BW OU: Eternal
BW UU: Fried Rhys
BW UBER: Zephyr
Super big ballin' bomb squad III
2. Team TBD
Ubers - IFM
OU - kokoloko
UU - Bad Romance
BW Ubers - Bad Romance
BW UU - kokoloko
The Indigo Crew
They will confirm later though cause IFM is at Jesus camp with shitty net and BR is just a (BAN ME PLEASE).
BW OU: Eternal
BW UU: Fried Rhys
BW UBER: Zephyr
Super big ballin' bomb squad III
team fictitious fat bros
ou: bro fist
uu: fatty
uber: fiction.
Team TBD
Ubers: BiGGiE
OU: Dummy007
UU: Son_of_Shadoo
(stone's gonna come up with a name)
Ubers - The Chaser
OU - Stone_Cold
UU - Lady Bug
Team The Sun Can't Do Shit To Me
Uber: Hawkstar
OU: Pizza
UU: jarvitz
Team The Sun Can't Do Shit To Me
Uber: Hawkstar
OU: pizzapie
UU: jarvitz