I think the testing itself should be more stringent and, like m0nkfish said, include a personality assessment (not sure of the logistics of this, you can come off as perfectly mature and be an asshat everywhere else) etc. etc., as an alternative to raising the age.

I don't want to directly moralise anyone in the thread, but just because you haven't gotten into an accident yet doesn't mean you won't.

Also, m0nk, it's called a straw man.

Screw age-based arguments, I'd like to revoke the license of the 40+ year old woman driving down the streets of Boston behind the State House reading a book while driving.

How about the woman that nearly killed you turning left at the intersection while talking on her cell phone? While smoking a cigarette.

Or the woman putting her makeup on while driving.

Porky said:
since when are 16 year olds productive members of society.

Roughly around the time they get a job, which a car generally facilitates.

The 16 year old bagging groceries at Stop & Shop is more productive to society than most college professors, seeing as their labor produces actual value for the economy.
Honestly, its not just teenagers, and I think it's a lot more of an experience problem than an age/immaturity problem. Also, having a car does facilitate becoming more mature; not only does it take you to jobs, but driving places you in responsibility of everyone else in the car. Until you step into positions of maturity, you cannot mature. Cars are the ultimate vehicle (no pun intended) that fosters growth.

Honestly, I kind of agree with the idea that there really arent that many good drivers on the road, because to be totally honest, it's pretty true. Just go walking in Chicago/Boston/Rome and you'll see the driving there is pretty awful. But it's not just there; you can go pretty much anywhere and find at least one driver on your commute to complain about.

Not the most in-depth thing ever, but I think this kinda captures my thoughts.
About 2 months after I got my license I lost it for speeding. Gave me time to learn from it. I shaped up. I'm a pretty good driver now.

In December, two girls I knew died in a car crash. They were both 15. Pretty popular. The ones funeral was filled. It was a huge catholic church. People had to stand. I thought that would help people drive a little better. It made me even more serious at the road. Oh by the way, no they were not driving. Two 18 year olds were with them. It was 4 Am. Bad choices were made.

A month later two kids died. From the same school. Hit a tree. Lost control going way way too fast. Teenagers just won't learn.

Speeding and wreckless drivings is the last thing I do. But now people just need to watch out for me stalling or rolling backwards while I'm learning stick :P
I don't think all teenage drivers are reckless, but it seems like the majority of reckless drivers teenagers. If you ever see something really stupid on the road, you usually look in the window and see a teenager. I don't think they're usually trying to show off though. Most of the time they're just being stupid. They just do something illegal, and then they don't even notice they did it. I do see them try to impress thier freinds sometimes, but not that much surprisingly. I think they seriously need a better written test for you permit, because a lot of teenage drivers just don't get it. I'm not saying all teenage drivers are stupid, but how would you ever notice drivers that drive correctly? I don't normally look at random people on the road.

Edit: I know there will be idiots at every age, but most of the idiots seem to be around sixteen and seventeen. I know that you have no control over your age, but you do over you driving skills. I don't just assume teenagers are stupid or irresponsible, but when they act like they do sometimes on the road, then I would assume they're stupid, not just when I see them on the road and just driving.
Age is simply an arbitrary number (and one that you have no control over, at that), and should not be assumed to be a proxy for intelligence or responsibility. There will be idiots at age 18, and there will be idiots at age 40.
6 months for 1 DUI is absurd still. Prison record is a prison record. First time offense man, thats what warnings and tickets are for. I would agree with you if you meant multiple repeat offenders. But to have that once in a lifetime event screw you for life is horse shit.

Alright how bout a more "fairer system"

1st: Ticket & Fine: 750 dollars.
2nd: Jail Time

Is that "fair"?

I honestly believe drinking and driving merits an automatic suspension from driving and prison time.

Teenage driver here, and I'd have to agree somewhat with the reckless teenage driver. I think the recklessness is mostly experienced drivers, who are confident with their driving skills yet are dumb enough to endanger people. I remember 5 years ago in my town there was an accident in which the driver was going near 100 MPH in a like 40MPH zone, they were going to a party and it was 5 PM. He crashed and killed 3 kids, nearly killed one, and came out with the least injuries (irony?).
But of course that's an extreme example, and I think many teenagers dont drive recklessly on purpose; it's just inexperience.

Almost everyone I know who got a driver's license told me one of hte first things they did was go 140 km/h on the free way. Inexperience? Or is my school/district just fucked up like that? YEs there are those who drive responsibly, but the number of teenagers who take driving for granted and believe they're invincible is a greater reason over "inexperience." How are you inexperienced enough to do 100mph on a 60mph freeway?

Edit: Oh btw, teenagers aren't like pokemon. They don't evolve into mature adults right when they're 18. I believe that age is somewhat of a factor (more dumbasses in that category), but there are those older ones (people brushing their teeth in their car WTF? while going to work), who are dangerous also.
I think that driving school should be a lot more rigorous without being so financially daunting. Wrecks are immediately dangerous to those involved in the wreck, health costs thereafter, physically damaging to cities' infrastructures, immediately wasteful of time of everyone involved, wasteful of cops' and ambulances' times, and whatever I missed. Teenagers should be forced to go through at least 20 "drive times" or the like imo, I know I only had to do 6 then a test and it was not really enough, and with how damaging it is, there should be some way found to make it affordable and enforceable to do a lot of.
I agree with Deck Knight (except for the silly aside about college professors).

Most people on the road are inept drivers, especially those who take idiotic risks and multitask.
I think the driving age is too low. I might be biased because A) driving is not important to me anyway because i live in new york city and B) i can't really ever drive because i am pretty visually impaired, but it just seems absurd to me that my friends and peers, all of whom have licenses, have been entrusted with such a huge responsibility when i know for a fact that they are just not very responsible. imo 18 before you can do any sort of permit or anything would be better, it's more the 16 and 17 year olds that freak me out.
As a fellow teenage driver, I have to agree with the sentiment that reckless, teenage drivers are just one class of idiots you have to be careful of on the road. The best way to be good on the road is to think that all the drivers are morons and that you should never multitask and drive at the same time.(this includes texting/talking on your cell, eating, reading, watching BattleStar Galactica, etc)
hate them.. they do it to show off, hence all the stupid huge exhausts and sound systems.., anyone caught doing any of those things should be removed from driving for 3-4 years till they grow up.
as annoying as they are.. its the idiots on motorbikes that are 20x worse.. always have lights on no matter the time... have stupidly loud bikes, drive 30mph over the speed limit (sometimes more), then complain when cars dont look out for them enough.
hate them.. they do it to show off, hence all the stupid huge exhausts and sound systems.., anyone caught doing any of those things should be removed from driving for 3-4 years till they grow up.

They should be removed because they are making something they will be using for most of their life more enjoyable?

Ok then!

as annoying as they are.. its the idiots on motorbikes that are 20x worse.. always have lights on no matter the time... have stupidly loud bikes, drive 30mph over the speed limit (sometimes more), then complain when cars dont look out for them enough.

I know a lot of people who drive motorbikes and they do not constantly have their lights on.

You mean the vehicle has a large engine? Like some cars do?

Car users go over the speed limit as well.

Cars need to look out for motorcycles more than cars as they are harder to see.

I don't really get your point about motorbikes at all. Everything you said can be applied to car drivers and, if I am honest, I can hardly see how motorbikes are twenty times worse.
bikes have faster acceleration and as such go faster. i see FAR more bikes doing 70-80-90+ in 40 areas, and its not even a minority its most of them.. those on fast bikes drive like idiots, saw 2 today, 5pm full daylight lights on, doing 100 in a 30 zone, after JUST turning a corner what? 3 seconds earlier.
and yes cars go over the speed limit, not to the excess i see from bikes, 10mph is usualy cars. not what i see bikes clock up.
and they drivers should be removed because they are driving over the speed limit, excessive noise is an offence, and people with those sound systems and exhausts are the ones driving around a 1 in the morning thumping the music and driving fast, disturbing people, just because the road is quiet.
and they drivers should be removed because they are driving over the speed limit, excessive noise is an offence, and people with those sound systems and exhausts are the ones driving around a 1 in the morning thumping the music and driving fast, disturbing people, just because the road is quiet.
Well, no. They don't all go around in the early morning with obscenely loud music blaring from the car. They don't all speed. Obviously if they do that they should be removed, but not on the basis that "they have a big exhaust, they must be a speeding twat!"

You are just stereotyping.

bikes have faster acceleration and as such go faster. i see FAR more bikes doing 70-80-90+ in 40 areas, and its not even a minority its most of them.. those on fast bikes drive like idiots, saw 2 today, 5pm full daylight lights on, doing 100 in a 30 zone, after JUST turning a corner what? 3 seconds earlier.

Calling bullshit.

Getting to 100 mph in three seconds? After a turn?
This year I've been in 3 car crashes with 2 different teen drivers, and it's only august.

First one the prick was swerving from one side of a dual carriageway to the other at 4 in the morning to try and be cool and scare the people in the back, flew off the road and into a ditch. Cost him a couple of grand to get his body kit repaired.

Second time the same idiot, showing off, attempted to take a tight corner at about 80mph, spun out of control and broke his front axel in half. Wrote his car off.

Third time a guy was smoking and dropped a (BAN ME PLEASE) in between his legs, let go of the wheel and nudged it and went off the road. He was only doing about 40 at the time though, wasn't a great deal of damage to anything.

So yes, teenage drivers are fucking idiots and I always wear my seatbelt.
The 16 year old bagging groceries at Stop & Shop is more productive to society than most college professors, seeing as their labor produces actual value for the economy.

Yeah. That thar book-lurnin' never did nobody any good.

I think that a lot of teenagers drive like dumbasses, but there's not really much that can be done about it. Personally, I find a lot of crappy drivers in all age groups, especially old people in Buicks driving 45 on 465 around Indy during rush hour, or guys with stuff badly tied down in pickup trucks going up hills.

Oh, and women.
I think alot of people are missing the point of this thread and going off topic. Seriously, we are not talking about who are the worst drivers out there, or if motorcyclists are more reckless than cars. What we are talking about is reckless teenage driving. It exists so discuss it.
Okay I've made my mind. Nate's the best fucking user around here. Large margin too, btw.

I'm a reckless driver. I enjoy my rolling stops and I have a dui on my criminal record. I've yet to kill anybody or actually get pulled over. Quite the asshole, eh.

Some of you obviously have never driven or simply lack real world experience. I laughed for a good 2 mins. when someone suggested a 5 year PRISON sentence for a dui. Five years in a jail for driving impaired is simply ridiculous. Maybe 5 is a small number for you, but I'd like to see you sit in a cell for a couple of days and see how long you can go before you start bitching about being locked up with actual criminals who intentially hurt people. Oh yeah, it's cold too and the food is already famous for its taste.

DUI punishments are designed to prevent you from doing it again by making it really inconvenient for you to get around for a while. It's made to prevent a future manslaughter on the road. 5 Years for a dui would be like giving 5 years to a gun owner to prevent a future armed robbery.
Also, DUI is a relatively small crime, believe it or not. At least the first offence.

Some of us have lives and actually go out every once in a while. Sometimes you simply HAVE to drive, and not all of your friends have cars either. If we had public transportation here you bet I'd use it. Thing is you can't leave your car in the middle of a city/redneck country/etc. Drinking and driving is obviously stupid and dangerous, and I plan on avoiding that in the future if possible. But some things can be unpredictable and shit happens fast when you're out with your friends.

About people that drive recklessly, (and some of you wont really understand this) but I've found that people who do speed and drive crazier than most people are pretty fucking focused when they're driving. Like Nate pointed out, the actual dangerous drivers are the ones who multitask and fuck with distractions too much. I'm much more wary of the half-dead/asleep grandma behind me than I am of the dumbass next to me tailgating a semi. Something tells me he's at least focusing on what he's doing, and I can't imagine what's going through the old lady's mind. Same thing with people on phones, make-up, fiddling with radio, cd dropped on the floor, idiots in the back are arguing, etc. is all way more dangerous.

For those of you naming loved ones that died on the road, it's sad that it happens but that's life for you. People have to die one way or another and it's just more statistics.

Age requirements are BS but I do realize an arbitrary line has to be drawn somewhere. I'm not so sure on how I'd handle that.