Programming Team Planner for Pokémon

Exude me, sorry if you've been told this before, but voltorb and electrode don't appear in your Hoenn/ORAS team builder, can you please add them?
Will you ever add planners for all the other games' regional dexes? I find this to be a really good team planner for the main game too.
Will you ever add planners for all the other games' regional dexes? I find this to be a really good team planner for the main game too.
Atm, I have no plans to add support for previous regional dexes. However, I'm working on adding one for USUM.

Heya, I just wanted to report a small bug. When I set the national Pokedex to show only fully evolved Pokemon, Meditite is there for some reason.
Exude me, sorry if you've been told this before, but voltorb and electrode don't appear in your Hoenn/ORAS team builder, can you please add them?
This took so long, but it's been addressed now.
Nice, been looking forward to an USUM version of this!

Here's a few suggestions that jump at me, feel free to consider or ignore them, I love and appreciate that this team builder exists either way ^o^

1. Not sure how how much sense it would make at this point, but I'd like a version (or as on/off option) of yet unrevealed designs (the new UBs, Necrozma form and the mythical is all I think?) to have "spoiler" icons/image instead, so I could send the link to friends who would be annoyed if I sent it to them with those visible :B
(possible easy alternative?: make "other" category not visible by default and put a spoiler warning next to its checkbox?)

2. It would be cool if the available PKMN icons were visually separated into categories (perhaps first big group=everything in the actual Aloladex, second group=postgame additions?/all those legends, third group=island scan?), the reason being that it's not immediately clear on whether you can realistically plan to...say include a random Sinnoh starter in your team before beating the game, or if it's just in the list because there is a way to get it in the game, even if it's absolutely post-game with a convoluted method (or can we use island scan mid-story? would be really dumb for gamefreak to not include those in the aloladex if that's the case).....or at least all those island scan non-aloladex exclusives should be in the "other" category if I'm not misunderstanding what it's supposed to be.

3. Minor subjective visual nitpick: I like that the border around the circles of the icons matches the secondary type, but feel like it's not clear enough that way. Firstly because it uses a darker colour (which matters when there's like 5 purple-ish types in the game), and secondly because it's so thin that some might not even notice this neat detail. My suggestion:
type ball.png

4. Not sure about implementation, but... we can pick what types are to be shown. However when I want limit the selection based on types, pretty much every time I want certain types (like ones I already have on the team) to not be shown. If I uncheck Dark, there is still all Dark PKMN showing that happen to have another type.
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Nice, been looking forward to an USUM version of this!

Here's a few suggestions that jump at me, feel free to consider or ignore them, I love and appreciate that this team builder exists either way ^o^

Thanks for your comments and suggestions! I have addressed the second one and visually separated Island Scan (which are available before post-game afaik) and Ultra Wormhole Pokémon. It should be less confusing this way. I really like your third suggestion too, but I'll have to think of a way to implement it without having to add separate images for each type combo (if you have any ideas on how to accomplish this with pure CSS, please feel free to share them). Lastly the filters need some rework, but I don't want to make them so complex so I still have some thinking to do.
Thanks for your comments and suggestions! I have addressed the second one and visually separated Island Scan (which are available before post-game afaik) and Ultra Wormhole Pokémon. It should be less confusing this way. I really like your third suggestion too, but I'll have to think of a way to implement it without having to add separate images for each type combo (if you have any ideas on how to accomplish this with pure CSS, please feel free to share them). Lastly the filters need some rework, but I don't want to make them so complex so I still have some thinking to do.

Nice! Much better separated like this :D

No idea, figured the pokeball-like shape might turn out to be too much work just for an aesthetic change xD
I consider myself quite a noob with CSS, but possibly this might be of use?:
#moon {
  width: 50px;
  height: 50px;
  border-radius: 50%;
  box-shadow: 0px 10px 0 0 red;
Hi! love your website! I just wanted to let you know that marshadow is missing on the USUM Planner.

Also I wanted to ask you if it's possible for you to change the setting that only allows you one mega/form to a team? In the games you can have two mega stones if you choose to do so. In my case, however, I'd like to have both regular necrozma and ultra necrozma on my planner as im pokebanking in my old necrozma into USUM, so I'll technically have two necrozmas for my play through. I would be so grateful and happy if you could please remove this restriction as I also use your site to show off different "top 10's" that I make. thank you so much again!

With new games coming soon, I figured it would be nice to have a tool to plan your in-game team. Most of the times I end up resorting to pencil & paper, but this time I wanted something more visual. So I made this online tool to help you pick your team for Pokémon Sun & Moon (and some of the previous games).

  • Allows you to filter Pokémon by generation, island, evolution, type, or resistance (ignores abilities, e.g., Levitate)
  • Lists your team's weaknesses (ignores abilities, e.g., Fluffy)
  • Has a randomize button
Feedback is appreciated!

Available Team Planners:
Pokémon (National Dex) →
Pokémon X & Y →
Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire →
Pokémon Sun & Moon →
Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon →
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Thanks so much for making this team planner, it's amazing!

I just had a couple of suggestions:

Would it be possible to add a box to filter the list based on the name of the pokemon? The purpose of this would be to quickly add a pokemon you know you want to your team, as currently you have to either edit the url manually or filter on type or similar and then search through it.

I also thought it would be nice if when you hover over the individual types in the "This team is weak against/immune to/resists" sections, it would show which pokemon contribute to those categories.

Thanks again!
hello! i discovered today the amazing team planner and wanted to try it but I'm using internet explorer and when i press on the pokemon i want to add to my team nothing happenes, i triend with google chrome and it worked but i want to use this site with internet explorer...Help PLEASE!
Filters : all but flying / resist ground => result displaying charizard as the first result. dafuc? :D:mad:

Oh? and btw, could you add a filter for legendaries please? :) So I could disable legendaries to display :)
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Just in case you ever come back to this thread, just thought I'd post a minor bug: unselecting gen 7 (in my case I only wanted to see pokemon from gen 1 and 2), the Alolan versions still show up
Just noticed the Woobat line is missing from the Kalos dex, It should sit between the Onix and Machop lines but is missing. If you get the chance to add it that would be great!
Is the richi person still active? If yes, then I have a suggestion.

I think the team's weaknesses and resistances are not very important. Yes, you can use the team planner to build a team that resists everything and wins every battle, but that inevitably sacrifices attack power and slows down the game. In the games I've played, it's often easier to get a team of Pokemon that win battles less reliably, but are more offensive, and spend some extra time level grinding them to make them reliable. Then, because the team is more offensive, they save more time over the rest of the game. Consequently, if I realize that 4 of my Pokemon are weak to rock, I would much rather figure out how to one-shot everything before they get the chance to use a rock attack than figure out how to resist rock attacks.

This team planner would be able to plan much better teams if it listed type combinations that are weak to some of the team's attacks, are not weak to any of the team's attacks, or resist everything on the team, possibly under the "this team resists" table when people click the "show more information" button. Likewise, you can add a "super effective against" filter alongside the "resists" filter. Most of the Pokemon in the newer games can learn STAB attacks, so if you aren't working on this 40 hours per week (which you probably aren't), then you can simply list type combinations that the team can cover with their STAB attacks. (though it might be kind of cool to be able to pick attacks from a list of legal moves and see how much I can cover with the movesets I build)
OP doesn't seem to be around any more, but if they ever return:

De-selecting a gen doesn't work completely. With only the first four gens listed, I've gotten mega-evolved mons (despite having "mega-evolved" OFF), Alola versions, and Rotom variations that don't exist in gen 4.

I didn't actually realise this was a smogon generator though. I've been looking for a randomiser to tell me my team in a ROM. As such, instead of simply disabling each mon in the gens above, I'd like to be able to select "all mons available in $game". I can't catch Regiice in Diamond, but it's a gen3 mon so it's included in the list.

Similarly, having a "no legends" button would be great, but I think someone's already asked for that.

Finally, a "only one instance of each type" (or max two instances, if at least one instance is on a dual-type) would be great.
Hi. Just found out about this team planner and liked it a lot, due to how simple the layout is, just showing weakness and resistance etc. Not sure if you have any plans to update it to include previous games? While i can just use the national dex and filter out the remaining gens, there is no fairy types in older games, and some pokemon have different weakness (gengar with levitate for example). It is okay if there is no plans to include older games, but nevertheless, thank you for such an amazing page.
Hey everyone, I'm catching up with the posts here as I prepare an update for the upcoming games. If I've liked your post, it means I've taken note of your report/suggestion and it may be implemented in the next version. I will prioritize bug reports (e.g., missing Pokémon) and then move on to work on new features.